The Board met on tuesday, January 2d, 1883, 4 1/2 oClk. P.M.
Present. Brn: Curry, Tupper, Hutson, Clopton, Pollard, Thomas, Watkins, Hawthorne, Jones, Clarke, Cottrell, Williams and Gwathmey.
Prayer by the Recording Secretary. Minutes were read & approved.
The Treasurer presented his monthly report as follows:-
1882. Nov. 6. By Balance per Report $6,787.75
Dec. 4. Missionary Soc. Rd. Female Institute
Proceeds of $1,000 old Va. Regd Bond & Int. 411.12
" 7, 12, 13. Bills Payable 3,800.
1883. Jany. 2. Cor. Secy. since last report 5,278.35
1882. Nov. 10 -- Dec. 19th. Bills Payable 5,800
General purposes 9,965.23 15,765.23
1883. Jany. 2d. Balance in Banks $511.99
Bills Payable $3,000.
Permanent Fund, Maryland. 1,000.
Missy. Soc. Rd. Female Institute 411.12
The Corresponding Secretary stated that he had telegraphed Bro. Yates, as directed by the Board at the last meeting, and that he had also sent a telegram to Bro. Powell in reference to the case of Bro. Westrup.
He also stated that Bro. C. A. Davis Sr. of Greensboro, Ga. has agreed to assume the payment of the salary of Bro M. Flores, for half of his time, as an Evangelist in the employment of the Mexican Mission.
And that Miss Morris had failed to meet the Committee for examination in St. Louis.
A letter was reported from Mrs. Dr. Dodge of Columbia Mo. with regard to the appointment of Miss Lamberton as a Missionary; and also an application from Rev. D. Clark of Crozer Seminary for appointment as missionary to Africa, both of which were referred to the Committee on New Missions and Missionaries.
Estimates for annual appropriation to the Tung Chow Mission received from Bro. T. P. Crawford Jr. were referred to the Committee on China Missions.