- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, February 1860
- Date
- 1860
- Volume
- 9
- Issue
- 8
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, February 1860

LVTiP \!
KKliUl’.VUY, 1M0.
Our .Vsnclale.
Paring llic bt
wir Moved
ocnto. Lwilior
Holman, lias been mi-
perform any office «oik, in c.mso-
il№ of in affection of his eye?, I'n.ni
ho has suffcrctl severely. l'Y.irs .are
by phy-ioiaii tint lie my
v.rireJ eulively ofsi^bt.
;,wJby liim t" dr-i-t IVoiii all labor tint
tat the organ-*. We regret
of tin’ labors
m> useful an
l’arke Hank, New Vink, for Two llumlreel
PoIIjis, for the tioiiilicm Baptist Domestic
Mission Hoard. Yours truly,
W. 11. T.
•To Vo
и г
__ I liave ib'l'ii-itcil to your ciedit ill -
l ive Hundred Hollar-, niy donation to the
Domestic Mis-ion Hoard of the S. H. (!.
Yours truly, T. I*. M.
l'rsolmi, That in the death of our belo¬
ved brother, the cause of Chris*, lias lost
devoted friend, and an earnest and success¬
ful laborer, nliosc desire and aim were ever to
advance the interest:! of humble piety, and
the salvation of immortal souls.
honor and bless to the salvation of precious
snub. Besides theso are found several
Chinese converts preaching Christ to tlio
A few Words from Iiro. Shuck.
Sacramento, Cal., Deo. 2, 1S50.
“ By your last favour I received notice of
willing hearers. Two church edifices are my. appointment as
° r .• i ,i .. I Caliturni». This is in consonance w in my
now in process of erection under the super- : ,0|1„
w.ialic9. i hi„ccrely lift my
vision of our missionaries. The money has ' |icalt t0 (-u(j j*or |-tes|, spiritual preparation
An Enlightened I'oiNelencc.
("hmhii*, (la., Dee. Hitli, 1859.
Di'.Mi Hun. Su.MMtit:
Mince 1 saw ynu at the Association, 1 nm
( ciiii'inceil I did not pay you
much in I
an I a
of our brethren ui« interest , ought to bate done, mi hero are fifteen dob
ir w.iyeri. that he may ho speedily re- Ur* <Slf,) more for the Marion Hoard. "
bcid lb. In the meanwhile, we
jlJollie lest we can. 'and hope for the
,„nac J cooperation of the friends of the
M. T. Sumner, .V. .See.
Appointments fur Jannarj.
.,1V h. Geiger, T.ituall comity, (la.
T 1’ llooil, H.i'e-villo, Aik.
, .ff. Webb, West Point, Miss.
r R. Ford, Xa-hvillc,
i. (loo. Mitchell, St. Louis, Mo., to the
,T Harvey Gilbert, California,
rJ.T.il’. Vernon, Hartwell and Mill-
Town churches, Ha.
11. C Bay ly, .Stokes’ and l'ursy th eo.'s,
,v M. ijamtt,
Spring Hill and
Providence churches, Ala.
|i 0. Lawrence, Mt. Gilead and Pvovi-
iknee churches, Ala.
Iv.Z.G. Henderson, Pensacola, Fla.
Oar Receipts,
lir.ng this sea-on of the year, are unit-n¬
it where you need it inn-t. I am now on
my way to M., where [ shall settle tempo-
rurily i,t lea-t. I will try my best In iirou-e
the mkhmary spirit that seems to he slum¬
bering in a measure in that portion of the
field, Vonrs truly,
A. L. 11.
••In One Corner."
We received an official letter from a bro¬
ther in Virgina, and in
comer, very
modc-tly e.\prc-.sed, is (ho following: "In
the course nf the Spring draw on me lbr
Filly Dollar*, as a contribution from mo to
your came."
Thank you, brother, in behalf of (iod’s
poor, •* Inasmuch as you have ilono.it unto
one of the lea-t of these my brethren, yo
have done it unto mo."
А Пне
Dear Hi'.orimt Sumner.
1 thank you for yours of the 17th, this
moment at hand, notifying mo of my rciui.v
ness in not long since remitting the Soli,
subscribed in liicliumml k-t May, lbr the
Hum’s Mission House*. Often have I
thought of this amount when -away . from
loi-lriis-, tnfil’ViijJijiiig the comforts of a
■juit t home, but tievir at the proper time,
, , , , , viz. wlieii at and diiriue bu-im-s hours.
.; small, and, thcrelore, we are under the xll|Wltl|lll K [ ulll wuher forgetful when at
*4J ot
those who e.ib-eobed j bu-iinae, about matters outside, and apart
mt salts! of Domestic and Indian Miv from regular bii.-inc.s-. I name this as an
mat oar association» Li-t year, and have . c!.cii-o, but not to ju-tilv my neglect. I
>ud the amount of tbeiv subscriptions, *"r< '""I;"*;' " f'"" '*'■ f '
. 1 the tault i have eolimultisl, I it So long with-
wtitil tliein. a toon as convenient to unr . |lll!,|:|lf. ,|1;l, which iiuelit siv . . tin ngu
a-uier, Win. lioriibuekle, Marimi, -M.i. • hum sent lbr the benefit of others »mrc
Hu demands upon us, during the Spring. , ms tly, and more wolthy. I * nelo-o you my
■ * icy. llMhrm, rum-ink- mu- nce.n- "" -Vl'" Y"lk >'ir f*-b ami hope it
will eolne sale to hand, and mii.uii,
Vuur-, very truly.
Plieek n-eeivid— thanks lbr this prompt
reply and gi neruus gift. Thelunu-e is up,
and brother Hums enjoying its comfort.
Wlio is lint thankful till- cold winter i1
‘ol during lie (jnarh t rwlimj J) rc.31.
Blacks, 53.
Clerks of Association*.
j" "i|uest (he Clerks nf nil the Haptist
|">’,.itioii*, throughout the South, to lbr-
a copy of their .Minutes for l.'5'.l.
“|ie this reipiest will he pnnnptly coin-
1 a villi, and our grateful thanks shall
I * mimed. Address •• I), .mestie Hoard,
The Right Kind.
'Fucked 1 hope y.-u will find S3 for
!: m Missions. May a gracious tlnd bless
I work.”
I Herewith I semi you a draft nu New
nn* for One Hundred Dollars, which
1 “ill please apply to Dome-tie or Indian
I »nis. as ino-t needed.”
Tours truly, _
"fi'ro. Sumner:
"disc1 j SCII,i yftn So0 for j
‘Wan Jli»imn from a sister in Vancey-
fsihurch, X. 0.
Vours truly,
Ik Dodson.
hwtWizc all the ministers in N. C.
I *°
brother D. has, — send us any
placed in your hands lbr Domestic
. khan Missions, We would like to
f ’J'uto all our ministering brethren agents
1 c Hoard. Brethren, will you serve?
‘'РУ и
Iw, , , lfimiihtit, Mo,
Li*, ,. c«Jnscd 85, and appropriate
I1n Missions, and m.iy the Lord
. -.-ms, mm may tl
I.: own name in the conversion of
H»i- 1 "amo in the c
F * uns. With much estc-
“Once 3Iorc.”
Tmn-i ,, .
Atvjmla, Oa.
t , e, 3 favor I al" permitted
10 hand you enclosed, check on
Ksioali’dge Incwaslng.
Wc are pleased to find upon our table
" The li.ipti-t Messenger,” lief. M. I.jou
lMitnv ami Proprietor. Mempids, Teaue-
see, This is a valuable ad-litiou to the finn-
ily of religion* Ncw.-pipir.-, and bids fair to
become the lion of its tribe.
We received the first number of tin*
*• L-iiidni.irk Banner and Cherokee B.ipli-t,"
but have failed to receive any oilier num¬
ber, P.ditcd by Rev. J. M. \\o«*l. May it
be a useful contribution to the cause of a
sound religious literature.
We liuve ill
received the first two num¬
bers of the “ Baptist Correspondent,” IMi-
ted by Bov, W. C. Buck, Marion, Alabama.
The lvlitor will feel at lmme on resinning
the Chair F.dilorial. lie will bring the ex-
pevieneo of many years to bis aid. So wc
see there is a prospect of having a sufficient
supply of lloligioui Newspapers. We should
have noticed the first two at an earlier date,
but absence from the office in performance
of duties, and pressing engagements, while
at home, are our only excuse.
/.Wwf, That we sympathise with the not been spent in vain, the labor not with- 1 for the great year’s v*rk before n.o. I am
v ‘ ..... _
I.,... . . rant l riTllVOTS.
bereaved family of tho deceased, .ami com¬
mend them to tho consolations of Him who
ever caretli for uvemd, wbinte grace is sulfi-
lient under all the trials of life.
lirvi/ml, That a copy of these resolu¬
tions be placed upon the records of the Board,
and be sent lbr publication ’in the Mis-is-
sippi Baptist and, also bo furnished to the
family of the deceased. |
By order of the Board, i
W.M. II. MolSToSU, 1 ’residua.
11. Hot, MAN, ) c, , ■(
M.T. Su.'iNrat, j ,<'u'rf,"r,c*;
J iiriuii, Ait., Dec. llitli, 1859.
Shuck mijnrd the jMilanite nf
lit" Sucrttinatto Church— Gamut Mis-
twnurj fur Ctllfurniii — His llr/.ttrlurr.
It is now some five ot six years since bro¬
ther Shuck left the Eastern States for a res¬
idence in California. ' '
The L’nlcrpr!ze._
The expectations of the- friends of the
Mission enterprise, which lie was coiiunl-
sioiicd to sti| crintcnd, have not been di*a|i.
pointed. The Domestic Board, aided Ay
tliat noble land of brethren iu Virginia, the
Hoard of the Goshen Association, entered
red - t-chir
ire.h’as’cstaojeihed an effi¬
cient and working cfuircK In^Sicrbmento
City. IJuilt a chapel for the u*o of tho
Chinese congregation, and baptized many
into the fellowship of both these ilmielics.
Several of the Chinese convcits have been
lieen-cd to preach the go- pel to their fellow
countrymen, and have lurni-hed substantial
aid iu promoting the cau-e i f Christ in that
i’aeilic State, whither thou-niids of China's
inhabitants have flocked in pursuit of the
trea-ures of thin world — blessed lie God,
many of them have found the putrl if ijrral
" Ihiptist Cm idtir."
In addition to these labors, bmtlicr 8, lia-,
out tho most cheering results.
Chinese CumcrU.
Two nf the Chinese converts, Ah Mooey
and Leong Cliak, who have been engaged
for some time iu preaching to their country¬
men, in California, have returned to China
and are now in the service of the Foreign
Board as Missionaries in Canton. Remark¬
able providence ! But we rejoice that our
brother Shuck has been able to see bis la¬
bors so much blessed, and that, thuugli lie
could nut himself return to China, lie could
furnish China's own sons made anew in
Christ Jesus, through Ids hutule efi'urts to
bold up the cross iu that idolatrous land,
where re]ioses the mortal remains of his
sainted llcnricttl.
Tlds good brother writes : “ For two
weeks past 1 have been engaged in getting
material fur building
I have undertaken to build a house thirty
by forty-ciglit feet, two stories high. The
lower story twelve Icet, and the upper story
nine feet, with a steeple fur bell. Height
of building from the top of the first floor
lo tbe top of steeple forty-three feet. The
effort I make alone without calling on other
churches. The material for the building
is nearly all on the ground, and the carpen¬
ters hard at work. 1
have your sympathies and prayers,
1 struck tlic first lick since
sure I
Two days ago _ -
bearing of my new appointment, by secu¬
ring an eligible lot, 100 by 130, for a Bap¬
tist church in the new town of Lincoln,
five miles from Sacramento, at tlo cud ot
the Hailroad. It was presented by Col.
\V km, the proprietor of the town.
" I bar e been sent for to preach the ded¬
ication of brother Gilbert’s new edifice at
isan Raphael, and the first Sunday after my
new appointment takes effect will likely bo
there. 1 will keep you constantly posted
of my movements, Jtc., Ac.
"Tho Chinese brethren arc affording mo
fine help in the servico of the chapel.
There are several more eri(|uircrs on hand.
1 shall not be away too often, or go too far,
so as to endanger this .interesting enter-
prize here. 1 mentioned in my last the
baptism of All Kec. There is one more
unusually' bright man whom I hope soon
to baptize, and have hopes of his useful¬
“ Davis and Hopps are tangibly encour¬
aged iu their field. So is West. Gilbert
is specially rejoicing in the promising pros¬
pects of his labours.”
with fear ami trembling uponjthe re-|«m.-i-
bility of sustaining
expensive a mission.
Hut the effort has been generously and
promptly kept up. Brother;. Shuck lias - -
shown himself a man ^
rill, plastered and hard finished. And thus ur-
am lipping to finish
ganiic a Baptist church, and open a board¬
ing-school under the Bapti-t name.
raised one tlnni-aml- dollars on subscription,
part of it paid, and the balance l expect to
get while the building is going up, and
constantly increase the amount. I have
lut so much as called upon one Baptist
memlii r. In cause they are down in Marin
county, mid aie paying me for preaching
perhaps as much as they arc able to pay.
1 think by anil by the Baptist members will
hat they possibly can. The Baptist
denomination in this
lute havo tried sev¬
eral times to establish a Baptist seminary,
but have always failed to acemupli-h any-
‘luring the past year, devoted considerable "dug for want of union and menns. 1 b
Rev. Martin Ball.
Whereas, in the providence of an all wise
God, brother Martin Ball, our agent ia Mis¬
sissippi, lias been removed by death, from
the field of his earthly labors, therefore,
llcsnh-td, That while we deem it our duly
to submit to this painful dispensation with
Christian resignation, wc cannot but feci
that a heavy blow lias fallen upon the Board
of Domestic and Indian Missions of tho
Southern Baptist Convention.
of his time to the editing of tho " Baptist
Circular.” He found it ncce.-svry to have
au organ in C. that could be employed in
sustaining Baptist views of the great Bible
doctrines, and arou-ing a deeper feeling of
interest among the scattered brethren found
throughout this rapidly growing territory.
General Missionary,
But the time bad come, as lie conscieu-
tiini-ly believed, when be
break loose
from these endeared relations and take into
view the wants and interests of the whole
State. He therefore resolved to resign the
pastorial office, and receive a commission
from tlic Hoard as its General Missionary,
to look after the feeble churches, gather into
church organizations the scattered Baptists,
and encourage the pastors in their soui-
saving work, as well as to look out and bring
into efficient operation the young men of
talent who might, under God, be made instru¬
ments of doing much good, A great work
indeed 1 Who is sufficient fur sucli respon¬
sibilities 1 May the Great Teacher qualify
our brother for Ids new position, and make
him eminently useful.
concluded then could bo no reasonable ob¬
jections to my doing all 1 can in every way
In promote the Baptist cau-e. 'Jim build¬
ing will cost about 82,090 ; and 1 necessa¬
rily want faith tliat works by love, and per¬
severance also, unto tin: end, until the
building is paid for, the church mid school
established, and in successful operation.
“ l'KOsl’KCTH.
*• Tho Baptists in this State are evidently
\ increasing iu unmbers, ami l havo rca.-on
; to believe in luve and good woiks.”
Tlic (fermans.
ST. (1UNF.V1F.VJ:, 510. . .
“ I have ju't returned homo after an ab¬
sence of four weeks. I hope my journey
was not in vain. Yesterday I had a very
full Imasc, with a German Catholic family,
fiv in number. Had some conversation,
and read the Bible lo them till 11 o'clock
the night. Tlicy wcro V5ryjri4idly„^<7--
.invitcd-niC'-lOlij'bMr T have- nopq of •*'
them if they stay away from tho priest. I
visited the
on tlic 2nd Friday in October, 1859, and
found enough talk, but I am sorry to say, a
little missionary action. My dear brethren
in the ministry neglect to teach their mem¬
bers their duty. We have wealth enough
in our Plate and churches, but tho brethren
won’t east their bread u|*on the waters;
and 1 believe only because they are igno¬
rant, and know not that every believer is a
priest of Giid, and if they cannot preach
the Gospel themselves, they owe the great
duty to God to sustain others, and if every,,
minister would leach the whole Bible it
would bo different. Wc have thousands of
Gcim.au •
Cliinc.se Convcrls.
j Brother , Shuck, Nuv. 18th, 1859, rays:
j On lust January evening, at the close of
a missionary discourse to a large audience,
1 baptized atiullier interesting and intelli¬
gent Chinese convert, named All Kec.
There ure still other inquirers. Indeed,
this man is not tho ouo 1 supposed would
; lo tho next to avow Christ openly. It is
tho Lord's doing, I'raiso lo his name!”
Brother S. further says, “Tho Chinese
1 brethren are again refitting their
, and have in hand nearly all the money
M e commend him to the prayers of all _
for thc cxpcnso. Thc.. arc activu
who love our Lord Jesus Christ. _ anJ co.orerativo Christians. One of the
J he Change. grcat hinderanccs to ministers in this coun-
Tlicrc was no one in California that onr * try is thc lack of co operation on tlic part
brother could regard as his co-laborer when of mcinbc s of thc churches, Chinese
ho landed in San Francisco, 1854. How brethren set an example worthy of imita-
greatly has God blessed this mission, now , tion by our American mcmbeis. These
under tho appointment of the Board of Do- ■ good Chinese brethren, too, nialo it a point
mcRtic Missions of thc Southern Baptist to share in tho
Convention, can be found, Oilbcrt, West,
D.ivis, and Hopps, all good and true men,
whose labors the Great Master is pleased to
necessary in sustaining tho preaching
tlic Gospel,”
“ IDOL-WORSllirrnttS
in our State, (heathens.) Tin) Americans
in MisNiuri have money enough' to send
them the bread of life, but if it was not
for the honourable Board of tho Southern
Haptist Convention in Marion, these poor
Germans would set in darkness and die as
idol-nnrsliippers. May tho Lord ldcss your
Ibeitd and people, temporally and spiritu¬
ally, in this
oi Id, and much more in tho
world to come. Auien.
“ Petek Kline.
“AW. 23(5, 1859.”
ST. LOUIS, 510.
As a church, wo are in thc sowing time,
but it seems to me, wo shall iu due time lo
permitted to harvest again. Dee. 20th wo
had a
in ouv iiiceting-lioibc, which was quite full,
wc made presents to sixty-threo children,
as they al! attended our school regularly
with few exceptions. Tho parents of these
children attended this feast also, though
most of them arc nut Baptists.
My people paid this quarter $17 75 to
our 8
ml ay school.
Strong Faith.
" Our cuemie.s,” writes brother W. Fasch-
ing, “ do all they can to stop us in our
work. Tho Lutherans and Methodists aro
preaching agaiust us, and have forbidden
their members to go to our meetings) Ac.
But what arc all tho men to- Him who hid
power iu heaven and on earth 1 Therefore, '
pray for us, and for tho work in our city.
A Warm Breeze.
Bro. Alfred Corn, Georgia, writes: “I
have just closed a meeting of considerable '
interest, which continued ’ nine days ; and
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