- Title
- Home and Foreign Journal, October 1855
- Date
- 1855
- Volume
- 5
- Issue
- 4
- Editor
- ["Poindexter, A. M. (Abram Maer), 1809-1872"]
- Creator
- ["Southern Baptist Convention"]
Home and Foreign Journal, October 1855

in, 111 II AV niHIKSTIO
Tlic-"”0rk l,la>” lnove on ly- — j be bach Will not the rhurchewu^Iythl,
yj.lllll * _ _ j Parents schooled in the superstition, of lack by tending on contribution*, ’ViMoii/
j “ Mother Church,” will be slow to believe; solicitation? i
MAKWS. . . . j hut their dih/ren, living in Jlmtnrn, and
" . . : growing u]> In manhood utulnr the inllu- i
Please Corveet. encc of Iree institutions ami religious lib- j
Baptist Chmvli in I\t^is'as.
, , . . Rev. Isaac Jacob, of Kentucky, has re- ,
Fir-tto /Worst Brethren, when .von vrty, will embrace the true Go-pel. Tin- ccntlj- moved into the Kama, TrLorJ
.|ic0ut vour notices from the HpiWtat
another ^, n why the Domestic Board ; Nu doubt, like all olher cmi.rantfL that-
A Monthly Concert of Prayer for I or- j should he hherally palm. „zed. j country, he had in view the belling of '
fI,n Alison* Mil be hedd In morrow | - -- - ' his cat llily condition, but this ivaAot his
St,« please amendhy say.ng, the month- Gods Exhortation lor Itieivnsud jonlv objecl. 0noofWs first
l'v”concert of prayer for Missions. . '1 Ins [ .ilid'nUty. the first, was lo build a 'Baptist* iLting
wiU enable you to include Domestic ami Darin" the pn>l three months we travel* boii'C1. Thr limibo is 1$ by 20Ycct — wnill,'
tulitm Miss'nms in the announcement ' ^.,1 i|lr00g|, twelve Slates of this Union. ‘l 's true, hut large, enough for present
piei-cal-odindf the collcclmib ta.en up \\’e |o('t Alahama in the harvest sea-on, | wants. There are some IS or 20 Baptists
it those seasons Ulu-trn the lu-n homi > o\ awj Mcrc j„
wc rCacbed i fettled on Ten Mile Creek, where a church
Foicign and Domestic, this uonh m^ the Kansas Territory, in the month of An- j has been organized to occupy this new
and simply just. gust. Such corn, such tc lent, and such j hovi-e,. probably within six miles of the |
■ ndlv in
Brethren; when ' mh‘ our l') « had never before seen. To , county scat of Baptiste county. Brother (
n ,i b-ocialimis and find no Sec- ’ estimate its abundance is quite beyond our | Jacob has had the honor of organizing the j
"“’Twnls present to advorale the '
11 reined to us as if the good t first white Baptist church in the Kansas |
,J,‘V f the Domestic Board, give us a Gird intended to reward complainers in jTeriitorv. A plea-ant interview with him I
""'ll °but not onlii a speech Makeup a l,ie dmuglit season, with his marvellous i convinced us that he lias not gone lo Kan
Tf i for In. Speeches ai'c mo- 1 e\- ■ himluess. Is not this his argument, his I without his Lord, and that while lie la-
||"nt"thia',s in their place— sometimes exhortation for incrimil Lemrolenccl Is | oors to provide lor the earthly wants of1
Lining to the audience— but wc cant ; ll •N0T •’
Missionaries with them.
11 0 Yu of Littlu Faith.'1
Thirdly, to .Ima'alionc: Bietliren, in , i,a,tyear was a year of drought: a sea-
sir plans and efforts lor Uduealioo, Pub- ! temaikahle for its diy weather. Pro-
his household, lie will do, what in him is,
for the propagation of genuine Christianity.
Missionary for Kansas.
At the late session of the Southern llap-
ii atimn, Foreign Mi-ions, Sec
please |>j|C[l 310,e cv(!rj t(mn, There would Gist Convention in Montgomery, Alabama,
oake some provbion also lor Domestic be a i;lmjllCi ,|ull ||icru would. The old- 1 a resolution wa« pa-sed that the Domestic ^
ili’sions, It is killing to our courage and e,t inhabitants had never before seen such , Board send, as soon as practicable, a mis- .
ar hopes to run the eye over the minutes a fca.on, R„i„ an,| starvation were sure ' .'innary into the Territory of Kansas. Du- !
iad read of something .having been done i [0 comc. The planter looked at the river, ! ring !ii< recent visit to (hat region, the I
>r almost every good purpose, -avo Do- |)r rat|,er ai t|,e j,]acc where the river once 1 Secretary was happy to learn lhat several
, ,f/v llis-ioiis. Me involuntarily cs* . was: his cotton \vai on it* banfes. Then Baptist families have moved to that conn 1
him : " Well Ti- no u -c — the great plan a[ i|„. c|ou,|<| or where they ought to be, i try from the Smith, and lhat soon an open-
f giving the (io-pol to the destitute it
thought, but there was no sign oiling will present itself foi’.tlie establish-;
|'4!'is not appreciated !" T hen — and only . raj„. '1‘Jicu at the du-t, rising in expand-
I’hea this neglect is manifested — we feel t jn„ ma«.cs with the gentlest breeze— yes,
J.kc resigning. there would be a famine.
/mine said
Finallv, lo CW/m : Dear Brethren and ' ,ho to""
cchocJ batk ““
-Ifislers.iullyoii not think of the thousands.
country folks I So all said, but to prci cut
Well, there is to
merit of a mission in a place that promises ,
to be a very populous neigliboihood. A'
suitable, minister, with whom a correspon¬
dence will be opened at an early day, it is .
thought, can be obtained. The Territory,
as vet at least, is South. lVlmthct it 'ball j
. .ill |. . . • one, verv few prayed
1 immortal souls who are. living at your. ’ • . 1 . , . , , ,■ :
, , 1 be no famine vet, if one may judge bvthc continue so, will depend on the Soltii-
oonanil on the borders of the great conn- , , n , . , i
. . ..
.. ; abundant, waving crops. How many ot .
tv vou dwell in, in/ to»/ the Co-pel 1 1 , 3 1 , 1 _ _ _ _
. i • these prophets are now ready to thank Cod I
lave you tears ami pravers for China and , i n,,,.
«е И,.,
. 1 ’. * , fur Ins goodness t How many ol you will ! Uuo Ot .Thu .liouhles.
lor Arkansas, I oxa> and D, . . , . , ;
irid.i r Have vou nionev lo send he- now mrk fl’r (">'}~»"1 ■" on"ar,] ; One of the troubles — an<l it is not a light
the cau-o of missions :
Would reap the benefit of the preached
Gospel it helped, to sustain. Or if they
would send a part of these funds and ask
the lio_ard to sustain a missionary within
their bounds conjointly with themselves,
| it would be done. -The time has comc
when there mlist be a change. Wc must
have more system and less collision in our
domestic undertaking to spread the (Tospel.
Dvcry Ilapti-t, espcciallyevcryminister is,
or .ought* lobe, interested in this' matter.
G'is ^io use. pulling at lcfosc ends of injoju.
fra ry ilirectlooM fwo'vvRul ifdcfgood /'tu.
must strive together for the faith of the
One rea'on why missionaries cannot ea¬
sily be had for these limited fields, is the
mill suppoit these bodies oiler. They
ran get men for $200 per annual,' but they
will be $200 mm. Another reason why
preachers are slow to enter their service,
is their tardiness in making remittances.
The fiuard cannot be gotten together to
hear reports or to vote appropriations. If
the day appointed for Midi a purpose should
he unfavorable on account of foul weath¬
er or pressing business; why, it is report¬
ed a failure, and no meeting cat: bo had
till the Association meet, and then, as like
as not, the Board will transact its business
at the cloic of the meeting in a great hur¬
ry, and of course impcifdlij. We respect-
lully ask, therefore, all such Associations
to adopt measures by which they can in
mme way — wc aic not particular as to the
way — cooperate with the Domestic Mission
Board at Maiion. Why should they null
Was not that Board called into existence
by the united voices of Southern Baptists?
lias it not thus far met the expectations of
its oiiginatora? Ihs any missionary ever
waited long fur bis money alter his repoil
was in and passed upon ? Think, broth'
ren, think of this agency before it may b<
loo late to think. We have written thus,
because we leel— yea, A'/ioru — that this
Board is not sustained as it should lie — as
it might he— if it were lovnl by llm de¬
nomination at large”. Wc go to neighbor,
ing churches, or to distant churches — it is
>nd the sea, and none lo sit-tain simple .
'at toil, zealous and pious evangelists on j Jl
(G ia-t piairies of the South-West. We
iipomid tlie«e questions for your con-id- :
Mon liecau-o we arc nrei/y. .Veedyjiisl '
Mu lime. Don't forget its ; do not tic-
j'etur: help us, help us, help, help, and
| iii'kly, or the missions mu-t stop.
ye of little | trouble— again-t which the Domestic Board :
! In' (o contend, i- the mint/ lilllc organiza-
” . itinn<fortheevatigelizaliotiof.!mrr//iieigli-
Rivcr amt l l'olanih. iborhooJs. Now if di-tiiet association-
Of all the profane swearing it was cvcrj nould or could carry out what they pro-
our misfortne to hear, llialon the Missouii .
if their Uonrik would volnnlaiily '
liver by boat bands, anil on Ihe public high I am| gratuitously tillcml to the business of.
ways by st.igo iliiver-, was the most vul- 1 managing I lie missionary concerns of the ‘
. gar and dieadlul. They have a vocabnla- 1 Association, and if the men could lie found
j ry which could only have been invented j tt|]0 arc i/tinlifiril to occupy these mis-ion 1
I lie \\ ays tliov Conte, nml A' here ! by the ptince of darkness himself. What | jjv|,j^ — why then, this mode of operation
| a ueccs-ity for mis-ions ! | would do very well. And it this plan.
j should beromn'general, there would be no
I need of a General Dome-tic Beard at Ala-
i lion, Alabama. But where is the rcstrirt- (
I eil local organization that i- ejjicirnl. We I
How much money I
iimv ;
ployed? I low many |
C|,jP|.~ '.I.. ”. . '
I souls have been converted? How often
all the same, and a
for contribution^.—
’Tis a bad time, there is a cluircii debt,
or they have a mis-ion sonety of their
iiwnl!" As if Hie General Dome-tic
Hoard were nol their own. Tliou-ands,
in truth, do n"t eon-ider it as theirs. —
Well, we'll do what we can. and when we
cannot do, we can stop trying.
hack ride of half ip hour, brought' us to ,
the Shawnee Mission (Methodist) where J
the Kansas Legislature was in session.
There we met with Rev. David Lykins,
the Superintendcr of the Baptist; Mission
School at Wea. t. Weiiverc introduced by
him to Major M.*M:Caslin, Indian Agent '
for the Government,- and Mr. Baptiste
Peoria, one of the head men of the
nation. .Arrangements were made-
wdthH'i^elwgentjcmcn to ac9prnpanj- .
MM Jk"
ea ..(he RcxtlTnoriYiiig,, July
2Sth.. The morningcamc in due time and
with it a hot cun ‘and a strong wind. It v
was ten o'clock before all preliminaries *
were completed, and the cavalcade, or
rather buggyeade— for there were two
buggies and only one man on horseback-
moved off in the direction of the Shawnee
reservation, in the Kan-as Territory. Bap¬
tiste mounted on a noble bay, went on be-
fore. At the end of the first mile, he
commanded a halt, till lie could reconnoi¬
tre for an outlet into the vast prairie. He
soon came in sight again, and beckoning
with the hand to advance, we followed
him. The prairie was now fairly entered,
and on all sides, as far as the eye could
reach, there was nought to be seen hut
one mighty sea of waving grass !
We had seen prarie landscapes before,
and therefore were not so overwhelmingly
affected by them as those must he who arc
ushered in upon them for the first time :
nevertheless, the iinprc-.-iuns of Ihe Kan¬
sas prairie will long bo remembered. At
the great Santafee and California road,
wc indulged the eye with a protracted
sweep around Hie di-tant horizon, lying as
a blue rim on a vast meadow of verdure
and.wild (lowers. , The surface is undula¬
ting, swelling up at places into mounds •
and ridges. The wind— which is nearly
always high on these plain — kepi the tall
grass in a constant motion, and— saving
only Hie “white caps"— gave them Hie
a-pect of ocean billows at their stormy
sport'. Narrow strips of timber might lie
seen occa-ionally in pa-ing, and dark
shadows, cau-ed by intervening clouds,
were seen for miles ahead, deceiving tins
eye by their similarity lo clumps of trees
or comp ict fore-ts. The scene was grand,
and its impressions on Hie soul productive,
of tlm purest emotions of sublimity, To
bo appreciated, however, each one must
see for himself: no description on paper
tltoy Go.
Thousands of the de-litute to w horn the •
is «ent on the Home Field, are./iir- 1
many of them Catholics. They;
've Cork, Liverpool, and Havre in I'.n
" and land :
>E;|j:“l Xciv Orlc,
iv York they pa-s |,y the Frio Rail Road, l ||'K!"|r,n7i'
'1 CliiriYTn nneix.i.i il.n M! . ! . ■
can convey a just idea of the reality. Tho
Owing lo the Corresponding Secretary s I ,.(|!< of
antl t|lC ,,r,.at Western
nl.-enee, the receipts for m,s.,ons have not I prair;4 wi|, f(ircvcr thc
of lho
Irish anil Dnlcli Euliotots.
Go to the I.evce— look at tlio-e who are i
i .pM and Havre in i* p„Ui„s in the cargo and then work Ihe}^, |i|>0 ||rjr. Hmv mw,h n
at I liihdelpliia, New Yoik, ,)lSll! they are Germans nn.U.i-h. Ma«,l|
,|liri lll(.y(.,ir?
Z , tr'J's r0I:jlll,f l{ail
fCC"h“ <I1VC | many mi-io„aiies empbved ? How
pass l,y the I'.rie Rail Road, • ,|IC ,|r.iy-i in the street- or act a- the por- ] ; l)f cn|u!(.rtpi| ; |Iow .
‘'"I ,W lll° :
'!1СУ ЛГ,С
f;C" i.:.s the Boa. d met for bu-ine-s, and when
fcil4l, i "vT T ,| T i
,ШП" Ш
' ,r0n,S
t! * Tl a'! 0,“ 1 i‘ -li<' meet, how often has it had
а ерш-
■л ь
S : . ir, ifn n : i a11
i - > . . . .
been acknowcdged in llm Journal,
will appear in the next number.
Thu Yellow Fever.
This srourge, tho pre-cut slimmer, has
taken Virginia in its course, It is a lime
lor Cliri-ti.ms to con-ider and do what they
can, and while they may, lo give the Go-
pel to Ihe destitute.
.1 U'
4m. RJm-" land heavy woik is done by tl.c.-c ,«oplC. ^ .f ^ ^ an„tter. There;
' D i n, I f
Tr i TI,C ,,Crk °f ‘•vuryMoamboat on the ! an av0(.;!|io„ of (hi, lini, somewhere
ТГ "*ЫМ'Г,С” ЯГ°
'f • ,r,'h|T'lTin the Southern States which in the course
.J anj
g,> *S °f gioes.and the former are d.ivcn and knock- i ^ arcimlH|aVl, onP thousand dol- 1
4.4.-,-, pp, rivers to All— ouri, , r(| about as if they were brutes. Wtlmyl,^ |o >||pport a mi.,|0:my within »t-
liot only I ccn :
hand, and thc ,
u-i * . ,T' ,, , ; i . . . . - ‘ , ; balance coiilil do coliecicu at any time, if
№d SJaT. ",Cy. T ; S"n of ,!o,l! ,,l“ f,‘"' Co!l,0,f 1 '?1 h0"‘ 1 the aMonarij could be found. But tlm
: ,|,e (,n'1 1 0M ! ever, or tract di-lributcrs arc to he -seen on b|f,hrcn |)avc looking, and look-
r,n,. LuT ’ T T 'T
, 1 11,0 ?rral riVC" °r ,hC U est' U lial " ll,e : ing ; and writing, and w riling ; and inqui-
' I „v l; ' ' he™ ,0,1‘"„bml f 11,0 i rea-ot. Of this ? > rin"g am, a.kin„ }w
„,е тЫшагу-
but he
v r 1 f tllC "
1 -TT—
I is not lobe bad. True, there is a. present
c • non give them the Gospel.
about as if they wore hriitcu. Wttey! a
.liirJ' " hat a population . cn,]llrc ,|lc treatment without a murmur. , , t
^ RbveTf 4vnol|CC "TiT ?4,W 't" 'Vh,,t a firW lur "!C 'ff"!;0" "!' ‘fT’ ; pledged, but $600 of ills in In'
7' L,' - nn "ug of Hie kan-as ler-i aniI ,lie proclamatmn of the (m-pelo the d ° fouW bc co||fclf(l at
Stn I . • It In «IVkl II. nil (ix.l.t iik! I . II 11 I
... ...I,.,. Ir.l.s I. mi- *
Nothing is more needed among Chris-
Hails than expansion of plans and benev¬
olence. Tlm merchant enlarges liis hu-i-
nc.-s, llm politician arranges Ids srlie'rne^
lor success, the student i- nmtiniially add¬
ing to his -lock of ideas : why Vioiild nut
the Christian study to mcrca-c Ins contri¬
butions in support of mis-ion-.
'G j tlm very best descriptive genius. But
striking to Hie eve and exquisitely beauti¬
ful as these, prairies are, many farmers
would not select tlmin as places of perma¬
nent residence. Timber and water are
scarce, and these wants generally settle
llm question with Ini-bindmcn or tillers of
tlm soil. Vet instead of limliV/.llicrc are.
ridges of lime-loiio rock lying on the sur¬
face which is well suited for building and
G uiit'ij for Catlinlii'ism.
! Missioimi'V Report-!. | some Impc that Hie man Iras been found, 1
i Owing to llm long ab-euco from home |,ut „„thing i, ccitniii. Now there are,
' of the Corresponding Secretary on bu-incss, ,|0M,ns — puihaps
of such n-socia-1
' ertaining to the Ali-sion- among the In- 1 tjou., t|)e Soiitlmru Stales that, by their Satan.
As tlm sun— who hid given in tho
wannest kind of grcctingduringtlic whole
of tlm journey — was smiling good night
over thc myriads of (lowers lhat were
as yellow as his Imams, and seeming to
-ay, If I catch you out Imre, to- morrow
I'll give you another scorching— as he
was Hinging out liis last rays, wc reined
in at tho mission. Tho hnii-cs arc of logs
but comfortable.
dozen Indian pupils—
mo-ily girl-— were about lho premises.
The vacation lias dispersed tho school, but
bo filled up when the time comes.
would become inuiliory lo the General
Board — not in mine only — hut send their..
-criplures and tlm living preacher. ,
c foils of Mo-e.s swallowed tlio-e ol j
will a pure CJo'm'cI ilis- __c-- I * , " ■ > ■
C«ho|iei.ln, when pLentcd in love. | What Ml we do for agents ? The Do- J funds to it, treasury the mney won h ^ he ,
‘•fly met will, some converts from ; mestic Board need, at this time at kit a ! put m.tau ly at wo.L. SuuU n lc -
" ,ur' l‘ ' f R me '• I, , ivero i„ fd- I, -f d . . good a-nt-, but H-v cannot \i-kan«as, Missouri and other border States
Tlm kingdom of Satan must be taken.
Before Sebastopol, if a general dies, a new-
one is at once appointed; if men arc shot
down they arc replaced, if money is want¬
ed loins aro negotiated : let chri-tiuiw u-e ; ll wl
tho same energy to lake the Sebastopol ol | ^ tho Slipcr.n.cndcr,
. - J mth Mr. De A illio-s and Mr. and Mrs.
White are tlm te. chars. In*a few week?
thc school will be resumed. Bro. I,ykin>
has labored long, faithfully, ami often with f
deteriment to himself, to keep ,)ip tliis •.
Visit to the Tallinn JIL-vio/i?.
. Having reached Woetport in Missouri,
just on the lino between that State and the
Territory, we immediately made prepara¬
tion, for a vD'it to the Wea Mission. A
school for the Red man.
RESl'f.TS, '•>•
' ’(l
it is somo twelve years tince. this Man p.
ua! labor school was established Goo)
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