- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, March 1860
- Date
- 1860
- Volume
- 9
- Issue
- 9
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, March 1860

*°oi« ' I
ii* ■ I
■ lb
n-. ;
ЛЬЛВЛМЛ.' Л1 лисп,
! True
Lovers of Missions— Such us
we like to Record.
“ Enclosed you will find 85 fur Indian
Miwions, 81 fmiu A 31., a promising, pious,
of official duties, our young friciid of mine; SI from J. S., an-
sustained by tho kind ox- i I™»Wng and interring young nun ;
iiit 0‘lcn “ . % SI I row my old and imieli loved awl lion-
j ored motlier, whu
always been kind and
liberal to the jiuor and needy, and a true
lover of the cause of missions. I.a-tly, S3
from myself— 5 cents a week since January
1S69. Respectfully,
F. II. 0."
0f sentiment sent us by the fiicnds
° JIoic titan mere words, too—
lk{ substantial suppoit of our ope-
' without which we should soon exist
, its rcuicmbranco of tho past.
„J alms should ever be found in
trict ? And who will contribute to the sup¬
port of brother Bell? IIow much will
A »r/7> Carolina give towards it ? I We think
it is in this region that Elder Alfred Corn,
one of our missionaries, has a church of 108
Indians. This is our field, brethren.
This is the way, walk ye in it.
Is there any Good Reason for It ?
Meeting Humes in Arhirf.13,
good brother, long in thci-imce of
the Board, and a successful 'missionary,
Boar i says, in a letter accompanying his quarterly
•,l(nJriea must bo fed, clothed, housed
I am| for like other people— missions-
,kfQ nml money. Remember this,
lS»l°Ki.bcfr 2ouu£. I can’t you, if JO" ,J,y’
ld ",0 7;"'’ " will perceive ibjUie amount
i»f iiiiA«iooj your own contribution end |
w Muall compared with uiy last
get something from your good friends to I n'liurt- This is owing to the condition of
tqi with it ? Wo think this is not the j ollr ul' worship in this country. In
first letter of the kind received from I\ 11. j
co''* weather they are so very uiicom-
(J. The Lord abundantly bless this kind I ('or,aljle that people will not ‘turn out to
donor I She had an “ honored " liiolher to I lllcol'n,-;” .(
set her good examples. | b this good policy ? Du you make the
•„ere gratified to have our brethren . - _ _ i Lest use of your minister’s labours you can?
Mb'bsppit Dr. Mat. Clay and W in. Tlio Cunvcntiunal year closes April Rt, i Is it right to embarrass thus his success?
with us at our last meeting ,,„r Annual llcpuit must be made up i
В У011
have «ho means of making your
hf Board. Wc are always
to j by that time. Those, therefore, who have | ollun'11 edifices comfortable and do nut do
«■brethren witness our deliberations. | funds fur the Board, and wish them incur- ' a,l<l thus keep tlio peoplo away, upon
[«rated in the Treasurer's Report fur this j whom will rest the loss of their souls, or
current year, should send them before the ’ " ’ "
л" л '~
~ ‘
end of this month, (.March.)
To He Baptists of the! South.
Burl of Domestic aiul
Ыш Ля-
engaged in a single wok.
KJlltk 10 Others, the tupplyuib u
bunt, it home w«U the bread ot
;nl life. Through the blessing of (*ou,
s ibt liberality of the brethren, it has
«Uel to plant the trull,
State and Territory, in our towns
niton, in our large cities, and Ahvough-
hi rural districts. Churches have
. tp under its culture, and others has c
filed till they have, by a healthful
b found themselves self-sustaining.
4 much has already been accomplish-
■k\ sre $300,000 expended in the ex-
of this work, still much remains to
tee. Our labors are not completed,
nl uncultivated lies spread out before us
lie noble country which we inhabit,
blacks upon our plantations, tlio red
of the Western forest, the people of
birth found in all our largo towns
|l cities, and our 0411 American popula¬
te made their demands upon our
lathy and prayers, and upon our money
They must have the Word of Cod to
them, the voice of tho living preach-
call them to repentance, nml point
to tho healing waters of salvation, or
must perish- forever. Brethren, shall
1 appeal he unheeded? Shull this call
ikogarded? No. Constrained by the
tiros of the cross, iiko your Divine Mas
, till yon go forth to act another part in
1 great drama of life. The Board arc
•t entirely without an agency force in
lie field. It has been trying to cncour-
the churches to do their men writ, col-
their own funds, ami forward them di-
to the treasurer of tho Board, or through
agency of their respective associations.
MWf Mississippi is no more ; Kirtlcyof
lucky has been stricken with partial
slysis, and llarkwick of Virginia alone
has to enforce abroad the claims of Do¬
se and Indian Missions. You see then
dependence must be upon tlio indi-
W agency of the members of tho church-
Mill not tho pastors and deacons, as
lu all, interest themselves in our behalf,
kst quarter of the year, ending April
b our most pressing season. By this
®e have well nigh consumed the
‘‘filiations of the past year, and the
'■uury tuns low. I, . .
l*aa! of fidelity and liberality on your
4 Friends of Jesus, ice m
f Ke ^ace ymirs, nailer 1
Our Request of the Brethren.
• This is our privilege, that we can at all
times ask our dear friends in Christ to re¬
member us and our work at the throne of
grace. There should ever cxi.-t an intimate
connection between the people of God, and
those to whom they have committed tho
move aggressive work of evangelization.
Never let it be said that God's children have
not met their responsibilities when they
haveaentup their contributions. Tlio mem¬
bers of the Board, the Secretaries, and the
missionaries underappointmentoftlio Board,
all feel in the same humble degree, at least,
that the prayers and sympathies of tlio
church are necessary to their existence and
successful operation. *Wc arc sometimes
cheered by reading the letters from our
brethren, became they express so much 10-
gard fur (be niece's of our work, nml com¬
mit us am) the work to Him who watches
over the most humble of bis laborers. Fray
fur v», brrlhrtn i this is our wpirsl. Dray
that souls 11 ay bo saved through the agency
of the Board. Our woik is a very simple
one— to receive year contributions anil pay
them over to the support of these men of
God, who are preaching to the poor and des¬
titute, and many of whom could not ho sus¬
tained hut for tlie aid furnished them.
Brethren, will you pray that heaven's bless¬
ing limy be upon these men as they hold up
tho dying Jesus as lira only .Saviour ? Then
their burdens will be lightened, and their
hearts rejoice, in answer to the united sup-
plication! of the host of God’s elect, as they
seethe stamliml of truth waving triumph¬
antly throughout the land.
who will be responsible for fheir non-at¬
tendance upon religious service ou tho
Lord’s day ? This subject, it Appears (0 u<,
should claim the serious attention of tlio
churches. Excuse us fur saying this much,
lor wc have often witnessed ourself this
condition ol things. f
The feelings of it l’lous Missionary
' In Arkansas.,!
Dear Brethren.— It seems, ’’after being
sustained by your Board eellong, that 1
should look to my peoplo forhupport ; but,
should this be the ease, I amlfatisficd that
this field, embracing aboufjfifly miles,
would remain destitute. And when we im¬
agine hundreds and tliousajjdnof precious
so'ulitinkhig down to thd-ify-Ss .of ten .
despair in this field of destitution, and the
cry still ringing in our cars, “come over
and help us," what shall wo my ? By the
help of God T will try to preach to them
the unsearchable riches of Clri«t, trn-ting
in the liberality of brethren for my sup¬
Jons IV. MlLI.EP..
O! the wants of our land I Who can
supply it? Oar liberality should be double,
yes, increased by tens. Brethren, give
more, and we can
Stale liaptlst Convention.
Brother Gilbert, of Oakland, informs ns
that the denomination are about to meet in
a State Convention for the purpose of har¬
monizing in efforts for the general advance¬
ment of tho Baptist cause throughout the
State. It is my daily prayer that a new
arid brighter day may arise.
Reported during last month:— whites 4(i,
blacks ti, which, added to the report of pro
vioi» month, for quarter ending December
1st, 185!) — whites 185, blacks 59.
Skill I tills Appeal l/e Met?
The Destitute Cnsupplied.
Co., G.i.
Dear Brother :
The object of tins letter is to open a cor¬
respondence with you 011 the subject of Do-
. , , ! ine.itic and Indian Missions. There is a
et not its credit suffer I portion of country that I have felt deeply
1 impressed to go and preach to, for a long
time, and I appeal to your Board for aid.
In this field there are about one thousand
Cherokee Indians, and it is one of the most
obscure parts of this country, This field is
tbo Western part of Noitli Carolina, ami
Rabun county, Georgia. You will please let
me hear from you on this subject. I rcui.r-
yours in tlio gospel of G'hlist,
Thomas A. Bell.
This application is endorsed by three
highly respectable Christian men. And
probably there is not a more destitute field
in tho Southern country. Shall the Board
respond to this earnest appeal and send tho
brother to tho poor of this mountain dis-
• jour contributions to tho Treasurer,
1 lfornbuckie, Marion, Ala.
'Iniments for February, ISfiO.
'•John Robertson, Carroll Co., Ya.
Asa Duncan, Mill Creek Church,
1’- S. G, Watson, Little Rock, Ark.
P’ Alfred Co,rn Hiwauco Association,
Я. Иоррз,
Pechico, Cal
All Agents of Hie Board.
The Board has but two agents in the
whole Southern field,— one in Kentucky,
from whom wc heard on the ISth of Jan¬
uary, and who was compelled to suspend
work in consequence of an attack of par¬
alysis ; and one in Virginia, brother Hard¬
wick. Now, it must he seen (hat the Board
is entirely dependent upon tho efforts of
its secretaries and this single agent in Vir¬
ginia, Ac. Will not every brother and sis¬
ter resolve to be an agent for the Domestic
and Indian Mission Board, and send' to
Marion, Alabama, the fruits of their efforts’?
Try it, brother, try it, sister. See ichat you
cun do.
Not Forgotten.
“ Enclosed you will please find chock on
Now York lor 81-0, $2fi ol which is for In¬
dian Missions.” S. W. JI.
“Enclosed I hand you check on New
York for 8-5, for Indian Missions.”
T. I*. S.
“ I enclose a small piece of gold— two
dollars and a half, ($-’ 50,) my wife's con¬
tribution to your Board for last year. She
regrets that it is not more, but it is a free
will offering, and I trust may not bo with¬
out proGt to somo one,”
T. J. E.
TENN., MARCH, 1860.
“ I enclose you a draft for 820, in Mo¬
bile, to be' appropriated half to Domestic
and half to Indian Missions, from Mrs.
E. I,.” L. A. D.
After enumerating other funds, a brother
says, “ the remaining funds, 82 50, are
for Indian Missions, sent by l)r. It.”
W. N. C.
A good brother _scnds 810, 'subscribed
at the Western Association. J. F. C.
“You will please find 810, my subscrip¬
tion to Domestic and Indian Missions.”
W. I). T.
“ You will find enclosed 85, for Domes¬
tic Missions.”
A Friend in Chatta.noooa.
News from the Field.
Cumilcn, S. C.
There lias been marked feeling in our
coloured congregation for six months past.
Eight have been baptized during the quar¬
ter, and one restored.
J. K. Mendenhall.
Manning awl Antioch Churches, S. C.
I attended two protracted meetings du¬
ring this quarter,— one of which was deep¬
ly interesting. One of these meetings was
held with the Manning and the other with
tlio Antioch Church,- llcnshaw District.
There were 29 persons received into the
fellowship of the Antioch church, all whites
but one. This church has found its pres¬
ent edifice loo small for the congregation, and
have taken measuics for a new building.
J. K. Mendenhall.
Lineolnton, aV. C.
We constituted a church here during the
last quarter, as you will remember, with
thirteen members ; we now number thirty
four. During tbo quarter ending Decem¬
ber 31, A havn baptized 19 1 0]>0 joined by
letter; five at my churches in tho country;
1 1 at this [dace. Among the number is
my own little son, in his fourteenth year.
My prayer is, that God may make hint a
faithful missionary.
L. M. Berry.
present spend much of my time in 5ap
Ramon Vulloy, but occupy tlireo other (
places, namely, I’achcco, Whitten School
House, in Pachcl-0 Valley, Deablo School
House, in Deablo Valley. Wo have reason ,
to believe tlut tho Lord is at w
with us
in each of these places, so much so that
wo uro led to thank God and tako courngo, .
believing that tho seed sown in weeknes» ' £
ere long will spring forth to tho houour ' -
and glory ol God. We tako up no. col-
lections. . e . '
OunJIandl tsgply OW.llrO|lt»—-T.;;Jt,4..^'.?)f,
with tho blessings of God. But we bclioro .
if we could bo supported, we could nccoiu-,
plish a great deal more, for in this country
thero are so many things to draw people
away from religion, that a minister to bo
successful must be every day in tho field,
with sword in hand, strengthening tho
Christian, and warning sinners to fleo from
the wrath to come.
We aro very grateful for what wc receive
from tho Board of Domestic Missions, and
hope that tli6 Board will fed able 'to con¬
tinue our salary.
Wo wish to bo remembered by all our
good brethren and sisters at the Throno of
Yours in bonds of love,
J. B. Horn.
This letter is longer than wo desire to
publish, but we could not withhold any of
it from our readers. Wc like for them to
hear sometimes just what our missionaries
say to us about their work. Tho labours of
the Board in California have been signally
favoured of God. For all of which we
would he grateful, and renew our efforts
with becoming zeal.
Louisville, Kj.
Wo iabourand praythatthcLord may visit
us with his promised grace and outpouring of
tbo Spirit. Our Sabbath School is doing
well. Wc have two services each Sabbath'
in the school, in the morning and afternoon.
Sun Eulacl Raplisl Institute.
Brother Gilbert says, (Dec. 22,) "I ex¬
pect to have the San Rafael Baptist Insti¬
tute finished in January, and a school
commenced with male and female teachers.”
Letter from J. li. Ifopps.
I'achcco Valley, Cal.
Wc have not written as frequently as we
should have done lor several icasons. We
believe it is a very difficult task to give a
correct idea of matters and things in this
country. Everything is so changeable here.
For instance, if [ should give a correct ac¬
count of things at the present, by the time
my letter would reach you the face of things
would be very much altered, Indeed, it is
a very difficult thing to write so that our
friends cun understand tbo position of the
minister in ibis cuuntry.
7 he Field ncrnpitil by Others.
The field that brother Davis and myself
have occupied the past year, was held and
occupied by other denominations lor five
L'lficorttlU Impressions.
Tn the absence of the Baptists there were
many impressions made, very unfavourable
to our cause, so when wc found the field
there was a great deal of labour to be done
before any fruit could be brought to per¬
fection. Our I’cdo brethren scented to be
united in opposing tho Baptists. Never¬
theless God lias smiled upon us, and blessed
our feeble attempts to do good.
A Baptist Church Organized.
Something more than a year ago brother
Davis and myself organized a Baptist
church in San Ramon Valley, with four
members only; now the church numbers
twenty, having dismissed ono by letter.
Wo would have had a
Meeting House
finished by the last of November, had it
not been for bad weather and sickness. We
have two
Sullath Schools,
one in Sitn Ramon and one in I’achcco,
which I superintend. Wc take' the Young
Reaper, have a small library, and have 88
collected for school books. I do not at
live in a Roman Catholic neighbourhood.
Sometimes when the Priests aro aware, of
it they arc taken away, but others will come
in mid supply their places.”
81. Genevieve, Mo.
Lamentation of
Good Mi A — Germans.
Another year has passed— thousands of
people have been called from time into
eternity to meet their God; and many of
them, I fear, have to fed his wrath forever,
because they have not believed the Gospel
of his Son, and have not come to the great
least of salvation when invited by the ser¬
vants of God. When I look over the Ger¬
man people of this country, and seo their
wickedness, and how they aro led by blind
leaders of the Roman Church, and infidels
of the Protestant Church, and sec how they
all despise true Gospel doctrine, and those
that preach it, and see how little Christian¬
ity there is iti tho churches, then I have
great trials, and become discouraged ; but
then again, I remember we live by faith,
and not by sight. It is true it is very hard
for a man, as they say, who preaches a new
doctrine, to find believers, when there aro
so many learned men who preach differ¬
ently. But when wo remember it is tho
of tho Lord, and that his arm is om¬
nipotent, and seo how the Spirit of the
bird works in the dark regions of Ireland,
then wo aro ashamed, and promise the
Lord to go on, if even all looks dark
around us.
May the Lord be with us this coming
year, and make us an instrument in his
hands by which thousands may bo saved.
Cape Gcrardcuu Co.,
in St. John's Church, (Lutheran,) I had
largo congregations. They paid good at¬
tention, and tome let their tears freely run.
Some were very friendly to me, and others
arc opposed, and say I shall preach no more
in their church, and want to write to an¬
other man to come and preach to them and
also teach their children. (If the work is
from God, who can hinder it?)
German Licensed, to Preach.
In the city of Capo Gcrardcau, the
American brethren licensed a German
brother, and I laboured a week with him.
Our congregations were small, becausc-we
had very unpleasant weather ; but I have
great hopes of a few families there. In
Jefferson County,
near Hillsboro, I laboured a little, but on
account of the weather tho people could
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