July 15,1920.
She Board met in regular session at 4 P.M.
In the absence of the President, R.E. Gaines,
Brother J.D. Crump was chosen by vote to occupy the chair.
The session was opened with prayer by Brother
The following were present: Crump, Gibson, Woodfin,
Mahone, Gwathmey, L.E. Jenkins, Gar cin, Harris. Also
Associate Secretary Ray and Treasurer Sanders.
Tre as
r Ts
Report —
The Treasurer reported as follows:
May 31,1920, to June 30,1920.
Receipts —
Balance May 31,1920 . $678,399.70
Call loans . 13,226.35
Annuities not invested... 1,125.00
Received since last report.
Less in transit May report.
$100,650.00 $ 97, 910. 51$7 90 ,661. 56
Disbursements —
Call Loans paid . 2,209.90
Paid for sundry purposes since
last report . t286, 400. 90$288. 610.80
Certificates' of
Balance in bank:. .Deposit . .$500,000
* Overdrawn. 9,165.53 490,854.47
Call Loans
Geo. IT. Sanders, Treasurer.
* Also $100,000.00 transferred to Certificates of
China —
Dr. Ray presented the following bills which were
ordered paid:
national Seal Works. ..( Gen.Expense )
Everett Waddey . " "
Va. Stationery Co.. ... . "
Bell Book and Stationery Co." "
Postal Tel. Cable Co. ..( Gen. Expense )
Wes tern -Union Tel. Co.. "
The report of the Committee on China was read
by Brother Jenkins and adopted as follows:
1. That we reaffirm the action taken in Feb¬
ruary, 1920, with reference to the increase of allowances
to children in the Central China Mission, and also say
that in view of the fact that the Board is maintaining
an exchange rate which yields a salary of $l,200,Mex.,
a year per missionary, which salary is considerably larger
than the salaries paid to missionaries in all fields ex¬
cept China, we do not feel we would be justified in in¬
creasing the salary of missionaries in Central China
$100, gold, per year, as requested by the Central China