- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, July 1858
- Date
- 1858
- Volume
- 8
- Issue
- 1
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, July 1858

TENN., JULY, 1859.
^ j
■^«inia Meeting. i
1^, |f|iji"" (iMiviliea of Ibo Bap- 1
j(j.u Annum'll Slate commenced !
irlite vim' 1 ’ 4"' Have recalJcd many ;
;„r jiiooiii""»-
1 1 years ago,
„Jj oar first Uadiujf, ami formed our
piiatte-'M in Virginia. We re-
„tdmJ I'Cogniidd by many*
Ijjt.l in uiir memory and aficc.
(jr orsr inn ■•-Ion ribs of a score of
Jlibrse iovou* - "collections and warm¬
ly {reemig note saddened by the
IiM' fit'" 'omc, even many, of
tin a bum 'vc tunned strong attach-
loiind among the living.
i;[»e v-i •
lUtied to see that those
remained »n nobly exemplify the
|y ho-ni» i’-'y and Christian spirit for
Up di‘p
ere so justly renown-
ICe uer,. j .-•gn-t having had so little ;
la tarry tv 'h tlii'iii, and have so little j
; to speak it them.
ieorgam i‘i"i) lining been completed ■
Jiluailj , inui lo (ho Southern;
J.i'1 Pop'll it ''i ty tu hold its an- '
J meeting. I i' i' ii'cripts of the Socie- 1
l.r the year
been $0,701 2.5; ihe I
Irneaieiils ior the same lime 50,109,-
Пером, у
sales $36. 24j SI.
Iiv.J.P Tii-lm Corresponding Secre-
§. dediaej a i.
lection. Fur a season
I Socieiy mil tidii-.ict its business with-
|i Corre-pnniliii" Secretary. The So-
unite with tjje Suiilhern
III Conveiiinm at its nexfmecling.
io Virginia llapti-t Sunday School and
Seation Society ham about 10 culpor-
(athe field and <ever-.il others under
.peat, who will
enter upon
We have only glanced at the prominent I the meeting.
collection of ?($_, via?
outlines of the proceedings of this large j taken, lira. Millikin presented theyeirti-
and deeply interesting meeting. From i annual Contribution of a sister, ^Jtj, to
300 to 100 messengers of the churches su.tain a native preacher. The cborchca
were in attendance, Among them were . were recommended to tend annual confri-
both ministers and laymen, distinguished butions to sustain brother Corley bf.Ctori*
lor ability, piety and usefulness. The 1 pin, recently appointed a mission vfy'by
Baptists of this Slate are strong in num- 1 tlie Marion Hoard, to the Indians Ho
tiers, (110,000) in wealth, intelligence and ; was also cordially inviicil lo visit thd homes
harmonious action. They have a great and churches of llaptists in Mississippi
tnisrion, ami large facilities and the will to before his departure to his field of future
accomplish it. We hope other States will • labour. ? '
be provoked to more increased love and | The' Mississippi Baptist— the oAan and
good Kerb by. IliCio noble examples. -property of the Convention, \va«emb?'j-
Wayside Notes.
We left our kind flicmls and fimilyiti
Marion, May 13th, en route for the Miss,
llop. State Convention. This bidding the
wife and children "goo d bj,“ is the hard¬
est part of our work. But the voice of
duty must be. obeyed, In Selma wo were
detained some 30 hours waiting for a boat.
In 36 home after leaving Selma we reach¬
ed Mobile. Among our travelling com¬
panions were some old Virginia friends. —
We formed the acquaintance of Mr. R. L,
who lus a planting interest in Perry Coun
rassed by a debt of $2000. A s
effort to pay the debt was made.
Their college is reported in a'j
oils state — progress of endowmeii,
aging. 51125, secured on thej
rhapcl building. It appears tbat|Missis-
sippi, during the past three or fqeryears,
has expended for educational purposes nol
less Ilian $200,000.
Sabbath morning was devotffl.ta the
consideration of the Coliseum Place Bap¬
tist Church, New Orleans.
raised in cash and good subscriptions.
ty, Alabama, who, though not a professor j ™s "as encouraging, and all Jearts re-
o! religion, feels a deep interest in tho re- j joict’d in the probability of filing the
ligious welfare of the colored population ; 1 cl|urch Tree of debt. The bretj|e» of N.
1 Orleans proposed to raise, at.bpme, the
balance necessary to liquidatofche whole
debt, if Ihe Domestic Board oPthi S. B-
Convention would secure tbe|sum of
$5,000. Towards this amountwc obtain¬
ed two subscriptions of $500 each, leav-
ing $l,('00 tu be raised ; ami Qe. old sub¬
scriptions to be collected whicWhavu been •
made conditionally. To secure this amount
the Convention delegated brotl|?r Smith of
Louisiana, Bums of Mississippi) and Low
and proposes to pay one fourth the salary
of a missionary, should the Board send
one to his scctiou of the country. This
may afford some consolation to those
Northern sympathizers of the slaves.
We were in lime for the Sabbath morn¬
ing service». At 11 o’clock we supplied
the pulpit of Ilev, P. I!. Collins, pastor of
St. Francis Street Bap. Church. This
- ... , 1 • I »iwmciuua, x/uiua
1x114 ••
church possesses great facilities lor doing , ^ ^ ,0 yW1 (|l„ fftncrl,
good, and contributes liberally to our
Bru. Collins
with great energy and succc
19 Fcreem Mi«ion enterprise has a
hold upon the affections of Virginia
it). The report of their Board imli-
s a growm-r '/eat in this cause.
!i»lutious in support of Indian and
!, 'orn.il mi- -ions were introduced, sus-
md unanimou-ly adjpled.
h( State M.— ion lloaid deservedly
a prominent place in these meet-
I- nn effluent body for Home •
iw vro'k. It Ins in ils employ 72!
uonane -upplving 200 stations in S2 j
'tie». .Mure than 1.100 converts bap- i
■l during ue year, and several hundred j
rrscon- ted through Ihe initnmien-l
7 of - ie-. u,i»«ionaries whom they
1 not bapt. -,-d Feeble churches have
’i slrcnen ned, new fields occupied
new eburt lies orgini-cd, Sabbath
oolsestiM In 'I, Bibles and religious
distrihui •' and the hearts of the
pie turneil t-. the "great salvation."
k« propn-. d Southern Baptist Tlieo.
linary at (.ce-u-v ille, S. C, received
d Virgini v Bapti-ts were
'«mmended ..11-e $25,000 towards the
' ivmeot
jllichm md (' Utore seems to be in a pro<-
giurious revival of Hi-
a hat pe vail, ,| |.,r some lime, precious
I’liave hoi n 1. inverted. Among the
flat- are 03 preparing lor the ministry.
n " w Oil.-, in< Baptist church was I
Te*“r.ti a '
brethren Burns and I«o\v. |
genrr.rti; .pii, i w,ls manifest lo hear a
‘hare 01 (pe prevent indebtedness ol (
’ tlu|rrli v.inr $G00, were pledged on
f wri'iun and I rot her Bitting was unan-
b«l? que-t,.|i m lake a voluntary agen-
f 1 fi'w rnordli- in Virginia, to secure
' ‘"uant pledged at a former meeting.
. 'u addition to the oqt-stamling con-
■Mai bond# will release the church from
dk*» sm.iarrassment. Wo hope it will
'«be done.
Htsotuiions approving the late action of
! America,, ’prn,.y Society in sustaining
J*1* at the Fxecutive Committee in
'“'«g to pubh-h ccriain books, were in-
discui-ed and indefinilely post-
charge. (
paslural care of llev. K. Hawthorn. This
is a large and prosperous rhurrh. They
gave Us a collection of $17 for mission
house-, which was generous in view ol
tho recent dralb made upon them. Altov
an exhortation by brother Collins, not less
Ilian 10 or 50 came forward for prayers,
“ Cthiopia shall stretch forth her hands to
(I oil.” The blacks in the South present
one of our most promising fields of labor.
Have we not seine young men who would
rejoice to bear the tidings of salvation to
them ?
On Monday we took the fine .steamer
Florida for
Wc were favored with a smooth and
safe passage across the Luke. The morn¬
ing found us refreshed and at the Lake-
end-depot. The cars soon conveyed us
to the
The church, edifice of the Coliseum
1'lacc Baptist Church is an ornament to
the city and a credit to the Baptists in New
Orleans. The church has under its su¬
pervision three Sabbath Schools, with 500
pupils. It sustains Herman preaching and
a system of colpoitag-r.
Of consecration to the cause of 'Christ. —
The Herman members have voluntarily | ij^'of hi.'cnarVe'd’oubieJ in numberi and
taxed themselves at the rate of ten per |
cent on all their gross .cccipts to aid in j Sabbath morning we preached fur
sociiilion of Virginia, and pn'-ent this to
thpir prayeiful attention, anc' rco if this
sum could 'lot.l^raLed Ihroi. h their lib-
Could ihlrliF'Scceihpusneu, tneuctn, -s”
long on hand, would he oil', and the church
unembarrassed. We hope our Southern
brethren will come up to this obligation,
and thus dismiss this subject forever. We
must, if possible, report to the Biennial
Convention, in Richmond, next May, that
ull is paid. Wc cannot dismiss this ac¬
count of the Mississippi Convention, with¬
out alluding to the closing scene. The
Y'ritcr was appointed to prea'ch in tho Bap¬
tist church Monday night. Aftersermon,
that beautiful hymn, " Children of the
heavenly king," Ucc., was sung by the con¬
gregation, standing, and any present feel¬
ing an interest in their soul's salvation
were invited to come forward, and have
the prayers of Hod’s people before we
parted. Greatly to our joy, some 15 16 50
look the anxious seals. This meeting will
not toon he forgotten.
From this point we had a rapid passage
to Jackson and Vicksburg, having no time
to tarry with our esteemed brother Milli-
ken of the former, and brother Snodgrass
of tho latter place.
steamer was at the
wharf— aboard we went and in 30 hours
were in
Brother Ilrane, pastor of the First Bap¬
tist church, during his seven loonlh's resi¬
dence hero, has had the joy of seeing the
supporting a Herman preacher. They
have a house of worship nearly paid lor,
ami hope soon lo have a separate organi¬
The place of the gathering of the people
the 1st Church, oflprnnon for the African,
and at night for the 2nd Church. 'Brother
Bateman is the pastor of the two latter,
and his labors also have been remarkably
blessed. Some SO have been added with-
, , , in a few months. This 2nd Churrh has re*
for Conventional puiposes was gained J ceived-appropriations from the Board to
Wednesday evening. On Thursday morn- 1 aid in the support of their ministers, and
ing the Convention met. Only five As¬
sociations out of twenty-six in the Stale,
wero represented.
The organization being completed, In- ,
dian Missions claimed the attention of the bodies. The 1st Church will pay the sala
body. Brethren Dostor, of Alabama, Mil-
will this year niso $100 for the Board.
These missionary churches will pay back
after awhile. Arid how usefol is- the Board
in extending its assistance tu these weak
liken, of Mississippi, anil the Financial
Secretary of .the Marion Board, addressed
ry of a' missionary this year? say $300.
This was a good start for our work in Ten¬
nessee. From .Memphis we went to Knox¬
ville, and spent nnc night. Fortunately
Wo were present at the Wednesday night
prayer meeting, and met a few only of the
njcnibers. .We spoke of our Work, and
the brethren agreed to raise 5100, for the
Board this year; one half was secured at
the meeting. -This church also has recci-
vcd,aid from tho Board, hut are now able
and willing to assist the Board.
Brother Hillsman, Editor of the Baptist
Watchman, has been tho pastor of this
church, ami h^ gieatly added to its cllici-
ency, We ue;e soiry to learn that he
had. handed in his resignation; ' No man
has more influence in East Tennessee than
brother !(., and ho is.using.it Jo promote
the spirit of missions among (ho clmrchos;
From this place we made haste for the
Capital, Nashville, where we spent the
next Sabbath, preaching for the 1st Church,
Dr. Howell’s in the morning, and brother
Ford's at night. The 1st Church listened
to our talk about the work wo were doing,
and in fiftren minutes pledged $500, for
the Board this year. Wc fir I thankful
for this sympathy and co-operation. All
is right here, and at Knoxville and Mem¬
phis, $1200 from these three places for
the Marion Board. Brethren of the Slate,
be encouraged from these examples, and
aid us in our woik. Send up lo your As¬
sociations annual contributions for Domes¬
tic and Indian Missions.
Brother Ford has baptized 30 persons
since he has been in South Nashville, and
bis Sunday School lias increased from 19
to 200.v They have determined to build a
new house of worship, and some funds
have already been secured for this object.
This church is receiving aid from tho
Board to support their pastor, but must be¬
gin to do something for others, and took
up a collection for tho Board, amounting
to $0 20. This is to train up ihcir young
members, and begin in the right way. We
passed several hours in company with our
friends of tho Tennessee Baptist; They
part of (he city, and arc now tilting it up
for the business of tho South Western
Publishing House, and Tennessee Baptist.
Many kind expressions in relation lo our
work fell from their lips, and more than
this, material uid was furnished to support
our operation*.
Dr. Howell has baptized over 70, and
received by letter and baptism since his
return to the city, sumo 133 into tho fel-
lowship'of the
Church. The Sabbath
School of his church is large, and interest¬
ing. We had the pleasure of addressing
the school Sabbaih morning.
Wc must close this long letter and beg
tho patience of the readers. In another,
we will conclude this journalizing. Wc
have reason to thank our Heavenly Father
for his mercies. Wc have enjoyed excel¬
lent health, and been kindly received by
our brethren, and all have generously re¬
sponded lo our appeals. Our prayer is
that our mission enterprises may receive
the support of all pious people.
M. T. s.
P. S.— Wc have gotien many new sub-
scribcr* to.llic Home and Foreign Journal.
Brethren try to increa<e the circulation of
this paper. It is only 25 cents a year
mailed to your adilicss. M. T. S.
United SUitas Congress.
When in Washington, a short time since,
wo were happy to learn that, notwith¬
standing tho many agitating questions
brought before Congress during the pres¬
ent session, there has been more than
usual attention given to tho subject of re¬
ligion by tho members. More, deference
paid to tho Sabbath— less secular reading
and secular business 03 that day— both
Houses concurring In not protracting tlieir
sessions on Saturday nights beyond 12
o'clock— much less intemperance than
suggestion for a " Congrcs*
sional prayer-meeting " was leceived
with favor by those to whom, it was
made. It is thought such a meet¬
ing will be established next «ession
These facts arc gratifying-
ilij Pam:
NUMBER- 1." . !■
srt. ■ ' . ; 'f/V
a.-jfectrtsnv*— •sbVASsasI.vi' 'V -
1 -v. W.d (• '>
•, ("si .1" a- :
. , .' ' •' 'Ms
fully truo that thefe'la much Sabbath
breaking, profane- swearing, intemperance
j and other ticesjn Congress— sins of. that
1 nature and magnitude which are a .4 re-f -
j proach to any people." " Righteou.-ne.s'p
oxaltoth a nation.”' -How important, that
the representatives of a Bepublican and'-
Christian Government bo righteous men—,
our rulers ,.and . law-makers should be
' made the frequcnUubjccU of prayer.- -$0. .
i it is enjoined upon us, " I exhort there'-)
j fore, that first of all, supplications prayer",;
( intercessions and giving of thanks be npida .
1 for all men’,— for iiings.and.for all that ar«j
■ in authority, that, xvo may lead a quiet and,
peaceful life in all ggodlincs? and .bon.-
' csty ■ A D mt,
x'|L * -
м '-Щ&.
Female gaping .Civcjc?„ ^
Socioti.es of thq abpvc or. kindred 'name'-
are ii0t uncommon, hut more- so thari w«I» ,
desire. We are personally, acquainted^
with several which liavo done -.modi for’
the spread of tho gospel' and in making-
j provisions for the poor. .
• The Femali Sewing Cirqla in conncc-.
! {ion with the First Baptist Ciiuich, Rich-
I mend, is now sustaining a city missionary
] at a salary of 5600, per annum. Appro-j
' printing $500, ay ear to a feeble church at ,
Sidney, and $150, 'to Tong Seen Sang,!
China. Making a sum of $1250, pcr.an- .
num. This certainly is praiseworthy—
example we desire lo see followed, to
extent of tlieir means, by the ladies
every Baptist church in the South. ■
Their missionary has shared an encout-i
aging degree of success in his labours o|^
love. During the last month ovcr30 havc.,
professed hope in Christ in connection p •
with his ministry. The day is not distant •'
when another self-sustaining Bap. church ,
will he reared up in this nourishing city, ’
•and under tho auspices of tho pious fe^
mi w. Sisters of other churches, will yolf
not mgage in like efibi ts ? '
. t ; ’
This church, in (lie City of Richmond,
j has been under the united patronago of tli'e
' Virginia State Mission Board and the Do¬
mestic Mission Board of the S.
C. Per¬
haps more judicious appropriations have
never been made by these Board). The
prosperity of this church is Without a par- ^
allcl in the history of our mission vvoilV
Tho location is a favorable oue ; and both'
pa.-lor and people have had a mind 10 work
.-and they have worked nobly, and Hod
has crowned their labors Willi cheoriitfj
success. , .
It was our pleasure lo spend a Sabbaih
morning with them quite recently. They
have a flourishing Sabbath school— an In-
rant school and three Bible classes. The
superintendent repotted 301 pupils and 47
teachers and officers present.
They have a neat hou-e of worship Well
filled— often crowded, with anxious hear- •
ers. It is delightful— hopeful, to- preach
to such a congregation. Soon . they miht
add 20 feet to the length of ihcir building.
The membership of tho church is over
400. Nut rich in this world’» good*, hut
rich in faith and take pleasure in doing
their ranter's work. They are resolved
to sustain themselves.
hast Alabama Convoutiorj
By some accident our notes of this meojt
ing are lost or mislaid. Our memory must
he relied on for the present notice.
It met in Jacksonville, Calhoun county.
The representation was large— much lar¬
ger than we expected! Tlic number .in
attendance, the kind spirit manifested and'
the warm interest taken in the various be¬
nevolent enterprises contemplated in the
organization, greatly enlarged our hope in
regard lo its future usefulness. Jt has en¬
tered upon the work of Sabbath Schools,
Home, Indian and Foreign Missions, Bible
and hook distribution, and Theoldgiql
It has seven Homo Mission
appointment— four of Whom are now
the field, They resolved to sustain a white1*
missionary and an Interpreter among tbe<
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