“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament;
and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars forever and ever."
jFomgtt Ulisstmt immrnl.
Entered at the Cost-Office at Richmond, Va., as Second-Class Matter.
Vol. LX. JULY, 1909. No. 1.
At the recent session of the Southern
Baptist Convention In Louisville, the Com¬
mittee on Estimates and Apportionments
recommended that during this year the
different States should endeavor to secure
the following sums for foreign missions.
Theso estimates are not to be thought of
as assessments, for they were not made
In any spirit of dictation, but are offered
as a suggestion. In accordance with the
spirit of the recommendation, and after
consultation wth the State Vice-Presidents
of our Board and the Secretaries of the
various State Boards, we are carefully go¬
ing over the matter in the Mission Rooms,
and, on the basis of the gifts made last
year, are endeavoring to make equitable
distribution of the amounts asked for
among the various associations of each
trust tl at these suggestions
will be received by all the brethren In
the same fraternal spirit In which they
are made. We are all convinced of the
necessity of better system In securing con¬
tributions for our mission work. Every
association and church can accomplish
more by aiming at something definite. It
Is earnestly hoped that the matter will
be brought up by each district association
and that the association may undertake to
raise the amount asked for this year. It
would be well if the association should
appoint a Committee on Apportionments
to estimate the amount needed from each
church. There may be some churches and
associations which will not come up to
these estimates while many will go far
beyond them. Already we are receiving
many encouraging letters from the breth¬
ren throughout the Convention, stating
that it is their purpose to do more than
ever before. From many sources have
come words of hearty approval of the plan
herein suggested. Last year 10,11S of our
churches made no offering to our foreign
mission work. In order to enlist these
churches, it is evident that some sort of
system is needed. Let us all determine to
give this plan a fair trial. Let our motto
for this year be: “Something from every
Estimates by States.
Alabama . . . $ 35,000 00
Arkansas . 15,000 00
District of Columbia . 6,000 00
Florida . 7,500 00
Georgia . 80,000 00
Kentucky . 40,000 00
Louisiana . 10,000 00
Maryland . 12,500 00
Mississippi . 36,000 00
Missouri . 32,000 00
North Carolina . 45,000 00
South Carolina . 46,000 00
Oklahoma . - . 3,500 00
Tennessee . 27,000 00
Texas . 75,000 00
Virginia . 68,000 00
Total . $538,500 00