- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, June 1858
- Date
- 1858
- Volume
- 7
- Issue
- 12
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, June 1858

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NUM15ER 12
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Report" of the Board of Domestic
l1l'rteC" and Indian Missions.
* death has taken from our ranks four nctivu nnd useful mis-
, Siranston, of St. Marys, Georgia, died October, 1857. Though
' k'H • • in- Ills deep piety nnd unwearied industry rendered him cm-
I 'h-0 'jfijl'in 'his work.1 Thu disease that terminated his cartldy toils
'! ;n ,|,e faithful prosecution of his mission.
»tlm i li. Miller, missionary to Ilryan and liullock Counties, Georgia,
fill bLceurso and entered into hi* rest. .
,,B lingular coincidence, our missionary in Union Association, Arltan-
)* f'^unano as tlioalioTf, llev. dames li. Miller, died about the same
V ]55j v were good ministers of Jesus Olirist,
’'|C°Iieir J. Merrill, of Clover llcnd, Arkansas, died October last. In
T^jm c„ during his last sickness, he writes : “ My laliors so f.i
,vned with success, and my prospects of usefulness, with tlio Divine
• . ,ul, more flattering. I have orgnnhed tmo church sineo my last re-
;!'°Tho pcoplo are becoming more interested in having tlio gospel preached
writing theso lines little did ho think they would be the last record of
en earth.
,he L'nion cf the Indian and Domestic Mission», tlio necessity of a
,1 Secretary has been deeply felt, The S. 1!. Convention at its last ses-
Battioncd such an appointment, llev. M. T. Sumner, of Virginia, has
jKoitd for this olliee. January
1853, ho entored upon this now rcla-
II,o removal of his family to Marion, and making the necessary nrrnngc-
for their comfort and for his future labors have tmavoidnUy hindered him
extent during the first ipiarter. Ifo is now fully in the
„.I, with tbo Master’s blessing, tlio friends of Missions may look for
results from bis accession to the Hoard.
small part of tbo funds the past year has been brought in by special
Cut few liavo been in the Held ; and no one has devoted his entire time
11. C. Ihickner entered upon tin agency in Kentucky, July
1357, anil resigned March 1st, Iri.lS. 1 huncstic nlllietions hindered him
iif tbo lime while he retained his cuininisriun.
r.V, E. Kirtley succeeds him. lie entered upon his work early in April,
.... s
lltr.B. Kimbrough was commissioned agent for Tennessee and North Ala-
«September 17th, 1S57, hut has never signified his acceptance, nor in any
ijtoimiunioiitcd with tlio Hoard sineo his letter of application fir the appoint
Ifo have no agent in Tennessee. •
I Rot. W. M. Farrar tins been acting ns agent in Mississippi since January last.
Ini; nine, swollen streams, .ami pressure in the money market, have rendered
tsageacy, thus far, almost unavailable.
I Petri. 0. feriren nml Uev.-W. J. 1 1 nricy hnva r gjvejigjiortjpB o^,theit;Uine
Ii’piyrir to’SgcncyworEm ficorgia.
[Eiv.LM. Berry has combined tlio duties of agent and missionary in X. C.
lie agency has only defrayed the expenses of the missionary service he lias
: The Homo and Foreign Journal is the official organ of the Hoard. It is a
[liter of mortifying regret that ils circulation is so limited. Some single
I ought to circulate the present entire issue, 12,000. Did ils circulation
| ar any reasonable proportion to the number of Baptist», and tint ini|H)rlancc
t the Mission claims, the II mrds vviiuhl feel authorized to enlarge the sheet and
llj enrich its columns with “ paid artielo< wliich cannot he deno with the
int limited i-sues. Wo earnestly ropiest all pastors, missionaries, and
Ifeots to give this subject due consideration.
entire sum at the disposal of tlio Hoard for Hmiestio Missions for the
imt closed i, S'", I);;",, Of this sum lliorc was in tlio treasury April 1st,
Contributions from the several States as follows :
12 tcielicra and GS pupils professed conve'rsloby^'oGi volumes in tlio several
libraries; tiSOO pastoral visits; 30,000 pages
distributed; i’0 churches
constituted; 11 ministers and 37 deacons ordaln|d|,35 young men, connected
with these mission churches, preparing for4hc|arjjistry;
meeting houses
commenced and 12 finished. In tlio performance i of those duties SO, 000 miles
have been travelled.
0 Caret
In addition tn tbe foregoing avast amount bf^vrork has Seen done nnd good
necompli.-lied which is not, and much cannot be reported. The humber of con¬
verts and additions by baptism is not as large ns mvthe.proiedmg year.
This portion of our pcoplo rcccivo such nttenQdn os qur.fhcilitics will alfovd
iVIlOrn ll !o nnmtlmil.L ..... i^.i!~. Jt
*1.» О.Л1-11.
. .. ..
. .
- $5253,93
- 3834,7 1
South Carolina,
, ,
Kentucky, -
Mi-ik-ippi, -
North Carolina,
. .
Louisiana, .
Gen’i Assn’n Mill. Tom
a, North Ala.,
Trons’r So. Bap. Cun.,
« „
New Jersey, -
Texas, ’ .
. .
£^>«w.re$ir,8«17t. leaving a halaneo of SI.S21.71 in the Trca-
, I l i'* Sllm near $2000 nro duo the Missionaries fur service» ulrendy
Lij 'J ’^'ncports not yet received, The actual balance in the Treasury is
■'■tthe'b3 '^P^ftrocnt the rpnoipte for the year, with the balance in baud
, s»lnning of the year, amount to $1 1,319,01, The aggregate amount in
|4li5;3r,"'Cnl1 S®»i3W|57, or ?o, 1-7,71 less than fir year ending April
L;.hK0.been in the employ of tbo Board, in whole or part of the year.
|П',Йш7,и!:Я ПП * п'’с"*я’
ncutteicd from Virginia to Calif.rnia— from
I,,, jjjj0.
To this number add 30 in tlio Indian Department, and wo
I In the 'I* 10 ^ ^ niUC''
mil|il,er than for an/ previous year.
l^t,:;in"UI"Crn,i"‘ lll° ‘"torI,rctcr3 and 8“mo native Indiau assistant»
h r .
|V!hnt matt"" S,l'l'3,'c’
°f our missionaries nro not careful. Many inv-
|; "amber r fCrS
^together— others not noted with regularity. Quite
are not yet in. So far in they have been received tl.o ful-
■-■liverci] • j..,'""mnrF ! MO clmridies and stations supplied; 91 li disoiiur«es
■escort f, ' Prajcr meetings uttcmled; 53 churches oh»crvo the monthly
I ’-nvcrsinn
additions by baptism; GOG by letter; 049 professed
$ i”1 |C"ni'fc^on missionary labor and baptised by others; 91
| M 379 teachers; TOGO pupils; 03 HiUo classes, and 810 pupils;
Where it is practicablo our missionaries doyoto’.
cially to them. In most places provisions are,
ministry for tho white congregations, v^-fovr,,
part of their time to the interests of the black
bath Schools for tlio ora! instruction of botli chile
(ponion Of, tho Snblalli spo-
attendnneo on tho
__ bdevoto the greater
sbraej,tfjses there arc Sab-
and adults.
* ^
soon ho erected. One gentleman lmij'told me. he will give 5 1 00 to-
cctiun of a liouse of worship, nnd’J5a ahtiually to sustain faithful
untidy in said houso. Others no doujl will do tlieir part.”
Hints; - ‘fllie destitution here
raberirery poor. Onr colnmi
I area of fcO mi lei in diameter,
jrer, nnd on tlie I-lands nnd on
Among this population in tho rice, cotton, nhiMugar growing section» of our
field. Hr. Lawton, of tbo Savannah Hirer Assdciat johiS.'e., making applica¬
tion for a missionary to Colleton District, S. C., si)ysT'“ WiXarc but few whites
living in that section of country, nnd most of thbso wbF vlj- reside there liavo
very little sympathy for the 1 poor Baptists/ ,Ti$re are a namlcr of very large
plantations, with thousands of slaves upon them/ who are’inclincd to follow
Ciiri-t in bis ordinances as he has appointed. ’ Y7 'propose to send them a mis¬
sionary ta preach to them nnd instruct them in fit ir cabins. Wo nro nimble to
accomplish this without aid from you, and wo Ho rot feel authorized to turn a
deaf ear to tlio .Macedonian cry which comes1 i em thSShanties around Will-
terlioro’." i-'l fy
Tho appointment was made, nnd the missions in fcie report, ju«t received,
furnishes cheering evidence that the mission is
liesays: "I liavo
been striving to get up houses of worship for
in a section where it
is said I am tlio first Baptist preacher ever heardilicro.'knd the first that ever
baptized in tho Comlnlice Diver. I am sanguinbljij tbg hope that two Church
edifices will soon ho erected. One gentleman im^toldmiC he will give $100 to¬
wards the erection
preaching month
A good work is being done in this department; but much mure might anil
ought to bo done.
From Florida is tlio spirit of tho call from many/
is very great. Our white church is small ond!mt
membership is very large, and scattered through;.
There are large plantations on tho St. John's;!!
the tributary streams. They come to' us Augustine, from St. John's
Bar, nnd from Ficmington Island nmj other
flirts, from 20 to 35 miles
distant, nnd seek admission into our Church'/,
" My dear brother the heathen aro'at our slept End dying in their sins. Cun
you do nothing to aid in saying thenf? V HclpT I fchris't'a sake ! Wo shall soon
pLCCt.tiXsaiil.vioglsinncrai'at 'bi'gudiiB'i.-ai^^^&vtikhaka.on.eirf'rt to save,
them, will not their blood bo found on our skirts 7 The blacks ciscvrliero have
tho privilege of meeting with the whites in tlio liou»c of God. Those for whom
I plead eiijni/ ml this prinliyt."
.Snell an appeal will not be unheeded.
From tlio beginning it lias been a fundamental aim of the Hoard tn foster this
heaven-honored instrumentality. Ono special point of instruction to botli mis¬
sionaries anil agents is to promote tho Snlibntli School enterprise. Wherever
practicable, such an institution is to be organized and sustained. In many
sparsely settled neighborhoods this cannot well ho dune.
Wo regret tlmt our Sabbath School statistics nro s> meagre. Tho return» arc
very imperfect. Many missionaries report a school and omit either tho number
of teachers or pupil», and sometimes both, They mention the number of Bible
classes, nnd omit tlio number of pupils connected with them, lx.,
10 1 Sab¬
bath Schools and Bible classes are reported, with 379 teachers and -19011 pupils.
Of thoe 12 teachers nnd 43 pupils have professed hope in Christ during the
There arc four missionaries in this field— three Americans and one Chinese.
The church under the care of Her. J. L, Shuck, assisted by All Moony, is in n
prosperous state. During tlio year nine Chinese converts have been baptized,
Bro. Shuck speaks of Ah Muoey in tlio highest terms of praise, bulb as nn
humble, growing Christian, ami an aUo minister of tho X'evv Testament. His
zeal for his countrymen has called forth violent opposition from those for whose
salvation lie seems willing to become a sacrifice.
Ah Clink has given gratifying tokens of usefulness in the ministry— sound in
Iiia views of Scripture, apt in illustration, and a graceful speaker. The young
Converts speak quite regularly in the public chapel service, and boldly avow
tlieir faith in Christ heforo their countrymen; Bro. Shuck says the prospect
among tlio Chinese has never been so hopeful.
Newspaper reports liavo often done tins people inju-th-e. On gh<«l authority
wc nre informed that as n general tiling they are silmr, industrious mid enterpri¬
sing— funning a valuable acquisition ta the population of California. The re¬
ports to their disadvantage have grown out of the envy nnd rapacity of tlio low
and vicious white men, chiefly in the mines, who drive tho innflensivo and unpro¬
tected Chinamen from their “claims,” nnd rob anil murder them at pleasure.
Xnt long since Bro. Shuck informed us that “The Chinc«c are flocking by
literal thousands, nt this very time, to California. Ab fed than Ini Mja lath
Chinese nre nn their i my here. One thousand Chinese imigrants arrived here last
week, lie must Inj to do something
fur this people than wo nre now
X. West
Ifas been transferred from Mariposa County to Santa Cruz, n flourl-hing town
south of San Francisco, • At this point thero is a permanent populati . .
quite a number of substantial Baptists, who will co-operate with and nid in the
support of a pastor.
a mining Country. The migratory habits of this portion of tl.o population
arc so groat hut little can be accompli-licd for them until a missionary can be
stationed nt all tho prominent mining points, so that miners, removing from ono
point to another, will find a missionary nnd church privileges wherever they
locate. Such an end is highly dc-iriible; lut the Board is not in possession of
means adequate to it. M present our efforts are directed to towns in tlio valleys
with a local population.
v nt "‘if ^afo 'los ^ol1 "'''bout a pastor sineo tho removal of llov.
. mis Item California, until a few months since. Bov. Harvoy Gilbert
has taken tho oversight of this and tlio Church nt Brooklyn, a fow miles distant.
Connected with each of theso churches is n Sabbath School. Bro. Gilbert was
commissioned by tins Board January 1st, 1338.
There nre fcchlo Baptist Churches, ino»t of tliem without pastors, scattered
irougli many portions of California— rcquiriiiK visits, encouragement and coun-
sob Bro, Jiuek says: “Appeal .niter appeal comes from wide spread localities
to mo to come to them nnd preach, lint my hands are tied by overwhelming
engagements in this city.”
Bro. Shuck hns often urged tl.e importance
thit movement, for tho purpose
visiting such cli ii relies ns above named— procuring information in relation to
religious positions, destitutions ar.d wants of tlio people, and spreading this infor¬
mation before tho Jloard and tho churches nnd to seek out and encourage young
men to enter tho ministry, nnd thus supply many churches with effective pastors,
h'licli an explorer, if industrious nnd judicious, with God's blessing, might ac¬
complish incalculable good. Perhaps no man is so well qualified for it as l!ro.
Shuck. But who will tako his place?
Is a fIouri»liing town with n largo Chinese population. Religious privileges arc
seldom enjoyed there. An American and Cliineso interest might ho combined
under a suitable pastor.
Has often been alluded to as a point of importance to botli Americans and
Chinese, lly some tins is regarded as a plnec of
permanent interest than
SAN* mxcisco
Present» nit inviting field for a now Chinese interest. Tlius far our efforts to
procure suitable men to occupy the nbovo posts liavo not been successful.
llev. J. li. Blither resigned ids commission as our Missionary in tlio Terri-
tory Inst July, Rev. Win. Thomas, furnicily of Lebanon, Tennessee, is in the
field— Pastor of four Churches, with prospects of usefulness. Thes» Churches
and tlieir l'.vstor have nn sympathy with those political movements, tho direct
tendency of which is to sunder the Church and nation to gratify sectional preju¬
dice. Thero are other Churches in tho Territory who would hail with joy a
| mwiimary from this Board,
j Tlio German population in ninny neighborhoods nnd towns constitutes
а та-
jority. As n general thing they nro Papists, or professors of nominal Chris-
tianity. It matters but lilllo which. While they are alike far from tho truth,
much farther than sinners in general, they are not wholly inaccessible to it.
.TUa’suerese which has nttendevlev angelical labors in, thcirjjoluilf affordmrang. ——
inducement to increased Christian effort for tlieir salvation.
The Board liavo two nntiio Geriimna under commission. Eov. J. B. Mn-
douletz, to tho German Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky. Ho Inis not Icon
hcard.from since tlio appointment was made.
Rev. Peter Klein lias been tailoring among tho Germans in St. Genevieve, nnd
I portions of Southern Missouri, since January 1st, 1858.
'He portrays tho rendition of
countrymen as truly deplorable— vvorso than
heathen. Trained to observo tradition to the neglect of tbo Bible— to obey in¬
temperate and infidel priests rather than Christ. Their guides drink to intoxi¬
cation. piny cards, ri-it hall-rooms and commit cren wor.-o offences against, not
only Christianity, hut against n respectable morality. Their followers arc like
unto them. Onr brother calls on us to remember Hie Germiyis at a Throne of
Some of tlio State organizations have transferred their Domestic Missions to
lids Board; and all, so far as vvo kovv, aru satisfied with tho results except
In the published proceedings of the last annual meeting of the General Asso¬
ciation of Middlo Tennessee, nnd North Alabama, this Board is charged witli
non-couiplianeo witli tlio terms of tlio compact. A close examination of the
facts will show that tho executive Board of that Association first sot ns tlio ex¬
ample of setting atido tlio specifications of tlio contract, 'Flint Board was in¬
debted to its former Misrionaries in tlio sum of $522 90. Wo assumed tho pay¬
ment of said debts on tlio following conditions t That they “be paid out of funds
collected within the bounds of the General Association, and tho debts and ex¬
penses attending such collections shall ho paid heforo any further appropriations
be asked fur, or expended within said bounds.”
tea ! of complying with these terms, they forwarded these old claims, with
the request that wo should liquidate them and await tho collection of certain
pledge» in tlio hands of that Board ; with which request this Board complied ;
and yet thc»c sums have not yet been refunded,
A»ain they were not to ask for further appropriations till these claims were all
cancelled. Yet other appropriations liavo been nsked for and expended within
■aid I miinds, while said claims were unpaid. This Board is pledged for $1100 00
nycar for Middle Tennesscc.and North Alabama. The history of the past shows
that the Board lias not neglected Tennessee. Wo deeply regret tho necessity Of
making these statements ; hut jastiliciUMn of this Board requires it, sineo tlio
foregoing ulmrges have been published to tlio world.
Tlio Indians liavo a history in this country. It is written in fearful characters.
It is by no means creditable to a republican nnd Christian country. It is not
our purposo to enter upon their history, nor to recount their wrongs. The
Board of Domestic Missions of tho S. It. O. is charged with n mission of mercy
to them. To enlist the sympathies, prayers nnd co-operation of tho friends of
tlio roil man, vvo will detail eomo facts gathered from personal observation.
The tribes for whoso temporal nnd spiritual interest» this Board is laboring,
aro tlio Crook», Choctaws, Chcrokcci, I'ottavvottomics, Miamis, Wens, l'corias,
Kaskaskias and I'oankishaws. These nre tho missions (tho Cherokces excepted)
that wore under the direction of the American nnd radian Missionary Associn.
lion and transferred to this Board May, 1855.
Our Indian Missions in Kansas have been suspended. Since tho Treaty of
1851 which opened tho Territory to white settlors nnd speculators, tho retro¬
grade movement of tlio Indians has been fearfully rapid,. Intemperance, dis¬
ease and death liavo multiplied in dreadful ratio. Somo minor tribes hero'di-
mini-died ono livlf in number since that date. Th* numerous and powerful
Miami», ono year ago numbered only 103. Tho consolidated tribes nnmbor
onlv 159. They arc doomed to an early extinction. Tho intelligent and thought-
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