- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, January 1859
- Date
- 1859
- Volume
- 8
- Issue
- 7
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, January 1859

* 'is
1UCIIM0N1), VA., HARION.'fybA., NAsilMlLLE. TENN.,. JANUARY, 1S5D. - NUMBER ?.! ■*
.■ )
torest in the gvitat'miwiotiary cntcrpriao cn-
TargcJ, nnd the desire for the advancement
of Christ's kingdom strengthened os yon
have taken up the “ Journal" — then do all
1’ririub iUl’l
t you oau for Ita ineroaoed cireiiLilhm. You
u |l,i|'|W New Year. 1858 j
not be able to
ice much, but you
1 . . ,,.j, another cyclo of i <*■ nmch in this wuy to [irumoto tho good of
of the past should j missiur^.
* i,. t . u i in.itums of gratitude. - — -
ikU ami I’fttrous.
л ..,„,,1
M pioHiCUto Our wo t
Ju!„ t no'S or any serious ca*
,h ,,|l„ri„r.mr hands have been
and tb
our pi Lf image the «itW! ot
' ‘ h.,- greatly prospered.
been freely vouehsilftul— sin-
h.,.|i enlivened— tho churches
ui„ .,,] i ho diaeiples of 'Josus
j„il ii.il abirilied among us. For
s v, thanks. Wo would have
„„I j.,.1% i hut 1859 may witness
. . . our part.
n i.i be done ? Does the
•| oil lie ,1 over every portion of
|. , tint elion of our vast tor-
mrli the preached gospel?
' , , ill our eitioi and towns the
iiiej'iii' instruction? Have
■ lb,.
le-itiosof tho eouti-
. . . liei.il,' I lave we mereaa-
о. и,
piiipiiiliun to tho inercaeo
' ■■ •Iir-Ji, tbero remains a work
i, imIi'iiI, ited to tax all ottr en-
, jii.li . I tu eveiy principle of
\t. need gmee and wis-
r. sponsili litica. While
'“..ri-jiul T«'iiitoi ies me pressing
, I,, elder ones are not yet aatis-
.. i . i, .piiriug additional nurs-
iii.il, in, .uli, bitty, v.ce and open
apin' ill null nit the land, have
in inis
i lie puli lot and the
n T., lull
i Ids tide of iniqui-
l 'ifill loaJlj upon every sincere oud
Kriontl of Jesus.
What will you do for .Domestic Missions
tho coming year ? Can you giro 5100,
il« of heaven have 550, $10, S5, or SI? Ik nhul you cun,
and determine to do it promptly and tcillmy-
ly. As tho r<oid has proaporod yon,
Whatsoever you iln, ilo It unto the Lonl, and
tho Lord's blessing will bo upon you. Lot
tho eloso of 1 851) bear its testimony to your
people are becoming ncquUintad fjUlJi our
sentiments, Tbo truth will bvftffi effect,
am sanguino of success it’
oan be sustained foratlmo'lMigCq^Tbavo
Jlrothcr Joel Johnson thus vvhlcs : “ 1
tuti; of preaching for (wo years. [ intend
to do the best [ can for .them, l’ray for us,
- . GOOD 'NIUVS Ftto.vt TUB FID Ml
Hoc. J. A. .McGuire, of Monroe, lamisi-
aua, writes, “ I returned yesterday evening
from a littlo church, four miles distant on
the opposite sido of the river, which was on
deem it my duty to give the lioarlTva brief j. the point of dissolution, where I sjvn( ten
history of this church and its pruentpros-j days, preached twenty-one sermons, and re-
I viypis№WUf{riiiaiiiiii?r!ti'|
|"I|||||'I lor
, in i i i
i a-
и и
l-Tl or til,'
d mol humanity,
'•iv is
God is
.illnrcd by tho vani-
dlTl'itflllllCSS of rich-
ii-i l ili it our pleasure has a di-
n in
duly, and our profit from
1 1 on i hat givoth property
U .diipl dll' sentiment of kite fu!-
i • in i luring this address to our
.• )
I.f Illy Mill,
i in) iHiWiuie choieo—
Mipu'iiie control,
1 * .
I I'liiiiiimiU* rejoico,
••’bor I iii.l or ii*o,
' ' I.o/J- u\olni»*enre<bv»ye.
I-' my «oul'ii <lc*iir,
•• •
to live tliy pratee.”
•New Yi-itr’s Gifts.
'•ii'.H iliroiigliout tlio South, on
.• "I
i.'in of each year, are in
,f icml'ii > I he Treasurer of the
1 W 1 eat - inti. Ueadef will ,
1 Hrnhcr or sister in Glirist
'"'I bl. --i'<l yim tho past year?
,k, '.■iiul tlm heart of the pi or
. . ' Ih'lp, I lien, to send them
'In I,!, vsi'd Jesus. Tho pour
wi'h y.1.1 |1W;,J4. We wait to learn
1 1 (|iu Y</uttg Fiiornk
*' . . with jmik. M ill notevc-
- "■ ini,, r i.f our churches, lualo and
"’""'/i.'i.y for our missions dur-
,<irl«.iO’ My brother or sister
' ew" to ;i r Giro it to your
1,1 "ll1 f,,r»ard it. Now if every
ltr,"-lit'in years of age, will re-
'"I" this Ime, much think yon, render,
n'ho I"!V‘'iri'r receive? Thousamls
w M bo will become a
■' 1H,!0 ’
O'"' Headers,
Giitheriuge from our Mmonariea.
Has a population of three thousand and five
hundred. There is only one otlifcr denomi¬
national interest except our own in the
place. That is small, ours is not very large
yet, but seems to be rapidly increasing. Our
Congregation constantly growing, is, at pres¬
ent, of n good size — numbering 300, .per¬
haps more. The recent mooting, which wo
held, nud which was much blessed, has dono
much to enlarge and give permunenoe and
clmructer to our congregation. I report a
membership of ninety-eight from the regis¬
ter. 1 am sure, however, that the number
will be lessened when the ro arrangement of
tho register, at present going on, shall be
completed. It will be reduced to eighty-
five. Owing to tho want of a pastor, the !
church has not exercised rigid discipline. !
Wo are much indebted for our bouse of wor- ^
ship) 1 am devoting much pf my time to
the soliciting of tnouo.y to liquidate the debt.
Have mot with good success,
“This, is a fine fiobl.tbr HapjistiblfMt,
)'"'t been chccrcd ami encouraged
’VTOl in the letters of our tnis-
; 4 'be wonderful workings of God's
JFM the hearts of men, during the
^'е Иоп11и,
then give to Him all
“Ciiml pray for tho conti nuanco of
Jn?' Have you felt your owii in!
ii . j> I
opinion that it is tlu- most inviting mu field
in the Stato.
In much brotherly love, Ac.,
Wsi. II. Hatcheb."
Urothcr H. has been greatly encouraged
for t|io short time he has been labouring in
Manchester. He reportn, during the quar¬
ter, ending September 3 1st, twenty-six white
persona baptized. A Sabbath school of 170
pupils and 25 teachers. One liiblo class ;
of these,. one toaoher has professed conver¬
sion and thirty solmhra, and 825 pages of
truots distributed. Such a report is cheer¬
ing, The Lord continue to bless our dur
brother in this his first field of ministerial
шжтп.т.г., ли.
Brother B. Strode, who has taken so much
interest in tho prosperity of the cause at
this place, writes, “ In reviewing tl.o labours
for the past twclvo numtlis,
see nnd ac¬
knowledge the guiding and sustaining band
of the Great Head of the church in grant¬
ing tho degree uf success which has attend¬
ed oqr efforts hero ; which, though ant as
much us desired, is really morn than was ex¬
pected on account of the embarrassed state
of business a part of the year. Bank sus¬
pensions ami general onmiuorciul panic— und
also tlm peculiar obstacles in the way of ad¬
vancing our sentiments in ibis community.
The oauso, however, lias steadily though not
rapidly progressed, and L led that nothing
now remains to be done bet to continue well
directed efforts in this enterprise a year or
two longer, and a permanent interest will be
established. Wo bavo laboured under a
great disadvantage, from not having
able house of worship of our own, but this
difficulty, wo know, will bo removed in the
the coming year, provided, the
preaching of tlm word call be sustained' to¬
gether with tho usual, efforts of a pastor.
That such a church is specially mceiwy, N
evident from tho great destitution of lids
whole region. I am the only Baptist preach¬
er in (his large and wealthy county, who
•jives himself entirely to tho ministry,
am still collecting funds in tho county for
the meeting house. I baptized Ecvcral in
teresling candidates Sabbath before lost, in
tho presence of a very largo assembly.
Others are awaiting tho ordiitancA Tho
I revived its organizatiorlia April,
Its history lias been one' 5f raisfor-
tuno and trouble until tho
ohiclly for want of a judicious Irtuhr.and
the moans to sustain such n man^' AXctho-
dism has completely overrun cv$y tiling.
Our congregations are increasing tjiil atten¬
tive. The church had the shell of, k house
50 by 30 feet, which I leave succeeded in
finishing awl is now tho best house in town.
We reopened it on tiio 1st Sabbat!? in Ortw
her. This is
[mint of great importance to
Baptists. It is tlm terminus ofylic Gulf
and Atlantic Hail Hoad, which is Dow being
built, and will sooli be completed, lit is also
tlm bead of duck-water navigation on the
Flint river which empties into flic Gulf.
The town numbers, a thousand anditpjrard,
and is rapidly inereos'ng. Thorp its at this
timo mm hundred buildors cmplfted, and
more could find business. This white region
is missionary ground, and the cry conics up
to mo daily, come over and hclfWis. Bat
my duties compel mo to deny nippy such
cases. My people are beginning
ciate tho stated administration of mo Word.
Until I came here, there was no pTjtycr-
mccting or monthly concert, nil IlSileslass,
nn Sabbath school ; in short tho cljhrclj was
on the point of giving up. But iiovjThcy
are daily gaining confidence in tficawlvcs
and the community in them. ’'IrtCloslhg, I
wish simply to say, that wo aye payyiffAmch
attention to tho spiritual intefcsgV'jhf the
colored people. I preach <MfA&‘£E&db.k
"The past three months,” writes brother
Gilbert, "lias been with
ns a church, a
time of special interest. I'ruycr, anil con¬
sequently our spirituality, lms been inoreus-
ed. Col. Ii. and wile have rcocully been
baptized and united with our churrh, tho
latter has been a pious, devoicd membor of
a l'cdo-lhptist church since die ago of fif¬
teen. Both are now happy in having obey¬
ed the divine ijommaii'l. They have tho
means of doing much good.
Our annual association. which took place,
September lllb, was clmraeterir.nl by the
spirit of charity and brotherly affection,
which gives hope in the future for the causo
in this State, Measures 'vvero ndoptod to
provide some way and moans for tlm educa¬
tion of those who foci it their duty to preach
the gospel, but who do not posses the re¬
quisite knowledge for so high cod responsi¬
ble a position.
We are expecting ono or two more to join
us soon by baptism.”
Labouring in Shelby county, Texan, writes,
that lie has baptized three willing converts,
anil oxpocts to baptize several others at his
next meeting,
BttoTitiat a. yokk,
Writing from Surry county, N. C!., speaks
of having attended interesting mootings, and
that about one hundred have mado a profes¬
sion of religion; God's people are revived
and at work. t
Blount county, Alabama, writes, that In .-il
his churches revivals have been enjoyed,
nnd 1m him baptized severr I’todos recently.
The Lord is doin’ a great work in this part
of his vineyard.
Labouring in Independence county, Arkan¬
sas, is much encouraged. He says, in ids
last letter, that out: prospect for success in
tho .Redeemer's cansc is very flattering. We
have had thirty-one who professed hope in
Christ at our' meetings during the pitzt quar-
(er. But our destitution is so extensive, it
requires a great deal of trateiitig ta supply
, jt. Some of tho Churches bavo beet dcsti
' .. • '
ceivod eighteen for baptism, and five by let¬
ter. There is a prospect^ of more. The
church is now in a pleasant stato.
Нее. !Г.
German Interest in New Orleans.
HtV. It. Illll.JI.VS!
Ihtocal . /Lrirtor,— Oiwe
I rend you
anitlicr monthly repnrt, inengro though it is
thr such a city iii Now Oilcans. I know, how¬
ever, that my labors have not been la vain,
Many have heard the tine thiqirl during tho
month piwt, and the members themrelies arc
in lu.mbnyr nml peace. Our meetings have*
been quite well attended, and especially those
in Algiers, which were held in a private liou-c.
I have seen men in ilmre prayer meetings of
the vreret kind, drunkards, who Imve never
bren in tho habit of going to any j.laco of
worship, but alter listening to our service, they
(aid, we will go ngnili. ll ia so loo in the
city, the people know and fool that vre hate
the whole truth, and that uur preaching ia
more powerful tlinn that of uny other denomi'
nation, hut tlm most
tlnin aro afraid to go
right «might on, they ate liko Nlcodemu*,
nl'mid of ilm people. Sumo vvh" have greatly
iqipimcd us are beginning to ho niuro‘ quiet.
Sunday l.elure latl, when 1 had a baptism,
thorn were preaeat romo upon «hum, I know,
the Ibdy Spirit ia working, and I do believe L
wia giid'I ii,r them tu ho (here. SoiDO (if them
were ahiiken like trees m the
crying, it wa- an liuur nf blessings fur every
uac, and especially f.T tho uiemhcra of the
church. In general I liad tho hope, if I could
stay here, that tins little band would prosper
during (lie «inter sea-iin. Hut 1 ilutiht mil
1 ahull have III leave. 1 liupe Vi il heard honi
Ilm. Alex. Duncan, time limy made me May-
one mumh lunger, during «Inch timo the
brethren will correspond with tho thiireh in
Williamsliurg, N. V., to ree it 1 cnnimt pais-
sibly remain .in this place, llut l am nfraid,
though tl.e Lord may do wlmt Ilo pleiiaes. 1
will nay like Samuel did, 1st Sam,, 3rd clmp-
YsiUl'U in clirist,
iv. F.vsciiino.
It is to be regretted that lire. F. ihould
be compelled to leave ibis field. Tho fruit
of his work is just beginning to appear.
He has had the Summer setuon to c intend
with, sickness, Ac. (Juiibl ho. remain we
might look for very happy results from his
preaching and labots from hutiso to house.
May tlm Lord soon send
one to take
our Bather's pl.oe. These Germans arc
•anxioui fir tho Gospel,
Hirer Church, S. C.; Rev, J. A'. McGuire,
Muuroo, La; Rev. A. Haemlcr, Germau
Church, Ft, Louis, Mo.; Iter. J. .L ‘Flem¬
ming, Manning Church, 8. 0.; llov. L.lt, U
Jennings, Athena, Georgia; llov. W. Hi
Hatcher, Manchester, Virginia; llov. J. B.
Madoulet, German Church, Louisville, Ken¬
tucky; Her. Stephen Wallin, Marshall, N:
C.; llov. H. il. Butler, f colored) 2d Colored
Church, Washington, 1), C.; Rev. Noah
Davis (ecbreU) Colored Cbutcli, Baltimore,
Maryland j Her. J. 1*. Quinn, Salt Creek
Church, Talladega County, Alabama ; Rev.
N. IVcst, Santa Cruz, California.
_ Rev. Thomas Mel ntadi,. (native)
Nation; Her. Doo-nah-ua-lah, (Fustic) , (na¬
tive) Cherokee Natiou ; llev. Jeaso llvvcha. '
The last named is sustained by tho I, tier-
ty Association, Arkansas. , 1
l’ev. A. Bowen,
Has been appointed by the Board .f Do-
mwtio and Indian Missions tut their agent
for South Carolina, Wo commend our
brolhor to tho friends in that Slate, nnd
hope his labors may contribute greatly to
the interests of our blessed cause.
A brother in Fcltis County, Maryland,
makes an earnest appeal for a missionary.
Ho has resided tbero two and a half years,
lias had but little preaching during that
time, and has not had the privilege of par¬
taking of the Lord's Supper once. Fire
chub's in tho County, hut nut a missiona¬
ry luptist preacher, There is considerable
wealth there, and a man of the right spirit
and fair preaching talents can secure a
support, or nearly
in this field tho first
year. Who has a mind to go ?
Rev. W. Thomas, our missionary in Kan
sis, has resigned his position in that fiold to
accept the [as to rata of the Baptist Chgrel, ^ ^ en(fr[iri:c_ror ono
in tho city of Austin, Texas. Being a sub¬
ject .of rheumatism lie found tho diraoto
quite, too severe. ‘Tho Austin Church is too
fe'eblo to support a pastor, arid Brother
Thomas is our missionary at that point.
Ap}xi\ntmnt of Jliumaria hy the Hoard
• for Oelolcr ami A'uccmlcr.
-Domestic Field.
Hey. W. Thomas, Austin, Texas; Her-
John Harris, Athens, Alabama; l’cv. A-
P. Norris, (iranilesrille and Blackrille, .8-
C.; Rev'; E. Strode, Huntsville, Alabama ;
Her. J. Q. Hollins, Mt. Hope and Block
Htv. J. 1,. Shuck' a letter.
SiraintsTO, Oct. 19th; 1858. V
Dear Urn. IhJmun:
With gratitude to our Heavenly Father, I
nm permitted to send you the good news Irani
tliis far off land, of the baptism of another
Chino-e eourtri — a very iiuerc-ting young
man, named Ah-Chong. Thus Oud, in kind-
merey and love, continues to cncourugo ’
u« in the arduous tusk vvo Imvo here upon our
dust llnco weeks ago ! vrrolo you that un¬
usual liMlessness and indifference vvero ap¬
parent tuning tho
nupulatlon, nnd
that very lew vvuuldaftendunrChineXi rerviccs,
Tho very next Sunday, however, after I wrote
you, nn unusually largo iimi attentive congro.
gat ion -appeared at tho Oliinesc chapel, and
listened iloscly nliilo Wong Money, Leung
Clink, nnd I diwoursed to them nluint tl.R great
Salratiou. Just after my writing too, one of
uur inquirers nianifested great intetcat nnd
Oi.ncern nb.-ut liia suul, vvliivli we trust resulted
in Ids real convereinn, and lie is the ono I
bavo ns Icing baptized. On last
Nunday, niwi,
had nmither nicq cangicgM
I inn. The fact is, I grieve aver my own lack
of faith and linpo in reference ta ll.teo singu¬
lar people. Ami yet the di'caurngenients, at
times, are noil nigh overwhelming. Hut l .
will try to exorcise more faith nnd earnest
hone, t i)
. The congregations of my own eounlrymcn
'ipgn,ffp,a'eJlireq~iini(.,,ayen'Ari!..a,qd vddl; ,wqa.
Imve nceesshun quite frequently, yet we hare
nn nini Lei re|igt«us interest in rijjuirt, IVo
have a very fnii.rishbp Sanday-Sclaml. Our
hause af warship greatly needs refitting, but
ererylsaly is leully an [a, or iliat we lire going
t i have a hard lug to neeumpluh it. Wo shall
• J-
Ah-Cliang was l-nptiztil in tho presem-e of a
hirgii nud cuce. in die churili an dill slpect,
amt I tonk ncciisii'ii to deliver a missii-nery die-
ciairso. The services uciosalciun nnd deeply
Impio'rive. Wang Mtacy and Lemig Clink,
my liiglilyosti-pined and bchiied fcllau -lalairers,
have tail’ll written tellers of appeal to tho
your side of tho continent. Wong
Monty'* I «ill try nnd send this mail, und
Limug Clink's the next. They both fed a deep
nnd intelligent interest in tho religious wef-
f ire of California, especially in regard to their
ovn country men. I hnio sometimes thought
tmt if cur C'hinete rntcrpiisc in California
had resulted in nothing tm-re than winning
three two men to tho Gospel,
should feel
amply compensated fur all ouf money, smri-
five-, anxieties and toils. And yet wo hnvo
other lovely Christian Chinese contorts. here.
Somo interesting cases of inquiry nre still
pending. I lielievo you nre praying for us. I
need your prayers. 1 sometimes
wish "to leave ibis field, nnd make my lining
whore there junior* religion, and where there
arc inure religious people and more rapid ad¬
vances in building Upchurches nnd Christian
1 hope your health has imprated.
Grace, mercy and pcaro. Fraternally,
J. Lewis Sticcic.
Telegrams from tho
Lieut, ltealo and company lefl my place
this morning cn route fur California, via tho
plains, lie has a contract from Govern¬
ment to cut a wagon road, and establish a
lino of military posts hi California. The
road will
near here. His escort, con¬
sisting of two coinpanic? of infantry, mo
tlireo days' travel in tiro rear. Tho Lieu¬
tenant, and C'apt. N'olaml of the Navy, who
ith him, aro gentlemen of tho first
day it will make thi) a great country, nml
is bound to hasten the civilization of the
wild tribes. Five stages passed through 1
Creek Agency last week from Ncnsbo, Mo.,
to Albekirk, N. Mexico,
the plains. 1
spent one evening with the contractor, Capt.
Green, and learned from him that the fare
on , his line from Mo. to N. Mexico is
only 8125; that bo will join Lieut. Beale .
arid escort at Littlo lliver, and accompany
him all the way ort bis first trip. Sue- .
cess to tho enterprize; for now it will be.
nf nml rrprdimt to fend misaionaries - to
the 1 . 'll. 1.1 Indiana, near Santa Fee } and the
fare wi.'i not exceed S125; , d ,,
Tho sta^a from California hi Memphis .
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