- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, December 1858
- Date
- 1858
- Volume
- 8
- Issue
- 6
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, December 1858

UECEMER, 1858.
■jiyoniir/ Wanted.
l«.na*ierjkneJ.ar»’o!ntcd b>' thc Go°r‘
t ; Relation,
secure' two mis-
rtla bc'f ^ported by that bo. y,
vmted my visiting sinco [
shall commence next week.
arrived, but t have, the goqicl preached to them, and
j c°Md the mission be manag d properly, in
We entertain encouraging hopes in re- a few years it would eust; n itself. An
gard to this mission. Othefs'have spoken 1 °V<,|S.M|; '"formed me a' ih rt lime since
or .1,
■ SS ;
'' ' j ed preaching to them. \ e need more
J lioughtllll. aid. Many places are occ pied by other
*‘C. M,” of Ohaileslon, sent $10 for ^n;»"inations whertf, a Ba Hi, ( would be
preferred by both the owner and servants.
fefrl labor among, the' Creeks'., Do,m'’,ic Misai™*’ ■
In many'places the servJ ts hold Sainr-
Washington, (la.
'Л и.
The Friend in Need,
j encouraging letter from our Hinds
rt, Miss., correspondent.
. \ Mr-Enclosed you will find a
liTr «evenly dollars. Us" it as lol-
j, Fifty dollars for my friend, the red
n of the wilderness— Use it as a means
' j him within the influence ol the
„[wJ light of the gospel. The bul-
(t „fur the special benefit of that man
,- Gol—
T' Buckner— that devoted
'• !M,y to thc Indians. He has had a
, sick family. His necessity may re-
tjl. May 1 feel truly grateful that I
■ once more, been enabled to dis-
emy promise to One who has been
I to me."
| Ills cheering to receive such communi-
! u the above ; not only on account
1 money remitted, but more on ac-
ilof tbeescellent spirit which it man-
He possesses an enquiring spiiit—
nias the wants of the mission arid of
in it. It is n benevolent
(jail, making willing and generous provi-
i to supoiy those in want. It is a
ffal spirit — thankful lo God for the
ration and ability to aid in His cause.
a constant spirit. These epistles
i regulaily and annually without so-
ition. If every brother would pursue
«same course, enclosing in a letter his
i contribution, js the. Lord has pros.
they would, have nq.qccasion
l'm offcgeritsTrfcr'iho 'HoarilyfifT
bant of funds.
-V. II fit's Lrller.
Santa Cruz, Sept, 30, ISAS.
\ tm Bro. Ihluum—I anived in Santa
the 17th of Ibis month. I was de¬
tuned four weeks on the way, by business
ciicumstanies which I could not
I found things here, so far as I
ucheen able to inform myself, about as
[Inpecled to find them. If my impres-
sare ditfeient, it is in regard to the
iar.ee of the field. I think that I
mmJir rather than oremlcd its ini
Mace. The population is larger than
d, and the improvements begun
vscch as will enhance the importance
i lown- Since I was here
alee Spring, the Congrcgationali-ls have
'them a fine house of worship, and
| ''spring their pastor S1200 a rear. The
I rJ K'VeS $900
The Methodists have a good house
l ivorship, Md suppott a located preach-
IMi i- have a large cathedral
■ •“tthis season. The Catholics embrace
I I the Spanish population.
I,. “a,a engaged the court-house and
|W at
И Л.
M. every Sabbath.
* Breach at “Sequel."
,,,ll,e town five miles from hete, in this
The two places command thc
'ton of the whole valley. These
ir'H'e points I expect to occupy for
bilk o”- . . 'ca,t' * "'ant to r.ionch
|L n.'gbt if I can nccomplisli it. Me
llw lo C0licentiate all my uibits
In',,1 lnlenJ
v'9it every indiv dual in
Isoli- ,l0g.ive instructions and learn
|et ’ 35 P°«ible, the true condition of
;^t^ho!,ialso inlcnd ,n".rginize a
l.!®!h a weekly prayer meeting. I have
nly ■ • -
assist me, that I may yet be cf some ser¬
vice in my Master's cause. Pray lor me.
Yours, in love,
Four whiles baptized during the quarter.
Call for Help.
The regular timo for collection in our
night prayer-meetings, Ihiclt eteliuly
church has not come, and our Treasurer is ' interesting. Often has t
heait been
away from the city. I expect to reave for mai|e glad on account of ll im.
the North in a few days, so I thought it,j Baptized 11 whites and blacks,
best to send my offering directly to you.
Wc are pleased with this thoughtfulness.
Blacks in Lbitisiatta.
Bev. J. A. McGuire, ^f
writes :
There is still consMritbl| interest man¬
ifest among the colored population, both
in the town and surrounding county. Two
baptized. r F
His. course of study, preparatory to. the
gospel ministry, required him to leave
home before the appointed time for mak¬
ing the church collections, and the Treas-
rer was from home. How many would
have regarded this a sufficient excuse too ■>,, , .
omit the annual contribution. But not so Blacks in Missouri.-
with him. He thought it best to write ^ev' T' Smith, of Louisiana, Mo.,
short letter, enclosed $10, and send di-jsa-v*: * |
redly to thc Board. Some say, “ I could | Our church is in a healthy condition, and
give, but I don’t know how to forward my 1 a Nattering prospect among our coloured
Take the example of
The Cause in Sabine Parish, La.
Report of N. II. Bray. — 11 This quarter
has been one of much interest. My soul
has been mndeto rejoice; nil hough we
have had more sickness than usual at this
season, yet our meetings have been well.
в. и;.,-, м„
„a.., |
■ The cause of Christ is more prosperous my appointments."
Iieie than at any previous time this year. ' _ ' . .
The great want is ministers to occupy the. j - T . i , v , ,
field. That pot lion of it. in which 1 have j Light Needed,
I been laboring is sufficient for four minis- j Rev. B. Henley, of Aik., says he Ins
j ,fW' ‘'ft e.lrs "“S
"te cry “ Come ; spcn, much of ,;me in jacL.S0„
j over ami lielp us
| 1 have had three attacks of chills and
' fever since my last report. I am now
1 just able to ride.
To the Point.
We commend the following specimen of
epistolary correspondence :
" Orange, Va,, Od. G, 1S5S.
"Mr. IF. Ilornliuckle:
" Enclosed is $15 for Indian Missions.
"M. L."
Who will. adopt ilr
people — six were up for. prayer last even¬
ing- l
A goodly number of( our missionaries
furnish pleasing results 'of .them special at¬
tention to the coloured'pcqple.
South NtwhYille.'
Report of Rev R. PorJ.
I have not the pleasure of reporting as
many additions as during the last quarter,
yd the Lord has added some to our num¬
bers. Our congregations are htger Ilian
ever. Sunday school large and interest¬
ing. tVc have commenced our new house
of worship, and hope to occupy the base¬
ment by Chri-tmas, and the entire build¬
ing completed by June next.
ty, and has found several person from
twenty-five to thirty years of age, who
had never seen a person immersed till he
visited them. They have enjoyed the
sight more than once since. '
Germans iu Missouri.' -
Report of Rev. Peter Klein, SI. Gene¬
vieve :
" On my visit to Cape Girardean, I went
from house to house and invited my coun¬
trymen to attend my meeting; but it was
in vain. I left a tract in every house
which may preach without me. From
there I went to Jefl'etsoit county Id fill an
appointment. There the Lord converted
a very wicked man on his death-bed.
Yellow Fever.
Rev. W. Fasching, our German mission-
aty in New Orleans, has had an attack of
this fearful scourge. God has been gra¬
cious to him in the mission with which he
is connected. In his teport just received
he remarks that his own expectations had
been greatly disappointed. " Providence^”
lie says, “works differently jrorqfivh'iiLJye'
hen vv d l.'tir ,1 b hi
tcrclSlS So' ij ; ^ ® u~~-
r. - -■.*) .br-fu.'S.dar»
i I»,*;
Report of Rev. D. SkSnoilgruss.
Dear Brother: '
Enclosed you will.ftnd my Report for
third quarter of the present year.
I was absent from my post two months
and one week. My wile’s health and iny
own very much improved. My wife’s bro¬
ther died in Virginia before we could get
him home. ,,
Since Yellow fever appeared here, one
month ago, the city has almost become
desolate— most of the citizens having fled
lor safety. The fever 'still exists; and
there seems to be no immediate prospect
of a change, in, the. weatljcr lo check it.—
.AH the pastors- io the-tily but thc Presby¬
terian'/ hiYWbaajfM)'.?ifeasi: before, and
«v„. «ciaV.their-pdstsfeThJ
Athens, Gti.
Rev. L. R. L. Jennings stales that their Thh
new liotise of worship is progressing as
fast ns their means will allow. The con¬
gregations good and membership much
encouraged. He has aided other pastors
during the week in protracted meetings,
and has baptized 22 cun vet Is as the fruits
cf these labours.
ter's vineyard, I was cast down upon my (,’atliolic Piicst is just recording 'from an
bed with yellow le\er; and that is the attack. My physician in 1855 treated me
reason my report is so empty ol facts. I ! for it. I have, icturued to mv post, leav-
was unable tu do anything
foil, teen i !"S wife in the country. I am preach-
days. I am now vety weak and unable to - |||y mca hl,M have eilher
froln lhc c;ly
*1- ml- f7(\.l f am
пи и
!i‘ - . til i.i _ ...a f
Ilajtpy Clttiiigi*.
Rev. Thomas Bell, of Batesville, (2a.,
" IVc have had
gracious revivals
duting the past quarter. A very different
influence now prevails in this country,
from that which ruled in by-gonc-days.
The most influential men in all this land
arc now exciting an influence lor God
and religion.’’
do much. But tlunk God I am neatly
well again."
O tr missionary at Corinth mission slates
that prospects are so encouraging there a-
to warrant the elfoit to secure thc entire
services of a minister. Up to this period
only half the missionary’s lime has been
devoted to that point. A good house ol
worship lias been completed, the member¬
ship of both the church and congregation
has been considerably increased, and arc
willing to do much to sustain a preacher.
Blacks in the Swamps.
Rev. B. F. Lee, missionary in the Miss.
Swamp, says :
I am preaching principally lo the blacks,
which is a very laborious business. It is
much easier to preach to a congregation of
whiles than of blacks. But when I see
the joy that is manifest when the 11 preach-
er lias coif!," and thc intere-t with which'
they li'tui to the pi caching of the go-pel,
my heait is made glad, and I am truly sor¬
ry that I cannot preach to more ol them.
I am satisfied that Christians do not leel
the interest in the sable sons of Africa
which God in his Providence has sent into
our midst that they should. Nor ate they
sufficiently impressed with the responsi¬
bility that rests upon them to prearh the
o-ospel to this class of our population.
° There is a large scope of country here
Ills mtlTfeeVngf orgraflluileffov
that I am enabled to make out this repot i,
, the must interesting that f have been per¬
mitted to make since my connection with
the Board.
I "God in his great mercy has visited
I two of my churches, Batesville anil Cvrlar
I Giove. IVe commenced a meeting on
Thui silay before the third Sabbath in July,
which continued for twenty-five days, anil
I was then suspended because our labourers
were exhausted. Brethren Lee and Boon
! rendered efficient service. The wotd was
preached in pow er and demonstration ol
, the Spirit. The presence ol the Lord
j was manifestly with us Iroin the begin-
! nmg. Thtitj-free were added to the
I church— twenty-live by baptism and lltir-
Praycr-ineetings j |t.cn by letter. Some eight or ten con-
■ veils besides— two or three of who n have
years. I visited him on a former ocia-
sion, anil found him a great infidel. 1
believe that if he bail had the strength he
would have laid violent hands on me.
This very man was very sorry a few
weeks alterwards, and enquired for me.
And when he heard I could not come, he
sent for a black man, a Baptist preacher,
tu pray with him, ami for American sis-
teis to come and sing to him. At length
he died in apparent peace.
“ I baptized four Roman Catholics five
miles irom St. Genevieve a short time
since. On the evening before baptism one
of the candidates received a letter from
one profe.-sing to be a friend, but evident¬
ly wiitten by the piiestjtSie purport of
which was, that if the candidates sms had
become a burden, to fall down at the feet
of the priest. j v '
“ Before baptizing I preached to a’fulhj
holies, who, Jistened
sick, and'Tiave'beeti' und _ iv
cue much of lire lime since. My whole
family has been in the same condition."
or will not venture out for fear. Besides
my wife's biothcr, two other members
have died this summer. This with the
exclusion of three others, and the dismis¬
sal of a seventh, has reduced our number
to GS. There have been two deaths among
the colored members, also since last report,
but two restorations have filled thc vacan¬
cy in number.
There was preaching but one Sabbath
after I left till my irurn. The Sunday
School was kept up till yellow fever, ap¬
peared— then dropped
shared the same fate. . . . _ .
There is almost a stagnation of every ; umied with IVdo-baptist societies. Others
department of activity in lire city. And j №,|| j0;„
м ьооп, д
t ||,E close of the
it may be so yet lor a month mote.
I it
is sad to think of the desolation of this
dreadful scourge. I do hope to have
cheering news lor next report.
Yours in the Lord,
I . J°'n
I meeting there were sixteen or seventeen
I anxious per.-oiis present.
“ IVe had much opposition lo encounter
! during our meeting.
I' -'june, i ai3(
as soon as possible, and es-
l*»j 3 'vcelllJr Pra)’er meeting. I have | ‘ neru ls “ ',WC
Г Г"".
,t"d, a!Jelonly six buptisis in the volley popu'ated almost entirely by black.
n°l beco"l(! c°""ected with oth- Many of them were peoteeso^ of rcl g on
"«tidies. ' W|1CI, brought Itere-manyof whom scarce-
C".°l kn°w how soon I shall allcmpt I ly ever hear preaching-some never, f or
kilt 6 3 Church’ 1 have 'bought of example : on the filth ^abba'b m Au u 1 1
4 a protracted meeting next month pleached to a congregation of black .amon
; -an n il wmnan. owner Iiir-
re . n - PH
'lie old
' ,"P and
mateiial might become warm j which was an old woman,
new formed. There is a great | nished her with a mule to rule several mdre
tellgion herefj i to attend my meeting. On her way she
C, ha'«od tent me here, and that, remarked io an overseer that she hoped
itJLf,? 1 W0|b here. Powerful infiu-l the Lord would let her hear awh,c"‘3"
ii fr, p*, °Ppose me, but my whole Irustj preach once more, for sue had not hear
ti:,God' I have mvaieir rn^llv fnl one in thirty years. She was a Baptist
hen she came into the swamp. .
Their owners are generally anxious lo
Him n/Zl* 1 have given myself really to - .
lhc g0''Pfb and I expect Ais when she came into the swamp
“ickncss in my family has pre-
Light Increasing.
Peach Tree, N. C., Oct. I, 1S5S,
During the last quarter’s labors, I have
met with hut little oppo-ition, except from
the anli-spiiil which has so Ion-' prevailed
in Ibis region. Yet I have good reasons lo
thank God and take courage. I have had
some very interesting meetings. I think,
however, that I am accomplishing ns much
or more by family visits, as any other way.
I visited, the other day, a desperately
wicked family. The husband was quite
profane. After conversation for some lime
upon thc subject of religion, and I had ob¬
tained many pledges on his part, I was go¬
ing to leave when he said, " Sir, please to
pray for me and mine.” I did so. Since
that time ho has been constantly a peni¬
I have had some interesting times among
the Indians in this region. They are very
anxious to have a meeting over among
them in Chcoah, some thirty miles from
this. But I do not know whether I can
visit them soon. I am inclined to think
that there is a brighter day soon to dawn
upon this region. It will take time and
»reat labor to accomplish much for a
while. My health has been excellent
during lire past quarter. 0! for grace to
Report of Thomas IVilkinson, jYulive
" Your humble servant begs leave to
to give a shoil account of his labors per¬
formed during the shoit period of my en¬
gagements. Entered upon my service un
lire 7th iiist, (Sept.) and witnessed some
things which give me great encouragement
to pusecute my labors with vigilance, I
have conversed with several persons that
gave satisfaction that they would seek the
salvation of their souls. Have been call¬
ed upon to visit some sick persons. Ac¬
companying this short note you will find a
summary of iny labors. I think your cl-
foils in this nation will result in great good
The'ilnion As-ocialion met on lhf I lo.my " Red Brethren" here. I hope you
second Sabbath in September. After Hie will Ire successful ... every effort you mate
Association busincsi was over, a piotract-
ed meeting commenced arid continued
till tire next Sabbjlh, Nineteen were add¬
ed by baptism and seven by letter. To
God tie all the praise. I was left alone
during the last three days, and my exces¬
sive labours greatly impaired my health.
I lear my lungs are pcnnai^itly injured.
“ I have just returned from the Rocky
Bayou Association— an interesting and
harmonious session. Three were added
by baptism.
At the Eleventh Hour.
Rev. John IV. Miller, of Ark., adds lo
his report :
" I vvi'h I was able to give you a con¬
cise statement of facts in connection with
thc oldest man I ever baptized. He was
in hi* 7G:li
lie staled to the chuicli
that Ire obtained a Lope in lbl‘2; but he
hail read " Tom Panic's writings” unljl
he had become quite Deistical in senti¬
ment. But the giace of God eventually
brought hint to the church. After relat¬
ing his experience to the church he staled
that he had got to be a strong believer in
that 'man Christ.' It was a lime of re¬
joicing amung Christians.
" Baptized during the quarter twelve
whites and lour blacks.'.’
for the advancement of my Redeemer’s
Kingdom in my native land, I have, in
company with brothers Young Duck and
Jesse Owens, just returned Irom a very in¬
teresting camp-meeting held with church
under Bro. David Foreman's care, on the
Verdigris River, SO miles from my resi¬
dence. P/o-pects were flattering there."
This missionary lias been in the work
but a short time. He is a man of good
abilities, and is spoken of as possessing
sound piety.
Another licrenvement.
Repot l of Young Duc/t, Motive Preacher.
“This quarter has been one of deep af¬
fliction to me, and caused me to lose the
greater part of my timo. I did compare-
tivelv little in July and August. There¬
fore my report will appear extremely short
and meagre. The allliction of my wife
kept me at home during the month
and till the 14th of August, when she was
called from this world to a far belle j one,
I lru«t. This is a sad bereavement to my¬
self and children. Brethren, sympathise
with me, and prey for me, that God may
give mo supporting grace and enable me
lo bear my troubles with patience dad for¬
titude,, and that I may commit myjcff,. on*
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