- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, April 1860
- Date
- 1860
- Volume
- 9
- Issue
- 10
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, April 1860

* ■
Llrtmctin^ol' >iiu He 'rd, (March
| ) brother llobuan presented bis reoij*-
|5aiCVr»I’0l"lin? &«etary, In co««-
Krt ef bi* inability to pellet m ilic Julies
|:tpffiCc. His eyes have luit materially
L,el, and lie
still suffering, at times
Ijly, A eonmJttee was appointed to
‘to nutter into cim-Mctatioii.
previous meeting, makes— whites, 101;
blacks, fill; Imliaus, 25; lor the quarter
omliug Deo.
Ш, 1Я50.
The Annual Itqwit uf the lloari I of Do-
iue*lie ami Indian Missions, will be ready
at the ic ii.il time, and forwarded to brethren
who may wish to see it. It will also bo pub¬
lished in the Journal.
At the last meeting of the Hoard there
an unusual number of
, . at lerj imj nitaiit points, tt].| tilling strong!»
л» Ьм
,wr U> to our sy mj athie.s. Many we were oblig'd
a Julie'* el’ Hu' *l!,‘ >lt
| to lay on the table Ibr the present, and othois
лл I»
li":‘ ] ue were compelled to cut d.iun, though re-
a a i‘“iP№i .
adlV0 a":1 ! lueijut to do w. ’ . . we yet more money
we shall be able to do umre. Remember
him an oppeltunily to legai I Ids
IVe eonimend Idm to the sympathy
piptsol’ the Lvellirui.
ta|„\ deprie. l "f as.-i.-t.mee in the office,
L ,mr Lrctlir. n abroad to rememli r the
it the Hoard, and nut fail to Hit ward
oil, uf n- 'Ibi' is the hardest time
y,.w to nuet our liabilities. This
s the (|U ir oily meeting of the Ibiaril.
I it h time all our Missionaries expect
bn sand unit have (him. OYn
nil . hnllirni.
Illiili this month we enter upon the trial-
! miiotiis, the label- and eoncerns of
f ,r enuicnti.iiial year. What wo ha\e
i the pad, is reiorded— wo let it remain
IMJI )a ar from it Urdu. '1 lie liituie is
Irons. Mint shall he our eotu-e — on-
I I mil up.iv-ci.l
If we have dune well,
. Jiuald not we do h. tter ? We Inn e
encourage. while there are some
to throw a shade U| on cuir path. —
ibliete, liowwr, that all will turn nut
Ith furtherance of the eau
Oar eon-
undiaken in God, uikl our bretli-
f,5'r|d(tl)tv faith wofit.trt'hipunionvnn-'
1 career, and may the limit l'ilot direct
II trlii;' us to a hap;
Ill's c.i'tie.||y hope that our brethren io
i will be jncnpt in milking up their
jad contributions f„r Poim-tie itiul lu¬
ll Mi— ion i. Fend to y.atr .State
j'l drat meets in Mi.1'011, l.t.4 of the
Isiit UMHitli, a yloi huis olTeiiny to the
l-cef llm Ue-seil Redeemer, my dear
Itln'-n, and God's blessing will he iqmii
Ho hives the liheia! giver. (Icoryia
IJ'-ts have hitlurto occupied a front raid:,
ily ivo .hare frequently Jj|cn under olliga-
tion. Wo preached at. night, and addressed
the Sunday School, in .tlwaftcrnnon. 'i iicro
were present about- -
children. We
heard with delight tb('|£)fant class sing as
they were led by theirfdevoted teacher,
brother D. H.
church has
called to the pa.4(orat4jIlcv! Mr. Miller of
Connecticut, who has |ulfcrcd much for ids
sympathy _»|-ith
cause'hc would give lib ‘countenance to the
‘•Brown Movement” at tho Notth. We
welcome him and all such among us.
Oil Monday morning a^ain wo were mak¬
ing tracks for Old Virginia. At the depot
wo were fortunate enough to meet with Bov.
Diehard Kuvmaii of (preeuville, F. 0,, and
Rev. II. II. Wyeruf Virginia. Brother F.
was rctiirniiig from the bounds of the Fa-
Thank tile Clerks of Associations that
have suit
their Minutes. Hope ail will
do so. We shall have a u-e for them bretli- 1 vamuh Hirer Assocja ion, where be bad, a.s
ren. • a voluntary agent, In eu to secure the Fa-
7 "~. ,"***'. ,, j vannah Biver 1’rofi-sorsliip of Kurmaii
IdV Ac:!-,
irom ilonic. i University. This node work lie informed
loll home on the lilii of I'cbiitary on l!IC ho had accomplish si, and received 825,-
a Hying hip, am! ictuitied on the lilii ol
Maiih. Vi-iii1.' Montgomery, Ala. ; Fpuita,
(hi.; Hampton and Bielinuiud, Va.; and
lialtiniore and .Va-bvillo. At each of these
places vve acioliipli.-lud the hu-liie-s of our
joiinivy, and found our brethren pleased to
.-ее и-.
Wo wire pained toliml our hi loved broth-
or Tii lienor in deep domestic aPJ’.elion. Of
ten ha 1 we spent all agreeable sea-ou in lib-
dear family, and enjoyed tho kind attentions
of his Istly, but now we visited her at tlu-
homo of brother Xiddc, her brother-in-law,
for the la-t time, sinking under the ravages
of eon-umptinn. Flic ha- since (alien a vic¬
tim Jo its unrelenting demands, but wo are
as a Chri.-tiiu alone can die, and looked for-
waul to a better land. May a mci'iiful Fa-
I her throw his mantle of love over tlm-i
dear lilii • ones she lias It- IT behind, and fur
wlei-c salvation she So earnestly prayed.
I and, comfort tho bereaved hu-band with the
coii-ohiliens of that icligioii he so faithfully
] reaches to others.
sr.VUTA. ti.\.
This is one of Georgia's delightful inland
village-, of which she has so many. Here
we tint the carriage of our nspietid broth-
been some ten years, in Baltimore, and ac¬
complished already a life-time's work. Still
beloved and honored, libs work is not done.
Dr. Puller has a little world of young men
in his congregation to work upon. As wc
stood up before that mass of human mind
wo could 'hut foci our insufficiency for the
win I; assigned ns by the Convention., Our
prayer via-, help, Lord ! Brother I’rieharJ,
Jntuly, t'riuu X’urth Onnilina, has consented
to preach tu tho church recently left with¬
out a pastor by the resignation of brut her
Bulker. He is a promising man, and will
yet make his mat k. Brother Berg of the
True Union greeted us as usual with his
smiling face, ami cheered us on in our work.
While at liis office wo had the pleasure of
seeing our friend, brother (I. K. Adams, and
unco mole taking him by the hand. Fall-
liath afternoon, in company with brother
Williams, wc made our way to the Saratoga
Street Colored Church — built by thcnnmill-
cenec of brother Win. Crane, whose interest
in bell ill’ of (lie spiritual uvlfato of (lie
sons of Africa is unabated. We listened
to a sa-rnein from brother Xuali Davis, a
was a miitilh vveM.spelt, and vve hope Inolii- mM l^cuiHor. Wc have seldom hoard
j a more simple, clear and forcible exposition
4,1 Divine truth. Jibs congregation appear-
ed all attention. Brother Davis is under
appointment of the Domestic Boar-1, and
from the mcmheifs of that body. That
lllirj «ill eonfime Mi,, this great enter- ||,
|),ivi,| W. I.ewi-, wife-: . . t.-iL
- I-!t m lie* he disappointed. The |„ italic mail-ion of cue ol't Ivor-
'"lar.-cagigul to..
Mis-ieiiaries in
l-t.'iin not less than
gia’s noble sons. A tier a plea-ant interview
wilh the family, ami a night's sweet sleep,
(and who can better appu-eiate this idea
than the wearied tr.ivi-l-r ’!) brother I.ewi-
j took us back to the village, vvliei.e- vve de-
isrted again Ibr the railroad,
ruulr for
Al’Ill'.Sr \.
eic are an iut-IIigi-nt ami
pnitiictHs or fits' Rosrd-Xarrb
■E" R- K. Dav’s, Contra Ca-ia eotintv, ,
i be JJaptis’s
г /I
rr . Will kill" people, 'ihroilgli their aid a wi—
llm,|(.s |..l J
el.nrt-li had been e.-labl.-liisl in the
lie- Mill's',.,',', n ■ e i
iii'ialilmilovid of the faeturie.-', under the
4IU Moil,. l.iM-uf,, nl Cluui-h, C-IOts.l , ,,,
( ’ jia-toral care ami labors ol our estiemed
,, , .... ' young brother, Cider I,. M. Carter, ami
• 1
I ,,!!id the K-.lloek Stmt
'• 'Tiurr.lies Mi j have an excellent boti-oul' w.ii-hip, a large
liv T ,r 'r.-'.'.l-
i urn! lluuii-liitig eon, ".legation, and a Habbath
! Selu-ol doing an imtmnse amount of good,
ns, Mission Church, Mo- m |b Inti
the ehiMr.n
of many that have hilheitu reeeived but
little attention I'imi the f'hrislbiii pithlie.
Would it not he. well for our large city
chari-hes In [ ttrsite this practice mole than
they do? Much material lies unemployed
ftciptcnlly that in this manner might In
|K(r J- ft'. Haiti r, Mount I'i-gal and Car- \
3r T J- Knapp, IMeiiton, X. (',
I'-C. Collin;
r,tr 1' Callaway, Mi-sion Chapel, Mont-
■7. Alt.
lfe C-W. M. Williams.
!4 Ca.
•iir.buvy As-'o
NF'"' AI'I-oimmiints.
le;- Julius c. Ilaiilhtiliu, Ciimbeiland,
'“«min and IhigliJi Congregations,
?. A ^,jr5cr» Ivolluck fcltlLL't, Min.
'"“fl, Augusta, (la.
J I'- Hurra'd, (iraha
Wn Dup
am-villc, S. C.
ice, I’iedmont Association
Lf v '^lc^“n an'l Macon
I ’a" ' *'■' ln'l H.ibim county, Ga.
ir K. has prosecuted his vvoik within tho
bounds (if the Wel-h Xcek Assijeialion,
where the idea of this associational ptoles-
sorsltips originated — indeed, a fair puitioii
of the 825, (IU0 of tlio Welsh Xtek was pro-
nii-ed before the assoeiation adjourned la-t
fall— brotlur F. was there agitating the
matter at that time. South Carnliui h-s
great wealth, and is able to ] lice her Uni¬
versity beyond tlic tjontingency of a failure,
and icill ilu it. j ■ •
Brothel' W. waf on his way home, and
vve had his Compiftiy to iliehimmd, which
we knew how tu.Mize.-VIt iajKissible that
her midst. Ills personal interests all lie
hire, and many are desirous lie should. Ills
health would probably bo improved by thu
ebaiige, and his ministry not less u-elul.
But vve should not blame the Old Dominion
to hold on to him if .-lie can. Wc slopped
couple of days iu
The eapitol of the old honored Common-
wealth i- rap'dly improving. Gnat the
eltangt.s that have taken place hero sinco
vve liist made nur appmirmce on its streets —
more than twenty years ago. The popula¬
tion has nearly doubled, the eommeroe ex¬
tended to a very cin-idt fable extent; a ml
altogether, socially am! morally, lias the city
advanced in importance The maufai-tiiiing
interests are ri-n-iving iiierea-eil attention,
ami eapitalisls are finding it fir their benefit
to locate bote whcie every facility is fur¬
nished for the promotion of tln-ir enlii-
prizes. Our Baptist interests are onward,
and in ver were the churches of our doiiomi-
nation in a more pirmpeivtn state, and I
■pie-tion whether a more intelligent ministry
can he found iu any lily of its size iu the
United .States. And llti- remark wc do
not i-oliliuo to the uiini-try of our ovn
elmrehes, vvhieli vvottld not sitllbr by com-
parisnn with any. On tlic .'id of l-'ibruary
vve found ourself safely in the home of our
Id friend and Christian brother in
KldorJ. W. M. William-, pa-tor of the
First Church of this city, whoso Jlmtily
showed in cvety attention that our wants or
pleasure euuhl dctnmd. l.ong shall we
think of the phasant hours vve. pas-cd itiidir
that roof ou Lomlntd Street. During our
turned loan importaiitaecmnl. Branch offi Mijuurn here for a few days only, we preach
then, my brethren, extend your inlhtonec,
bring into u-e your talent, an I groat ly will
your usefulness be pr.mi.ited. ('1 Ids mission
la under tho patronage cf tho Dome-tie
for the ITaklin Church and Dr. Fullei’s.
Meetings were in progre-s at tho First
Church, (brother Williams',) which we at¬
tended nightly. Liberal contribution-, were
Mi-sion Board.) In the morning of the made by these churches to the cau-e of our
8'ahbath we listemd to a iliscuurse from our
brother Hycrson, that inado u* prize the prov¬
idences of God, that may seem frequently
In he afflictive, by which we are taught more
fully our own weaknesses, and the value of
that aid that comes only from above. While
hero wo enjoyed the hospitalities of our
In reference to the. lljptist cau-e,
the money ap| reprinted to him is well spent.
During our stay hero the ground was cover¬
ed with snow' and ice; the sleigh- were i nu¬
lling, and the bells reminded us of the days
of i.ur youth, when the sound of the sleigh-
hell was no rare occurrence. I mil 4 con¬
fess, .however, that even the romance of
such An tie scenes fails to attract me from
the sunny South. We made our way from
this City of Monuments as rapidly as the
'stcam-catycould ..carry us to Washington,
from tins by boat to
ItAMtTON, v.v.,
Wlioio vve spent the Sabbath mo-t agreea¬
bly. Tliii i- an ancient ami Iu noted town.
We always like to visit Hampton, the hos¬
pitality of her citizens is provcihinh The
oy-li r- ate nustirpa-ed. This place is the
n-.-oit of many who scik, during the stun
liter month-, a quiet and healthful resort
from the heat and du.-t of our crowded
cities. And well are they repaid. Here
tve found our old South Carolina friend,
lililer .1, T, /.i-aiy, occupying the pa-toratc
of the Baptist church, vvhoro predecessor-
h.iveheui Brown, Shaver, Gat lick, Scott,
Walker, and Goudall. A li-t of brighter
names could searrily be found, and all still
in at live service save tlio la-t, ulto fell with
Ids armour on in 1810, ami whose la-t ap-
at our School llooni, in Flu¬
vanna, Va , but he failed to reach it, hiv¬
ing expired the week bcfori’, not more than
ten miles distant. Gnodall fought bravely
at Hampton during the war of 1812. He
was a m itt of character either ill the pulpit
or in the civil relations of life, llis name
is remembered with feelings of icspcet and
Brother Mealy is giving good satiifjclioii
to the Hampton chinch. This vve expect¬
ed. But vv hut changes have taken place
-iiiee vve first rode into Hampton iu our
‘‘sulky," twenty yea is ago nearly! Many
have (alien, ami their pi ices occupied by
their children. We remained with a . son
of our ol I friend, James M. Vaughan,
whose acquaintance we early formed, Di.
Win. 11. Vaughan. Bru. V. is the Super¬
intendent of the Sabbath School, and it
would he will
many to take a few les¬
sons of Liin a.s to (lie iininncr, Ac., of con-
luctiug a Sabbath School. The Sabbath
Sehmd system, generally, in Virginia, " is
cat tied to great perfection; and this is’ not
a little Qwing to tlio arduous elfurts sucecs-
P jsn reported at the last moil thly meet-
ij, °i lnJia»s, 2; which added
reported at tho two[ friend Dr. W. S. Jones, to whose dear fain-
say, Baltimore is Maryland. litre I sivclv of the late James (!. Crane, and Dr.
arc to ho found some of tho noblest spirits Win. Gwatlimey, of Biehmond, the devoted
the world holds; — intelligent, liberal, and Secretary of tho Sabbath School and I’ub-
uctivc. Within
few years their progre^a
lets been marked, and tliv-ir future history,
wc trust, will bo more remarkable for good
than the past even. Brother Williams has
lioation Board of tlio General Association
of Virginia. But wc have written too much
already and will close.
Our stay in the capital of Tennessee was
brief, as wo had but a small amount'll
business to attend to; Ibis done, -wo were
off, though wc could have spent the Sab-‘
lath with our friends there very pleasantly,
lut other duties admonished us to bo mov¬
ing, ami wd spent tlio day of rest (?)
(March Jlh) in the growing city of Atlanta,
Georgia, and preached for tho First and
Feeoml (Jlmrches, of which .brothers Wilkes
and Clark are the useful and honored pas¬
tors. The Baptist interests arc on the ad¬
vance hero under their faithful labours.
Wc arrived home on Tuesday, and found,
as wo had anticipated, an accumulation
of work.
Many thanks arc due to kind friends who
have rendered ns much assistance in our
work; and may they bo rewarded in tho.
reflection that all was for Christ and his
«raUfjlnsr Response.
In answer to att humble nppenl for aid
to publish a Hymn Book and the four (Im¬
pels in the Creek language, an esteemed
ister in Montgomery, Alabama, writes
moat cheering letter, making the follow¬
ot:x chocs ruorosmoN.
“ I do rejoice to hear that these works
are so nearly completed ; for the Indian
mission is very dear to my heat t. Yon sup-
jui-e that the cost of publication will be
from 81,5IHi, to 82,(0 ). Do you not think
that the StsTtat.s of our churches will eon-
tribute that amount for so noble
purpose f
I propose to be one of one hundred to raise
that fund. I’lo.w find inclosed 820.
“ Vtmrs in Christ,
“ W. A. W - .
We most cordially thank our sister for
the abovo proposition. It commits tins im¬
portant matter to good bands and generous
hcartsi. Wc doubt not it will bo joyfully
at- ceded to by (lie sisters of tlio Southern'-
e-hut flies, and sunn the Greeks will be able
to sing tho praises of God and read his
ivondctful winks iu their own language.
Wo most respectfully and earnestly call
upon our sisters to accept the foregoing
proposition, and imitate the example of sis¬
ter W - . Unclose and remit their con¬
II! I'aniimj, A’ ic Oi funis. J.n., says:
“There ate live or six persons at present
upon whom, I have reason to believe, the
Holy Spirit is at work. One of whom was
the most profane man I have ever known,
and seldom if ever came, to a religious
meeting, hut now is very anxious about his
Hull's salvation; lie has resolved to abandon
Ids habits of drinking liquor. Another
saiil, a few days ago, 1 1 am lost with my
present faith. I feel that I must have that
faith whereby I can say, My Father.’ ”
In another communication the ratr.c
brother says : “ One day, when I was going
from house to ho-t-e, I came to a family,
and asking the woman if she wanted to
real a Iraet, ‘0, yes, sir!’ she replied.
After 1 had given one to her, I spoke a
lew words about her soul's salvation. Kim
felt interested iu it, hut while I war speak¬
ing her husband rose from the bed on which
ho was lying, hallowing and swearing at me,
saying I should leave his house at once, or
cl.-e ho would break my neck. I replied,
‘ Sir, the Lord will answer your prayer bc-
furc you. think about it, and will damn you
if you don't repent' Then I left the house.
Tlio next Sunday Ids wile came twice to
our meeting, and her hu-band came in the
evening, but not inside, but be was standing
outside the door whin I
from tho text, Acts : 10. ’ >
“ Some others clo-o up their doors when
they see that I am entiling, or cuiso me
and my work. But, blessed bo God ! some !
others say, ‘ Mr. Faseldng, we havo nothing ’
to say against your doctrine nor against the
Bible, anil wish to become Christians, or
vve will he lost forever if we remain in cur ‘
present state.’ ,
“ Again, one or two arc very near to our
dear, and proclaim that they have ftuuJ
peace tn the Lord Jesus Christ. Our mcct-
: ‘
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