- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, February 1859
- Date
- 1859
- Volume
- 8
- Issue
- 8
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, February 1859

i 1859.
jjfro» our Missionaries.
^ Baptist Church, Xashn'lle,
^ Tennessee-
VJB Jieabeu Ford, pastor of the
‘ «met
Church, South Nosh-
'ftMCSsoc. witffl Dee. 18lh, 1858 :
w.ii. nf our house of, worship nre
?J 'ihcerl.sjwiUbofiuW.eJnou
f lien Ju.shcd, it Will bo ono of tho
IT tot the l«t house of worship
I ,m sure tho brethren of tho
,M bk*
Ff *
drive a
Lkp boose, and thereby help us to
,1 Hashillueedan appropriation for
,ur. of this fact- t»c cloth of tho
,'wlll inform tho Board if ho has not
Utflt, I thin1- in a few yoore onr
pry hack to the Hoard, with inter-
111 (hat thy appropriate to theit nap-
24th, lin.th.-r Ford says:
Snct my last, WO hare received three
letter, ell table. an<| one lady for
iai', She was a Cumberland Preebyte- j
Tit lord 1)9 praised for Wi goodness to |
. I
U Butler writes, H'aeh-
0. C„ Bear Itiother:
Jr sate a .Sahl-atl. School, hut not in
The fhuroli has been occupying a
,1 nose, which was called for by the
mu* very short notice, which threw ns
condition ns to compel us
our meetings For somo two or
imHind our Sunday School about
ivirln. But .bank the Lord we have,
_ I and comfortable house, which
Jifcited on tho 19th inst. (Dec.) We
own oar Sunday School on tho 3d of
:r> Di9. The Lord willing I shall er¬
as ilmrcli in Georgetown, Lb C., in (he
a rf ihrw weeks, The prospects tiro
rdceniig n my soul. I hope 1 shall ho
e up much tn g.vo joy in my nest re-
tpa tint lobjeut.”
mw J J Fleming writes Deo. 18th :
«hit- reogrega-ions in Manning, S.
vsmmjmg- -our meetings interesting,
iSlmpe m time to hat
a Sunday School
«onthly concert of prayer regularly
nsL We hats given out a contract for
ah .tailing , jo x -10 with a domo or
(Mar re
at tho pulfdt flld, 20tl
fnojrdl hate Tu-nd during the quar¬
t's.1 a-tilun.-nl, towards its subscription,
'rwaitiaio tho lc use completed during
smug veap. I b.ne recently baptised
.enlisting of a distinguished and most
i uwyer, who lia-1 been very inteniner-
Ca wife, a moat estimable lady and their
i rath of considerable promise. Ke¬
pi II. thev
forward together, wcie
d nnd Imputed at tho same timo.
,'3ui evinced the emotion of tho con-
®*. la'l the scene at the water was ono
i*:esimty and impressiveness will not
'aisaately, jour Urother in Christ,
f-nhef D. Buckley, writing from Charles-
,Ik" Bee loth, sajs:
me great reason to rejoice at the itic-
gospel throughout my Bold of
a.ewn os the minutes of our Asso-
ti hand, I will semi you one of
jou may sec what tho laird lias
‘!,«J lor ai, whereof wo nro truly glad.
P.v'n 1,1 uiy report what relates
“Uuihir ctiurclics which I have been
all the churches in our
-a lure i*.,.
receiving tho benefits
'" of your uu-sionary either direct-
««I). Two „rtlioehurel.es which
aeu ,'f til,, number eight, did not
in the Association on
sickness. Total number of mem-
churches, you will find in
, .' ‘he names nf these churches me,
‘'„bC 1
,,r Fellow, I, jn. JI„.
BenJ'-w 1'fusPc't-
a, MS
'"""’idatea waiting for
, “
1 a."., and Macedonia Churches,
|C,~ Ml‘'«*d to unite will,
( liureh by letter anon.”
'"ore, must sincerely.
L-. Si Kerry writes, ])cc. 31ft,
' ltc s"'«liwc?torti jiortiuu of
whna, and very destitute of Hap-
'‘itliingj: 1
,1,|Г'"Я Ню
quarter 18
bavo Leen rc-
,,, I
tlmt hi, nnmmis-
щ “У-псу
for tho rnllcc-
i u, iry Ilia commission cx-
b the report,
ц'Л 1Ь""Ш’
who hne been
son,,, time w.
u ’I' !° ^'4;ls an‘l accepted the
ll" Church in Austin, Dec.
n? *nd' uni,??,. ro?chp<l Austin, after a
'■ Journey overland from
Brother S\ . lb Bice writes, Sumpter, S. 1 uI'on ‘ho hearts of believers In spreAiin
0., Dec. 30th : : .ll,e "glorious Ouspel of the blessed
11T. . > , j» distinctly sanctioned by uurBxird
. there m u very decided interest here himself. In commanding them t.>“gn?ihto
lunoog the
lneroaroonquirer8nmoii}r R'* the world, and preach tho ljo#pol wjrerv
them almost every week. Ono.cylored womau creature,'' Iio dijitinotljr directed tliatllhej
Juet ft wy liouse, who ha* been a "should begin at Jerusalem, " i. e., Wln at
member ol the rreshjterian Church
vears, I We desire, therefere, in as short
m^Bho has never teen satisfied with her I fwposi
possible, to point out some ofjhose
bapti*m--\vmj not «aiUfietl with it the day nho niOr0 prominent considerations whiehitnust
receivetl it. I was much .in; erected in the ever give to Home Missions u promii.i&t, if
conversatien with her. She had Ho dreams or j 1,01 TlIB prominent, place, in tncry properly
vnions. I hold extra services for the culored i reguUteu eystcai of Christian leneubnco;
every Sabbath afternoon. And truly I
л,|‘1 л
nvo aouie most delightful meetings, 'f hoy I First. Oca I.orihiivsilv was Film j Iloue
uvo uoiilo white people. T hey all sing to a ! MissioNur. " I am not sent," sn\a
ilio meeting with them are ease* in to tho lost dieop of the house ef Ijfael."
llie I’cnect. I am Ic-eling ciinettntly more and I “ And Iio said unto themfLet- In go it to the
more interest in thebe people, .'buy of them i nest town, that I may preach there al.f, for
are hungering and thirsting for the bread and therefore
I forth." With uv.aA de¬
water ol hie, whilst many ethers of them are
the most patient, humble nod devoted Chris¬
tians I have ever seen."
jxrjictual. escept in vital connection with spir¬
itual freedom.
purest form of Christianity, where they will
command the most controlling and far-reach'-1
ing influence, let us send oer tninhten with
their Hiblcs to accompany thoso emigrants
fall tho Erst treoa of our vast Western
It has almost grown into a proverb, “that • wilds
l ...I r,..l, ...I ,1 t...s . ... I f . f _ II Is 1
“lie is a fieeman wlion) the truth makes free,
And nil nre staves besides."
had men may rebel, hut cannot bo free.”. Po¬
litical parties may meet nud vesrdvc, that the
stability of 0u> Institutions depends upon the
j-ri'doininucj of Ibis, that, or tiio other party.
In conclusion, we offer the following res¬
olutions for tho adoption of this Convention t
1st. i’eso/etd, That our Domestio Mission
lionrd has an undiminished hold upon the
Urother S. C. Doston writes, Petersburg,
Virginia, Dec. 31st.
‘‘During tho quarter wo havo held a short
series of meetings, mostly far prayer and
exhortation. ’
nomination, tho ward and rtamsli qfjJesu,,
Christ is an end of all slrife. Whaturei-Joines
to us under such sacred directions nnd] banc-
lions, wc regal d us possessing all thovblhor-
ity of a controlling prini-inle. Wc delight tn
walk in the footsteps ot Him who «went
about doinglgood.” It is this consideration
which enables the y.ung diseiplo taj,'rc«st
tho tide of popular ridicule, nnd fcjb]
cxhorlntion. I have haptuisl h mterovling Uoiecmor into tho baptismal slrca.iv,
voung men and ono young lady Our Sab- ! l.nricd with Him in baptism." It
hath congregations continue gradually to In,- which sustains him in tlii tierco tcinr;
prove, and our weekly meetings, considering anJ fonle,|s of |lfCi when contendin'
tho sue of out memlorslup, are well attended. '• principalities .and powers, with .
JVhcn we entered upon our labors here, Dec.
in high places." In n vrrrd‘
lo.»7, the church nUinhereddi); since then 15 ... •* 1
have been received by baptism and 15 by
letter— 30 in all. Ono lias been excluded.
Present number, 78,
ample „f Je«us in any position, -cithc;
of privilege, or of suffering, is suf5>>«. ...
, , . , . , , , , i in tho hearts of all His follfiters a
her, .8 of thoso reccired »-y ij.,jfuI emulation to follow' in hi* fjfieps. '
n;‘l *" uli Let us remember, then, that in prusrenl & the !
great work of home ecangclkattau,
these nre young men. dor young broth. --n
have recently organised a young mens’ prayer
meeting, which they have taken hold of with
considerable interest. With nil her discour¬
agements, 1 think there is n future for the 2d.
llaptist Church ot Petersburg. Pray for us."
Urother D. 1). Hall writes, Slielbyvillo,
Tennessee, Dee. 23d :
‘‘I havo baptised during the year 27 into
the fellowship of the church here, and re¬
ceiv'd 7 by letter. Our church are engaged
in repairing their house of worship. We
have an excellent house of wor*lnp for tho
colurcd portion of oar church just about com¬
pleted. They havo services twico nearly
every Sabbath, and their regular prayer
meetings overy week."
Brother W. Ij. Geiger, whote field of
labor is Bollock and the adjacent counties end concern for the spiritual welfare
. ,, ... tnnn tbe last iinotcn passage ; and
in lii-nvota. write*.
"let, . i. - -a1.....:—..,- - ... ,
lowing tho example of Jesus just Wjpmich
as when we were •• buried with Him 'iZs.La'jv-
tism." *“
Secondly. Tun Xiiear. or 'rut C)»**
Itnioio-V unites with the example (f4
in directing-cur efforts first to owing
own country. “ Philip h'ndcth Nortia .
saith unto him, we havo found him, big
Moses in tho law, and the prophets, .ftt
Jesus ef Nazareth, the son of Joreplj..
Come and see." “ 1 say tho truth iti 3
I lie not, my conscience also bearing;.?
ness in the Holy Spirit, that I hq
heaviness nnd continual sorrow in m
For I could wish myself accursed freij
firmiilitlhrin, my kinsmen accord*
fiesh. — Hum. ix: 1—3. Perhaps
guage ever embodied a deeper, nny.la
mysterious expression of human
TI,.- f.vct is, the [ulpit. of our country are the | pr.1Jtri, t|ie sympathies, and the benevolen.
pillars which sustain that nobla superslruc- 1 considerations of. this Convention.
taro bequeathed to us by a godly ancestry. 24.
That it is no less our duty a.
1 hey are at once the great means ot iwpular Christians than as imtriots to aid in .upplying
enlightenment, nnd the conservators
puhlio Hie destitute regions of our beloved country
murals. Our forefathers with the Bi de ns | wixli that Oospcl, of which its happy institutions
their guide, Struck for liberty and uidcpon- arc the -products, nnd to which it looks fur
aence, ana uucCt?edoii ; Franco nttcmjitgbl th< their r>cr|4'tufttii>n.
snmo wiilmut the llihle, trampling it Under | 3d. ItcidieJ, That in giving tho Gospel to
her feet, and failed, li e one goto the world the destitute of oqr country, ire not only mnn-
Ibe brijhM, the other the
chapter, I ifeattho highest and best form of patriotism,,
of Its pjhvinvl hnlery. .What then i. our ( but. woJiltuUhaUJ.u,
time, the most in-
duty to our own land, under these cireiim- dubitahlo testimony that wo nro followers' ef
stances, at a timo like this, too. when dark , Him •• who went nl-out doing good.”
clouds h.vver over its prospects
fho churches, dth. liaelml, That we will revlmible oer
i f the saints are indeed thu only hope of nur j efforts during the coming year to increase tho
country. An. let us know that in multiply- 1
ef tho Hoard to supply tho immense
mg them, nnd sending out godly men to preach , destitution which is constantly appealing to it
among unr j-eoplo llie unsearchable riches of I fgr uid. -
Christ, that we are doing far more to perpet¬
uate the priceless heritage heqaenllied to us
liy our lathers, than if wo were celebrating
with bonfires, illumiiiatiuns, nnd jubilant
shouts, the triumphs of some political party.
By how much, then, we would preserve our
happy civil institutions unsullied, an unfet¬
tered llihle as the priceless boon of our chil¬
dren, mid tho purest farm of Christianity fir
the world at large— by so much nre we im-
nellod to supply qur own country with the
Iluly Oracles and tile living-ministry.
Fiiuillfl. We desire to oiler some kxioi b-
aoEiitMs to our brethren t„ increase their
efforts in tho blessed work nf Homo Missions.
And we would begin by recurring to the
i'jst iis affording abundant reason why we
should adopt tho Inngimgo of the venerable
■ropher, and say, *' Hitherto hath tho Lord
Wc dip from the' Baptist Circular, pub¬
lished and edited by ltcv. J. Lewis .Shuck,
the following article. '
It will bo gratifying tn the Board and
friends of llie Godieii Association of Vir¬
ginia, by. whoso liberal contribution brother
.Shuck is sustained, to leurn the success at- •
tending his labors.
“ The above hou-fl of worship bus been un¬
dergoing repairs, and on last sabbath morning
wav opened for public worship. It lias been
. . .
. . . . . repainted within, nnd without nnd tastefully
helped uv.“ The Financial Deports
the I urmnged. Tho pulpit in Imilntion of marble,
Domestic Hoard, from tlm 1st of April, 1840, ,
» »
maslcrpieco of work, and the drapery is
t. tho let ol April, 1S58, (twelve years,) show certainly exquisite. Tho aisles have been non-
tlmt $181,279 20 bate been paid into tlm ly carnetcd and everything dono in the npatfst
treasury and expended within tho territory possible manner.
largo congregation n«-
oceupieil by tbe Southern Baptist Convention, serablcd on Siiuday; and tlie I’nstor preached
The following table will exhibit tho amount ,m appropriate
from 20 l’s. viii. verso,
each Suite hits contributed of this sum, within \ ‘ * '"“o hived the liabitation of thy bouse, the
in Georgia, writes, Deo. 21st :
" The enuso of religietr Se'crnl hi
ing in our midst— wo Imve had same very ex¬
tensive revivals ef religion in this low country
during this vetir. And may God grant to cun-
tinuo them."
Brother T. I*, (.win writes, Oxford Ala¬
bama, Dec. 31st :
"I baptized 9 at Salt Creek Church, among
which there are several young men of promi¬
sing usefulness. 5 baptized at my other
churches during the quarter. In the hounds "f
tho affectionate concern with which
on-coming calamity which wav ere long to
ivliolm them in Implies* ruin. The last nnd
deepest tide of sympathy which rest* in tho
Christian heart, can only be reached by those
whose interests and destiny are identified
with those of our own. The first feeling of
concern, of which tlm new ly converted soul
iv fonscion*, is poured forth through these
channels of natural affection. '■ Co home to
thy friends,"
-le<us to the poor demo-
. . . . _ nine, out ef whom he had juvteast (lie Legion
field I hare found heads of families that of devils, ".nml tell them how great things
never heard a llaptist preacher vntil they heard
me, and that never witnessed the ordinance of
Imptism till they Mir me administer it.”
Is it not time the yospel should be sent
to this country tlmt its institutions may be
known and honored? As the Lord said
unto Joshua, ho now says unto us, “There
renminetli yd very mueli land to be pos¬
Tins is the work of the Marion Board, —
to provide the gospel for the (oor. nnd des¬
brethren, ami
swill try
and iio it.
Report on Domestic .Missions.
IVe publish below the report of the Com¬
mittee on Domestic Missions at the into Ala¬
bama Slate Convention. It will bo read with
The Committee on Domestio Misaions leg
to submit tlm following as their He.iorti
“ Brethren, my heart's desire nnd prayer to
God for Israel is, that they might' bo fared.”
ui'li waa the pa'.riotic nnd iu’ok.v exclamation
o.i I . . ..sin .
il.n f Inotilou in •nan'll
tho Lord hall, done for thee, anil hath had
oonipiMsion on thco.”— Mark v : 19. And tho
reason of this, iv qailo obvious: Thoso who'
are mint endeared to our hearts, and to whom
we have given the most unmistakable eviden¬
ces of regard, are the very persona why will
u. .st likely no benefited by oar Christian la¬
bours. iVo created hoing in llie universe can
ao readily reach the heuit of a child ns a
Christian parent. No .Missionary from any
nation on aartli can so readily reuuh tho pop¬
ulation of our own country, as our own min¬
isters. Christianity, so iar from destroying-
tho ordinary channels of natural affectum,
only consroritcs them to higher purposes : an
that instead of their being wholly directed to
tho supply nf mere bodily nnd earthly com¬
forts, they are sot upon tlmt infinitely more
important supply of
»"til with the “ bread
that cometlv down from heaven," nnd the.
“ garment of figliteouvncas” wrought by the
blosvod lb deuiner. The stature, then, of the
Cliri*tinti religion enforce» the infinite impor¬
tance of iio» R -Miss loss.
Осп согхткт
lus cuius
ouit iib.misiinvtion, wliicli are peculiurly'bind-
ing. “Aud seok the pcaoe of Ilia city w hither
1.1 have count» 1 you tu he carried away tap-
lives, nnd pray unto tho Lord for It; for in
tho pence thereof shall ye have ppjre," was
the -direction God gave to his oiitqopt'poaplc.
It is no lops the duty of Christiana tu seek the
tlmt period, twelve years
Man land, . .
District of Columbia, .
Virginia, .
North Carolina,
South Carolina, ,
. South Alabama,
California, .
| place where thine honor dwelieth.” Themcm-
Lcis of tho eloireh hare taken great intcrestin
the refitting their house of worship, nnd l.nve
nlready raised a considerable 'amount toward
paying for tho improvements. Tho writer of
this was present on last Sabbath, and shall not
soon forget the heartfelt gratification nnd pleas¬
ure it ull'ordod him to bo present nod join in
the seniors avhieh wore so appropriate and so
. have level the habitation J|( thy house/* iTha,,
bouse is now as neat and pretty internally na '
nay in the city, and it Is pleasing to see bow
$1,131 31
89 fill
35,857 73
1,995 (19
20,108 19
38,-142 41
37,639 78
I'-l, 742. 23
3,718 32
2,771 21
of tho great Apostle of tho.Geotilc8.in regard. -• . . - . * . ...
to his “kindred according to the tlevh,” but ! pntve and prosperity of be os'unjrj .in whi.h
t time Icfore the utter overthrow 0f' they sap.ur.1, than it was the duty et tho chib
a short time
aT good brother, will find bis
‘«sued in bis new field .'of
their oominonwealth. Tliouglv iio bad ju*t
been discussing tho mysterious doctrines of
predestination tmd election, in nliiih be ifad
declared tbat
God did foreknow, bo
also did predestinate to be conformed to tho
imago of his Son; . Moreover, whom
he did predestinate, them lie also called ; and
whom civllftl. ti.cm Iio ill*» justified; nnd
whom bo justified, them He also glorified;”—
It is proper that we add here, that the first
year's operations of llie Board is nut included
in the fcicgoing. for tl-.u reason that tho treasu¬
rer did not distinguish the amounts contributed
liy each Stale. Tlii*. udileo Pi tho receipts of
tho Board tlii* year, will swell tho amount
received nnd disbursed to at leiret two hundred
thousand dollars from the timo of its organi¬
zation, something over thirteen years ago.
Ami vrlmt has been accomplished, by the
blasting of (Ini, by this expenditure? Let
us sen: — Our Domestic Mission Board bate
commissioned 885 Missionaries aud ngent*
during tlm last thirteen years. The raisvion-
arics have baptized more than thirteen thou¬
sand persons, besides those converted tl rough
tlmir labours amounting to at least one-half
this number, baptized by othcis. They havo
constituted 173<hur(hes; ordained 118 min¬
isters and 219 deacons; organized Cb9 Sali-
buth Schools, and been tho means of electing
122 ms’sling-huuse». l’erlmpa no Mvssion
Hoard in nur country line enjoyed a higher
degree of snccets. Tliero Is
gradual in-
crOate in Its laU.ura and entroes nliauSP every
year. "Brrtbren, whereunto ye hate al¬
ready attained let us walk by tbe same rule,
let u* mind tho some thing.”
L-83 59 tliu members of the church and e ongregolion .
' enjoy their nice little church at home. At the
close of the evening services the laird’s Supper
wa* administer*), when the 1’astor gavo tho
hand of fellowship to tlireo new members.
Sacramento, 8//1 A’/f. 1858.
75 t'H
1,488 97
3,365 15
Out* (icrranii Iiitorost in New Or-
Brolber Fatcliing, wlio cloretd bis labors us 1
paster of the German Baptist ebureb in Ibis-
city, in December last, tlius writpa u.v :
“ Another month has gonoand I am now to
give yon my last report For tho present time,-
whether it will lc for all time I don’t ktjovy, I
think it is not the In- 1 because toy wish Is to'
buck again. Hut now I have to leave nml
try what 1 can do for my former ebureb (Wil¬
liamsburg, N. Y.)
“ [11 the month past, I had many blessed?
hours, as well in punching as in conversing,
with the peoplo in private. I will name only •
a few caves ; one man, who comes regularly to
oar meetings, a very «elfish one, says, I nlivnye
thought I wu* a go-id I.Tirittiais, but tbe longer
[ go to jour meetings, I feel tho inure that I
Often, very often, I have thought -
am not. ...
1 us mum urn
I . ft. 1 that I would eninmcneo to be better, but I see.
Bat tho future is no less cncotirnging to us j that I am not
to convert myscll, whirls l ,
than the past. Biery year brings In our I never knew before. With another one. I had
shores tearing thousands from nil the
a -Ion» conversation nnd my clone ; the first
lions uf the old world. Our western territo¬
ries arc filling up from those sources, ns well
asfvonr the increasing population of our own
time l.e knew so many back doors nnd -excu¬
ses, but after awhile every thing wns broken -
down, all Ills hope was gone. lie aaid, 0,
dear pastor, you nro a very hard man, you are
too strict, though all you have said is written.
in the Hililc— but win, will be saved? None
dren of Israel to do so. The -seed which lias
produc'd tbe “Tree of Libert v” was plantod
■by Buprist. hands ; nnd it were not unreason- [
able tn suppoee that tho Baptists would llour- j
ish Under its bovva. In saying №. wc would
not detract an lota, from others yho were in- 1
stt.nncQ'al, in the formative perfitiJ ot this Ho- 1
public, in giving it tlmt form mil) consistency (
which notv make it tho freest and happiest
and though li« doubtless had . prophetic view ^
LU most unlimited sense, was from^.ho
luviil the fear
. . . Jedtracy is the
liroduction ot nn unfettcre-l Bible; Witliout
4 . st*
>> I 'ti*D)il nif
nn Ptirfll i<
,IUUI b II D IUV* vsm«i,i J">|rvsmss-S"
n)ry, with a rapidity unymralleled in tho
_._:„ry „f nations. Shall this country pruvo
a blessing tu these emigrants, or shall ihey
urso tolls? This is n question the r .
1 rnrlion of our peoplo will have to follow him in all In» fimtsteps. 0, ho
I tiliticiaiH oannut ilo it*
us meet j pastor bus ever eabl to me wlr.it v
li the liriiij; ministry ami tho Bible, j saiJ—jou nreuhanlnian. Hut,
of that hcMbws rum .psfen '"g over na unlimited sense, vra
tiun ttameil with Me^iHli s liloi'd. nm whoso , lturfHtsV'
cap' of. iniquity was ^ frfm thu» mu!h 'witfimi
represwblo 1, v 0 con- of contradiction, that tlii* confodci
lii* countrymen surpnvod only hy the con
«training lore of Christ which
his heart
nnd soul, and which brought uar Saviour from
heaven, he bewailed nn infatuation which he
could n„t dispel, 'and a terrible doom which ho
could not avert. ' .
Oar oljcut in recurring to the foregoing
passage is to show, tlmt patriotism may bo
combined with Christian pMlsinlhnspy, . nnd
recognized ns a b-gitimato motive, for BnuE
Kv.vNutcizATtoN. Indeed, the combination of
tbeso two principles aS'ibtcndod.'tc opernto
•• r. '■r-'t
doubt, tho purest Cnristlanitj tin Cartlt is
found in tha United State». .1 conceited
ihu/rh -membership is the great distinctive
feature of Americas, as contrasted with tu-
ropean Christianity.
Now it is an enquiry worthy pup fcri-rei*
consivleratluiii What .id wo, ns Cbrlstians, owo
u country whoso free, and happy .institutions
orb luf the legifiniate products. of thcTcligmn
vve 'profess J IVKtiedl'freiJom i'nevc^u be
proto a curse to Us ? This ia a question the but only ^ those who beliavo In Jesus Cbristand
Christian |*irti„n t,f our rennlo will have to I follow him in all Iris footstep». 0, ho says, no
them with too
ut**»,»„j ■*■“ 1 — ... j - ..... — - . ^
and vvitli tho blessing of Ood they. *11! first, ed, 1 nm nut us hard as CJinst himseir, Wcail.u
bo made free by thO Sun, then "ball they bo | wo bear him say, Kjcept u man bo born again,,
prepared to «hare tho blezsings of ciril liber- ho can not to saved, homo new ones enmo to
ly. It is only by tho. means ;.f tho (Impel j our meeting during the ; past month nnd heir
that tliia Immense crude material can over be earnestness , and
;“ .b,
assimilated by our gloriona cnminonwealtb. h'lpo that the «ord will twingfortl^rr
ll is said that " when tho Lion eats thn Ox,
tl.e I, ion does cot become the Ox, I, tit tho Ox
tho Lion.” So with a healthy Christianity
pervading our entire country, we shall l.c able
to inu> rporate these materiula net only in
the “body of Christ,” but into unr body
Agviu : It1s a matter of infinite importance
that our mcana of evangelization should keep
pace with that lido of emigration which is
right time if we only ktq1 an in the faithful
prayer. Our work hero 1.1 in it» lirot begin-v
uiag. therefore I feel .very sorry to leave.
••In the hope then that I may bo ahlo to,
Oomo back again very scon, I remain very to-'
spectfully, Yours, . t _ - - -
. First Fruits.
Те.*.*., Лее.
22J, 1853.
Hear Sir, Missionary Society has bton
rolling Westward with n velocity almost in- .
credible. TVs know from experience and pH
Л» Ял-Л
MiMmn.iy S e e
has neon
servatioii, that llibso denominations which formed ^a tho BartoumilloFoma
College, and
first occupy a new country arc meet apt to to , ns a Christmas off ring
« Н
- 9 .-
the predomiuiitirig denomination ia its IB- fruitj.o^ mrlodalf joU -
tliprpfufp would Vattcr fln Mu«on. \V
fee! mucu lntereetea in
IhSerft'.-» the hates cf brother Buckntr.ud.otho,,^ 2
pnnCl['l(i3-Au»v»« , nv tov
. 1
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