- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, September 1858
- Date
- 1858
- Volume
- 8
- Issue
- 3
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, September 1858

p- "
l;H, 1858.
• >1!
ruJWiTSimn -by
uns oy
baptist convention.
1 '
„„ ЛГ
nirtlfCTir HKMflW U"j balmy brew».
iltwirable locality
Smie which b»v|
ill WlnliMI'1 _ | for iU institutions of learning. This is lo pieachipg." .
|V ,:.u,\MA SKl'TEMUKIl. WM .bethewilof (he . 1 Our ,\y» England
1 SOUTHERN UAFIIST THEOLOGICAL school, , lillle of lhai of wliifh" (ffij
•n require a
''agents In the i
, which will go into operation sometime | Soul1' *1#V1' 30
begins at;
Hi.' Field.
be occupied by the Hoard jurjng
MJkt ye»r. An able faculty borne.'
mein .h|ijit"icnt embraces the has been appointed, but we learn that two i
M,.H .ml;
N^,h “d of them have .lecline.l. Wo hope, how j AwOCHltKjl
I'l'olti" . . . ' a" j ever, they may yet be secured, as no bet- The following extract (npfrtlie " Church |
, \|i—i- !• i" l.||in-‘,nna. exns, ' r" . tPr ,l)Pr, cmibl bo t'ounrl for that post. , Journal," is suggestive qjnfome profitable j
ji,.., 1 1, 1 fiine-ree, eniuc y, , Sou,li Cniolina has promptly raised her ! reflections touching ouni|jUciatiunal and j
|)i "irl of '"tun ta.
of the emlowment, (flOO.OOO,) one i other ecclesij'tical meetings. VVe, as a!
Who need covet • . i i.„.i.. . _ .fa ,
nia Wong Mooey and Cliak
valuable aids in my Chinese labors, lYay
for us.
Grace, mercy and peace, fraternally,
i . t
Uit 'll •“
no, h i >hw neeo curei
thousand dollars. It remains for i body of ministers and lie
.jjou*1 d'tr I hough much is e- ||lt.
Stales to furnish an equal sum, held the importance
. «rial State Conventions j '-
•j ,. : i ‘ . i "i.'iMo evangelize this j ^ |
i mil ■
icn, have not
t mielings in '
[ which w.n hope to see done without delay. 'j"3' estimation. WeThayej often erred in
' This is an ini|iort»nt enlcipiise, and one i considering them too much as occasions!
, i.
*' 4,'h remains utiru li ^ commends itself to the lavourablo re- ; for business and social ’"enjoyment to the .
i- 1 ml»»K 10 llie lluald gar, I, of the Baptists of the South. neglect of the e uUiratio’tflgf personal pi- ■
v i-i-uuc1- We are sustaining mis- ; ^ a |t.^0|uti<in
foe Convention, the ' cty, and of doing good tiSJie. community |
. ,n ;,!l ll; . S'atoe, but ! Slam iliwinn Board was abolished, and the in which these meetings, Se. held. Head!
i '|!|i b'di.y einji nyed *• ,*|p , ol 'be exit act, ponder this&objnt, attend
u"l'. What are thiee , these meetings, profit by'Ihein, and bene-
, Shuck. Gilbeit, and, , . lit other, while
1. rcduin rail ihev can on this Pacific i 'ranslerred to the Marion Hoard, and;
., . I
. , , ... ihev among the tens l*he churches recommended to semi di- ub’rgt man w@y attends these;
biitwt.it nil mi
among me tens , , .. . meetings, mu.t led lhat'Le is more than .
.«ml- H..I aie already numbered . wily to that hoard all foods for Domestic
j |„ rucoj|Lemeut he |e. ,
pc* i'iI'-iii ”1 'Ids Western Slate? | Missions. reive Iioiii his brethreof Jpd.tlie love he
>re till- laud brought under; Indian missions fi,nd-’ c'lkindledTii his ownjhj.om towards
, . i . , .... - . them, besides the beniing№hich his iiies- ,
-*"1 1,1 a
* hriMiamty. And n|?f) rerened n lull share of attention: |„V1.
the -flCbperiiy ol the
T. \i- id I,<>ni*iana .and Aikan- ($b00) six hundred dollars was contiibu ! Diocese. Them ean bo npTdoubt that, if
•<h i' •
ia;<n!!\ increasing popula- 1 |,.J |,y the Coin eulion, to build a hou,-e j all the clergy in Vermon^otild spend two
,. -»|„i.| ih< i be li lt without a minis- j for the use of our missionaries among the i or lh"’e together overj thiee months, ,
, Mini p-M'in of these States a.e ' ,nd,.„s. This was promptly ml ® ?fo.£ 1
institute "t 'he go-pel institutions as folly done. 1 lie liou-e to he called South L,|veHi an(| ,n(Jrc |,rnliub!y to their re-'
-.y of our Teiritoii— . Shall we permit Carolina. speclivo people, nnd altp|jhat the exlen- !
. .
- . thmiigli our inaction ? , Several inbsciibera lor the ' sion and growth of the efibreh in the Dio- j
b qanl at foe Baptist cliurchc. says, | I10MB ASD FQ,CIGN jn}nisllL I **** bejmatcmlly pro-
— =a--:
IjWDS Co., ..Miss., Fch. II, 1S5S.
■Mri. W. Hornduckle:
Dfr Sir. — Through Divine mercy I am
once more enabled lo cancel in part a por- j
lion of liie debl I owe to my dear He- i
deerner, by forwarding to you Fifty D..1- ,
lar-, for the purjsj-e
assisting in the | Luma InoroaSC.
rpread of Divine tiulh amongst the poor 1 °
ludiaps. I did Imps that I could have! ,)ll"n2 the last ten years the popula-
made it twice as much. I can't control '
California has increased near forty
events. My desire is, to increase my j fold. At the beginning of 1S18 the pnpu'.
payment. I nrn inern-e it after awhile. I |.,|ion of Upper California was but 15,000.
lours sinceielv. ,
■ _ At the commencement of 1S53. it tvaa
lloiv many can adopt the language of 1 597,000
our good brother-" a portion of the Ml : This is.an inviting field for mUloiiMy
I owe to my dear Redeemer?” How much j labor. In proportion to the number of
oi ml thou, reader ?
Increase of German*.
It is .stated that 7S,75S Germans have!
coine lo this country the past year, and j
•l|jl,l‘.’0 during five years past:
For all this number our Board has bot I
two miseionaiics exclusively labeling.’
laborers but few mi-sions have bren at¬
tended with more encouraging success.
■ Creeks. ’ • •
ifev. J. S. Morrow reports 5 baptisms—
We would employ half a ilazen' iiative Sll'l< ' " Son,°
оГ '"У
meetings have
Germans or such as can speak the German ! be,'n Vfr>' enrouraSinS in,l«d- 111 »lop-
language if suitably recommended. . j
l0'"'; a new 6lation' w« ,iavi! a
j "*w arbor built for worship, and there is
: much interest manifested.' It is a strong
1 held of the Methodist, who show us not
: much favor. Last Sabbath I put their
lfilh ! class-leader under the water. •
Brother Buckner reports the baptism
converts — constitution of
■ono meeting-house completed
>-ewv Uoo'l-houjht soul
the church ' . , .f , t
■ , , . . , were secured, and a disposition manifest- 1
— tbi- coun'iv, I1*», belongs to Jesus, ... -
о и
, , - ' , , eil to give it a wider circulation m Soulli
-a. ’ hi hr.iiiglit under the power of , , ... 1
. . : ,, | Carolina. This ought to he done. " e :
n ...i.,n inee in lhn>P
t ",is«. Our mi'-iunirics in these
iie> write that ihev frequently have,
, , , ' . , , . wil try to accomplish this result.
-iJ. dial have never before heard the •
Rum anti
Last year about live milfiors of dollais
ope our brethren Ihraufbmt the State we;7conhibut,7 in Crea^Sih for ini.- 1
•innary and other be A
wpl preached by , ll,pli-t minister j addition toother miller, the object . Durin|< ^ rtmf limf 4j
-г и.,
n.ki. ,i...i.:. ...... u;i. i of th« I and fifty milliuiH wep
(Itjivw'ii of the Bible doctyincs are vvi|- [ ‘
wiReH-o1 If !.Wi
+'Л1йуЭД«1^»й!.и!.сЛ »
.awilyto Iuji tin in. Wo say, then, came up, and. the sum of (j'S.OOO) three | That is, for eve?
ohn ol leirh-s tlod-sening men be i of the Convention, in order to liquidate
Jl 'I ill1 ev.-iy hill-fop shall echo 1 ||io debt upon it. This, with wh.it is be
Vtiljpt pui |ioses. I
allBlee' hundred |
pejided in the
l drinks.
kiTn flic
havo the opportunity, — let the ! thousand dollar, was pledged by members ] cause of Chiisl and humanity, seventy
dollai* were expended lor a single perni¬
cious luxury- -intemperance.
It i.- extremi ly rioubtlul wfietller a euro-
ful invest igjtmn ol fact- would exhibit re¬
sults more favourable to piety and temper-
slice in the United S'ale». Add to the
expense of this one. that ot all other lux-
uiie— how enoiioous ihe sum for self-
.grniifieation compared with our Iree-vvill
ollerings to Him " who was rich, blit for
Wli .1
• *ne r
1 .. Mi-r I. riml let il fly,
• Hi.
power :
it* rnnv,
’*• ** •Hhwbiin
\ liui
of thy graco
'«• о
v..i.^ «hhll rise,
■ i: li- • i • iiiii! Iruiu arrayed,
• ill. I'll 1,4',''
A <!• >■! Kxiimplo.
f our God, and every 1 jnn .lone in other part- ol the South, will
fill'll with the voice id enable us to pay the whole amount of
•it you, hiethren, shall [ indebtedness, and free Ihe church of that
! weight that ha* so long been re-ling upon
j her, Thanks to the liberality of our
i brethren, ami praise lo God for his We»»-
j ing upon these humble efforts.
We arrived in Gieenville in season to
| attend the Commencement exerci-es’of our takes became poor."
! fog We know many .good men— shining
chur'che-, who regard infoxi-
; under the care of Itev. It. A. Duncan, j ^'4 03
bl'-hling curse on matl-
1 assisted Hv an able corps of teachers. I WnH, whose expenditures for tobacco and
'This institution is in a flourishing Condi- j
far exc-ed their ronlnhuhon. to
. . h. other handed ns. n few ' ft* and •'*•* - '»,ge number of p„piK j carry on. our
”<-r"at Cnmmis-
V" d .:i.ir-, lt5,> With this in. who have made good progress in their!3'"" II"»' far this accoo, with one of
' I'd out what I owe for the ' studies, The exerci-e- of the graduating,
ofdweqdesi,,p ^eny thysel'.
"I the balance class were highly creditable. The address j "
be profitable for them to enquire,
ili-lii.iutii.n." We were able j of the accompli-lied 1’iesidenl to the , <iZnv ^iile
l-apei to sixteen of our native ! young ladies just finishing their academic ; 1,10 1
Iii.li.in Territory. . They ' course in the institute. Was marked with ' Tuskaloosa Co., Ala.
New Orli'iuin (u-nmiii Mission.
New Orleans, July 23th, 1858.
Drolhtr Ituiscl Holman-:
Dear Brother :— Yours of the
inst. came to hand this morning, i am 1
thankful lor the appointment your lburil ' ,, ..
has given me as missionary among the ; °* "reB cr
Germans in the city of New Orleans. I , Church— om
do hope a great work will he done among 1 am! another commenced,
my countiymen in this gieat city. Our j
», „
. ,
wolk as Baptists among the Germans Is . Ito?,her ''as bp bed m ilu-
a very hard one, because it is something r"'S lllc qmrter-Munday Durant two-p
new to them— our work is a contemptible ! Halocliee Islands five. (
woik in the eyes of others — ami we are; - -
- '
misjudged by every other denomination in ; Till Alo Cltasc Town. *
this city 'llicic are some of roy piesent |
hearers who were resolved not to coine i Micro, Creek Nation, West)
into our meetings because the people or ''nK > d,dy 8th, 1858. )
spoke bur.1i had tilings of us, but one ; t)car Drollur llolaan :
woman came once, and was she a very ' Last Saturday I assisted in constituting
still hearer ? No ! she felt tjiat here the j a Church in Ihe Tul Mo Chase Town, 50
pure gospel is preachod-and since then I miles West of . Ninth Poik bn the 'Little
roc,llinP- atld •a,3° I Hiker read ; and 25 miles Hast of ihcH.it-
hcr nii-oanif. And IhMe are dome ihore | lie Iliver Church. There were' eTgtt
Our meetings arc good, and j brethren arid ten sisters in the newly cun-
ixious about the wlvaiion of .iiiu;,-d Church— all full-blooded Creeks.
of this kind.
some seem anxious about the Mlvniion ol j ,tiiuied Church— all full-blooded Creekq.
their souls. Remember your brother in l The Church is named Tul Mn Chose frorti
your prayirs before the thioiic of grace. | the name of the town. I also assisted in
W. FAKCIIING. ( oidaining a dejeon at the same lime and
Elder Faschiug has been in Ihe service p'acc- Brother Durant will preach.fu;
of the Board but a short lime. There is. '!
*Г? уШЛ')\
Sreat work among the Germans in New
ileans to be done. We wish our brother
success. He ha» onr sympathies anil
pray ers.
I 'en wanting if.
. . . linin’ ?
Who will
ability, and a deep sen-e of the re-pon-i- ‘ July 3d, 1858.
bilily that r.e-ts upon one occupying his | Mr. Wm. IIorxbltxi.e. Treasurer, &c.: '
_ . position. The annual address was deliv- .1/y Dear Brat’ie/. — Enc!o-e<l I send you .
"'ll k.iln!iiiik CdllVi'Ution.
"•I'lh "It anl acive tody con-|,hr
. ’ 9" l/’ , ' Mewing» rest upon yoor Ifoard. and all!
"i - Bu'i-i rluirsh
r: ..I,',» ill,. I w** w,lh
l""’re'1’ aft,l!lhcir mi-.kmaries, and make this little |
Bq'i-I eliurch of G.eenvilln , , . . , , i
, ,u || r|,| ,
I the frequent expressions ol applen-e Hint contribution a inmi’teT
light and joy to
° .U^' . 11 01 'j ! came up fr»m the auilirnce idainlv intli- many a dark and <li>cuiiJ*ph»te e|iiii(
^ hi v«.v cliclfd rrePKltnt, and , ; ,, , . ... . ,,u
J II ..p.v Secretary The in. I cnlfd lh,!
1,1 "hlC,‘ ^ Wd
Thu» we pas-ed a lew days in this good
(iouil News, Athens, Georgia.
Athens, Geo., June 30th, 1S58.
Dear Brother Holman :
Tiering the quaiter just closed our town
has been blessed with a graeiou» revival.
Large numbers have been added to lieaily
all Ihe Churches in the place. The work
in uiir Church was a gradual one. We
held meetings every night for ncaily five
weeks, und it was my privilege lo admin¬
ister the. ordinance of hapti-m for eight
Sabbaths lit succession. You will see
Irom looking at my two reports that seven¬
ty-four have been added to our Church
during the last six months. There is
still some concern manifested, especially
an ong the blacks for whom 1 pi each in the
afternoon of each Sabbath. During Ihe
meeting Plot. I’. II- Midi of the Univer-
aiiy ol Georgia, tendered much valuable
service. Wo liavu commenced our new
house of Worship, which we hope will be
ready for use by the first of next year.
I remain yours,
Yours very truly
It cheers us in on.- laborious work to get !
> i Secretary. The in-
wa» preached by llev.
.mie dlsCour-e, alike tied
. . . Tl1* UaU; ! (o' ^y, i„‘ closing, (bat wo were not a liltle \ their prayer» and cm.tributions, is encour- j
" . "VT 3" j ■ fodebtod In our brother Charle» J. Elided »g'"lt indrrd. " In a, much as ye have,
forth eloquent and ■ ^ (> who-«s'kin<i ho-pilalities nnd at-' flu"" '■ U"1" of lh,!e
• I k..lL.s. a... Iial.a ilnpn if unfit me ^ f!rul I
ilia I
Athens of S. C , miii’li to our gratifica-
'bo. above. That we are
U’ 1 tlun and profit, — and we must not forget J remembered by our hiethren, and thus in
Itom various members!
condition of
'."t Hoi.,.,. i|,„ Convention, and much
mamii-neil in in bchall. This
"‘"'"b ha- an able and efficient facility.
loikIiUoii, and (-njo>e a
. . . bom the Baptists and
" ' 01 'he State. It i, located in'
linij"[rul '
"f »omc two or three
GaU, ,nhab,,-*n«'. at tho’fopt of the
la>.~rcniaikahklor its pure w ater
leiili-m» we received during uur sojpurn
in this beautiful mountain town.
M. T, S.
I breihren, ye have done it unto me." God 1
| tiles» onr brother
| And here- is another:
_ _ !' Lsuiibi. Hat, La., June, 1888,
w,„.l- !
J.IoHte WOllv. | Above you have my draft
From reliable ■tali.-tic«, it appears that j for-^JO, for my year's donation lo D. jM.
in Maine, Ne.w Hamp-hire, Vermont, and) II., S. II.. 0. May God's blessing attend
Ma»»achu»e!ts, not more than one quarter, is the prayer of
of the ulmle populaliim are in the habit | Yottrs very truly,
of attending church ! There are one mil- , tioli.ei. ' Mark (he
lion three hundred Ihou-aml people in New | ... , , t
Knzland'vvltn, sn far as alleoding chord, I wn'd*.
year s oonation. System I j
is concerned, ore, practically, like (he lyttcm! — what re*nl(» U lornuLWi !
heathen. There are twenty-six towes in! And l:?rc'ii Mill another I
• ‘'e i;'
Sacramento, June illi, 1858.
Dear llrolhtr Holman :
I ihop you a line merely (o report my¬
self, aud lo sav that our idigions inaltei»
are evidently onwaid. -and we have cau.-e
lo thank God and lake courage. The
union piayer meeting- are «till continued.
Sfveul coiiverrioiis have taken place in
the community, and by bapti-iri aud letter
tec expect some valuable
religious movements are slower in Califor¬
nia than on your side of the Continent,
and every advancement here we prize and
appreciate, Both of my coogicgalions
are increasing in size jnd mteust. There
is an earnest religious interest alro in
several otlirf parts ol the State..
Be>i regards to all the iq.-mberi of the
Board in w Inch Wong Mooey beg to join.
He begs me a|»o lo thank yuur Board and
the disciples of the Cliurches for the
friendly regards you
in , the
ipifitual , welfare of flip Chinese in Cilifjr_
Alabama, vol. 1, page 20, I find the" fol¬
lowing brirl allusion to the town abovd
named : " The first day tho army passed
through the largo town .ol Till Mu Chase
within a few hours after it had been
abandoned by its inhabitants." This vva*
the Spanish aimy under De Sola, August
1510; just three hundred and eighteen
years ago. This town then was near the
Tallase ilatche River. The name of the
town is a compound Creek word, signify;
iug oVewlotcn, and was probably Ihe first
Clock town in Alabama. It was then a
'* large town,” bulnftw, on account of the
trying scones thi ougli which in* former
citizens have passed, it i- quite «mall. I
tru-t that find has spared the remnant for
- glorious purpose; and that a bright
future aualls them.
Indian Oath*. •
Mr. Schoolcraft mentions the interest¬
ing fact that alter exten-ire inquiries into
the vocabulary of Ihe Indians, be cannot
find that they lrnve any terms u*eil in
oaths or for purposes of profanity. "They
have terms to indicate cheat, liar, Ib'ieL
iron deter, coward, fool, lazy man, drunk» .
ar.l, babbler, but I never beard of an im¬
precation or oath." >
The English language has an extensive
swearing voeabnlaiy. Andas soon (Is Ihe
poor Indian learns fo speak English, he
"learns to use profane language. ,
Eyil-Speakingr- Backbiting. :t
Of these gross
lienees tho Indians are
not often guilty. Such indulgences in their
presence are not plea-ing to them. Many
among the whites who lay high claim to
good breeding and Christianity would 'hi
bentfilled by tho wholesome examples of
ihe Indians in this respect.
ш -ч
. . '■ , *
Choctaw*.- livid
Brother llougue writes that the le'asoil
his been unfavorable for labor and health'.
The Indians hive had con-fderable dick*
ness. His own -health has suffered .lolnc'
Ihas constituted- one Church .and ’«f
. i • '
ы чМГ
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