- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, March 1858
- Date
- 1858
- Volume
- 7
- Issue
- 9
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, March 1858

■esM f
tv-, \Jl' yyytd
- - 2 — l _
Mi I * j )
^ ALABAMA. M AltA’ll,
from our Missioniiriw.
• - La.— “hn
‘ 4 i(. Bray, Anacocn, La - An-
hi |ln.l my report for the
rfCVc 31M, lft>7. Although
«""^frequent occasions of mourn-
uefiBvii l I _
to their charge, ami extend my labours that is an important point, and I verily bc-
farther Host. I had purposed to move lievc that a great work will' be done by
some seventy miles North-west ; but in the Baptists there.”
vjew of the hard limes and the dangers :
fioni the hostile Indians, I have concluded j
to postpone for a season my contemplat¬
ed removal. The Indians have killed
several persons on the frontier (luring the
fall. Our Legislature has appropriated
§10, 009 to sustain “the Itangeis," in
Rev. A. 1'. Morris, Granitevillc, S. C.,1
" At Granitevillc up to this dale I have
had good congregations ; and about the
commencement of the quarter there was
much interest manifested,— numbers pre-
and atlend-
Tliis happy
«hich we give l.'ott me glory. , mcn(<i “ . . i state ol things was disturbed by an unl'or-
Jbn been one of much in- ■ j . .
. 'lunate difficulty in the church. I am
f|r<ccived a gentleman into the , c,.eo , °one {„'„id milef North rem?.vJ .
c iiirt rliiirch who Had
снег- _д.
v .l . • one has been baptized here ini* quarter.
* C-V ' At 4, bvccujoyed Reason
Sequent occasions uiiu, a(lllition to lho ,0Vl.rnment lr00,ls.
j .m.cn, crest manilcs.eu.-numw
Zion, yd we have often had h , thcse combin(,d forces>vill prove an ' af,nlle.<l ,b.em,?lves tor prayer, and
rejoice over he
нм ю
. of , e(,[.clual >af (| |o our fr'ntie‘r setlie. *} lho ry meelmgs. .Tins
. ...hich we give (mil Ihe glory. | ° i state of things was disturbed by ai
supply, except what I give them in my
missionary lours.
“ You do not know the difficulties with
which I have to contend hoie in this wild
wilderness, and, in part, heathenish land,
"e have neatly all suits of errors and
-ms to encounter, and severe hardship-
ol great prosperity, — twenty have been
baptized, and three others received for
baptism. I am dividing my time between
these two places according to the direc¬
tion of the Hoard.”
Thus through the humble labors of our
brethren, is the gospel carried into the
homes of the poor,- and they are taught
the way of life. This is our own work
brethren, to send the go-pel to the poor,
and build up Christ’s kingdom among the
destitute of our own land— and what land
needs it more. “ Never beard a gospel
sermon!” How long shall this be the
case, that a son of America never heard
a gospel sermon? Help the Hoard to
send out more laborers into this field.
i'JJjt meeting Ids wile; a cripple,
k ! vm herself to the Lord, gave
So the Church. Without the aid
'“like was compelled to crawl on
it was a touching scene to see
led woman crawl on her knees-.
nVc seat to Hie bland, ami tell wlrjt j
ltd W dene for h« :wl She *JJ ' and'exposmes'to undergo h'l'i'cliinatv the ' reports twenty-two baptisms of white per- ‘ j„ coln|,;ny tfilh °1!cv. William Johnson!
•**“?* h,nii»wl in accordance ' mo'1 changeable, perhaps, in the known son-, and one coloured ; six additions by Seventeen candidates were received for
- "",l 01 Wo cannot do much in the win- , letter ; an increasing congregation, lie baplism ,nd
ter season. It is estimated that more' t '
in looking over my past year .
,.r feeling of regret steals ove
Rev, Wm. Piicc, of St. Josephs, Mo.,
Brother J. H. Breaker, 1’ierceville Flori¬
da, after mentioning the sudden death of
an interesting son of
his field as large
wishes, at least, two co-laborers, and says
much more efficient service could be
performed. He bad just closed an in¬
teresting meeting in I’uhram County,
city as a Colporteur of the Tract Society for
some three years. When they came to
the conclusion to build, brother N. set out
upon his agency with his usual zeal, and
in about three months, begged money
enough to pay for the lot, and build the
bouse which they now worship in. It is
-8 by -10 feet— and will seat 250 persons
There were glad Hearts in that sanctua¬
ry on Sunday ; and many others, I doubt
not felt the need of pardoning grace — if
tears are a sign of contrition of soul,—
which credit is due to our brethren in the
interior of Louisiana and Mississippi, for
the kind reception they gave bro. Nabring.
in furnishing him with “ material aid” for
of His grace preached— thankful that He
put it into their hearts to “rise up and
build” — and that Hc.put it into the hearts
of their brethren to give of their substance
for this purpose.
Ihe sudden death of m mrmsnmg turn with “ material aid"
ten years, speaks of' !j''s '
objcct-and j doubt ,
, J ,
they will often led, when singing i
and destitute. He j.raLcs of God, and hearing the Cos
was baptized ... ^ .
j „01|d . . .
... . . . . . .
lie command ol the - ' , , 'ter season. It is estimated that more1 ...
rr ; I rain has fallen since September last than ! adds:
•s.a icriius s- rf?10 ' . f.iKpl iias during Hie three years preceding, i
d that no more has , , ... have been water-bound: and was reduced and t,le !'erl0U.snejS .
ueexert ol
Redeemer s king- (o ((|e MCetti, uf 0M.e rhe our congiegations, [ believe the set time
„,| hope souie goodswlha- bten
ft WM lwo |,lmJle,i <° favour /ion here has come..
, „hich will, with toil and prayer,
> lord) fruit to the glory of God.
jj, field is entirely loo large. My
■Hill not allow me lo undergo the
jp and hardships which I have gone ■
orb, as mWonary. lor the past live
' Jlr heart is in the work. “The
tilling, but the lle.-li is weak.”
laboured to impress my brethren
oigregitions with the duty ot male-
baptism, and many more were deeply
. penitent. We sympathise with our llro-
From the indications in our church, , ,|lcr j„- |ds deep' allliction, and oiler our
ate man, es.e, in condo|enCB to |,is tori -owing family. Does
some brother feel anxious to join
Rev. I). 15. Hale has added to the Shel-
hyville church, Tcnn., three by baptism,
rospccts quite encoui- .
i aging. ,
yauls wide. This will account for the
small amount of labour repotted for the
pa-t quarter.
“ Iti-inember me in your prayers, that | and one by letter;
I may be able to erect and maintain the
tiue standard in this desolate and destitute ; ° ° _ lb
country. Baptized twelve.” Brother E. Strode writes encouragingly
e have watched with a great deal of' prom Huntsville, Alabama,' In his last
interest the labours of brother Howard. . quarlpily report. The fev< scattered
we ’self-denying efforts to reh>a-e
|lJa a hard field, anil he seems cmi- ] |,rcl |, r(,„ j„ [o„n and vicinity, have
M,iniaitatleasLfromlhlsheW. , nently fitted for it. He needs more min- „llcceed(,d in „earning the use of
Xi have pledged one lialf mv sala- '■',erinl aid ; and morc ,lian he nced* the meeting-house belonging to the anti-
ini have urgently requested me to the prayers of the saints.
c'arge of them and all their neigh- 1 -
tods connected,— embracing a terri- ]>ev. j. jj.
Bcllmont, Ark. —
of sixty or seventy miles in length,
| informed von in my last cominuni-
thuty or forty in breadth. I have ca|lon> ,„y family has been deeply afllict-
Ij consented to accept, if the* Board cdi \\’e have been called on to bury our
rule up the balance., ot Dry support. , (W0 youngest children The Lord hath
ned eight during the quarter." tnlccri them, and we will not complain,
other Bray has been appointed ac- The health of my family and that of the
to request. He is one of the community is now good. Bu-inos» affairs
derated, energetic and successful quite b.i-k ; provision, quite pMy, am
, , , at living prices; stole goods lower than
Mines ever m the employment ol (| llMll for flV(. year„. The an-
krd. His field is a very dc.-tilnti* j trciiiate'cl Hailroad, which is to pa-s tlirmigh
anporlint one. In a portion of it no fieie, is creating great excitement
Brother II. on this Macedonian field ?
Brother E. J Willis, pastor of the Leigh
direct Baptist Church, Richmond Va.,
writes encouragingly. He says, “ I am
Rev. G. Brown.
Wasiiixgto.x, IY C.
The religious aspect of affairs in my
field of labor, are about as last reported,
with the exception of our having obtained
a more suitable place of worship, and in a
more desirable locality ; the change on
our part will not incrca-e our congregation
to any great extent from the fact of its
being no larger than our former room.
But it will no doubt bring back many who
bad despaired of ever seeing us in so rc-
of us who
piemi-es are on Railroad
lilies aie in expectation of lo-ing our im¬
"On the subject of religion my words
inll-t be few, for this cau-c is at a low ebb
here. Every true Christian should mourn
over this slate of things till the Lord re¬
vives Ids work among u-. Our ministers
arc not sufficiently spiiitually-miiided lo
accomplish much in their work. My fee¬
ble efforts bare been directed to the cs-
- , — . . tablisliing of Christians in the truths of
ol God for ihe happy lesiilts of your , d|l. m),p(.|— encouraging existing Sabbath
Board. The old and young, 1 tCh„ol-, ami preparing the wav for others
— di-couraging the use of ’intoxicating
liquors, and persuading sinners to yield to
the claims of the go-pel. We need more
lailhful anil spiritual mini-lers licie."
:tag «as ever lieaul until he went
e. except by Roman Catholics.
«.John W. Miller, Wild Haws, Ala.!
"t hive had cheeiing revivals in i
Ihe chinches of which I have i
x during the past quarter. If you •
t hue been present and witnessed ;
nits of missionary labour, in this por- -
the Lord's vineyard, it would have |
<ned your heart, and you would have '
pleased to be able tosay, dial a good slate !
a place. It will also revive our
of feeling prevails in Hie Clmicli. Wc
have additions every month either by
baptism or letter, and, on the whole, we
have reason lo be encouraged and press
So we thought when in company with
Brother Manly Jr., under the polite gui¬
dance of our old friend, Brolher Miles
Turpin, we visited their fine and commo
(we hope they will tic pro¬
soon). Why shouldn't they
be ? Wc are thankful for the spirit of
accommodation they oxhibiteikipd may
house of worship l few weeks since,
that they may find it in thchv hjjffp3 to' Here is a Church now numbering some
.unite with our friends inJb^fifflL^SSS^333,.»vHhm.Sabb*th.S<!hooljiL8M pupils,,
of a common Redeemer. Brother S. has , and gg teachers. Only a few years ago,
secured, in reliable subscriptions, some under die pa-toral labors of Elder R. Ford,
*3000 for the purchase of a lot and house,
ncw interest was began ; it lias been
anil this amount has been raised in the cariicd forward under the indefatigable
community about Huntsville. We hope’ effiuts of their present pastor till it holds
he will find no difficulty in getting the | a highly respectable position among the
balance necessary for the completion of, best Churches in the Capitol of the Old
the enterprize. Wc say, brethren, do it Dominion. Ilrollier T. told us the house
all yonrsrlcet if possible,
the belter way.
This is by far
Rev. II. E. Hempstead, New Oilcans,
La. — Biother IF. is pastor and superinten¬
dent of the Baptist Afican churches in
the city of New Oilcans. He reports
sixteen baptized; seven by letter, anil
seven by restoration.
Rev. T. J. Fi-lier, of Carroiton, Ky.,
reports fifty white and eight coloured per¬
sons baptized last quarter.
gray-headed, came forward
fidly told us what the Lord had
W their souls,
ii people here arc new settlers,
generally poor, but they arc male-
cfl'ort to support the mission-
wstseltes. They think of apply ing
"Me year moic for aid,— after that
®|>e to be able to maintain the or-
“(! or religion among themselves.
"(tl conversion» during quarter, for-
' . h*ptized, fifteen ; one meeting-
•’ imbed, ami another commenced."
* ®°»rd has often been cheered
twmragcd in its labours, to supply
of die West, by ouch
’“"cations as the above. Like i.i-
Et' mu-'* be truly gratifying to Rev. D. Buckley, of Charleston, Ark.
’ °se Str>eroiis contributions arc —
polls the baptism of twenty, of whom
’IJi! these laborious missionaries, j fifieen are whiles, and the convcision of
“> enlarge ilu-ir dcsiies for more ’ twelve whom lie lias not baptized ; six
lle benevolence and usefulness. Sabbath schools, one hundred pupils and
■""i editions of Divine favour at- ] twelve teachers ; two Bible classes with
^ e preaching of the go-pel lo j twenty-five pupils ; constituted two chut-
^r ought to arrest the attention of ! dies, one at Foil Smith, the oilier at
> |-lrr°mou<, anil enkiudlc in llicir , Jenny I.ind. In regard to these places he
f 9P'r'l of doing good unto those Savs :
* I!) nfcj, " ,
" I have organized a church at Fort
(i s. . - Smith, composed of three male members,
i'fcFi ^°'vat|l. Bui nett, Texas, who aie poor mechanics, and four ladies
J* my duly to give you some ! The interest of the cau-c demands more
Wr mission win
in this fron- of my time thrio than I expected; nor
„.““f Texas, We have had will they he ahle to remunerate me with
ntemUiih. Bui • liithei to t he! out the aid of the Board. I am
; prayers
Brother James Davis, whose field is
Wedowa, Alabama and vicinity, is doing a
good woik. He reports for the la-t quar¬
ter, 21 added by baptism, am! 1.) wlm have
made a hopeful profession. of faith, but not
yet baptised. Brother D. lias aNo dis¬
tributed hundreds of pages of tracts and
several copies of Bibles and Testaments ;
Ibis is all light, and should be the habit of
our own missionaries. The tract is the
silent ” message of God to the sinner,
and conveys the solemn truths to his j
mind, not mdreqiicntly blessed to bis con- '
version. In this case, Ihe missionary j
leaves in the family an effective and per¬
severing preacher, whose voice speaks of
love and mercy, and warns lim to lied
from the doom of the tran-gies-or. Scat¬
ter the truth brethren, in any possible
shape, it is broad
upon the waters
Brother T. I’. Guinn, Benton County.
could not accommodate the people that
came on the Sabbath. It is a beautiful
liou-c of worship, and supplied with gas
manufactured on the premises. This
Church has been assisted by the friends ot
the Domestic Mission Board, and will be
able to support their pastor the coining
year without further aid. In a year or
two this Church will be able to contribute
to the treasury of the Hoard, more than
they have received fioin it. And how
many instances of this kind are constant¬
ly occurring, l’ut Ihe right sort of mate-
al to work, and in a short time you will
rai-c up all over the land self-supporting
Churches, anil more than this, Churches
that will aid in sii-taining others depend¬
ent upon the charities of the people of
God. We hope Brolher Willis will be
able lo report some interesting facts in
conneciion with bis labors.
Gcrniiins in New Orleans.
; communication from Rev
Sabbath school as the accommodation for
children is so much belter. But what the
spiritual advantages will be to the mem¬
bership at large, I am not yet pirpared to
say ; but it is natural, as well as reasona¬
ble, lo hope that, under God, we may soon
rejoice in an humble concentration of Chris¬
tian effort on the. part of all our members,
and in Ihe ingatlieiing of many willing
subjects into the fold of the great shep¬
herd of the sheep, trusting alone in him
who is as willing to give as we arc to pe¬
tition. One baptism during the quarter.
■W — -
We have letters from Bro. Shuck dated
Dec. l!)lh, 1S57, and Jan. -ltli, 1S5S. In
both he speaks of the strong opposition of
the Chinese to Christianity. In the Dec.
letter ho slates :
“Our Chinese operations continue as
iisii.il, except jii-l now there is some ac¬
tive, and Iheielorc hopeful hostility to¬
wards the fin-pel among the Chinese —
Wong-Mooey ciiiilinui-s faithful, and some
of his countrymen would physically perse¬
cute him if they dared. One of our most
interesting enquirers lias been deterred
from attending chapel by opposition, We
have promising congregations, though
smaller than usual, while general attention
towards Christianity, among this people
is inure al present than usual, it is good
to trust in Jehovah's strong arm am! feel
that the wodc is His.
"The congregations, prayer meetings,
and Sunday School of our Baptist Church
maintain their u»ual interest."
In !os January letter lie says in relation
to Wong-Mooey and the persecution :
"lie," (W M.) “has more zeal than
any Chinese Christian 1 ever saw. He
commenced some little while ago a series
of street discourses with his countrymen,
on religious subjects, He out argues them
by all odds; and being silenced in argu¬
ment, they have become, many of them,
positively incensed against him, and have
exhibited much bitterness and ill-will to¬
wards him. They however -invariably
Alabama s' hl'ioii V
following communication from Rev , — ^ '^'con'diienleness,
Alabama, is llbnun° " i ni,!;,, , ; • '
И- И.
Hempstead, our missionary
the j al ,,Mr ,ne quiel|y. But die;
people. He rcpoits the loHowmg me. chufcllCS 0f New Orleans, and „.,y that "Wong-Mooey is one of their
i .i.
< - . t 1 I . In lli-!-i m u ilii.litiilii ' ... J J i *i i a" _ _
An old lady, living in a destitute :
and having been alllicti-d fifteen |
dent :
pbcc - - -
... j
years, sent for me to come and see her. j
On entering the house, I found that she .
and an only son, nearly grown, con.-titu- :
ted the whole family. They were in very j
limited circumstances. I conversed with |
her in regard to her future stale. She |
IV e have much i with our prospects there, and al-
Dining the, pa-t' ny i.ind, where I have organized a church
q-.’.M'fee young men have, en- j of fifteen worthy members, who are wil-
•So,,, I .“ml arc now settled ling to labour for the cause,
irl, [!e,n Hlion of my field. Con-. “ Pray for the success of the cause
nave (given up three churches ! here, and especially at Foil Smith; for
city Colporteur, in relation to the Ger-lown countrymen, and should not force
mans will be of inlerc.-t lo all those who |
«',» "Щол
upon them by vnpduou, m.
man, wm We continue, however, to have good con-
arc laboring and praying to evangelize a|l j grcgatloni at the chapel, and some inter-
nations. 1 eating cases among them. If we had
DnniC.vTlo.v. I another station it would do good to change
. . ,
I t V- 1 Woms-Mooi-v’s location now and then. I
V,e first hrnnan Ihphst UvrcUfMc ; - .j confidme in his-piety,
Orleans was dedicated on Sunday the 101, M(JtemPIlt a,,in,t bis zealous of-
- . ... r. . .. , I ol January, to tlie -ervice ol Almighty cannnt but result well in the end.—
gave every evidence of bring a Cliri-lian, (l-„d. The order of the exercises was as, 'CMh> a(,0
р,от;.ез ю
be a valuable
but her son had never beard a gospeller- 1 follows: . • aid.”
She request- J 1- ReaJngjif the Scriptures by Aev.i oaki.and.
did. Several ,
and Sermon, by Rev.! n;j| be remembered by the readers
Facliing, late of Philadelphia. ! of (hf journa|( ||,ai a Daptist church was
0.7>I»S.(i" a"“" k' I».™-'1 '■
ООМ1С1», «( ы«
. -I. Adilre-s by Rev Henry Nabring. ' pastoral care of Rev. b. J-
dh*-, a mis-
ft. Hymn and Benediction, by Rev. i >ionary of this Board, now of Richmond,
Mr. Fuelling, . : Va. On account of a melancholy dome»:
This house is a neat and tasteful budd- ^ wub ft„ it his duly to
! I»,. California, .bid b
in to
mon, and was a lost sinner,
ed me In preach, which
friends came in. When I clo-ed I gave,
an opportunity to any to come forward lor j
Five came op, and among
at Jen- (hem was the widow’s son. lie professed,
hope in Chri-t that night. The old mother
cla«ped him in her arms, and said, ’ -he
was now willing to leave this world,”'
which she did in a few days.
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