- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, May 1860
- Date
- 1860
- Volume
- 9
- Issue
- 11
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, May 1860

Ч \|
ШС1ГМ0Х1) УЛ.,
of mm mim,
Her. P. Holman,
llarJl "ur:
maining assets, ami tlio small balance to lie j of Worship was dclicntcd
}wl' J'f ,,J>Voi
,l,bt °f
Sabbath in this month
Oliuich wime oxer S2I, 000, win promptly .. . , , . 4 ,Ji>!
and dim fully us.-umed by
Stan.ling I ,Mn,0» of 1’hlladdpbia,
. J Unmmitlcc of I hu t 'liurrli. It only remains . №^'"n. to a crowded house.
LiefUsl ul ,uc ! - ... 1 tint there subscriptions (a<-ob) be promptly ' learned that many wont away unit
'‘"Г"»5 Р1М "'У'"'
Ja'n" “ b. Our new House at \
J, ja the offioo. lie will hcixpveteil to , lurneslly rei|iiest those brethri'ii V'lioaro still !
■“ .. „„„tent rcsird to his health [ in anears, tu forward tlio amount >.f their in- 1 - , .
I goo
. _ lainkf
! ho dono there. I oxnoet toroid".!
[lit summer.
bg a |
t'loca- j
t about !
HjlTocLllohimkreaftertoi . M. T. SFMNUR, | gatinns at that place, and I tiling
I1 i u,-'u .ho duties of <■ u _ "T . 1 T ■ -
IjtN “"l “1 , . , ... i i ,, „I . ,7' ' muetings (hero in a short time.*.
lie r J be »Ue, wo trust, lo «.it July Jli.SS Mlsslt.lt Mei’lillKS. ! Ito|icc tbt j lmc aiJcJ iu ccnsl
1 1 ,b. A»*WioM and Conventions M
cull attention In these mee.tngs thus C,,nrc!| ,
t11 ",e
^..T"8* f"r i
destitute section of eoun.
l Tbe ",on,b ,,f ;lul>- ,l
U rt,m'u‘- 1 13 miles from this .dace. They
i Ktcu, was n*commcn«M by (lie S. H. C. j
I M' ;!
M,i'fe ri7 ,o I,|,M MW,rr» r-6^ ! »-i 1™
л™ и. к. Щи »
Г"1' г Т
want of means
- '
“ ^Vs
***&*' ' «Mr paster. We have a small T
Ipiitimcnl for ' " n biiiilhciu tm. i here meetings were held j n.u.risT 110()K llU.OSIT0I?:
| j U fibito to Ikiyvc.I, I generally lot year, aid |»m«lui4,«l goml ro
l* than our
j ^ m Hiy of the a^diti
him rtem- * |hu arrall„omont 0lir ^rmcipUfwill be
I mcn ":ir.",-r;:::.,bi5 ^ ; .,:.e kn«„
Д.. Щ «и-
l,B.ybe|’"^«;^ - - j [Torn (lltr ITIl’IlllS. i ly Ilian herctefero. [ liopo the J|oid will
|№ anil PromlsillS Fields. ; We have
during the |.i-t month, | bl''-s this good wuik. It is also jny plea-
|, ml ptoua-mg Bolds are presented m.mj. ki|ll, t.XI r,Sfi„uj (lf
mpoill.y from's"r0 10 aunounec to you that cue of cur j
for our eerupiney, new (owns j e|u j,(; fr;etll|.t al|l| ll|llri. than nn ro wmd-, ; >IHI"o "'embers has decided, after,! cousid-
, jngnp-ituporlantpetiils ihrmigli. ||w f„r w ^nnot
Ц. |щ,
1 erallo struggle in his own mind, “
1 .vutli and "'est are being nettled. I „ratl,fu| lf (lllr
wi|| H,m| ,H ,|j.
,|1 wo do for them ■ lllil,n • , riet their eoutributious, we cm do without
let otlura hive pos.-cs.-ion, am , ||l0 expen.-o of ageney wink, and why can
want to seo our brethren interested in the
Mission cause, because it is Christ's cause,
and not because it is our Mission. This
influence wo must guard against, it tends t»
selfishness, and is uot an indication of a
high, and cultivated religious sentiment. —
Hut nevertheless, we think our llrothcr’s
work is biiugitig out the results over which
ho will havo oeoasiou to rejoice iu the last
- ■■■■■—' .~-W-
Wli.it u Missionary Says.
Kaytraets to Ilmr — Quite a Contrast.
Johnston's Station, )
' McIntosh Co., Ga. )
Drab HttOTiiEit Sumnf.u— Sabbath be¬
fore last I was at my regular monthly ap¬
pointment on
I reached that point by a journey by
water of some ten or twelve miles — a jour-
V. s'
V #*•
- ~v
under tlio influence of a mcro formal Chri ■
tianity. ]!ut bo is doing good, and1 sowing-'
tbe precious seed. . .
California. ’
llrother Gcorije K. Ducts, Alamo, Con¬
tra Cas/a County, says: "Our Prayer (
meetings are interesting, and wo are pray-. ' ’ >
ing for tbe Spirits' power. Our Sabbath
School is increasing ; wo have 3'2 scholars
and. formed a l!iblo„Cla«a.last>Sabbath^r.(;4
We shall, God willing, hold a meeting at
Managa Valley next Sabbath, and expeat
to receive four members by letter.” ■ i '
, 4 go as
, |fy the ground ■ "’"II
, am
I that our
their responsibilities.—
Lint bo siti-fled to do no iiioiu
|„ i„e been doing. Oar couutry is
Jig rapidly- _
"I am doing to Work."
Cam going to work,” said n young min-
|ii bother, in our olliec a few days
n If we pistors will only do our duty,
1 null ho no need of agents ; and,
j ljoJ hold us responsible to teach
[splf their duty to tlio great >Ii«it.n
!iw?” 0! Iiowdid our heart rejoice
they uot ? where there is a let'll there is n troy
Hrcthren smvo all tiie expense you can, and
lot us hear from you fri'ipR'iilly.
A Com'ditin.
In the November No., lint. 1!. M, Sto
veils, of Alabama, is said to have baptized
twenty-five at “ Do-e's Crock Church "
These persons wye baptist d by J'lWcr
Slterloy, pa-tor «if the Church. Ilruther
Slovens was merely asd-iing him in the
mectitig. This correction is made at the re-
fpiest of Bro. Stevens. '
■ s expression of a pious man of God!
litis be the purpose of all, and let till do
[ml the treasury would soon ho full.
Irlleqaarter enliiig March .31-1 : In
hsaos'ic department, Go ; in the In-
lipirlmenl, dd thus far reported.
the Board— April
Junes M Bryan, Green 1'nvcr
f v "'ui. F, celling, to the German, N.
1 J. K. Mon linli ill, Feriumlina, Fl.t
f'.J. II. lireakrr, l’rineevillo, Fla.
To our Missionaries.
1 'fpiest the Mh-bauri' S, in making
' "reports, to fill all thn blanks; ntid
"tii'ul.ir to give the S. S. stiti-tics, and
""ho whole number of weeks in a ijii ir-
"e not Iren occupied, to state the
' 10 A'1 Wr ammipanyiug their re-
'■ or their cpi irterago may be cut down,
Iror l Mpiirc to know why tlio whole
e« not horn occupied.
Rev, z. c, Uomii-rson.
1 "'g'et to learn tint this brother has
” ""Polled to Mi-pond his labors as I 'a-
1 Ae Ihpii.r I’hureh in I’en-aeola, Fla.,
•^nenco of continued ill-health. We
'"ysocri he restored, and liieChitrch
’k4c Ae benefit of his faithful labors.
taOrlMiiiihpM Church. ’
, ‘T Tl. Con a lit ion Ilch mail.
-s -'evhlc to the instructions of tlio S. 11,
a.,,. I"IP.''I'° authoiizcd their See-
. ., r:n.'° 'lie necessary amount to liii-
i..i: . in . n ..
'.'W.l|"vnf 11,0 Golisoiim Place ll.i
1.7' Orleans, accordingly in
ij 'i I'inaneial Secretary preeoed-
mI ' Ai'S'Crtiin the condition of that
m A° provision, if possible for its
., J ,
of the Board since
, ,, 'I'1’"1 to meet the respon-
'her ' IC V''lnrcnt'°" i" the premises,
?.ro no,r bppy to nonounco tliat
Tr'l'.:"\,CCUT'1 ^ mortgigeon the
10 ^vo fieeu fully nut and tlio
1 freasuror of the Hoard of Trustees,
siw, received as cash the few ro-
s of II Misxioiiill'y. Tin1
(.'out! (lone.
Wild Haws, Ark,, )
March 20, IblllV j
To the IluirJ of Doiiwstir Missions:
BllAUl.V iin.dVbll Bltl.TIIItt’.N — Wilftl 1
rotro-pect the past and tala' in view what
has been aecmipli-hed in North Aikan-a-
ihrongh the iuslriiliiclitality of your Hoard,
my heart swells with gratitude to God
When 1 came In re eight ycius ago, there
were Imt few iiiinislus and a lew scattered
churches, vvhi.-h were imildo to Mi-tain tluir
ministers. Vnur Hoard has continued to
aid this deatituto Held, and wo tiro now of
the opinion that neatly all of our Churches
■ire aide lo sustain their mini-try. My oh-
j.'Ct Ins not been so much to ililarge our
I'nd 1 as to make our churches self su-lnining.
Anil in answer to tlm.-o earnest petitions that
the l,.ird Ilf the harvest would sent us more
I iborers, wo now number five more than we
did la«t year. 1 have given up those .-elf
,u-| lining Churches to other mini-lcrs.
There .-till remains great destitution vve.-t of
White Hirer.
Your Brother iu C'hri-t,
From a lieliinicd Ml-isloiiai'j.
The. True Spirit.
Di'.Alt BitDTiiHt: Plea-o find enclosed
five dollars (6o) from nivself and afflicted
wile, to he applied to Doinistio Mis-inn
purposes. Our income is small, Imt we
feel much iuiere-ted in Ibim-tic Mi-sion-,
and vvi-li I" add a small mile iu forwarding
the great vvnfk.
We, of couf.o, feel more nearly identi¬
fied with 1’oicign Mivioiis— having once
been engaged in the work when my com-
j, anion failed :n health— still wo love and
pray for Bomr.-tic Missions.
How iinpoitant f*r iis as a denomination,
lo occupy the terii lories as they are settled.
I am truly thankful to learn that our breth¬
ren in California are doing such a good
work, ami, that our brethren among the
Indians are being blessed iu their labors of
1 lnvc recommended hint to tlio Foreign
Board. These things encourage us. We
feel to thank God for Ids goodness and re¬
new our etfurls in his cause. I hope, and
lii inly believe, there is a brighter day for
the Biptist cause in Athens. Brethren,
pray for us.”
Cliiwjtc or I’iisioi'iil Kelafions,
By letter received wo learn that the Rev.
J. K. Mcndinliall lias resigned (ho Pastor¬
ate of the Camden Baptist Church, S. 0.,
and accepted ilia charge cf thejilaptist
Church iu i'ernandina, Fla. 'This i! an im¬
pel lent point to ha
most so in the State, when looked at pros¬
pectively, Wo hope cur brother will find
his labors greatly blessed in building up a
strung and .successful Church.
Camden, Arkansas.
House Goimj Up.
Brother T. G. Freeman says : “Wo have
just returned from New Orleans. The ob¬
ject of the trip was to obtain assistance to¬
wards our Church building. We succccd-
, cd iu raising a little over one thousand dol-
uoyno-ivay pleasant in cold, hot, or rainy |1Wj
ngjcj t0 |fi0 sura we raised
weather — hut pleasant to meet the large i ,|ler0 )ast Spring, makes about eighteen
colored congregation that comes out gladly J |iulljrcj Julbrs raised in New Orleans.—
to hear the word, as it is impossible for j *pi,j3 |,33 b(cn obtained not from Baptiste,
them to hoar it unless it is carried to them J |,ul frum tl,0 citizen" generally, Our build-
on tlio Island, out oir, as they are, from all j progressing slowly, but now that I
communication with the main land.
La-t Sabbath morning I preaehed at
Johuston’s Station, where I have con-th
tutcil a little Church, bohlly struggling for
life. In the afternoon L preached at
A little Church, located in a very poor and
destitute neighborhood. My congregation
was good ; several came on font five ami six
miles. After preaching, the congregation
assembled at tbe water for tlio purpose of
baptism. 1 administered the ordinance to
five colored persons, two of tluse, (a man
and bis wife,) very old. By the time we
were through, tbe sun bad sunk iu the
. •*
(lull's Blessing upon >S. Schools.
We notice in many of the loiters of our ,
Mi-.-ionury brclliicn, lb.it while their 1
miles from home, and, on foot. As I lin¬
gered, conversing vviih those that had gitli
cicd around me, (men and women,) I
thought vvliat a contrast to many who were
more highly favored — blessed with lino linr-c.-
and cart iages, and a good road lo the Church,
Churches arc not favored with a revival, j jet always finding fault because the Church
is not at their very door.
A l’Ic.'TL'tlE.
their Sibbath schools are increasing, and
much interest is manifested on the part of j
the scholars in the study of Divine truth.
This is encouraging; and these labors will i
ere long result in the outpouring of tlio j
Heavenly blessings, We would say, then,
encourage your Sunday school and pray for j
the children.
A Haiti Field.
Mr. Garrett, O/'/oril, Ala. : "Tlio sin
of drunkenness prevails to au alarming ex¬
tent iu my field. I expect to commence
preaching, exhorting, and making addresses
on that subject soon, believing that is t m
most profitable mode of labor at present. —
The copper mines have drawn in tli.it quir-
they seem like they will ruin the country.
At my in-tuncc, four Churches, through
their Beacons, Ac., met at Union Church
(one under my charge) on the first Fa’iir-
il.iy in this month (March) and held a Mis¬
sionary meeting. Wc rai-cd then and pre¬
viously SGO, and sonic S20, in good pledges
—all for that field. The brethren employ¬
ed Kldcr IIlCKEV to supply two destitute
settlements with Sunday and Saturday ^
monthly preaching for eight months for the
sum of §73, paid ut Older. So the Mis¬
sionary spirit in my fired I is being roused
up. And (his is the he<t way to operate at
present. I think in this vv.iy we shall raise
, , .
during the year, where there has not
May God solid you tenfold nmro libor- °
ers, vvlw si, all he truly devoted Ministers of been one «loll ir nreed previously. The
C'li’ri-l, and nnytiic Good Ford open the ! brethren call it our mission, and engage in
hearts of our brethren and sisters lo send jt heartily.”
Our Brother OAimirrr has a hard field
indeed to cultivate ; persevering labor, how¬
ever, will accomplish wonder. Ilis Mis¬
sionary meeting is encouraging — evidently
the first fruits— the next crop will be more
abuudant and improved in quality. Wc
ter a flood of iniquity. There are now four |
or five whi-key shops to one last year, and . .|, ,|| ||:IVU imitation to dim; at that cat
What would aonie of my fi lends think in
this ago of railroads and telegraphs, of a
picture like this? A cart containing a fe¬
male and three or four of the junior branches
of the family, drawn by an ox, gcercil like
a horse, with one or two of tlio elder chil
droll alternately clinging to the hinder part
of the cart, or 'advancing ahead with the
lather, making a tunr to Church, having
started at sunrise. Perhaps it majiuily of
the children will hear for tlio first lime the
sound of u preacher's voice, and the wife
ntid tlm mother, for the !ir-t time iu several
years. Brother Sumner, if you would like
to see this picture iu real life, just limp
down this way and you shill see it, and you
up money to increase the funds an hundred
■' 1 1 1 . - work !
ord, carry on thine own
Your brother,
S. v. T.
House Dcilicutal.
S. R. L. Jennings— "Our new House
with that family, after preaching, and you
shall he feasted*, tlio best that they have
It will be tendered you, t
in all the Mines-
of ns generous a heart ns boats in Guigi
and you may regale on as good bet f and
potatoes as low. r G.orgi'i can produce —
promise you uotliiug else. God ble.-ayou,
and spare you long to libor in tlio Mission
Yours, in Christian nfiVclion,
.Vailnii/et, /.iiniscil/e, Ky. : This
Brother has baptised two Germans during
the last quarter Sibbith Febool were at¬
tended, from 40 to GO children present
twice each K.ibb itli. He is engaged much
of his lime during the week in vi-iling ami
distributing religious (rads and books.—
He complains of the fluctuating charadci
of the congregation, as emigration is con
stantly going on. It would tako time In
make an impression upon the German mind,
as it has been so constantly and habitually
am on tlio ground again I shall urge it for¬
ward as rapidly as possiblo."
From Hie Field.
G. IF. Sdoiilyr, Corinth, Miss.: "Tho
congregation is twice as large as when
commenced my labors hero on the 1st of
January. I hoM separate meetings for the ,
colored people. Whcu 1 commenced preach'-,
ing to them I had but eight or ten present,
now the congregations number from 40 to
00, and many whites attend these meetings.
I have done more hard labor hero the last
three months lb in ever before in tho samo '
time. Wo have strong oppo-ition to meet,
1 have succeeded in getting up a choir for
Books. Tlio brethren seem much encour¬
aged, I do liopo tlio Lord will bless tlio
labors of the Church and their uuworthy.
pa-tor at Corinth.”
Л'. К.
На и
ton y.imiy County,
C. :
"1 labored in a protracted meeting at L "lu¬
rid Brandi Church, six miles from Burns¬
ville. The prise nco of tlio Lord was feit.
Christians were engiged from tho com¬
mencement of tlio meeting. Tho Church
iin initiiiiii-iy adapted strict temperance prin¬
ciples. Much interest was manifested by
ill in attendance. The work appeared to
lie deep and general Sevelilei n were hope¬
fully converted, ami twenty were added to
the Church. Klcvcn were baptised during
the meeting, and others remain for baptism,
[u the community, generally, our prospects
are brighter than at any former time."
./о пня
T. IF Vernon, Ifaitieill, Gu, :
"Mill Town (one of his Churches) has a
neat lmuso of worship, and tho congrega¬
tion is increasing, and tho interest taken is
indicative of a precious season of tlio out¬
pouring of the Spirit of God. The Sun¬
day school is still of interest, and well
conducted by brother J. Towers. Total
membership, 17."
Brother V. is preaching to two other
Churches, with tlio prospect of doing much
A'nii/i Dads, lohral preacher, Baltimore ,
M.l , says : 11 During the quarter our meet- .
ing. have been kept up ns well as usual
for the winter season, and though we Lave
not baptised any since Christmas day, still
there arc somo who give cvidcnco of a
change of heart; these, wo hope, will see
tluir duty in following their Saviour in the
ordinance of baptism as vrcllas in his other
commandments, soon. Wo have had one to
join ly letter during the present quarter,
making oar prcsnnt uumber 83.”
.Isu Duncan, Amanilacille, Ga.: “The
Churches have a good degree of religious
feeliug, aud appear to bo looking forward
fur good results'.”
The Old Church in Hie Woods.
The same llro. writes :
4t was a melancholy sight, that old
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