- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, August 1859
- Date
- 1859
- Volume
- 9
- Issue
- 2
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, August 1859

: J
L^. AU0UST> i850 •
a flirisllan Heart.
ItVlj. ,01 ten iSIOl as a donation
IS of Home and Foreign mis-
interest In the cause of
• ',* MijOdl U«® and crown with
piaccoMoll your efforts to spread
friend ami sister in Christ.
L{ enclosed i, gf for Indian missions;
|,1 California nii-ahiiH, and SI for
I'jifciw!, The «boro is sent by one
If*, what great things the Urd
°fJt her, is constrained by tiro
nit to do what she can toward
Ik’bil holy cause ; und though the
lii isrtry 'mall, prays that the bless-
lf6di way accompany it and make it
Ijalal in brinurinir the joy nnd peaco,
liihsa is found m the blessed Saviour,
■-.lie dark heart of some Indian or Chi-
-? the Baptist Church.
IS, The nitci. though not the donor of
Ibabs lidded $1 for California, ac-
|iuied iritb the same prayer.
A member of the saute Church.
t gives me great pleasure to re-
I EfMiunieations like the above. IVo
j BBvei larger accounts but with less
lidira. It always cheers. our hearts to
■arse rc/imtury offerings. Wc fee! some-
s cut down in view of the cares and
I asSiSties npdn us, and aro almost ready
mep, and then'theso “love letters," as
| Filler used to call them, come in, and
'V-.iifO, lifted up) dn4 reproof dakw
tS!j%!:r E that patter who h.u inch
Ixn to.star.d by'him, has an easy time,
1 hi* hbors are Messed-— they are ready
|urj'gwd word and work, And how
| fillers hav many such if they would
them out.
|fri Worth from our Missiona¬
Mcr T..G. Freeman, Camden, Ark. :
hHauccecdiug beyond our expccta-
г в
getting subscriptions for our church
peg- li'e lave four thousand dollars
I uiM— not more than one thousand of
I fa® Baptists. I havo been to Hew
I us and Mobile nnd obtained seven
I'tti dollars in cash, and enough in
puftmalio it up to about one thou-
r It will take us yet many months to
i'pbh our obji i't— to build such a
jea lira wants of the city present and
pcctivo demand— nnd yuy for it.”
|ra. Ia\id Cumming, Vienna, Md.— -
Iisisagood field Itho Eastern Shore)
Iwptist missions, and though lor the
I being things are less promising, ulti-
|: success will amply reward patient toil,
Id, Wared, Twelve
ago brother
lb Boston wrote to our Board (Md.
Aseaciatii.ii} asking S50 to enable
llcliobeth. 'Ho money in
I tauuj,' (aid tl0 Secretary when tbo
I ' tea,li and the request was about
P by. I started to my feet, (I
| Wed on the Eastern Shore,) and
‘few burning words for tho Eastern
' ' I will give $.V— another and an-
. pvt, and tho thing was done;
we have three (lifty miles below
ЯГ* "1,игсВсз
supporting tlicir
C™uv ^ul,oa Fleeing, Sumter,
‘“today we had a most interest-
at Bethany, Upper Salem, where I
alternate Sabbath. I bap-
*o coloured .-andidates. Our vestry
.ns at tin- base of a hill; inmiedi-
i;.|„ roiil “ the fount supplied by an
e*pnn», surrounding it Ls a bnl-
,,i ,or r3|li"2, and on the rising ground
!n",.4<ccni!, tho audience (spec-
d of'k°' "* a “'“'■“tele. It is 3 cres-
witnessing tho tri-
■m h° Ct0M' T|iero were l'resiiy
Uj.‘'c“c°t yesterday who had novel
nca№,i * baptism— and their at-
i»LUimfrlc<1 «"'I devout. I read
l”?“‘pl the Saviour's baptism by
т Ц1,',т
the eunuch by
nreeb' interested in my field
tad I 0oJ to inako me n bet-
4 Eiore useful minister. I uted
scarcely add that both Manning and Betli-
nny lecl grateful to your Board fur- r>. aid
furnished in sustaining their pastors."
Brother jS. Smith, Covington, Ivy. — " Our
eougregatiou, 1 think, is incroitsing, espe¬
cially nt night. The word seems to bo lis¬
tened ta with all duo attention, ami there
wo must' leave it fyr the Spirit of God to
make it effectual, with tho assurance that
God’s word shall not return void.”
BrrdherJ. A. McGiiiro, Monreo, ha.—
“ There is still con-dderabio interest mani¬
fested among the coloured people. On one
plantation eight have been received for
baptism. It is, indeed, truly interesting to
labour witii these people; and to hear them
in their own peculiar language tell what
the Lord has done for them Is enough to
prove tho truth of the Christian religion.
! I do lovo to labour among them, and
tlicir owners say they derive much benefit
from my labours with them.”
Brother 11. Howard, Burnett, Texas,—
“I have just returned from n tour on the
frontier. I found tlm settlements in a dis¬
turbed condition, for tho Indians were steal¬
ing and killing their horses. Indeed they
were all around me. The excitement is so
high that quite a number of families have
left tlicir homes, nnd others will do so soon
if times get no letter. I think wu will
havo much trouble from them this season.
Tho State of religion, as a general ‘thing,
is very good in this portion of Texas.”
Brother M. P. I.owrey, Corinth, Miss —
“ Prospects appear more flattering here
than when I first began my labours. Wc
have a weekly prayer-uicctlng that is in¬
creasing in interest, and our Sabbath con¬
gregation increases regularly— and there
are accessions to cur Sabbatli school every
,0. Henderson, Pensacola,
FA— ‘AVAtyo now having our houso of
ytoBl!ip\iijpaircd1'f&o.;|№jJn. my, next
report 1 hopo (o sayl't -The
indications for good aro vciy fluttering at
this liruo. Quito a number of tlie ungodly
attend regularly upon tho word, and give
indications of somo real interest."
Brother L. P. Norris, Gianitcrille,
— “ My congregations at Granltcvillc and
Blnckvillo aro increasing, and the people
unusually serious and attentive. One only,
however, as yet, professes conversion ; but
it will gladden your heart to learn that that
one is my dear daughter, our lint-born.
Several have lecu added by Idler.”
Brother Joel Johnson, llainbridge, Ga. —
“ During the quarter I have tnhiged the
Bold of my operations somewhat by open-
in" a place for proaebiug and Sabbatli
school two miles from town, at tho factory
of tire Bainbridgo Manufacturing Com¬
pany for tho benefit of tbo operatives. Vou
will see by my rc|iort lint my time and
strength are taxed to their utmost ten¬
sion. Indeed 1 hardly know one quiet
hour. But the Lord is evidently here with
his people, and will bring them out at last
as gold. My congregations are uniformly
large and solemn, and they continue to in¬
crease monthly."
Brother P. E. Collins, Mobile, Ah.—
“Our number has been considerably in¬
creased, our souls much blessed, and our
prospects for usefulness, as a chuith,
briglitened. Already has tho Lord put it
into the hearts of his people here to make
another effort in the Southern pait if the
city, which I havo no doubt will be pros¬
pered. We held a meeting commencing
in January, gud continuing to the
second week in February, with happy re¬
sults. Wo have reason to thank God for
Lire girt of two young brethren to tho
work of tho ministry, who arc now in
Howard College, Marion, Ala., preparing
themselves fur “future usefulness under the
ins'ruction and earn of its ahlo and excel¬
lent faculty. It will be seen that only
ty-six have been received into membership
during tbo period of n.y commission, (four
montlis,) yet tho number of members is
now double what it was when I wu called
by the church in tbo
1 resent
number is 143, some having been lately dis¬
missed. Pray for us that 4“’ brd may
build ns up in the faith and cause ot
Brother Collins has charge of tho Mis¬
sion Church. _____
Ltllcr/nm'N. Ii Bray.
Buckunji Cort.inr,
Anacoco, Sabme, La.
Dk.iu Bro. Holman :
I am happy to say our prospects are very
good in my field of bbour. The churches
t NmiBER#4-
<* h'-dWV
»ro iii a good state- of feeling. Haney
Church ha? at last enjoyed a revival— eight
have Wen added to her. numbers, and ihrgo
await baptism, making eight by bap.
tism and three’ by letter. My prayers for
this town nnd church, with’ which I havo
laboured fur twelve years, havo been an¬
swered. The town of Money is our county
site, — a thriving inland place. Hero the
Baptists have liai) a very up-hill road tp
travel, but truth must and will prevail. \)'e
liavo needed n good house of worship he;
for some time. Tbo old one, wbicli I buret' ,
with my own hands some ten ycats since, is j
too small. I am making an effovt to build i
a new
it will tale a long pul! ami uj
strong pull, but with God’s help 1 shall :
succeed. My rule is not only to try. hut !
to i/o. I can build
for 81,300, and am j
happy to say, that in tbo town and churih i
I havo already raised 5700. .Tbo Baptist
cause needs a good and respectable house 'at
Mancy Will not somo ot our, friends ‘do
something to help us? 1 f
l'ours in Christ; -
Brother 11. is one of our liiost
and successful missionaries..''., pee tlio a<p
count of his labour and tho results .as no¬
ticed in r
lleport to the Southern Baptist
Conventien for tbo hist fivo years. ‘ Will
not somo brother do a little fof brother Ik?
Anything for bis house will to forwarded
from this office. He deserves Ip bo tncottr-
axed. , '•!.
The Germans arc not less|in numhcvS
than in Hew Orleans or St. Lifuls. By tlio
recommendation of the Maryland Union'
Association, wo havo recen)|y/ajqjMm(s.d
BoTi'-Jobt.Mcuri to preach i the, g'fjiAjg
,tho Germans <K that city. Ho ij'E ”
j cdi-s^bragc; goud £\ KK i
and au eloquent and powerful speaker. He
is aNo regarded as a man of dorp piety and
zeal. He was n Roman Priest in Zurich,
Switzerland. Ifi his own country ho be-
c.-dne disgusted with tho errors oD Roman-
ism and came to America two years ngo.
Providentially ho fell in will Rev. Mr.
Fleishman, tho American Onclten, who
taught him the way of tlio Lord more per¬
fectly, and baptised him. lie was ordained
in Baltimore last Dec., and lias been in the
M. I'. A. since Oct. 15th, 1858. The
church now under his charge numbers 15
members, a small Sabbath School and
prayer-meetings. They occupy a rented
chapel in a German neighborhood. The
recently opened a new
preaching station in a part of the city
occupied by German Catliolios.
These interesting facts are furnished by
Rev. T. Wilson.
Rev. John B. Madonlet: — “I havo divi¬
ded my labors more among tbo people-
inking a basket with Bibles and Testaments
and Tracts, nnd going from liouso to house.
Most of my labor is out of tbo church.
This gives me more occasions to approach
imr people, a majority of whom are very
fenrful of tho Baptists, being unacquainted
witii our principles they think m to bo n
very strange people, to be baptised again as
they say. We thus talk on the subject, and
answer a good many very strange, and
sometimes wonderful questions— and the
prejudices aro so many that some even re¬
fuse to pray with mo— but this wo hope
will disappear by and l.y. I am acquainted
with several who understand and know tho
truth, hut taku no action for tho present.
Wc need the outpouring of the Spirit of
(Jod. I have not been preaching of lato
as much as ugual— Iiave been bolding more
prayer-meetings in tbo homes of our people
in the hopo that the neighbors will
and mingle witii us in worship, and thus wo
may do good. I sold several Bibles and
Testaments, and loaned
out to bo read.
One Bible I loaned to a Jewess,— sbe was
very eager to rend it, and questioned mo
vety much about our religion. May tlm
Lord bless ii to her soul This is our wish
;and prayer to thd Lord. .
, .mlLTUIOUE..; ' I •
Rev. John -Mcfiri was appointed our mis¬
sionary lo preach toi the Germans of this
city in April . trust, brother 'Franklin Wil¬
son Peep Ex'. Bd. M.
II; Association,
spcuUliighly of him, “He isa-young man
of about 28 or 30, of fiuo appearance, good
address, and a powerful ami' eloquent speak¬
er, Ho was a Roman -Caihrlfc I'rics’t lii
Zurich, Switzerland, became disgusted with
Romanism there, Came to America gboiit.2
years ago, providentially fell in with Brother
Flcischman of Philadelphia, the American,
Onckcn, was by him taught tbo way Of
tho Lord
perfectly, and baptised.
Brother F. has great confidence in his
piety nnd ability.' ' Ho va ordained by
ns in Baltimore 'in December last, and has
labored earnestly -ever' since. There is a
small German Church (constituted in De¬
cember) of about 15 members, with a
rented chapel of small size, but in a Ger¬
man neighborhood. They havo n Sunday
School and several prayer-mootings, and ap¬
pear active ami zealous.- -Brother Meiiri
also commenced preaching bat ' Sunday
afternoon (March 14) in another neighbor-
hood in the midst of a large settlement of
Roman Catholics. Wo all like him very
much. Hois an educated man, a man of
great energy, and has a magnificent voice
for singing and' speaking. Ho has a wife
and ono child. His wife is an intelligent
woman and a Baptist.”
i'lt will thus be seen that tho Board have
taken up this mission for tho benefit Of the
German population with good earnest. Wo
trust it will not be in vain. Lot the prayers
of God's people arise on their behalf. The
German preacher has mpeh in tho way of
' his immediate success. Tlio COMfitptifigaf
A.hji.4 ^tfho^RctoniRjfh^ractvri
enco of i nation" hi
me ™vi»o \q-
tion of the Romish Priests, nnd tho preju¬
dices of many to tho faith of our Churches.
But let these bo overcome and the German
mind receive and cherish tho truth, and no
people can Lo found more faithful nnd true
to their church. Wu lovo to think of
Onckcn and his devoted brethren, We
hopo our brethreu in Hew Orleans, St. Ocr-
niiii, St. Louis, Louisville and Baltimore
will be fuiiy smtimed and greatly Iionoro
in winning suuls to Christ.
IVltal is dial among 30,000?
I hope, if the Lord will, to baptize one
person Sunday next, (June 2lith); another
one is very anxious, whom, l hope, will $oon
find peace in Him who came to save poor
sinners. But, Ol what is that among
30,000 of our ticoplo! (Germans.) It is
iiko a drop in the great nea, Our prayer
is, Lord strengthen our faith.
W. Fasciiino,
JUmlonnri/ to the
Хею (Миш.
Prospects Flattering.
.McIntosh Countv, Ga.,)
Juno 22, 1852. j
Dear Brother:
1 am at this time engaged in a very in
teresting meeting, where I have been trying
to preacu' for several dap [a,t. Yesterday
threo happy snub (a gentleman and two
ladies) declared what the Lord had done
liir them, und asked to follow their Saviour
in baptism. Tho meetings will continue a
few days longer,
interest is mani¬
Truly Yours in Christ,
G. W. M. Williams.
Thank Gotl am! Take Courage.
I hare just held a three days meeting,
and tho Lord was with us on tbo occasion,
,nnd to bless his children. Somo ten or
fifteen were made to cry for mercy, and one
soul found peace with God. 1 icel like
Paul, to thank Oqd und lake courage.
Jons Wolf,
Miitioiitiry in Arkansas.
Manchester, Va.
Letter from
li'/n. K. Ilatchcr.
Dear Brother:
1 lad fully intended to accompany my
present report, witii a statement of some
of tho interesting facts which have occurred
m connection with my labours here;’ Bot
the tmiobfrenderinglt bis cimVe,a'n(I lam'Y ,
so closoly engagld.bya precious revival req- ‘
son, which tho church- at: this timu w en- - "• ,
joying, A must beg you to jnrdon nie if
my statements arc imperfect and hurried,
I cunio herb in August, 1858.. Soon
after beginning my labours the' Lord hal¬
lowed my connection with, the chnrclreby •
an outpouring of his grace, Slid an addition
of forty souls to tjur number. A largo nim- -
ber of these have proved efficient and valu¬
able. The church, l°nS bowed pith severe
aiilietiouSf. was groaily encouraged' by. tbo
meeting, and slnco baa' been disIingutslieiT .i
for its spirituality and ferveut zeal in Owl's
eau,se. Hcorly every brother prays in pub¬
lic, and many are impressive exhorter?. 4
Belong»" principally to the labouring,
classes, tlieir opportunities of doing goal -
pro limited, but truly they do what .they '
Wo. have held prayer-meetings- twiCo •
every week during tho winter. These have
bcim well attended and deeply interesting.
The fruits of these meetings arp appearing
in tho revival now in progress. It' be- :
gan without any special exertion to get it
nn. ' It grow out of out prayer-meetings’.
The interest became so sensible and pervasive
that wo were obliged to hold tightly meet¬
ings. In this. way our delightful work'cf -
graeo commenced. It promises mnch' foV-
tlio caiiso and glory of God. ,l! ' •
Tho church, when I
here, owed
bcarly $5000. for work dene upon its house •
of worship, which was 50 far front comple- ' A j
tiOn as to require art additional sum' of
52,000 to finish it. Of this amount $3000'
have been .raised, and wo have plan’s on
foot by wluthyo feel sure- flat wo can raise-' ■
$2,000 by the first of - June. This ataopat',,
has Leeh’epoored -principally Jo'IlitlimoriJ. .
Tlio other
$», О0Ц
we feel certain .Vtj ccn
gain from bur Association.
are '.con¬
fident that we .ran have bur building coo
pleted tbo latter part el this year..
DE.tR BROTittit*::
I mu much encouraged to laWureb)
tho (act that God is about, to bcetoWAOtK) -X
means of support through tho Board;'-' -
Friends in a far off land cannot fully real¬
ize tlio difficulties which poor Baptist '
preachers encounter iu this country, espe¬
cially those who have families to support!
Suffer me to relate somo things as they
are. I b»>k dinner at a Baptist preacher's-
house not Jong ngo, nnd onr dinner. consisted
of a little boup and a few small biscuits.
The dishes were pretty well emptied at tho
first table. The little hues then gathered
around like n (lack of litllo quails, nnd pick¬
ed up the crumbs. All the murmuring [
heard was this : “ Alt i I will writo up by
and by, and tell them to send
из -вето
flour, tor wc arc living on bran down here
like liorsc-i I” You will be led to .ask is
there not an abundance in tlio land ? Yes,
abundance, but it flows in ether channels.
Havo patience with me, and I will draw
another picture. Imagino a labourer ia the
Master’s vineyard notified to leave his
houbc, and forbidden to mako any use of
his improvements bccauso they nro suppos¬
ed to lo on a Spanish grant. Ho has no
moans to defend himself by law, nnd tie
prospect is, that ho will ioso. all; eo lie
sells for what he can get, buys a piceo, of
land ut a high price, gets lumber for a
liouso, burrows n few tools, and commences
building hia house all alone. Job’s com¬
forters gather nrouud him, Saying, "If I
were not so busy, I would conic nnd give
you a lift.’,’ Another lays, “ If I had not ■ ■
this and that lo do, I would give you a few
days work.” Tim labourer thinks that .
iji" never built a house. Ho hurriei da
with his house, builds it all alone, moves
Ids litllo family in, and thanks God that hj
lias so abundantly blessed him. Amid , a.)
these trying scenes, we aro led to take cour-
age, fully believing that God will abundant¬
ly blew our labours.- J
Will our friends who so liberally con¬
tribute to our support accompany their do- .
nations witii the prayer that tlio brd blew
uur humble labours in this fur off land ?
Your brother in Christ,
Harrow Escape of Bro. Shack.
Sacramento City, Cal.,
10th May, 1850.
Dear BuoriiiR :
I write in bed, being confined by terrible
bruises and lasccrations received from being
dragged seven or eight hundred lect by
furious horse. While standing by the ;ini- '
I, she suddenly started and caught OT'
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