The Board met on tuesday June 19th /83. at 4 1/2 Oclock P.M.
Present. Brn. Curry, Tupper, Clopton, Wortham, Hawthorne, Jones, Ellyson, Pollard, J. B. Winston, Harris & Gwathmey. Prayer by Bro. Ellyson.
Minutes were read and approved.
The monthly report of the Treasurer was presented as follows:-
May 1. By Balance per Report to S.B.C. $6,160.10
June 18. Es. J. W. Borden decd. pr G. W. Norton Tr. S.B.C. 170.08
Cash per Corresponding Secretary 5,806.19
Disbursed since last Report 7410.61
Balance on Deposit $4,725.76
On motion, Brn. Ellyson, Jones and Pollard were appointed a committee to consider the question of the incorporation of the Board.
The Cor. Sec. stated that Bro. David had made a report unfavorable to the claim of W. W. Stewart of Monrovia, which the Board some time since declined to pay.
The matter of the work of Rev Mr Keifer [sic] of Texas, in Germany was mentioned by the Secy, but no action was taken by the Board. He further stated that Bro. Powell has bought a Lot for his Church in Saltillo, and drawn on the Board for $1,300 to pay for it.
That Miss Roberts was at Waco, but was not able to accompany Mrs. Crawford. She has accepted the proffered support of the "Mary Harley" Mission. Soc. of S. Car:- which was approved by the Board.
The case of Rev. J. J. Maurer of San Antonio, Texas, who desired appointment as a Missy to Bahia, was also mentioned and considered, but the Board declined to appoint him.
Bro. Gonzales [sic], having had interview as proposed, with the Com'tee at the Convention, on motion, the Board declined to appoint him as a Missionary. Present Brn: Burrows V. Pt. Thomas and Watkins.
On motion, Miss Lamberton was requested to consult an eminent occulist [sic], in St. Louis, as to the condition of her eyes. In the case of Miss Emma Young of Missouri, the Com'tee who met her at Waco were very favorably impressed, and at their suggestion, on motion, she was accepted, and appointed a Missionary to China, and requested to accompany Miss