- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, May 1858
- Date
- 1858
- Volume
- 7
- Issue
- 11
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, May 1858

Igtp trout our Missionary.
Brother Job"
Merrill, who is supply-
^ Ibe pwsent ihr field of № brother,
’ Ji.no.oJ, but who i.N, we are happy
f. i. Our congregation is pretty g°°d,
] 'rc.,es weekly. In the absence
L Ltor, Ibc Church has thought
|o differ the reception of candi-
A for baptism. There are several lor
isonlinaoce, who will he immersed a«
we can get a proper administrator.
.(„are al-o some three or four whites
be recened by letters.”
Brothel A. H. Booth, Bienzi Mission,
„cbllilli, wiites,
I am glad to say
i, 01ir prospects are very llaltciing.
,r membership is in good condition, and
•e deep interest in the cause. Our con-
rations arc good. We are in our new
le, though it is not quite finished. Ily
Jiod of the next quarter we shall be
j>lo repoit the house completed "
Brother A. 1*. Muriis, (iraniteville, S.
, «rites. "Our congregations are large
rl attentive in both tins place and Black-
The houses generally are cnuvded
nlsomr feeling manifested.”
Brother Noah Davis, Baltimore, writes,
| am plea.cd to see at present a
;lf; slate of feeling evinced more
aerally among the brethren; and the
legations are much improved, not
Vjin numbers, but in serious attention,
ie hive bail no addition to our number
ring the last three months, although
me have professed conversion. Our
«lings .for prayer anil conference durin
iTpreSenf nionlh fia ve
mother D. B. Hall, Shelby ville, Tennes-
k, antes, "Our prospects here are be-
:r.ing to be somewhat flattering. When
xceptril the ca'c of the Church, eigh-
en months since, all was daik before us,
I thanks he lo Cod the cloud is being
ideally dispersed. Labor, /cm? and nr-
«swill conquer if the Lord is sought
r. Seme of the additions we have late-
made will tell on oiii future progress,
lave shoitly to baptize a man and his
fe of influence. We have strong oppo-
M here, in fact our brethren who know
•place, ca'I it the Gibraltar of Tonnes-'
Sti!l our congregations are twice, as
s' aa they were twelve months ago."
Brother Win. Price, Saint Jo-cpli, Mo ,
irth 13th, writes, 11 We have been en-
'jed in a deeply interesting meeting for
me weeks in our Church, which result-
lie thirty -eight additions to nur number,
:J some of these are men of consider i-
em.eans and influence in society. We
a indeed say the Lord hath done great
:*ga for us whereof we are glad." Our
“gregations during the meeting were
•wnse. On one baptizing occasion, no;
we think, than 1500 ere' present,
"bn the first
occasion I preached on
smucli agitated theme, "Close Commit-
’"/it being the first sermon on the
tycttver pleached in this city. It has
Wed considerable feeling, and already
” resulted in satisfying several on that
'M Our prospects as a Church arc
’ "ry cheering.
“liter R. II. Taliaferro, Austin, Texas,
‘"■h ITtli, wiites: "The Lord has
’ , 0llr brethren to erect a church-
llJin; eighty fed long and fifty wide,
,!|ones high. It is built oT the finest
• of rock, anil the woikman«hip is of
* most durable style. One room of the
ccicnt-iory is rented for a Female
( b Ibc other room of the
rrr.cnt. -lory the Church is now wnr-
r"'3- The contract is let out for finish-
!,fcc "i’Por story, which is to be the
““‘lienee room. By the time the
' lini-hed it will have cost, proha-
*"e'VC ani' •h’ulccn thousand
"hen you remember there arc
'"embers in the Church,
1 'hey hive received only about
__ _ _ _ __ It
seven bundled dollars fiom friends at a that I was the first llaptisf.' preacher they
distance, you will then see that the brethren had overheard.'’
have consecrated their propeity to the Brother G. W. Kinnard, Arkansas,
Lui'il. When the building was com-; March 17th, " received 7rj to the Cedar
menced Texas had enjoyed constant pros- 1 Grove Church, 1 by biptism and 9 by
letter. Let me know what the Board is
likely to do with reference to Bate-vile
Church. She is now, andl fear will re¬
main destitute unless supplied by the 1
Board, which I shall very-much regret to
X. .
TERN., MAY, 1858.
polity, so that many persons suoscribod
who say that they are not able to pay
since there have been two successive tail-
tires in crop». The dead weight of these
unpaid subscriptions falls upon the should-
eis of our brethren, none of whom are
wealthy, And yet, so far from gioaning
and fainting, they rejoice to part with
their possessions as did the di-ciples at
The same paper states that Brother S.,
on the preceding Sabbath, preached the
dedication sermon of a new Church edifice
in Unintown, Eldorado County.
Thus Abe work is progressing in Califor¬
nia. We are encouraged to labor and
pray for Christie cause there.
How it. "Works.
Brother T. W. Bailey writing from Ca-
Jeru.-nlem when they gave their hemts i
A(a _
no.l • I,
..........I., i . a L - I ....I ' *
then their properly to the Lord, i
, , , , . ,
. , , , , , ; I commenced my labors in tins place
I ruly do our brethren regard themselves , on Janllarj
lthi and i fin'd jt t0 be a very
as stewards of the Loul. Had it not been interesting field. I find that a good num¬
ber of tho-e who have been Baptists have
joined other churches, owing to the want
of regular preaching by a Baptist minis¬
We will nol raise tliov question of the
propriety of the course 61' these Baptists
in connecting themselves with other de¬
nominations, hut the fact plainly leaches
us the importance ol sustaining our mis¬
sionary eflorts. And we have a vast nuin-
lor the very same severe financial pressure
that has fallen upon this city, we believe
our brethren would never have called
upon your Board for aid. But we
thank God that his servants abroad can
aid in this our day of need. May the
Lord bless the dear brethren for their
helping hand extended in the name ol
Brother T. G. Henderson, Pennsacola ber of places unoccupied with a Baptist
March 25lli, writes, "Since iny airival ' ministry, in which are probably to be found
tbe chuich-hnuse has been plastered on j Udj.iistj, who in the absence of a chinch
lire sides, ceiled and painted ovoiheai
and provided with comlortable pews. A
most excellent inelodian has also been
purchased for the benefit of church-
music. The house yet lacks painting
without, a hell fry, and bell, and needs j SabbaHi'sci'iooTwhich seems toprolper.—
ol their mvn preference, deem it so impor¬
tant to be in some church 'connection that
they gladly enter any rejjafded by them as
orthodox. Bro. ii. goes qii to say :
Four weeks ago we organized our
t.ivy were complaining so loudly »f hard lime» i •
rurarepi’rt is ifuil to a dun in mv opinion. ,
tno Homo unit Foreign Journal says, "The
present is truly n time 0f gnat neat' with the
limml of Domestic and Indian Missions. There
".m>t !‘° n redaction of the salaries of mis-
nonanes, i or n removal of some of them from
neiv Holds, buroly the opposite of Ljcureu»
' l,a* UV’C-l through the United States! for Ire
put silver and gold uut of circulation by put-
ling no \ nine upon them, but the people of the
bin id States by placing too great n Alee.
. 1 110
id religion is advancing daily—
its Strong oppo-cn are saying, wo have nothing
agiuitst n— well mid, tor who can f Tire
principal chief ospreases ft willingness to unite
iviin the people of Owl. It is to ho Imped lie
will make that profession puUio by immersion
in no distant day. May God grant it, We
haic (.no church-house, in which you preached,
in fine repair. The brethren pray that you
imiy be ►juretl t> preach in it a gum.
Fours in b’briit,
Tho nloro letter from our nativo preacher,
among tire Creeks will be read with pleasure.
It breathes the spirit nf a pure Christianity.
Can any one say (lint the Indian is too far re¬
moved from tire hope of being made a genuine
disciple of tho peace-loving Jesus, to justify
tho «Hurts of Christians to bring them under
tho power of tho gospel? This man continues
Ids laborious ruund of duty among the people
take and read the Home and Foreign j of his nation, hearing his own expenses, .and
i Journal, especially the discourse referred ' even fails to make out and send on his report
j to; and not only read but apply it, 1 1'"1 'l l,mk like a “don,” and tho Board
I will take more interest in procuring 1 1,0 * l'iink Bro. McIntosh always
subscribers fur the Journal." ' W.
"'0 ”m "f his salary to aid
How diffl -rent the spirit of the above 1
."’'f ' may he mere de¬
horn that manifested by many who return 1 . . .
Ь|",*и- л
their paper with hitter complaints. “W,
A." evidently enjoys n missionary spirit—
the spirit of the go-pel. IVe venture the
remark that no one who thus enjoys rcli-
j “ Mere Blessotl to Give tlmii to
I Receive."
j The following extracts from a private
j letter we intended publishing some time
I since.
| " In the Febiunry number the text,
j 1 It is more blessed to give than to receive ’
| was so beautifully illustrated by A. C.
Dayton, that I enclose to you two dollars.
I Credit mo with two years for the Home
: and Foreign Journal— the balance apply
1 to any object you think brst. The peru-
j sal of the aitiele alluded lo has amply re-
| [mid me for all the money I ever paid to
j benevolent purpo-es. I have not the lan¬
guage to express the delight I enjoyed in
reading it. I wi.-li all the Bapti-ts would
also to be enclosed. 1 regret to say that
the opposition to us fiom other sect.- is of
the most virulent kind, really it far ex¬
ceeds anything I have ever bcfoic wit¬
nessed. It does seem that they have
about spent their foice, and hence there
tii^L'ord'has' ijlcsscd the Church with
peach and harmony. The members nil
The brethren and sisters cheerfully con
tributed $17 for the purpose of obtaining
a library and other necessary hooks .
On the' 18th of this mojith (March) wc
commenced a meeting vyhich was protrac¬
ted lor eleven days, and jy^ich.haj proved
the means of blessing thaah'urchhnd pom.
church by letter arid three by experience,
and there are lewothcisof whom ive have
hope. Last Sabbath morning the church
gion ever returned the Journal.
sustain me in my views and sympathize , could nut aflbid accommodations lo th
with me in my tiiais. Fouiteen have 1 multitudes who flocked lo our service.”
been added during the quarter, seven of
them by bapti-m. On Sabbath last two
very interesting young men were baptized.
Two ladies have signified their intention
to join next Sabbath by experience. One
of them is a Metliodi-l Indy.; poor, but re¬
spectable ami intelligent. My congrega¬
tions are gradually increasing, and are
quite attentive and respectful."
Brother 11. Thomas, Delaware City, K.
T., Maich lfith, after speaking of the
houses ol worship as extremely uncom¬
fortable for winter use, sajs: “The peo¬
ple aie generally attentive to Hie preached
wold, and some in my congregations seem
to he seiious, but there is so much politi¬
cal excitement among the people of this
Tenilory that seiious impressions are re¬
moved Iroin the minds of many. I pray
God that these strifes here may soon
close, for their influence is "evil and only
evil continually." We inct in Lawrence
on the llth of this month for the purpose
of oig-iuiziiig a Baptist Association. 1
went up beaimg letters and coiitiibutiom
fiom lour Churches. Five or six other
Chinches were repre-ented in the meet-
ing. My instructions from my Churches,
were to assist in the organization of our
!Vc hope our brother’s labors will prove
the means of doing much good in t.’aliaba,
This is a town of considerable importance
in Alabama, and when the railroad is com¬
pleted which is now under contract from
Alai ion, there is but little doubt of its fu¬
ture prosperity. This is the way it works,
the missionary gathers up the scattered
brethren and puts them all to work, and then
the Father sends down his blessing upon
them and sinners are brought to the know¬
ledge of the truth. We expect the church
in Caliaba will shortly be able to suppoit
her own ministry, and return to the treas¬
ury of the lioaid more than she will have
Letter from Brother Buckner.
■ -<-Wo]Ptyrebj^bo Mowing Jetter from. Bro.
' 'Buckrrer, know iiigTleUour renders arc nlivnjs
plea-ed to sec anything from this long tried
i missionary to the Indians.
| SI
ко, Спек
A iifmn, March dlh, 1853.
j l)cir. lino, iloi.mx:
'olher Marrow and
hare jint relumed
from a missionary lour, of whieli [ will gire
you a brief account. We left homo oil Wed-
no-.l.iy morning, Fdt. " t lit. in ettnquny with
-lake, 'Jack, ll.ib.clie, nud our interpreter
Goliath llcirod, fur a tour of alt, nit one loin-
tiroil mile-. I was sa l to leave Mrs. Buchner
sick in led ; hut my anxiety nn« great to fill
i the appointments, itrnl I felt Hint I Must go.
I Tho first night no preached in the linuso of
; London Coker, whom 1 baptized two Sundays
i ago, lo a large mid deeply nllerted molieui’e.
I Many
forward for prayer. We then
I travelled N"i tin West by W. iifly miles; anil
' preached at night lo the Montgomery ehnreli. j
( in the Iioii-o of brother Kkiin t’liata, or Bet!- 1
dirt. The hreilireii tool mi-taken the time of I
tin Is a noble coadjutor in this beloved brother.
Hod is blessing this mission. We hopo tire
next letter of
M. will convoy lire happy
intelligence that "tho principal chief” has
been baptized.
A Helping Spirit.
A brother encloses $20, nnd says :
"I liavo $20 fur tlre Indian eauso. Ono
half to tho Greek Library nnd tire other lira.
Bueknor. Brother B. and mysoif-'ntO' twin'
brothers in onu sense. Wo were Loth licensod
to preach on the same day, by the samo church;
ami llicroit no man wiio lias my sympathies
more than lio. 1 bate often though! I should
like to he iviili him. Tho Home Missi.n is my
favoriln mission, and if there is nny mission
1 Could do well for, it is the Indian Depurt-
incnt. 1 Inyo to pWd tlieir cause. They have
a strung claim on us. Wc have tlieir homos—
their I antis— and we ought to give them tin
NASH villi;, tbnnksskk.
The Bible Board and its Auxili¬
The Bible Bnnril was organizetl in 1851
lur api-.intim'ot, lientye the rtingregalittit was ! by the Southern Baptist Convention, which
met that year in Na-hville. At the first
Brother Shuck in his last letter (Feb.
IS III) stales that he failed lo receive his
draft from us as he expected, and was
under the necessity of borrowing money
at 3 per cent, per month, i. r,, at the rate
of 3G per cent, a year. And that minis¬
ters there are not so favorably situated as
most are in the Atlantic States; who
small; Imt we had an interesting meeiiug. and
several eamo forward for prater. On Friday
, tie travelled North-West by W. 20 miles, amt
came to II
1 1 it'!- K‘> town. On our way we
[visaed ihimigli Mi-Kn-Siil.e, a Seminole tmui,
and were inll'iibied in examining tho place
'where tlieir dead hollies rcpivo'd. They were
uut t/nwH, but tl-cttlmn of earlli u]om which
replied llie dead, eoteuil only I,
| tiles. Wo
made many " irjlirtiorn
n skull," which wc
' found to he large nnd well pimped; only tire
•' anterior purlieu was di-proportiomdily large.
, We found the Is iws and arrows of ttie dei cased
placed by the sides of tlieir former owners:
' and also
which had been often filled
shy llie (uniting mourners with the Seal which
i Indians til, a hc-l, lor the wads (?) of the ili-
’ [illtrel.
Al night we [ reached at
in tire Ireii-eol Umii'l lti'riiard, where no B.ijit-
inei'ling of the Convention afterwards,
that which was held in Baltimore, it pre¬
sented "A Plan or Operations, " in which
" T/ic Bunnl proposes that there shall be a
Bible organization in ench Southern State ,
either in the form nf the Board of the State
Convention, or a Bible Society auxiliary to
Ibis lloanl, nnd lhat each State, able to do
so, shall lake the entire direction of the Bi¬
ble inhresls within ils bounds."
At the next inceling of the Convention
which was held at Montgomery, the Board
urged the adoption of a similar plan upon
,.s,o . . -- — in caacs of great emergency can borrow ol
Association upon principles generally j »J»eir fiends; while in California their
adopted by Baptists.
, i«t had
preached. The hmi«e was crowded I
Convention, with specifications of its
<• •>"
«- л- -ь»“
- ’ I .'it: Ci.t.. DILI.. . L.. I?. _ *
some rteu of tho»e who tteie outside", and ini i State Bible organization in each Slate,
Wc "did .Ids, and 1 f-nds are no. such as have the means to aU*;1^ ,0 ".1C hr
'this town lire Meih-lists, but all uniied ini ''cable, one in each district association
urging ns b- tisit them frequently. _ . auxiliary to the Slate organization, and
was anticipating better times for us as a
denomination in
T. But my hopes
were disappointed. Near the close of the
meeting a very strong anli-sl.tvery ie=olu-
fi'le of lllC Continent, en-
tion was inlioduci’d and passed by thu j riches you hut impoicrishes us; a few
|,odv. 1 reimm-trated against this, hut ; b"ndrcd dollars sent hack to sustain nn, n-
loan. Times there arc continnou-ly hard.
“ The money,” lie says, " taken from
the California mines by such hard toil,
IIOIIV. l ri'UIUO-lliucu ...... ,
fill d1nff Iny ,en, on-trance ol no avail, 1 ters here might well he promptly and hear-
withdrew hum the body myself, ami the *'ly sent. The series of meetings to
lour Churches which 1 represented. I which I referred in my la-t, have given
greatly deplore the fanaticism which pie- V"° ilnPul'c lo ,mr lnler^'^,, l,CrC’
vails here. I will write more al length
1 hope for more fruits.
** I 1f*_ _ _ _ . n mnea nf rr.l'l'f •
c»tn* forward fur |»rajir when j Convention adopted anu recommended the
lie lit isl tlrere. I plan and recommended further "that a
i .On Mturdnv morning we travelled North-: 1 , .
.unit wo Mime m Montezuma church, Jjnhw' of courtage whiil should embrace
; West
* rat rev ei'iiuv.iiM.i .......v.-f, a f —
; w'mti1 v.<* | r»*:ir!ii*'l iif nnd on Suinliv ' nol only HiU(S,Lul tclii'ious nnd denomma
■ Ilnre lire hreiloen Imd al-o mistaken the tin ie /; /
bu these amcia-
id nor iii'iMiiiitini'iils ; and ns it turned slid-
. * 3
i I II ... . ..... ..... II V. rei'e/ie
f'i, ., bich I reore-ented. I w hich I referred in my la-t, have given j dcnly verVenM, our e.mgregitti.nis were small.
lour Churches WHICH l repre.cmeu. »| . V. .......... .... ! We readied Imure just reie week . . lire time
[ we left': nud nil! how Mid to find Mrs. It. still
jin Ii" I siek. and lay little sun with bis arm
I broken tlie -round lime, ar.d in the
plnec !
iTiiiW a Inis-iniuiry life is nnc nf intense jay
j and sorrow.
■ Aflertiurmtcly, ike.,
t II. F. Bl'CKNEB.
upon this subject ere Ion;
Brother L. Al. Berry, March 2.3th, says :
" There ought lo he preaching in the town
of Yoik, S. C., there is no Baptist preach¬
ing there, and one sister told me that she
could not enjoy herself in religion, lor .-he
could not hear a Baptist preacher once in
twelve months — others are anxious. I lie
population of the town is about 2500
souls. A gentleman and his wife lohl me j
I We are now holding a series of meet,
mgs every night with the Chinese, and
with much encouragement. We have had
several interesting inquirers among them
lor sometime : one of whom. Ah Tat, has
been received forbaplhm."
"The Sacramfnto Daily Bee " of Feb¬
ruary 27th, announces lhat on the follow¬
ing day Brother S. wouIJ baptise another
Chinese convert.
A Mi«ionary’s .Sentiment.
Sotitm, Feb. 22nd, 18-38.
Dear Bro. How.iv : .
This is the first thiure I have written to the
lloanl since you were here; for I could not
fin 1 it in my heart to presi my brethren wlo.c
tionnt Societies."
Shortly after this Convention the Board
published the " Plea for the Bible Board,"
with which many of the readers of the
Journal have, since become familiar. In
this document, after slating the reason»
why every society, largo or small, should
he made directly or indirectly auxiliary to
us, wc used the following language:
" Wherever, therefore, there is a State
Baptist Bible Society, or a Stale, Bible
Board of a Geperal Association or .Con¬
vention, let it collect funds by its own
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