Ridgecrest, North Carolina
June 17-19, 1968
The Foreign Mission Board met in Conventionwide session on June 17-19, 1968, during
Foreign Missions Week at Ridgecrest, North Carolina, with Dr. W. Morris Ford presid¬
PRESENT: State Members : Alabama: Drew J. Gunnells, Jr., Miss Mary Essie Stephens,
Jaroy Weber; Arkansas: W. 0. Vaught, California: Loyed R. Simmons, Colorado: Milton
Collum, Florida: Doyle E. Carlton, Jr., T. Rupert Coleman; Georgia: John W. Langdale,
Roy 0. McClain, Mrs. John I. Alford; Illinois: H. Todd Taylor, Indiana: Virgil Clark,
Kentucky: D. E. Meade, Eldred M. Taylor; Louisiana: Perry R. Sanders, Mississippi:
W. Douglas Hudgins, Chester Quarles; New Mexico: J. Howard Reynolds, North Carolina:
Mrs. Carl E. Bates, Oklahoma: James D. Hall, David G. Hause; Oregon-Washington: W. D.
Malone, South Carolina: Robert L. Deneen, Tennessee: B. Greer Garrott, Gerald
Martin, Clifton W. Woolley; Texas: Clyde J. Childers, Buckner Fanning, W. Morris
Ford, B. J. Martin, C. J. Humphrey; Virginia: Mrs. H. Cowen Ellis, Bruce H. Price.
Local Members: Wade H. Bryant, Mrs. R. B. Carter, Sr., Curtis English, Joseph B.
Flowers, V. Allen Gaines, Austin W. Farley, David S. Hammock, John W. Kincheloe, Jr.,
J. Leonard Moore, John L. Moran, Lucius M. Polhill, James E. Rayhorn, Hunter Riggins,
Meredith K. Roberson, D. 0. Rose, Edwin L. Shattuck, Dalton Ward.
Staff : Baker J. Cauthen, Winston Crawley, Frank K. Means, Cornell Goerner, Rogers
M. Smith, Eugene L. Hill, J. D. Hughey, Fon H. Scofield, Jesse Fletcher, Truman
Smith, Joseph B. Underwood , Claude H. Rhea, Jr., Everett L. Deane, Elbert L. Wright,
William K. Dawson, Samuel A. DeBord, William W. Marshall, W. David Lockard, G. Norman
Price, Harold G. Basden, Floyd H. North, Melvin E. Torstrick, Ralph West, lone Gray,
Edna Frances Dawkins, Elizabeth Minshew.
Visitors : Missions Professors: Dr. Helen E. Falls, New Orleans Seminary; Dr. Bryant
Hicks, Southern Seminary; Dr. V. Lavell Seats, Midwestern Seminary.
Board members and staff and missions professors were seated at special tables in the
dining hall for dinner at 6:00 p.m. , Monday, June 17, 1968.
A discussion period was held for Board members and staff at 7:00-8:00 p.m., in the
Auditorium Annex, Second Floor, Rooms 53, 54, with Dr. W. Morris Ford presiding.
A warm welcome was extended to all who were present.
Board members and staff were introduced. New members who were elected to the Board
during the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Houston in June were recog¬
nized .
Dr. Cauthen, the area secretaries and other administrative staff members gave brief
explanations and interpretations of respective phases of the work of the Board.
A motion was made by Rev. Gerald Martin, to commend the Board's staff on their "for¬
ward look" and for the very excellent work that they are projecting.
An amemdment to the motion was made by Mr. C. J. Humphrey to also commend the staff
in Richmond for the excellent foreign mission presentation made on June 6, during
the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Houston, Texas.
The motion and amendment were adopted unanimously.
There was a discussion with reference to the possibility and advisability of consid¬
eration being given to holding a meeting of the Foreign Mission Board, including an
Appointment Service, in some Southern Baptist Convention area (other than Richmond,
Virginia). Several ideas were expressed as to date, time, place, et cetera, includ¬
ing the possibility of a meeting in one of the seminaries. Several expressions were
made as to the significance of such a meeting in making an impact on the cause of
missions. The group, as a whole, expressed wholehearted favor of very careful con¬
sideration being given to a definite arrangement for such a meeting in 1969.
No decision was reached in the matter of an additional meeting of the Board, but it
was agreed that further study would be made by the staff and members of the Board
for a later discussion.
The meeting adjourned.
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