Home and Foreign Fields
“The Sunday School Board counts it a privilege to present the first issue of the new consolidated missionary journal, which was ordered by the Convention . . .” (November 1916)
HFF was a continuation of The Foreign Mission Journal (published by the Foreign Mission Board) and The Home Field (published by the Home Mission Board). It was produced by the Sunday School Board in Nashville and during the course of its run was edited by I. J. Van Ness (1916), G. S. Dobbins (1917-32), and John L. Hill (1932-37). According to the introductory editorial in the first number, the purpose of the magazine was “to set forth the whole work of missions, or the task of our churches in the regions beyond their own borders, through interesting and attractive articles.” Each number ran to around 30-35 pages, including photographs, with contributions from the FMB, HMB, Women’s Missionary Union, Laymen’s Movement, and Young People’s Department. HFF was discontinued upon the relaunch of The Commission in 1938.
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