Sept. 8, 1914.
regular meeting of tne Board was
held at 4.30 P. M. President Hutson not being pres¬
ent, Brother Ellyson was called to the chair.
Prayer by Brother Johnson.
In the absence of Recording Secretary,
R. K, Gwathmey was requested to act. Minutes of last
Meeting were read and approved.
Present — Elly son, Willingham, Smith,
Ray, Love, Wilson, Johnson, Wicker, Mathews,
M. and
R. R. Gwathmey.
Treasurer's The report of Treasurer was read and
Report — approved as follows —
Receipts —
Bal.per last report 1,397.73
Time Loans........
Ground Rent J.K.
Tyler, Jr . . 45
Interest paid by
John Moncure..... 27
Gall Loans... .....8,603.60
Received since last re¬
port...... . 29,528.23
Disbursements —
Gall Loans paid. 8,100
Paid for Sundry
purposes since
last report.... 95,609.38
#103, 709.3S
Balance in Ban* — # 892.18
Liabilities —
Time Loans..,.. 147, 500
Gall Loans..,.. 75,968.93
R. R. Gwathmey, Treas.
Correspond- The Cor. Sec'y reported that at a
ing secreta- conference of some of the members of the Board on
ry's Report-Aug.29th, attended by Brethren B.M. and R, R. Gwath¬
mey, William Ellyson, J. D, Crump, w. P. Mathews and
Secretaries Willingham, Smith and Ray, to consider
the financial condition of the Board, the following
action was taken —
Pirst, a committee, consisting of
Brethren Crump, Ray, R. R. and
M. Gwathmey, was ap¬
pointed to confer with our bankers, and, if possible,
to arrange with them to furnish regularly the amounts
needed for carrying on the work. This Committee has
seen some of the bankers, and has been able to secure
money to meet our immediate needs.
Second, it was moved by
M. Gwath¬
mey and carried, that it is the sense of this meeting
that the secretaries should use their utmost endeavor
to conserve the' resources of the Board.
Bills — The following bills were ordered
paid —
Hankins and Hankins