March 11, 1971
The Foreign Mission Board held its regular monthly meeting on March 11, 1971 at 3:00
p.m. in the Board's Chapel, Richmond, Virginia, with the President, Drew J. Gunnells,
Jr., presiding.
PRESENT: State Members: Mrs. John I. Alford (Georgia), Mrs. Carl E. Bates (North
Carolina), Virgil Clark (Indiana), T. Rupert Coleman (Florida), Drew J. Gunnells, Jr.
(Alabama), Mrs. William M. Jones (North Carolina).
Local Members: Robert B. Bass, Mrs. R. B. Carter, Sr., J. Roy Clifford, Austin W.
Farley, Joseph B. Flowers, V. Allen Gaines, David S. Hammock, Mrs. Clyde V. Hickerson,
John W. Kincheloe, Jr., Julian H. Pentecost, Lucius M. Polhill, Meredith K. Roberson,
Edwin L. Shattuck, Mrs. E. S. Stratton, M. Hunter Riggins, Mrs. Thomas Whalen.
Staff : Baker J. Cauthen, Charles W. Bryan, Louis R. Cobbs, Winston Crawley, Edna
Frances Dawkins, William K. Dawson, Everett L. Deane, Samuel A. DeBord, Jesse Fletcher,
Franklin T. Fowler, H. Cornell Goerner, W. Eugene Grubbs, Eugene L. Hill, Frank K.
Means, Stanley A. Nelson, Floyed H. North, Norman Price, Sidney Reber, Rogers Smith,
Truman Smith, W. L. Smith, Richard Styles, Melvin Torstrick, Joseph B. Underwood, E.
L. Wright, Elizabeth Minshew.
The meeting was called to order.
Mr. Sidney C. Reber, the Board's director of the Management Services Division, led
the audience in singing the opening Hymn: "Thou, Whose Almighty Word."
Dr. Julian H. Pentecost, local Board member, read a passage of Scripture and led in
Minutes of the Board for February 11, 1971, were approved as received by the Board
members .
The President and Dr. Cauthen extended a cordial welcome to all who were present.
State Board members were asked to stand and they were recognized individually, with
appreciation for their attendance.
REPORT OF EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - Dr. Baker J. Cauthen gave the following report:
We. are looking forward to the meeting of the Board in Louisville in April. The meet¬
ing will begin on Monday evening, April 19 with a dinner for Board members at the
Executive Motel where we will be staying. On Tuesday the Board committees will be
at work as usual with all meetings being conducted at the Executive Motel.
The appointment service will be held Tuesday evening, April 20 at 7:15 P.M. at
Freedom Hall, which was used as the meeting place for the Southern Baptist Conven¬
tion at its last meeting in Louisville.
Large-scale preparations have been made for this appointment service. The Long Run
Baptist Association, with Dr. Allen West as executive secretary, is doing much to
acquaint the churches of Louisville with plans for this meeting.
The state executive secretary, Dr. Harold Sanders, has arranged for a statewide
meeting of young people which is held annually at this time to convene on Tuesday
evening, May 20, to conincide with the appointment service for outgoing missionaries.
It is anticipated that large numbers of young people from the entire state of Ken¬
tucky will be present for this meeting. We are praying that this may become an out¬
standing event in the life of Kentucky Baptists. It could well turn out to be the
largest attendance ever experienced at an appointment service at any time.
We are grateful that many students at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will be
privileged to attend the appointment service and hear the testimonies of those who are
going forth in this ministry for the Master.
The Board will be in session on Wednesday at the Executive Motel and will bring its
meeting to a close with a luncheon at which Dr. Carl Bates, president of the Southern
Baptist Convention, will be the speaker.
This will be the third appointment service to be conducted away from Richmond in addi¬
tion to the services at Glorieta and Ridgecrest. The two preceding services at Dallas,
Texas in 1969, and at Lakeland, Florida in 1970, brought very great blessing and
strengthening to the cause of foreign missions.
We are grateful to report that the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is continuing to
come most encouragingly. We have now received the sum of $12,529,500. The final
total of the offering will not be known until the end of April. We are expecting