- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, November 1859
- Date
- 1859
- Volume
- 9
- Issue
- 5
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, November 1859

" oar Espcdallons Met.
oar ,rwury 'm f
...... pruilKJ in claims soon to bo
case to our
дао гз$1и
111 ‘
\Vc elated the
th" l*» wi,k'Ht anJ
10„ the result. IV c have not ken
jpoirtd *,m'
line nnJ anticipate:»!
5!„rv than the 85000 have
since wo ll,e *ri>caI-
|iv>mptJy ami generous-
. . will accept the
.l»-u*4i's of the Hoard for
' 1 . 1 -ympnihy thus 'extended
.1 I'.'vl
,1. .1 1'.-w letters will show the
oral- H'-d A brother in Lou-
v„, find 820, which please
-in 'hfiotis."
„.| i .link lor 830, in answer
|! ,j d , call. It is sent by
Hull'll "
i m Saudi t’.irnlina, without giv-
ia, i" In r residence except the
.it on ibe * nv'-lope, writes:
,11 please accept the cu-
in aid in Domestio illusions,
•• Make K. Miu.ut.”
■in i
a -Enckcd are S10, for Domestic
11 SlMAItF."
«her in South Carolina f.rwanb a
and regrets ho cannot do
has been a good meeting”— “ This is the
best Association [ ever attended," Ac., &c.
'1 ho sympathy manifest in behalf of our
missionary organizations was peculiarly grat¬
ifying. > • ■ II.
An ardent friend of missions in i
to the late, appeal of the Board, writes :
‘II want to live to hail the day when
Southern Baptists will not wait to he called
.upon for means to advance the peat
—when there shall be no cry for means,
but fur men alone."
That will be truly a happy day; and wo
most cordially unite with our Irother in
prayer for its speedy npproaoh,
Decidedly the most unpleasant part of
our work is " brggii iij money." To tell
our brethren what we n-c doing, how we
are-doing it, what onght to be doiio, and
tho means necessary to accomplish it, is an
easy— a pleasant task, liut when it comes
to pleading, entreating, bunching, dktioinu
the Lord’s people for a small portion of tho
Lord’s money to prosecute the lord's work,
we confess no delight in it, and pray to ho
released from it
To he Deplored.
The state of religion may he seen in
this region,” (Covington, Ky,,) writes Bro.
S. Smith, “by the fact that all the churches
in the Association during the last year have
diminished in numbers excepting, 1 think,
two,' — one of them was John’s, one increase
is sis. There is a great religious dearth.
0, when will God jowr out -his Spirit and
revive Ids work, B e must wait, while we
are diligent in sowiug the seed.”
ain no says: _
bold a meeting ,witli* tlds church,
nine wero baptized. St proposed to
I'rimitivo Baptists to.Wnith with ns.
mu nie.st substantial contribu-
•lay I base paid 8700, to ho sent»
Awirmiim for your Board — 8250
far Domestc Missions. If how-
IMmeati' Missions are in greater need
oiauii Missions, you may appropriate
■ill phase ”
- Au letters, of like interest, have
■ •iv.--il e.'iiiaining substantial syui-
'W who have seen our appeal and
f r« allied their aid, remember that
•ire nl' January another quarter will
•"1 these missionaries will have to
-author quarter will close, and those
'«r.ii will have to he paid another
uniox ctttmon— liySyr
Again ho says: •
“ I kl'
and nine
tho I'rimitivo
They held a conference, aStLdissolved as
a church. Some of them . tUijled with us
forthwith, and others will by the icxt
meeting- . ‘».t_
Doan’s CREEK cirncit.
Hero brother S. baptizedltwcntj-fiv?.
iiabjionv cucbcu—
A meeting of nine days .was held with
this church, and twenty-three were added
by baptism ; and six will join, at our nest
Conference. •
ItcpOrls, fur the last quarterfubirty willing
converts baptized, nnd sayS Amusual inter¬
est is manifested among the pimple. Camp-
bellitsand Methodists arc coming for bap¬
tism, and circuit-riders amf .«lass-leaders
arc down upon us, hut alBkhind our
backs. "t !
Mbjritt flestj* fawatiji^yrptjk
“A little boy not quite twelve years
old,” writes.» missionary, ‘.‘joined tho
church, lie told a good experience, and
stated that he had seen himself a sinner
for twelve months, from what he had heard
his mother say about religion.”
Our Assoclalloas.
h"1' hci n privileged to attend sev-
-'№ 'h-lriot Associations during tho
-• months in Virginia, South Caro-
"N’t.-'i and Alabama.' At all of
Wi we-,, received with kindness.
*c witiii«cd deeper interest ill
"f "-'•■-iimary enterprizes of our
“lien. The universal response, from
V ' f’ do- South is that tho tnis-
I"1 su-tained. is not this the
’’ the nifiii, .nee of the “ missionary
511 powi rfolly observed Ly m4>y of
■«the- ? We I arc b en pleased to
11 nwlut ,,rn have been adopted by
'1| if Urn A-Miciations to continue those
""to “Rn ually. More in our next
'' has been our pleasure to
1 !,,|'r.d A-joeiatioos in Alabama,
'"•v have li,;en uniformly of joyful in-
"e have nover attended such a
311011 of Association»! meetings where
much to cheer and so little to
J]’ lllc At srtmo points it was
4 Jcf,,reliniioI that alienation and dis-
Jcal'J prevail over union and -good
Al l,ic*o very places- tho spirit of
, lrii brotherly love seemed to
. 1 ptc-cnincntiy. At all points the
\ CIIMlnn' and of devotion prerailed
lhcsc fcspcctiro bodies. IIow
' ' «hear brethren exclaim, "This
A Allsslonarj’s Lot.
One of our missionaries writes : “I have
to be pastor, preacher, choir, sexton, super-
intend, mt of Sabbath School, teacher of
Bible Class; and if l could ho carpenter,
too, I would finish the church edifice.”
lie adds: “Until this year I have been
labouring for the churches and supporting
myself. My private means have ken well
nigh exhausted.; and this year I have re¬
ceived hut 825, outside of what the Board
allows me. Anil a horse and buggy, acces¬
sary to my work, 1ms cost every dollar I
have received from the Board."
If any one has conceived tho idea that
our missionaries are getting 11 fat salaries '
a year's expcricnco in sonic of the four dis¬
tricts will sweep away tho delusion.
Xevrs from the Held— Alabama.
Brother William Davis, our missionary
here, writes :
‘‘ 1 am happy to state that the cause of
our Heavenly father is progressing. More
than two hundred have been baptized in
this country. Tho brethren are greatly re-
v red. To God Lc all the glory ! I have
assisted in constituting one other clmrclt
during the past quarter, and cigot have
sineo joined, having followed Christ m
obedience to his command, Thcro aro two
to ho baptized at our next meeting.
B. 51. Stevens writea:
“ I held a protracted meeting with this
church which lasted nine days, and .1 bap¬
tized fifteen persons; others v.dlypin it our
next meeting."
kr.rnuR BPBIUO.
Here, tho
brother writes :
‘‘I assisted in tho constitution of a new
church with nineteen members, and one
united by letter.,. I think much good will
be done here. J -
bro. t. r. CIIVIX-
Bnptizcd, at Post Oak Spring, six. At
Salt Creek Church five professed hope ill
Christ. At Hebron Church
was Lsp-
tized. At Mount Gilead %1tr were bap¬
tized and twenty canto forwards mourners
— fuurtcen of whom wero rtffi, nnd ouo
a very old lady.
Brother A. Duncan reports IG baptisms,
and one church constituted during tho past
quarter, and finds the interest on his Geld
. Brpthcr J. II. Breaker reports 15 bap¬
tized tho last quarter, and in
a church with 11 members. Tho Bervico
was performed by a presbytery of cue. It
would greatly rejoice my heart t^lbavo co¬
laborers in this field. I trust that soon the
Lord will incline the hearts of his servants
and sharo with mo the toils and
privileges of a new and opening field, In
they are still destitute. The largest city in
Florida, where a Baptist Church is already
constituted with one of tho best houses of
worship in the State. They aro anxious to
obtain a pastor. It is a very important,
prominent and interesting field. Who will
go to Key West ? Any information desired
can be obtained by writing Charles Howe,
deacon of the Church, or John White,
Clerk, Key West.
Brother T. 51. Bailey, eayi^
‘•The services for tho coloured people
are largely attended, anJ a went of grace
lias been manifest among them during the
quarter. There have been >i|io conver¬
sions amongst them, two.^m'Vmve lech
.baptized ; five baj^
?re*fiRii71uen To jora*tJ8r','f:»i
tbeir owners. In this part of my work I
am encouraged, rtnd fee! that I am not la¬
bouring in vain
Rev. 51. Garrett rej'Orta that lie, in com¬
pany with a brother Johnson, held meetings
as follows : Union Church, seven ' days,
baptized four; at Mountain Station, bap¬
tized twelve, restored two, by letter three ;
At. Spring Hill, baptized twenty-nine, rc-
ito cd two, by letter one; at Liberty Church,
three by cxpcricnco, fourteen baptized, ono
by Idler. Again at Union, baptized tno.
Baptisms daring tho quarter, eixty-ouq.
Among them one .Methodist preacher.
lie adds: “I have been engaged night
and day. I am almost broke down— so
nervous I can hardly write my report.
Prey for mo that my strength fail not,
Brother Win. E. Ilatclicr reports,— our
spiritual condition is lively and encouraging.
The Lord continues His presence with us,
and the unconverted part of our congrega-
gation is large nnd attentive. Sinners aro
occasionally being converted without any
special efforts of the church. The hopes
of the church are bright and flattering.
t North Carolina.
Brother S. 5f. Berry writes, (Sin Co-
Imton,) I feel strengthened in the missiona¬
ry work. Amidst a strong secret opposition
the Lord has blessed us, nnd I have Lap.
tizod 22 willing converts, 10 whites and 3
blacks at Lmchiton, and 11 at one of my
stations ten miles in the country; among the
number II I’cdo-BaplisLs, ono of whom has
been a Methodist 30 years, and till lately
did not know tho Baptist faith, and had
been taught to think them unsound on
almost every point of faith.
The moans employed „hero have been
blessed to the salvation of souls. The Sab¬
bath School and weekly prayer-meetings aro
well attended, and the pwpdcte for good
arc encouraging.^,,
A ' v ! - j
tl" i -‘
The interest among the blacks continues,
aiul tho pastor, Brother llalo, Is much en¬
Brother Ford writes, our congregations
aro very largo, and prayer-meetings are be¬
coming deeply interesting. I trust God is
. jbuuLtn visit,
pleasure to male ’h move cheering rcjwr
than I did last quarter. Our church seems
much revived, l’raycr-mcetings are well
attended— and congregntiuns enlarged. —
Seven additions by letter and two by bap¬
tism. We arc holding daily meetings — List
night five or six at llm anxious scat. Tho
scattered forces arc being collected— those
who remained away from God’s Imuso arc
now attending regularly, We Have added
to our Sunday School Library about 50
volumes since last report— tho average at-
-tcndance of pupils 75. Tho Lord is in tho
midst of us. All pfaisc to his holy name.
North Arkansas.
Brother John W. Miller writes,— I have
had many interesting meetings this quarter,
hut who is sufficient for this work, when
thousands of souls that sit under my minis¬
try are unprepared for the presence of God I
Fray for your missionary.
Brother G. W. Kcniiard writes,— The
Lord lias visited three of my churches in
mercy and greatly revived hi? people, pur
ticulavly Cedar Grove. Such a. growing
sensou I have scarcely ever witnessed.
There were 23 accessions to tho church by
baptism, and -1 or 5 others will unite llie
first opportunity. At Pilgrim’s Kent 4 con¬
versions and 2 baptisms. At 51t. Pleasant
4 conversions and 3 baptisms.
During tho quarter thus far reported 557.
Iii a Delightful Slate.
Bro. Fleming, of Sumter District, S. C
gives a pleasing account
tho progress iu
ono of the churches ho serves.
“I commenced preaching to this church
last January. They were then In a cold
state— ‘ready to die.’ Our congregation
had vastly improved. Wo have a flourish¬
ing Sabbath School, have baptized several,
and expect to baptize ten others nest Sab¬
bath. The church is in a delightful state,
enjoj ing a constant revival, and moving lor-
want, enlarging its Lordors and its sphere oi
What a happy stato could it bo said of
all our churches, “■ they are'enjojing a con¬
stant revival.” ’■
"" ' ;
... mMmm.i V.V?"
A Day at lk'llianj, S. C.
Tho first Sabbath in- September was an
intern ting day st Bethany. Tho old church
having been pulled down to make way for
our new bouse of worship, seats wero ar¬
ranged in tho grove, and we held our ser¬
vices in the open oir. Commencing at 10
A. M. with tho Sabbath School — in which
tho pastor has an interesting Bible class —
we had as usual threo sermons, two to tho
white and ono to the colored ; received and
baptized one colored, (with an address at
tho water,) and met and conversed with
eight inquirers. The woman baptized —
Louisa, a French negress— was raised
а Во¬
Catholic, and was bought in New Or¬
leans by her present owner, Mr. Ik, of
Louisiana. At that time she woro her
beads ami Cross, and knew no prayers but
those taught by tho priest. Her mistress,
however,, niado her acquainted with the
truth as it is in Jesus, nnd in her visits to
her relatives in this country, brought Louisa
with her. At Bethany, Louisa found a Sa¬
viour— was baptized, and went on her way
rejoicing. Slio is a most intelligent negress :
oimvcrnes fluently in French and English;
and her mistress, who witnessed her espousal
to Christ, assured nm that slio was
companion to her than a servant. They livo
on the Mississippi river, have no church
nearer than twenty, miles, and henco, I sup¬
pose, will hold her membership Lcrc.
Our new church is raised, and will soon
bo completed. It is a vast improvement on
the former building; in modern style; of
greater capacity, and will lc. a neat and
tasty structure.
J. J. F.
Our Herman Missions.
at. Louis, mo.
jI Miuwuary’i GmtiluJe.
Our brother llneuslcr, in closing Ids last
year's labors, expresses himself thus:— The
first year of my labor as a missionary of
your Board has ended. jVith pleasure Kayo
' •(youq.dircclT5i.'„.3Viih:F”"-
ihoutTroublof- IfTile
, . ,t
pleased with what I have done in’ tho mis¬
sion field ns I nm with them, I do not ask
any more. May tho Lord help (lie Board
with means nnd tnen to do much good, and
especially among the great nnmkr of Ger¬
mans, my own brethren according to tho
flesh, f would be glad if the Board would
•appoint mo another year ns their missionary
in St. Louis.
Mccliniji 11 ill AttmtkJ.
Bro. l'aschiog writes:— In somo families
I have ken very kindly received, nnd they
listened earnestly about tho salvation of
their souls; but in others they aro afraid
wheu I
nnd have a thousand excuses
about the right gospel-religion.
Our meetings Imre ken in general quito
well attended. Ouo German school-teacher
attends our meetings regularly with his
whole family, and what gives mo a little
hope is, that lie said to one of our members
that ho liked the Baptist ohureli, because
they preach the pure word of God, Some
others would like to coute, and they do
sometimes, but don’t
tuin/c, but
listen outiblc— so that I havo sometimes
more hearers outside than inside.
At a subsequent dato lie writes :
2’Ac 1% to Obtain Jllaiingi.
Bcv. \V. Fascbing, of New Orleans, says."
“ I havo received a great
blessings by
going from hou»o to house, inviting the peo¬
ple to
to Jesus. Boms listen earnestly,
others with mocking; others .«till arc afraid
to open their doors to me or to take a tract.
But I will go again and again, and earnestly
pray the Lord both to cause them to think
on tho subject of religion and convert them.
‘Ilis arm is not shortened.”’
Bro. Fascbing adds:— “I will mention
one visit toa lloraanizt’s family, toahow how
great is their darkness. After- wo had been
conversing awhile, tho following- dialogue
craued: 1
‘Have you a BtbW • • ’ ’ ’-
‘No, sir— neither do I want one.’ . i
<>Vby do you not want cue!’- f-* , ■ ’. *
‘Because we are -Roman Catholics,. and,
j .
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