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Board Rooms, Wednesday, June 12,1929.
The Board was called to order by the President at
10.00 A.M.
The devotional exercises were conducted by Brother
J .LI. Shelburne of Virginia, and prayer was offered by Brother
J .F. Vines.
The following members were present:
State Members: W.R.Rigell, Ala.; T.D. Brown, Ark. ;
S.J. Porter, D.C.; J.L. White, Fla.; H.M.Fugate,Ga. ; I.E.Lee,
Ill.; F.F. Gibson, Ky. ; 0. P. Estes, La. ; Joshua Levering, Lid.;
F.M. Purser, Mips. ; J.F. Vines, LIo.; F.C.Dick, Hew Mex. ; J.M.
Kester, N.C.; G.B.Bobo, S.C.; J.H. Anderson, Tenn. ; J.M.
Shelburne, Va.
Local Members: B.M. Gwathmey, W. A. Harris, S.B. Cousins,
. G.Mahone , 0 . C .Coleman, John L. Slaughter, R.E. Gaines,
Miss Alta Foster, Mrs. Julian P. Thomas, W.Thorbum Clark,
J.W.Storer, L. Howard Jenkins, Mrs. Carrie
Moore, Hill
Montague, R. A. Williams, Also Sec. Ray, Treas. Buxton, Pres. Ker¬
man C.E. Liu, Shanghai College , Dr. Chas. G. McDaniel of China.
The following telegram w as received and read by
Secretary Ray;
"Your fellow servants of the ’World’s Saviour
at Preachers' School of Forth Carolina join v/ith the
members of the Board in earnest prayers to God for His
Holy Spirit in your counsels and decisions in this mo¬
mentous meeting. James 1:5-6, John 15:16, Matt. 18:18-20."
Signed — Charles E. Maddry.
Bro. J.H. Anderson read also a telegram from
Elizabeth Jackson and Elton Johnson.
Our Secretary, Dr. Ray, and Brother Anderson
were asked by vote to reply to the telegrams read.
On motion of Bro. Purser, the Secretary was
instructed to send a telegram of sympathy to Mrs. L.p.
Leavell on the death of her distinguished husband.
Brother White was asked at this point to lead in
prayer for guidance.
The Board went into the election of officers.
The following officers were elected:
President: Prof. R.E. Gaines.
Vice-President: Hon. Joshua Levering.
Recording Secretary: Prof. W. A. Harris.
Attorney: Hill Montague.
Auditor: B.M. Gwathmey.
The following agenda for the morning session:
Devotional, Organization, Review by T.B.Ray,
Address by Dr. Tier-man C.E. Liu, President of Shanghai College.
At the proper point Dr. Kerman
.E. Liu, President
of Shanghai College, made a statement of the work there
which greatly impressed the Board.
After the address of President Liu, the Board
adjourned with prayer by Dr. Rufus Weaver.
The Board reassembled at 2.30 P.M. On account
of the President being absent on a committee, Vice-President
Joshua Levering opened the meeting.
Dr. C.G. McDaniel of China opened the meeting with