July 30, 1974
The Foreign Mission Board held its regular monthly meeting at 3:00 p.m., July 30, 1974,
in the Baker James Cauthen Chapel, Foreign Mission Board headquarters, Richmond, Vir¬
ginia. The President, W. 0. Vaught, Jr., presided.
Alabama: Charles T. Carter;
PRESENT: State Members:/ Arkansas : W. 0. Vaught, Jr.; District of Columbia:
Kenneth E. Thornton; Florida: Don Mott; Georgia: Mrs. Lindsey Barron; Illinois :
Raymond L. Odle; Kansas : J. W. Pace; Kentucky: Mrs. Ray Mullendore; Michigan:
Hubert G. Keefer; Missouri : James W. Hackney; North Carolina: Ray W. Benfield;
South Carolina: Ira Q. Craft; Virginia : Mrs. James T. Cravens.
Local Members : Robert B. Bass, J. Roy Clifford, Paul E. Crandall, Austin W. Farley,
Gurney W. Grant, Franklin D. Hall, Hiram L. Harrison, Scott C. Humphrey, J. Leonard
Moore, John W. Patterson, Julian H. Pentecost, Bruce H. Price, M. Hunter Riggins,
Jr., Mrs. Ross S. Shearer, Mrs. E. S. Stratton, Mrs. Thomas Whalen.
Staff : Baker J. Cauthen, Charles W. Bryan, Louis R. Cobbs, Winston Crawley, Edna
Frances Dawkins, William K. Dawson, Everett L. Deane, Samuel A. DeBord , Jesse C.
Fletcher, Franklin T. Fowler, lone Gray, W. Eugene Grubbs, Eugene L. Hill, Dwight A.
Honeycutt, W. David Lockard, Frank K. Means, Floyd H. North, R. Keith Parks,
Sidney C. Reber, Fon H. Scofield, Rogers M. Smith, W. L. Smith, Richard M. Styles,
Wilbur N. Todd, Melvin Torstrick, E. L. Wright, Elizabeth Minshew.
Visitors : Dr. A. S.
The President called
The congregation was
to Sing."
The President of the
Clement, Dr. Helen Falls, Dr. Earl Kelley,
the meeting to order.
led by Sidney C. Reber in the Hymn: "0 for a Thousand Tongues
Board read a passage of Scripture and led in the opening
The President and the Executive Secretary recognized the following guests: Dr.
A. S. Clement, secretary of the British Baptist Foreign Mission Society, London;
Dr. Helen Falls, professor of missions, New Orleans Seminary; and Dr. Earl Kelley,
state executive secretary, Mississippi.
Board Minutes for the meeting July 1 to 3, 1974 -- approved.
Rev. Ray W. Benfield, newly elected Board member from North Carolina, was recognized
for his first attendance at a Board meeting since his election.
Special recognition was given to Mrs. Thomas Whalen, local Board member, with
reference to recent word that she and her husband would not be leaving the States
for a temporary residence in Thailand, as had been anticipated at the time of the
Board meeting at Ridgecrest, July 1-3, 1974. This would mean that Mrs. Whalen
would remain as a member of the Board.
Dr. Raymond L. Odle, Board member from Illinois, and his family, were recognized
in the light of this being a very special occasion, involving his employment as a
missionary associate of the Board, after having served as a Board member.
Dr. Cauthen called Dr. Odle to the platform and presented to him a plaque in recog¬
nition of his meaningful contributions to the work of the Board.
Member: 1971 - 1973
Committee Membership: Committee on Europe & the Middle East
Committee on Missionary Education & Promotion
Committee on Missionary Education
Dr. Franklin Fowler, medical consultant, led in a special prayer, on behalf of the Odles.
Dr. Cauthen stressed the significance of a total of 143 appointments to missionary
service, during the month of July, 1974. This total includes 77 missionary journey¬
Dr. Cauthen reported that Cooperative Program receipts to date continue to be most
encouraging, showing an increase of 13 percent -- October 1-June 30, 1974, over the
same period in 1973.