- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, February 1858
- Date
- 1858
- Volume
- 7
- Issue
- 8
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, February 1858

Л с'х /**»/*/
yt sjTO/e^^
8, .»
tT.HIlUAF.Y. If 4*.
II,,. iv.~-.4it Number.
nomfmeil lo tl.e sick cham-
,4 weeks, and ninth of ll.nl
i nl ainl slid too feeble (o i isf
|U, , ,„i in I.' walk without crutche»,
. . write much for the pres*
, i ihii'iu t in (soitant corn's pondence.
,u i.nsi -hint aitifle.s is all vve have
piepaio lor the present num-
n i Sumner, who is Imre inn-
'•incuts for his luliire labors,
the balance of tho cop}’.
able in a few. days, to ro-
il.tic'.if the office. Brother
nl Tiuasiircr, who has been
■ п.Ч'Г
of the Hoard liom its
I- ijiiitc mtim tel}' acquainted
ih Ians of business, lias kindly
.1 liie same during our sickness
At such time» the aervices of | ntant labor of the boardJ'iif connection
Financial S’eeietaiy will be needed in tho i with the untiring am! petseVcfiog i Ifoits
■ pit rcgict lo see this paper dc
an. ilegiee, to matters of cur-
ejliil jii}ii} debut.", especially to
*n from the declared
tin' paper. It is the united oigan
ollice, at tho business lias so increased
that one man can be usefully employed all devoted friends ol mission., that are found
the time at home. Hence it will be seen ] scattered throughout the Itaptbl Churches
that the Financial Secretary of the Hoard I ol the Southern States, our Domestic and
of Domestic and Indian Missions is no I Indian Mi-sioni have increased to that
sinecure.. None but a inun possessed of j degree of importance, which demands no
the energy and love for Christ’s cause, • small amount of prayerful Inil constant
which have marked tho pa »l history
attention. How vast in csteot must be
Brother Sumner, is suited to such a pnsi« , 0ur field of tabor, and how numetou* tho
lion. Wilh all his toil», cares and respon- ; demands from destitute and unsuppljed
sibilitiea we. commend him to the sympa* sections. When we coasirfer what, is
tides, prayers and encouragement of the j being done, not only' by^This board,
Hie Iledcemcr. \ but by the different 'Statp Associa-
i churches and individuals, da we
and one 4t home to preach to the coloured
people. Who etae will came into this
MUsiou Boxen.
The bdie,
the Marion llsptisl Cl,
'Ы. Ш
”. "P '>Ml
have made up . Urge ho, of clothing for °
1’'СрЗГШ” ,Ь*гР*°Г,в *♦-«»
Hie family of Urol her Buckner, consisting 717 ‘7
of almost every variety of valuable, use’
^ ° m-T °“n m,nJ
lul and substantial article, for every mem- 1 ' " h w
Г'" П0"Я"'
her of the ‘amily. They have done much ‘
Ь° “Ы
credit lo both their kenrvolccc and good !
nn'' ,hie
U.te, Their call, upon the brethren ’ lh
were, generally, responded .
'led m
r !, "*“*
generosity. The I, die* of the Tuscaloosa , JuTsu re
Churrh have forwarded a «ilar ITJSJ i'""'
a.l.|"l} foreign from the declared nnx for the family of Rev. J.
Slover of'l,.,',
1Ьв Ы
the Cherokee Mission. In a few week- 1 “
.... Ho., d, of tho Convention. To »c tr„-t, those boxes will reach. rheer77'* ‘ 7 ' 8I“!! M
, i hi objfvl*. of ilK«t€ iJoards, ami menurajje ami comfort lhe-e families «ho# it.
°, CV0‘etJ
: , !-e -huuld its columns be devo- j Cnidd our brethren and sisters, who ate .i., ' i !• 77 7 110 r'ir,IJ ' 'ul
I,.- •; of a Souther. Baptist ! " fating sumptuously eve,
day.” pay ",C Pul,"lh”bwo o. .truog
vv „I'-iiii'/ation is one of strife, and j "ccasir.nal visit lo these self-denying mis- 7 "U|i 7
. . . muic and more so. In our si'inaries, witne-s their scanty supplies, I , , \
U ^°Ur ul' 1,1 M|rion,
II'' upuii.ni It has no place in this' Wl' frel confident all their wants would he I : •' * ".""."’I 7 al'P un'"’n* fur
i and Us in' induction into it was j gcnero'bly supplied. Wc arc gratified to , j .i.
I<!' n°1' >t°ug io»t t ic oiajiy
"g. .HU most earnestly protest the general chrrif, lines, with which !
"f ^ ^
iL Let us have one paper ul tb^e ladi„ nnJe irti ,d prosecuted Ihh t. mein.'«J,i lu»V‘bern VZ' tariS'in
r, a. jiaper 0f: work of benevolence. We Irusl other jr:ci. .hmnlinr i ,i • c , ,
U.ltaw »;n .1 • , . , ncl1
dance, and Hie inquiry would
ladies will imitate their example in fur- ! illvi, ‘ . ir,
. | have gone up into the. cars of tho^Mmt
trail, one missionary paper, a. paper
! ita.tn mirjflf yc..iiaveTno
I)Ttlie"ifi-|«i-iiinn toiierotetTIh"
muter-. The legitimate duties as-
i- '} the Ciinu'iition who appoint-
..uc .ilia-, moie than fill our
• diiri ti nr.
FiiiiiiH-iul f'l'i'i'OUiiy.
■ 'lie last meeting of tho Southern
•i l .ii'ii'ii'ioii a resolution was adopt-
,11-iviii' the appointment ol a Fitian*.
S' i
by the Board of Dome-tic
Indian Mis-ions. The ncee.-ity of
hi I'llieer ha- beru sen-ihly Ic'.t by
P. .... n-r since the transfer ol the
i, M.'-nni', A dc- ire to exerctae all
'ile . i "immy, and the difficulty ol
in; the man of icquisitc .qualifies-
• l"i 4ii'li an office, have kept the
• l."ir mm mg in this matter at an
'lav. We aic now happy In an-
r dial the Ri v. Marlin T Sumner,
■ '.inil, hi« acrepted Ibis appointment
.• enteied up, ll hi* labors.
* i- the lleeoriling Secrctaiy of llie
;n Mi'sioini} Board tor six or seven
• uni I, is In on iht* (ienei.il Agent lor
и, и
hi Tiael Society, ill Die South,
llie last lour years. These rela-
l"ve lurnislied him with that kuowl-
a.d rv|ii'rieiiri' which emiueiilly
1 • I. ui lor hi- new aphi'ie.
Sumner i* well known to many
’ • s.n.ih To such he needs no mm-
lalmn fiom
To those who are not
d Mill him it i- only necessary to
' — lli.i-c who ’(now him best end have
' "“i-l intimately associate d with him
r di" tir-t to recommend him to llie
11 '"I *‘ii the office to which lie ha* been
"Ued- As hi* office indicate*, hi-
. ' *'H I'" routined ina'uil'/ In Die
«"ul di-pirlinenl of I he Bond—
' 41 1 ihrnugh llie several Soutbern Stales
•rl'il suitable local and Suite agfni*:
I 11
associations, chinches
'"dividuata so far as practicable, and
II ,|U1 the objects, pirn* and want» ol
l,u aid agents, pa-tors and others
devising l he mu-t effirient ways and
Jn' ''f awakening the churches to their
•“V and privilege lo labor for Chi is! : to
-uiUble mi «inn a lies fof Die Inili-
’’ and destilule while sdtlcmr|i!s, and
luinls in nippott tin'll,. , .There
ace.a-ioni when i| vyjll
D f°r the Corresponding, Secretary lo bc1(
elf and inteipreter.rtf $(100 ppr annum
The ladies of Tu-caloosa, Alabama, have
4'cenliy sent him a box of clothing. Now
will not sonie brother, church or associa¬
tion. undertake to build a mission liou-c for
him to live in ? Aleut ?' 00 will do it.
Brother Morrow has readied bis field
[n living my old md familiar
among the Creeks. The Belmboth .Wo- 1 nf |a|l0ri ] anl
lnor„ reconciled as
ciaiion, Georgia, fiimi-lied Ids outfit, dc
frayed Ids I raveling expen-e*, and
pledged In supfioit him. During Die ap¬
proaching spring or summer, it will be de.
siiahle for him lo go to house-keeping
He will need a liou-e. Who will ori-r
and build it?
Brother Hogue of Amman, Georgia,
will soon be in Die Choctaw field. The
»'!l be
Bethel Association of Ceorgia, in ike up 1 your servant yet for Christ’» sake? From
his outfit, defray hi> upm-irs out and rus- 1 Maryland to Tovj*, from Missouri to
Ism him in his vroik. He will require a ( Florida, your missionaries arc lound, and
liou-c to live in. Who is ready lo lurnisli j i|,ia ja Die aiea of our work: and more
il? than this. Is not Shuck in California
Thus far. a* suitable ministers have re- p, etching Chri-t to the people? We
eponded lo our calls fur the Imi hi field' !
visit the different Slates ns fast a* we
'•Here am I, send me,” individuals, ! nlni BMJ
(щрр ю
warm and hearty
churches and a-sociaiionshave been ready j welcome. May we he able to show
to adopt them and pledge their support.
,Prl,|U at nor next hienaiil meet-
Thi. reidinr .-a has grcally encouraged min I inj.. j„ Birbmond, than wc have hitherto
our woik. We presume our hielhren have i done. Wilh a concert of effiirt this cno be
not thought of these houses. We hove not | done. We then look to our Sta'e Associ.
caltad llit'ir slltntion to them bijfoie, — wiijalions, chuches, pa-lor«, individuals, lo
designed doing so l.i-t month, but *iekne.» I aid us in this glorious work. In the hope
prevented May we not hope that the (of a blight immortality
same teadinesa will be manifest in this rp*
spect as in regard lo Die eu/qmrt of these
To tlie Bnptistn of the South.
In respoti-e to the call of Die Domestic
] of its secretaries, seconded by the body of : list ? Tho Board at its last meeting made
. . . . . several new appointments, and other ap.
plications weic befoic them. Shall they
ho made,— and who will, trusting in
the Giver of our blessings, come forward
and say it shall be done?
Lumpkin, Ga., Nov. lltli, IS57.
Bno. Holman :
At the late session of our (the Bethel)
Association a propo-ilion was made lo
raise $G00, bv individual subsciiplion*,
to sustain bi ol her B. J. Hogue, of Amer-
lieu., among Die Choctaw Indians. The
jertort succeeded in raising about $110,
I lr°ni delegates and brethren present. The
balance will doubtless soon be pledged,
of which you shall he informed immedi¬
ately. We have wiitten lo brother H.
and informed lion that he can hold him-
sell in readiness to go. Several consid¬
erations moved the lovers of Jesus to this
undci taking :
First : they fell the money cri'is would
materiall., diminish tho contributions of
and that, ihinfore, we mu-t do the
Second; we understood the Board had
accepted brother II., and had not the
funds to send him; ami we felt if we
would give ns the land had prospered us,
wo luiii tho funds to spare,
Third ; wo believe broiher Hogue pos¬
sesses Die ability lo make him eminently
ii-elnl in the field Die Board dcsiie him to
As a committee, we have no iloiibi the
funds will mm he pledged. As an indi¬
vidual, I will sav. consider them as pledg¬
ed, and act accoidingly, lor if any fail,
ami the J>»rd givelli ability, (anil he will
loi that purpose.) il shall be furthcoming
belorc hi* first year is out.
We had a most pleasant and profitable
session— sent up mine niia*inuary money
lh, in u-ual and made arrangement* lo sus¬
tain, in addition lo brothers Claik in Af-
ica ami Ferryman among Die Indians, an¬
other io Africa, broiher llngun to the
Choctaw;, and a.gnoil brother in our own
Jesffiffie* nrgroeTaT” $№(!.'•
So we aie beginning, I liu-l, In leel Dial
we, anil w hot wc have, are Die l.oiil’e.
We have and are Ihn* pledging nui selves
for about $2,. '100 annually, lo give the
blessed gospel to the destilule. Hut when
we sha'I possess a larger men-ure of Die
spirit ol our Master, we shall find I lul we
have not by lulf " laid by in sloiu as the
Loiil Inlli prospeied ns."
We have now a " Domestic Mission
Committee" for our Association, &c.
In Ciiri.lian aliection,
i: w. Wamm, ch'n.
A (!whI Work.
Brother De Volic, in writing from Co¬
in mlius, Ga., Dec. 2.1th, IS.07, gives th«
following cheering intelligence :
" I have been requited by a committee
nf brelhieii to petition the D. M. II. S.
II. Convention to ic-appoint Itev, James
Whitten, missionary to the factory people.
The dibit thus far ha* been Micce.sslul.
A house ol vvniship co-ling (wilh the
sloven and ga- fixture.*) about $1201), has
been creeled and heed limn debt. . A
Sabbath school ol’ from sevcnly-five to
one hundred scholars organized and sus¬
tained, between fifteen anil twenty mem¬
bers received by li-ller, nml a good coo-
gicgation a-sHnliled. The laciory people
are pinir and llnab'c to do anything tosim
|Kirt llio go-pel among Ihem-elves. Vet
io all"i ding in-ii ucrittn to these numerous
ihildlitl.a woik i- performed the results
of which are iiiralrolalilc in the far dis¬
tant luture. For instance, one little eirl
while working with her Ihhle before her,
commillril Ir, memory ninety-nine vcr-cs
ol our IiOid'e sermon in one week. An¬
other scholar, in two week*, lntrntd tij
hmrl the whole sermon. Who can calcu¬
late Dili i Her! of llie divine seed Ihn-
planted in Ihe-p two young hearts? A
number nf Die best member- of our church
attend regularly to teaili in this school.
у <ш
will make Die appoin'ment at $300,
the Columbus Baptist Mi-simiary Society
vvrll pay one half thereof, $130, through
your ll-MIll,
" Yours truly in'onr Redeemer,
"J. II Dr Votie."
Tin Board at i‘s last .meeting re-ap
ajqs inlcd brother W., and we are pleased
at Die prospect of good nmong Me poor
fishing similar, supi lie?J to oilier fairuRe», 1 High.'’" Laid, what wilt thou have >
V\ e have three misemnanes airoag the ' >vhu |u,e bcPn rcjccmt,| by |,is |,)uod Ul
Indians who aic unprovided with com- ! CIinlP ,inJ |lf.|p ,hem. They cannot be dis-
furlaWe house» lor their lamilic-s. Bmllier '
p|KJitilf J. Hi- people know his voice
Shiver, among ihe Cherokees is supported i a,ld |eaill t|,at lt ls mute bleed lo give
by one brother in Ga at a salary lor him- i Dian to teccive.
In attempting to discharge the duties a*
intimated in the articln of my associate, I
trust, dear brethren, that [shall have your
assistance, that these laburs may prove in
soinn humble sense, the means of ad-
r .Hiring tho interests of the Redeemer's
how that the Iricmta, with whom I have
I for to many, years been ('«-laboring, in Old
Virginia, (God bless her I) will still send
up their piayera to heaven for one who
feels no abatement uf attachment for
them, and who will continue to tememher
Die as lie bears his own numerous wants
to the throne of grace. Bill, brethren,
wo are working together still, am I not
personal matters)— I find it hard to get a
place' to preach in. I intend to take the
stump at one place if any opening doci
not offer. I am in good spirits, — nnff
why? Because Guvl says his word shall
have its effect, and I cannot doubt Guvl.
I believe ju.-t what he tells he will do.
Some of the people are beginning lo say
one to another, “Come, 1 ham heard a
man that lias told me all I ever did. - And
lie says he is a Baptist. I want you t*
hear him." And if 1 can get them out to
the go-pel lick-log, why, I can, by and
by, pen them. (My sheep at home somet
times get shy, anil they have to he »atted
several limes hefuic 1 can get them in llie
pen.) You know it will not do to pell
them with pine-knots. I am
I couM
do good among’ Die Catholics with books
and’ Bible». That is a good way to salt
shy sinners. I want the riglft kind of
books and tracts. The old priest is after
me. This child of Mrs. Babylon is quite
stirred up. lie Says Baptist» arc a verr
ilangeiiius folks. By llie help of God,
Paul said, he could do all things. Well,
so can I. Il is the same God, the same
gospel, Die same kind of sinners, and the
same power,— these I cannot doulR. I
hope the Board will pray for me, that the
God of missions will he vvilh me.
Yours in love,
N, II. Boat.
I ain yn«r«,
Financial Sec. Do.
M. Miv. II.,
S. U Convention.
From Toxiw. , • '*
The clerk of the Columbus Baptist As¬
sociation, Mi*s , has sent us, by order of
the As-ociation, a letter of Bio. W. 1\
Hatchett, labouring in Texas, formerly >
member of Dial body. It will he inter¬
esting to our readers lo know somethin;
of the slate of Baptist sentiment in that
Under date of Gonzales counly, Texas,
fjept. lOtli, 18.17, brother Hatchett says;
"Needing ministeiial aid to labour in
this part of our Ma-ter's vineyard, I send
this letter to he read ill your body to con¬
vene this }ear, ( 18.17 ) 1 am on the fron¬
tier of tho Baptist churches of Ihe West,
land have been called ,lo_ .’allemlmthe...
I ikurchb’ MFInsr
Baptist ministers are very scarce all along
the settlements of the large and populous
counties lying on the Giudalnepe, the
San Antonio, the Colorado fioin Bislrop
up, and the Brazos aborc Waco. I have
travelled through Hiis section recently,
and have found the inhabitants strongly
tavuuiing Die pure Bible doctrines of the
lldpti-ls ; and in almo-t every neighbours'
hood Dm cry i*, ' Come and fettle among
us. We want Baptist preaching.’ Tne
Jew Baptist ministers here Have to peg-
led many calls (ur help, and even then
they are fiequrnlly worn down, and have
to iie by or leave the country to get reel.
" Now, brethren, if any ol you vvi-li lo
come hern to get rich in the good thing!
of ilita vvoilil, let mo say In you, don't
come : but if any one, no matter how
humble ami pour, can come to preach the
go-pel, and i* willing lo live on brail nod
btrj. and sometimes sleep under a Irfc,
(as 1 liavo had In do,) while following ihe
example pf Ihe Saviour in preaching lo-
the poor, lei me entreat you to conic on
iinioediately, for the fields are ahead;
white to the harvest, and the Inlourtn
nrr few. If vve don't get help, others will
leap the harve-t, or it will go unrcnpctl.
With aid sufficient a large number of
rhuiches could be organized, that in a few
year» would he srlf-.-upporiing, and even
help lo r.vrry on the woik of Christianiz¬
ing the world. Shall we let this field go
uncultivated when the fence is already
made and the timber cut off, and the toil
lich, and go to I’nieign land» in the wil¬
derness, where evciylhing must be pre-
pared and cleared off and then huta small
number brought in for years ? Not that
vve ought nut to do Ihe latter, but the
other ought nut to he left undone. Dear
brethren, send u* mnlerinl aid if )oii can,
and'iit least pray for in that Dm blessing
of God may attend our libour*, and ’that
lie would send forth labourers into thii
part of his vineyard.
Your brother in Chri-t
W. F.
Ail Interesting Lettur.
We would call nttention In tho letter ol
and Indian Mi-slon Board, located in ,\|a. ' brother
IV. Warren. It is truly cheer-
lion, Alabama, I Irtvo an eptgd Ihe ap- ' iog to get hold of -u. h a communication,
pninlment Of Financial Secretary lo Dial 1 We thank our brother for it. Tl is looks
Board In doing so I am not ignorant of I a li'tle like Ihe old Goshen in Virginia \ficlory people of C.
Ihn arduous duties involved, the difficol- j |; |< gi stifling lo see our Association* en-
tie* to he met, and the importance of an lering upon the work of missions in such
humble reliance upon Him from whom ipiiit, — God speed them. The Belliil
cwnflli all help. But my dear brethren, Association in Georgia, is Dm*, by hiolhef
may I promise myself also your»} mpathy j W V 'account, supporting fee n!i«»lonarie»,‘
and liberal co-operation? Though the eon- 1 — two in Africa, two among Ihe Indiana,
Letter from lifo. N. II. limy.
Ana coco, Sabine. La. j
April 20ib, 1837. J
Rev.. It.. Holman: -
Dear Broiher.— (After «peaking of some
Letter from Uro. It, Ilotvnrd.
II., Texas,
Sept. 30tli, 1S37,
Dear lino. Holman:
I have jurl returned from a lour of .
l-rraching through the frontier counties of
Tampa**., Dornanche, Karath,'
Bos- ,
qne, where I finind gicat ctaslilution, Nol
a Baptist mini-tor did I lit. 1 in all these ,
four counlie*. I heard nf one near I he
east line of Karath, but il is laid he il
young and does not preach buljillle, fort),
lie .is a poor man with Ihe 'clmgeipLi ,
family. I found a number of Bapliltsie
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