Foreign Mission Board Rooms
January 8, 1948
The Foreign Mission Board met in regular monthly session at 4:00 p.m. on
Thursdav, January 8, 1048 wit! r. Jenkins res id in;'.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Dr. Long.
Present: I. Jenkins, Gar is Long, . Rush Loving, Clyde V. iickerson,
Mrs. Simeon Atkinson, Mrs. T. Justin ! oora, J. G, Loving, T. F, Adams,
Hill Montague, Rupert T. Coleman, John C, Williams, ! . P. Buxton, Louis
P. Seay, T. Rankin, Everett Cull , "eorre V . Sadler, Rdna Frances Daw¬
kins, E. C . P.outli.
7;r. Lovin'- introduced the foil or, -in'* candidates for appointment:
Rev. and Mrs. Neville Claxon, Nigeria
Rev. and *“rs. Luther Copeland, Janan
■’iss Davkins rave a brief history of each candidate and on the motion
of ~r. J. G. Loving, it was voted that these candidates be appointed.
Dr. Rankin delivered the charge to the appointees, and Rev. Vi. Rush
Loving led in the prayer, of dedication..
Dr. Rankin reported about
Ians for the coning year.
On motion of Dr. Lonr it was voted that monthly meetings be held of the
area committees, meeting just nrior to the meeting- of the Admin! str at iye
°ommittee .
On motion of r. J.
Loving it vms voted to adopt the plan to bring up
for appointment each month several candidates, in view of the fact that
the -appointment of 100 missionaries has been authorized for 1948. It
would be virtually impossible to process this number in the two semiannual
meetings in April and October, whereas the plan of bringing several candi¬
dates each month will facilitate the work o** the Personnel Department in
"•ollectinr and evaluating personal information and will make possible a
more thorough examination in- the Appointment Committee. Attention is being
called to this arrangement in the minutes in order that the out-of-state
members of the noard may understand the reason for appointments beinr made
other than at the Anril and October meetinrs. The Personnel Department
will '-ive a brief account of each person appointed in the monthly meetings
of the Board which will be sent out with the minutes for out of state
members .
Dr. Rankin presented Mr. Louis P. Seay, who is the new Transportation and
Office Manager of the Board.
Dr. Sadler brought news from Romania, Hungary, Palestine, Africn, Spain
and Italy.
7r. Sadler introduced T. R. Congden from Nigeria.
On motion of Mr. Montague it vms voted to adopt the following renort of
the Administrative Committee:
1. That Miss Olive - iddell of China be placed on the inactive list of
missionaries without salarv but be continued on the mansion nlan until
she reaches the age of 65. .
2. Th't tie revolving fund o" '1,000 for t'r. . J. McDonald be increased
to 5,000 and that Mr. McDonald be placed under bond; if possible, that
he be added to the blanket sched le bond of the Board.
3. That : 3,700 be appropriated for 1948 for tbe '’old Coast and that this
amount bo added to the Budget for Africa.
4. That "243 be appropriated for the expenses of iewey Moore and family
to Italy.
Dr. Gill cave a brief renort on the work in Latin America.