- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, December 1859
- Date
- 1859
- Volume
- 9
- Issue
- 6
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, December 1859

T*. - r
make the effort to Interest tlia members of
his church in our wiseiims. Header, is your
conscience at rest upon this natter ? Have
y0ii done your duty to the poi.r untutoivd
; Indian? Consider this question before
(jo Disciple All Nations.
«,dSjt%fvrvrk of the churches, an ag-
Wk. Our «Wijptbn to execute
' (ill lie acknowledged nnd felt if
. p,K>plo is conformed to the
Our luvo to Christ «dll
and our lord for our.
. Mgs
j enter w
(,ctj of our
m iwAird.
,;t, to this d"t)
^arwU^. .offer us to look uyon bis
tOTtaess with au unfeeling heart. Our
be seen in our works. , With these
.^govern us shall wo he content
na ive hare ? Does not the his-
i|,„ cause of missions reproach every
, ^(yl ' We haro done something,
tuetu when uo take into account
.„tj,' 4ueh remains to be done.
Mguili- ent the picture which the
,,,-s giuw .,f the ultimate triumphs ot'
" The kingdoms of this world
the kingdoms of our Lord, and
, '• .\>k of mo nnd I will
stheoiii.- 1- >thcn for thino inheritance
U* attcrnebi parts nt the earth for thy
«eon " “ I will gather all nations ami
■xns and . ...M them to
“From the rising of the sun, even
it going down of the same, my name
She great among the Gentiles ; nnd in
,j place shall incense lie offered to my
and a pure offering.”
'shea shall these bright pictures be re-
And all nations be gathered unto
When will the streams of salvation
by every hearth ; and our globe, “ as it
along ita orbit, semi but a censor rc-
Bg in the hand of tlio Great High
.-t, and pouring out at every aperturo a
1, dense and rich, of incense, fragrant
grateful to God V
Afford Willi (lie Children
tinea we proposed] to the liltic
to contri train each a dime few the sup-
tf a missionary, whose salary, perhaps,
H not be less than 8000, per annum
*130 probably have been received,
«are would luve been received, but for
I K't that wn have been quite busy witli
wbtrs and mothers, and have had. to
* the children. Hut now we are anx-
the children all send up their
■'* the salary of the missionary, And
“wy dime will it Like? Why, ns
i is them are dimes in Six Hundred
;r' And how many is that ! Six
'mil Ami who would not like to be
■dsaiorury, sustained by 0,000 bright
little girls and boys? Come,
Jou shall have ypur missionary
'••mu as
iu send up the amount of
‘‘"’I1 fimt it be dono between this
•'e* tear a day. fine wiiule month.
11,1 teachei. and superintendents bring
"'•f-cr te Hi,, .uicntinn of their schools,
■'"«pa eh.ld in the way ho should go.”
'm scowl . win be the first to respond
f‘li- l(i mnit!,:y
„ Ми/,
fr/toeirrb' 4
4№,B Jk.vxig’a
"’L*!*"* 'n my pew, a few Sabbaths
p . l'lc services to begin,
* m? infant idan canto to me and
Jn7 1 l"n cent piece', at tho Same
g 101110 P;“° heeled “To the
If ’ which appeared in the July
tan.l rna'< “hi “pleaso send
vcnAJ'i 'e <'"uc contribution." I
{ W'.'h the dear child's reqnesl,
Vima . 1 , exanlpio of Ihtlo Jennie
• hted by many of her classmates.
Scuooi. Teacher.
Uv 'Jcnaic a"'l “ A Sabbath School
lrc “"hrmwn to us ; but they have
Mon for Life. *
At the meeting of the North Carolina
Convention, a devoted and faithful brother
came op, and said, “ brother 8., put me
down for 820, and consider mo good for
that amount to Domestic nnd Indian .Mis¬
sions uvry year, unless I sliould get richer,
and then L will give more.1'
This brother, perhaps, gives more of his
income. to tins cakeof.Christythananyman
jjgS jj^j
ijmpathics, and they will
* 1 """vj
CtB °ur thanks for tho above.
J C??f Ifllccdi?li;. red easier,”
Ijf,,.™’'1" brother, “If I give you
5 '^dianAKssIons.” Wavtcre
^ him,
a faithful deacdn, to
“ that day"»— it nmy be well to do so.
“ What You May Depend Cpon,
My dear brothers., from me, is this, that
I shall go home from tie Convention and
inform all my people of your work, and try
to get them to ho regular annual contribu¬
tors to the Domestic anil Indian Milieu
Hoard.'' Will not every minister resolve to
similar work ? Could he do a better
work ? Coahl be not greatly promote his
usefulness and lint of his people by so do¬
ing? Try, my dear brethren, does not the
blessed IteJecuicr need your awiskmoo ? He
has so ordained that by tho foolishness of
preaching, men shall bo saved, Is not this
the work of the Hoard ?
A Tine
Said a brother at tho meeting of tho Co¬
lumbus Association, Ga., “Brother S., ir
Jou find it necessary on your retain to Ma¬
rion, draw on me for $50. The work must
be carried forward.”
God multiply this kind of brctfiren
among us. Could 'tre havo uiorq of them,
tho work of missions would bo " carried for¬
ward,” and the destitute churches of the
great South would soon bo supplied witli an
active and efficient ministry.
Revival News.
llcv.J.L. llollings, S. reports: In
August l attended a meeting at Heaver
Creek, Lancaster di-triet. The laird met
with us, — Hi were aided to the church.
At New Hope, same District, 9 were recei¬
ved. At Mt. Zion— no pastor, I labored n
week alone — ISO baptized. Never did 1
witness sneb a scene — both old nnd young
came (looking home to the I-ord. At Wil¬
low Creek, ns the result of the meeting, 21
wero received. At
Hirer, 5 were
added. At Mt. Hope wo ore now holdings
meeting — about 20 mourners.
I crave on interest in your prayers.
llaptfcm at Brllianj'.
brother Fleming writes : “ 1 baptized nt
Hothnny, last Sabbath, one young lady and
n colored woman. In tho church we havo
a delightful date of things.
Grncloild Visit.
Itev. A. J. Cansler, Columbus. N. Caro¬
lina, reports : 11 1 havo baptized ?! converts
since- my last report. We havo had n gra¬
cious outpouring of Goti's IWy Spirit."
Lines nf Encouragement. .
ltcv. N. York of Hurry County, N. 0.,
siys: “I drop you a few lines of encour¬
agement. The Lord has greatly Ucsaed the
word preached in Surry, Yadkin, and. Stoke»
counties. At White I'laiw, In burry, an
interesting meeting was held which resulted
in the addition of about 25. At the close
of tLo meeting there were some 20 mourners.
A.t Union Grove, we lad a fine meeting—
about 20 professed conversion— HI baptizeJ.
Among these converts is an interesting and
promising young man. It is lio('cJ ho will
feel it his dnty to prepare for the ministry
of the word.” . ' _ .
New Field. .
K. Hlanton, Yancey county, N.
C., writes: “Lhayc. visited a destitute set¬
tlement and held a mectuig|f considerable
iulcrest— baptized two, auddeft several quite
A HEW ltd
['COpIc selected a.spotjbr a new meet¬
ing house, and coiiuiicnccillpreiKlrations for
building. Next (pmrtcr.Iicxpcot to organ
izo a church there.'
AT BUItNSytm.'
Our projects are not sd'trou raging. Oar
cause is feeble. ' tipp-Ojiij*.- ynllnenecs nro
many and strong.
Lave been
undo light of by thoso whtr.reecivo unwn-
verted and nnbaptizcil'twrsons into their
Our principles and prajtiqes havo been
assailed and defendcil, cockidcraldc excite¬
ment has prevailed— a cSlm|ha< followed
and truth has suffered r\'№ng in the’ con¬
flict. I cannot say so inymfjor the
of those who have made tfipdibjet.
Tho cause of temperance pnd of missions
is by no means popnlarfuero'; Yet some
progress, in tho right direMihjis made,
Tho churches generally, 4u (this seetinn,
have Sabbath fchouls — sbjne ' bf which arc
doing wonders. At one
spent two Sabbaths, from Jtybt thousand to
three thousand verses of
cited one day, which had
memory, by the pupils, du
Tho “Free Will, orjOpen^Commnniim
ho *omo yearvjmeo went off from
have recently beenBdpIctiished by re¬
ceiving our excluded members. They con¬
stitute a great hindranfcoAafthe truth
It will require years .0? faithful snJ per¬
severing labor to accomplish., jiueli hero.
One view of the sulijtirt presents alracst
overwhelming di^cqnriiMuentg. ltut a re-
in^mbrir^ipllfi.tjj^^yjii' of., bw, vtu lave,
Cnpturo wero rc-
iten"couimitted to
ing-.tf.o preceding
.own ot
strong holds,”— awakens confidence and
stimulates to labor, patience anil hope.
None too “Maimed or Hall.”
lire. J. F. Morrall, Darien, Ga., says:
“Among the twelve that 1 baptized this
quarter, wa3 an old man— “An impotent
man.” Ho has boon n cripplo from his
youth, nnd has been waiting fur some time
‘ to te put into tho pool;’ hut living in tho
country, lie has never been received for
baptism until recently. It was quite an
affecting scene, to witness this hitmblo indi¬
vidual, crippled as lie was, showing Ills luve
to the Saviour by obeying His commands.
After I bad baptized him lie was taken up
out of the font. It was proof, to my mind,
that none was too ‘ maimed or halt1 to obey
tho Saviour in Ilis ordinances.’1
Work Extending.
Kcv. G. W. M. Williams, on the tea-
coast of Georgia, thus writes: “Tho good
Lord is blessing this mission. No tumultu¬
ous outbreaks — but like tho gentio dews of
heaven, noiselessly fall upon and refresh
tho earth; so this work of Dirino grace •
progresses from one cud of the mission to
the other. I trust the Word preached,
though in great weakness, is like bread cast
upon the waters.
“ Yesterday, I baptized fi,ur willing con-
verts, making 21 this quarter— 8 whites
nnd 28 colored. Most of the whites are in .
tho very bloom of youth. -May tho Lord
carry on the good work until tho desert
placo shall blossom as the rose, and bring
forth fruit to His honor nnd glory." ’
; Dcstltiillon.
I ;Cv. It. L Huttlcr, Independence
Ark., says; “Sonic of the churches I have
been attending have been without preaeh-
111" for two. years, and bad Dfatly become
extinct. Now. they teem to be reviring.
anil will do well if they can obtain regular
pt caching.” .1,, .' •
NEW vmcitzn.
“I have recently baptized and ordained
an intelligent minister from tho Presby¬
terian ranks, 'wbo lids fair to be useful.
“I held a meeting, eight days, with (he
Hcthcl thatch ; nine professed hope.”
Sorrow Tiirnpd lo Joy.
Her. John Wolf, of Ark., remarks: “Hy
request, I went GO miles to attend a funeral.
Tim meeting was protracted S days, and 11
professed Lojio in Christ. God’s people
were much edified.”
ltcv. W. Kcllclt, of Ark., says: “I have
received, by experience and baptism, seven
since I rendered my report. Tho lent lias
blessed me ami l am thankful.”
Brother Brag’s Appeal.
“ We lack a few hundred dollars to com¬
plete our. new church building nt
I did entertain strong hoj^ra that soriio of
oar good friends, of the S,
would render us some substantial aid.
Even Onr Hundred. Ddllars would bo n
great relief to us. Cannot ten be found to
make up that rota? Yon cannot imagine
the Blrnggle it has been lo me. Hut my
motln is, 1 ii een jm it up,’ I feel deeply
interested in tho cause at J/aney.”
Wo will add, that the call above is a
meritorious one. It is to build a house for
the Lord’s poor to worship in. Cannot ten
be found to give -810, each, for such a
causa? Itemit to us, and it shall bo ap-
The Maimed Laml>.
Under the old dispensation, it was® a
dangerous experiment to offer in sacrifice
an animal which wa3 blind or mairced, or
possessing any blemish. Tho most futor-
nlde notice that could ho made of such was,
“ It is not nneopted." It must lo perfect,
typifing “ the Lin, ib of God without spot or.
blcinishAfi, iHgjehpuhl-. bc;,mtr-, offerings,.
mentof a vmn or pledge.
Sonmlinies persons cast into the Treasury
nf the Lord depreciated, or worthies bank
notes. Wo have on some, though rare oc¬
casions, received bank notes that were at -IU
per cent, discount— oilers that were entirely
worthless, and had been for years— others
on hanks nnt known ^to “Hank Nolo He-
purlers." This has a resemblance to the offer-
ingn ''maimed lamb.” It may not have been,
probably was not, known to tho contributor.
As it becamo tho duly of these bringing’
lambs, Ac., to the altar, to make rloso ex¬
amination as to the soundness of the victim,
so it will bo well for us In see that our offer¬
ings lo not subject to depreciation or loss,
While no make these hint.vit is our pleasure
to state that our losses, from such rourccs,
are extremely small.
Jlov, J. L. Shuck nrites : " There is evi¬
dently a promising stale of tilings in this
valley. Jlria Davis will hold a. protracted
I ant glad to inform you that I have
one or two new and interesting Chinese en¬
quirers. The good work among this people
continues slowly, but surely, to advance.
Tho Chinese brethren have just raised' a
fresh salecription for additional repairs on
tho Chines': chapel. The imtivo preachers
havo riot returned ; but wo arc expecting
them soon, I greatly feel the want of their
effective services.”
the cmcur.Au.
“So promising an ally, for good-doing,
his the Circular proved, that we- think we
can carry it on through 18150."
Alamo, ,
Itev. c: E. Davis writes:." Wp. are mak¬
ing some progress in San ILmoa A alley.
The chnrch has received 3 sineo my bat re¬
port. Our prayer meeting* are well attend-
number o,;
ta-’-«:iA .
cd. . Wo trust the Master fa about, to yisit^'
us in mercy., .. h.U.
“ Wo have .bad a lot donated forjhg pur-, ,•
ptto of erecting n lnuso of worship.
“This iia hard field. -Hut by prayer, ;
and faith we hope to see the Hnptist chuteli, , '
in tins valley, ti. blessing to poor sinncisVl.
Tho members of .our littlo church are poor,,
iti this world's goods, but rich in. faith and;
good works.
“ Fray for tut, that Christ may bless us in<.
this land of tho far, West.” ,• . > M';
- — — - r— j
Simla Cruz, •
’ Itev. C. N, West writes : " Our prospects, p,
as a denomination in the State/ am.-morq •
encouraging. A spirit of union and 6jmpa-,t
thy amongtho scattered ehurcheeand inlnisn,
ters lias greatly increased. A want of this,
in years past, has ken a fruitful source of"
evil to us. . . . ■ • 1 ..i>v
“A temporizing spirit
also, been /ft
disadvantage to tho eauso.ol truth, ‘A niorot,
scriutu obstruction is, tho union of so maoy.t .
with the pedo-llaptiats, wlro eamo hero os
Baptists, Tills is a serious barrier in lhiay,
P1'10*- ' . Vis'-
“lean repmt some progress in our„ef.,.
forts to build a bouse uiito tho Lord. Wo,..,
havo secured tlio lot, and between $700.,,^
and 8600, towards tl;o house. I. wish to
secure a few hundred dollars
before Wp ((1
commence tho wot
. . , , . s
"In my efforts ) obuin subscriptions, ,1
liavo met considerable op|rosition4 0 ,Onq'^ •
preacher, whose congregation bad built an, w
expensive house, and is largely jndebt for _
it, severely reprimanded
for daring to _.
call on tho community for niil until Mf.iV,
/wine was paid for ! _ He. did not, however, ^
alarm mo. , . ' .
“Our littlo church is united, firm, and
hopeful. Somo
Haptisti .havo moved . >
to this placo, and will uuite with the church
if they can secoro homes for tjicjjfi!m)lfcs, 1
, . “Sl'JBJItrA
under tho guardianship t
female lecturer— a Mrs. Farnham,
“ I have vL-iteil Watsonville, a place,
quite, as largo as this, 20 miles inland. ,
Homo Hapti.sU arc located there. It is on .
excellent opening for labor. Other denomi¬
nations havo not tho advanbgq by .pre-,
occupancy, as is tho case here. I cannot u.
abate my mentions hero mid at Soquej euf-j,;
fieicntly to occupy there. . . ,,Ky
“ We need
laborers.” •
Baiillst (icniTitl Association of North ,
Tliis is an organization recently formed (f,
in that portion of tho State indicated by its .
title. It was formed of delegates from six
associations, nnd from churches of
other. Its Hoard is located at Grenada...
It wjll co-operate with tho Marion Hoard in'
tho work of Domestic Missions. An earnest.)
effort will lo mado to supply tho destitution,
within their limits, especially tho "Missis,
slppi Mutton.” • .
We shall most cheerfully co-operate with.._v,
with said Association to the extent. of our, ,
ability, and hope it will hceotuo on efficient,.,.'
auxiliary. ■ t,” ■ - ;
Eiicotira^Iiig. , , - 1 U,;V,P
Amongtho encouraging communication^;,/
which havo recently come, to hand, in ono.;-^
from brother Thns,
trith. $15, for
Kdisto Association, S. C. Ono front, brother t ,
A. Jarman, of Lawrcnto county, AJi,,with n
$25, for Mount Pleasant ohmuhJ' And-.t
$1000, front Jcro/.IL Hrowai of Sumpter,
Ala. . s 1
’ , . i. a,
Organization of .a Rible and Temperance . .
Society. ‘ iai’ii
Drothcr Slover reporU,. "The principle
things done during July, besides ihe^opd^.i
nary Mission labor., ytm. the organ
|и Ц*
o.riL^i .
of a Temperance Society consiitm£o^3l,ri
. „
i .. “ -V* '•!
hr* '
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