Saturday, Oct 1, 1898, 4:30 P.M.
Regular monthly meeting of the B'rd held at this hour. Present brethren Hatcher, Willingham, John Pollard, Williams, Barton, Cooper, Jones, Foster, Bagby, Mercer.
In absence of the Pres., bro. Hatcher called to the chair. Prayer by bro. Williams. The Pres. welcomed bro. Foster as a new member of the Brd.
Minutes of last two meetings were read and approved.
Treasurer's report offered as follows:
1898. Sept 8, By Balance per report 1997.57
" 12, Mexican Missions of A. B. Rudd 62.50
22, Time Loan of Nat. Bk of Va 2000.
26, " " " 1500.
30, Call Loan of Mrs. C. V. Young 3000.
Cash of Cor. Secy since
last report 1121.86
To Cash paid out since
last report 7918.61
Oct 1, Bal. in Nat. Bk of Va. 1763.32
Time Loans 19,000
Call Loans 7938.09
Cor. Secy reported as follows:
1. The Com. on China Missions, to whom was referred the request of bro. Simmons for the return of the sum advanced by him (about $800.00, page 172) has agreed to pay the same, and the draft has been forwarded.
2. Bro. J. H. [sic] Lowe, recently accepted by the Brd as a missionary, desires to attend the Gen. Association of Mo., and to represent our work there, believing he can do the cause good. On motion the amount needed for his expenses for said trip ordered to be paid.
In this connection the question of what field bro. Lowe should be assigned to came up, and on motion of bro. Pollard it was agreed that he should go to North China, and that he be requested to leave