Richmond, Virginia
July 31, 1971
A Commissioning Service, for Missionary Journeymen, was held in the Monument
Heights Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia 7:30 p.m. , July 31, 1971, with
Meredith K. Roberson, member of the Personnel Committee, presiding.
Mr. . and Mrs. William R. O'Brien served as Chorister and Pianist, respectively.
A cordial welcome was extended by Dr. Meredith K. Roberson.
Rev. Louis R. Cobbs, secretary for the Board's department of missionary personnel,
introduced special guests and members of the faculty who had assisted in the
training program for missionary journeymen.
The service opened with the Hymn: "The Master Hath Come"
Dr. Stanley A. Nelson, associate secretary for missionary personnel, who has charge
of the Missionary Journeyman Program, gave a report on activities of the program
during the year 1971.
Mr. Austin W. Farley, member of the Committee on Missionary Personnel, gave the
report of the committee.
Miss Judy Adams read a passage of Scripture and led in prayer.
Dr. Stanley A. Nelson gave a Charge to Parents of Missionary Journeymen.
The audience joined in singing the Hymn: "God of Grace and God of Glory"
Testimonies were heard from the following journeymen:
Marilyn Parker, Argentina
Dan Tom, Taiwan
Larry Stewart, Ghana
Lynn Prickett, Nigeria
Leland Mels ter, Yemen
Rond a Guest, Mexico
Curt Newell, Japan
Stan Smith, Indonesia
Special Music - "The Plan" - was rendered by the Journeyman Choir.
Dr. Baker J. Cauthen delivered the Charge to the Missionary Journeymen.
The Service of Dedication was led by Mr. William R. O'Brien.
Mr. Don A. Reavis gave the Prayer of Dedication.
The audience joined in singing the Recessional Hymn: "Lead On, 0 King Eternal"
Mr. Aubrey J. Rosser pronounced the Benediction.
The Journeymen gathered in the fellowship hall to greet Board members and friends,
immediately following the Commissioning Service.
The following young people were commissioned as Missionary Journeymen:
Laura Dubuisson, Ethiopia
Edna Hughes, Ethiopia
Susie Altizer, Ghana
Darlene McKinnon, Ghana
Larry Stewart, Ghana
Don Boone, Kenya
Debbie Boone, Kenya
Danny Bullington, Kenya
Jane Bullington, Kenya
Sam Caudill, Kenya
Orville Boyd Jenkins, Kenya
Edith Jenkins, Kenya
Mary Bennett, Hong Kong
Becky Tarry, Hong Kong
Sam Boggs, Japan
Eleanor Holland, Japan
Christine Morgan, Japan
Curt Newell, Japan
Roy Fewell, France
Shirley Mohundro, Kenya
Sharon Resseguie, Liberia
Quinn Morgan, Malawi
Lynn Prickett, Nigeria
Sue Williams, Nigeria
John Clements, Rhodesia
Judy Harrington, Rhodesia
Allen Clark, Tanzania
Ken Peterson, Togo
Carolyn Kight, Uganda
Bob Hughes, Zambia
John McPherson, Zambia
Sandy Westfall, Japan
Connie Ellis, Korea
Robin Creighton, Taiwan
Margaret Michael, Taiwan
Dan Tom, Taiwan
Ted Mashburn, Israel