- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, January 1860
- Date
- 1860
- Volume
- 9
- Issue
- 7
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, January 1860

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Lit,» ■
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Fifteen Years.
{(teen years have passed since tho
of llic Southern Baptist Con-
as many sinco its Boards of
tomnienced tlicir respective labors.
faithful wen have been in the
of the Domestic Hoard, whoso influ-
a been felt in all the Southern States
confederacy; through whom feeble
hive been supplied with devoted
destitute fields have been brought
cultivation, and thousands of imnior-
beingsbave been pointed to the !.amb.
peat a wort has been accomplished
never be fully known till the turtain of
lily rises, then will be seen witnesses of
:j fidelity, and evidences of happy and
khecring results. Ilut we know enough
cheer our hearts and bless God for such
utilities. The past strengthens
faith, and plainly bids us go on.
futute is befure us, and if found faith-
»e shall be honored as eo- workers with
Apoetlcs and the Martyrs, and the true
of the blessed Jesus.
|Oor wort has but just begun, we arc not
:d to stop here. No, so long as one
even remains without a gospel, without
:her, without a lamp to guide his feet,
cry shall be heard and the Missionary
the Cross «hall start on his^ mission ot
¥o congratulate the friends of tho Con-
in tho review of the past. You
done well— that you inigbtjiavc done
I'-cl none will deny, The navy-year
what sliall beour niotto ? Onward,
you, till tho whole land is covered with
iwledge of the Lord.
Beloved brethren, shall we incrcaso our
rk? Shall we go on adding to the use¬
less of the Hoard ? It remains with you
jjBsj. We wait your decision. May God
no the year with his divine blessing.
They Are at Work.
Ilbe following note, with the gold, was re¬
ined > few days since.
“From Male Class, No. 2, First liaptist
l“'th Sabbath School, Nashville, Term.
I for Children's Missionary.
■Thank you, little folks. It has gone to
wedit. What other school shall we
bfrom neat?
excellent time this for
Tear’s gill to the Missionary.
"My Dime Must Go.”
hiule Felix was in tho habit of attending
Monthly Concert, but one night she
■Unt go; . and, calling her mother, she
" Mother, I cant go, but nig dime must
' 1| will you take it ?”
I, tidy.
He is a sweet little boy, and wo looked
Wad to see who was calling out our name,
11 wa Little Ludy. "Here, Mr. IIol-
,'ssomo money from mother, and this
■ i nt>" P“‘ting a quarter in our hand,
“c missionary.
I For the Childrens’ Missionary.
BSatcr Peeples handed us' 32 85, a dona-
fw tho Lawtonville Sabbath School,
jfb. Thank, to the dear children.
“I Mant to Do Something
I r°lhcr S., for your Missions,” said a
| hand handed us $2 50. Her husband
гесс",1У с'геп
us 820, for Indian Mis-
I”1. ' c fcci grateful for these evidences
! 'Merest in our Missions. These friends
E!™! tccenl,y entered upon tho duties of
life. May they long live to
f^land happy.
Martin Ball.
is long tried and faithful servant of
b has closed his labors on earth. He
! 0 22<i °f November last, after an
,0‘ fifteen days. To tho time of his
death and during tho past year, he was the
active and efficient ngent, for Mississippi, of
tho Domestic and Indian Mission Hoard of
the Southern Baptist Convention. In the
death of this devoted brotiier, the cause of
Missions lias lost a successful laborer, the
church a bright example of a Christian gen¬
tleman, the community a faithful citizen, tho
slave a kind and nffeetionato master, and tho
family a sincere and earnest friend. We
extend our sympathies to tho afflicted wife
and bereaved children, praying that the
Lord, by his grace, may sustain them, and
that this dispensation of providence, myste¬
rious as it is, may he blessed to us all who
kncwfvell the departed brother, and know¬
ing, loved him. “ He died happy, and as
ho always prayed he should ‘«t his post.’"
Aiipolnliueiils of (lie Board,
for the Month op novemiur.
Her. J. K. Mendenhall, Camden, S. C.
Itev. II W. Whilden, Widtcrboro, S. C.
Hcv. T, J. Brinson, Jacksonville, Florida.
Itev. J. B. Madoulct, to the Germans, Lou¬
isville, Ky.
Uev. J. J. Fleming, Sumter and Clarendon
Districts, S, C.
A. I*. Norris, Granitevillo and Black-
villo, S. C.
A Pleasant Trip.
We were pleased to rcceivo a letter from
our venerable and efficient, missionary, now
laboring in tho City of Montgomery, Ala¬
bama, Elder Francis Callaway, in which ho
speaks of tho many churches and associa-
tinns he.vjsjt;e(l. durinj. fhis .gbsOn/ip. .of two,
months, (September and October,) in Geor¬
gia and Soutli Carolina. We haven’t space
for tho whole letter, but will give an extract.
“ During my tour, I have been accompanied
by ministering brethren with the exception
of one or two days. In the whole course of
my travels, through life, I do not think I
have ever found, under ail tho circumstan¬
ces, a better or more harmonious and pleas¬
ant state of things, religiously, than I have
witnessed throughout the present -trip. My
heart has been made to rejoice with joy unr
speakabic and full of glory, ‘and thankful¬
ness to God to find my old brethren, tlicir
children and grand children, meeting me on
every occasion with all that brotherly love,
kindness and affection which I could possi¬
bly desire. I would therefore recommend
tp all my ministering brethren, and especi¬
ally tho young, to preach loudly by example,
tiiat they may exert a salutary influence
while permitted to live on earth.”
This beloved brother and well tried mis¬
sionary, known to so many of our Georgia
and Alabama brethren, is sustained as a city
missionary in Montgomery, by the contribu¬
tions of tho Montgomery Baptist church,
under the pastoral care of brother J. T.
Tichcnor, whose efficient labors have done
much to mako tho church what it is, the
strangest in tho State.
Huntsville, Ala.
“In reviewing the labors of the
year,” writes Iiro, K. Strode, “ I feel that
the way is now open for tho permanent
success of tho Baptist cause in this thriving
young city. While our accessions have
not been large, our congregations, both on
the Sabbath and at our weekly prayer-meet¬
ings, have steadily increased. Our
is'becoming more interesting every Sabbath.
enterprise is progressing as rapidly as we
could expect. Our plan in the building
has reference to a permanent structure, and
hcnco it requires more time to secure the
necessary funds, We have, however, com¬
menced the work by preparing the frames,
Ac,, for the wall. Wo have a
and ground enough for school purposes.
“Huntsville is becoming, i place of great
attraction to tho planters 'on the' Mississippi
river, who are removing .her .for tho society
and the education ofMheir children. Com;
mercial and iuanufac{pripgl njerests are in¬
creasing rapidly, ijoro i] .not a vacant
building or dwelling>house,Mn the place.
These facts show improve-
ment of tho city. l\havo jovcr had. any
doubt as to tho suecesf of ’ *" -
in a reasonable time.f- Our
of wor¬
ship will give us anUhipulsqtonward, if no
reverso meets us. Qrcrythiiij; is harmoni¬
ous among my people! and Ojlljcem devoted
and earnest in the work. This is a!h‘ ardu¬
ous field, but I am willing tfc>’tnab',the sao-
rifice. The Domestic^ ‘Miasldh Board is.
doing a great vtork^ Every year of their
labor confirms mo in' its efficiency. May
tlie Lord bless and sustain you.” ,
Eliler Nathan
This beloved brother retires from the
missionary field in which he' lias been so
successfully engaged- tho' last six years,
under the appointment of 'the: Board, to
enter upon tlio duties jiof antagent for tho
Board of tlie La. Baptist State Convention.
The readers of the Journal have often been
gratified in reading) tie letters of Bro. B.
Ho has been an nr litmus and devoted mis¬
sionary. IIo will bo' tfisWd on his old field.
We wish him God-spewiifhisliew relations. j
have been; and I do ‘believe 'there lJ*n'
bright future for North Arkansas, and par¬
ticularly within The bounds of Independence
Association. We closed our Association
last week; truly a harmonious meeting, and
more signs of working than ever before
manifested. May the Lord bless us.”
Tlie tidings from our brethren arc gene¬
rally very cheering. Tho Lord has been
mindful of us, and blessed be his name.
While ho is tins dealing with us, what,
dear reader, is our duty? Sliall we ho eo-
workers with him?
Little Rock, Ark.
“A brighter day," says Bro Watson, the
editor ami missionary, “is dawning upon us.
Our congregations are gradually increasing,
though yet small and irregular in attend¬
ance. Several Baptists arc moving into the
city, and will greatly aid us. We expect to
open a Sabbatli school shortly. Mucli of
the prejudice against us is giving way, but
the process may he compared to tho melting
of ice by a winter’s sun, yet tho thaw is*
perceptible. It is proposed to raise a sub¬
scription shortly, to build
Several have voluntarily proposed to aid as.
Several new professors have offered from
S50 to 3100 each. But tlio fur, far great¬
est amount must bo raised out of the Bap¬
tist ranks.
organized a church here seven or -eight
years ago, nnd number 25. Bro. Wilson
Brown, a slave, is the pastor, and has been
from tho organization. lie can read, and
for a yellow man, may bo considered a pass¬
able preacher. Brother I’earle and myself
preach to them occasionally, also. They
have a rough, framed building— comforta¬
ble— worth from 8250 to 8300, They are
far in advanco of the white Baptists, Loth
as to
and numbers— ago also.
“ Out congregations,” writes Bro. T. D.
Gwin, “at Salt Creek church, arc still in¬
creasing, though there arc not as. many
additions as last fall. Meeting beforo last
we bad a very interesting season; there was
ono young man, who belonged.to the Metho
dists, and said, when ha joined tho Baptists,
the world would come to an end, In a few
days ho was baptized, and, I think, will bo
useful, as he is exercising in prayer. Ono
other was received, and will bo baptized at
our next meeting.
A Good Work In Arkansas. , , ,
• 'W. - -
V 5
“Tho Lord has' crowned tho' labors of
your missionary,” writes Bro. D. Buckley,
“ with abundant success. I have baptized
into tho fellowship of tho Dardanille church
two whites nnd two colored ; and at
in tho vicinity of Dardanille, I baptized 18,
and received 12 by letter. Bro. Adams is
serving them there, nt this time, as pastor.
At • .
which is on my way to Dardanille, I bap¬
tized five whites, and Bro. Compere four.
I paptized five, and Brotiier Compere four.
This is called Fellowship Church, which is
in (ho vicinity of Greenwood. I got Bro.
C- to attend them once a month. Into the
fellowship of the
I baptized seven, and received five by Im¬
portant field in Alabama — is much beloved,
and useful. What reply shall we make —
reader, can you tell us ? This is only one
of the many urgent demands upon, the
Board. Many appropriations have been
made during tlie past year, because we saw
clearly that if they were not, pastors and
ministers would bo compelled to abandon
tlicir fields of labor, and souls left destitute
of tlio bread of spiritual life. Multiplying
these appointments, has driven us out, and
forced us to appeal to our brethren for aid.
We ap; thankful that these appeals have
been responded to so promptly and so gene¬
rously, But hero is tho letter of our mis¬
sionary :
“Oxford, Calhoun Co., Ala. 1
November 23, 1859. j
“ Dear Brethren of the Board:
“My prime object in writing is to ascer¬
tain what tho probability is for future aid in
my Held. Tlie feeble churches are calling
on me, and I feel inclined to continue, but
necessity knows no law. I am poor — my
family dependent on me— without further
aid 1 must stop— and 1 do not know of any
other chance for them to be supplied. It is
emphatically known as my fold, and lias
been for many years, (tlie upper part of II.)
Can the Board give the field 8200, ns half
pay for all my time next year, if the field
will raise the remainder?
“Since my last, I have, with the help of
Elder B., of G | constituted a church at the
Mountain Station, and baptized another Me¬
thodist preacher, and also somo six or eight
others. Total this year of baptisms, 72,
and one received for baptism.
Fraternally yours,
M. G."
Indian Settlements carnl for.
“ I am now on tlie eve,” writes brother
Alfred Corn, “of starting to visit some
Cherokee Indian settlements in the North¬
ern part of my field, where wo have one
church numbering 103 members. I prcacli
to them through an interpreter.”
Tho interest our brother takes in these
humble disciples of tho Lord Jesus, is wor¬
thy of all praise. And docs not such a
mission, that cares for tho souls of the poor
and despised, commend itself to tho sym¬
pathies nnd generous support of the faith¬
. . <*•;'
Interesting Revival
“ We have had,” writes. brothcr R.' Ford,
tho earnest and iudcfatigablo pastor j,
most, glorious meeting, which. has already^
resulted in tlie conversion of about .
souls. I have baptized forty-one, ani four
labouring constantly for nearly five weeks,,
nnd God has greatly blessed our labours.^
To Ids great name bo ail tbo glory. I hive
never had so largo and serious a congrega¬
tion for such a length of time. Tlie time
Is not far distant when Cherry Street
Church will not only bo self-sustaining, but
will. begin to return to tlio Board the aid
slid has received. May heaven’s richest
blessings be upon tho Board." b
Who regrets tho moncy hc has given to
the mission cause, when ho hears of such
results? Brethreu, let us multiply our
money to sustain such labours. God blesses
this kind. He is with us !— and will bless'
you for giving of your abundance to aid1
these young and feeble churches.
many such now aching for help.
Seed Sown.,
Wlmt He lms the Pleasure to Do.
Brother W. Fasching writes, " that du¬
ring tlie month of November, he had the
pleasure of explaining the Gospel in many
of the families of his fellow-countrymen,
and thus becoming better known among
them, — that ho had tho pleasure of seeing
some of their greatest enemies come t>
their meetings, mid send their children t»
the Sabbath school. There are some two
or three anxious about their souls. A great
deal more could be done if wo bad means,
or if our American brc'brcn would feel
more- interest in tlio work of these thirty
thousand Germans of this city. 1 would
like to open a
in the upper pnrt of the city, but wo can¬
not get a place for nothing, and wo are not
able to rent a bouse. It is a great shame
for tho Christians of our day- to livo for
comforts anil pleasures, and let their fellow-
men die in their sins. If 'hero is a -place
in America where it is necessary to preach
tho pure Gespcl in every house, store, and
office that placo is New Orleans. 0, my
dear brethren of tho Domestic Board, re¬
member tho thirty thousand Germans is
New Orleans in your prayers, and don’t
forsako us with your money.” .
Austin, Texas.
The devoted pastor of tlio Baptist church
at the capital of this great and (hriving
State says, in a late communication : “Wo
are rejoiced to know that wo havo finally
succeeded in securing a self-sustaining
church. They are still coming in. Four
white persons wore received by letter yes¬
terday, and two of them arc Germans. God
bo praised for his goodness. Many promi¬
nent points in Texas aro yet unoccupied.,
0, that God may speedily send tho men
and tlje means to occupy these places 1
At tho last meeting .of the Texas Baptist
Plate Convention, Elder Wm. H. Bayliss,
late of Tennessee, was appolntcd'missionary
to San Antonio. I hopo ho will accept.
I think him tho man for tho ‘post. May
God L!es3 you, and greatly prosper the
good work in which you arc engaged."
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