--£50 —
Thursday, Jan. 10, 1934,
The Board met in regular session in the Board
Booms at 4 P.M., the President presiding. Present: Gaines,
Cousins, Powell, Miss Poster, Jenkins, Mahone, Williams,
Clark, Harris. Also Secretaries Love, Ray and Hester, Treas-
. urer Sanders and Brother R.E. Chambers of Canton, China.
The session v/as opened with prayer by Brother
R.E. Chambers of China.
The Treasurer reported as follows:
Month of December. 1935.
balance in Bank, Nov. 30th .
Received from 75 Million Campaign. .238,165.74
New Missionaries Salary Fund . 2,699.53
Contributions not on 75 Million
Campaign . 2,947.57
Borrowed Money. . 115,000.00
Judson Centennial Fund--Draft from
Central China . 8,400.00
Annuities . 2,500.00
Interest On Bank Balances . 414.10
Income from Endowment and Annuity
Funds. . 1,155.00
All other Sources . 551.87
Po reign" Fields . 146,456.44
Loans Paid . . . 175,000.00
Interest on Borrowed Money . 6,876.64
State Expenses . 1,858.13
All other Purposes . 8,703.72 337,894.93
Balance in Bank . 41,348.38
Certificates of Deposit.. * . 20,500.00
Liberty Bonds . 150.00
Notes Receivable . 29,554.37
Stocks and Bonds .
. 1,650.00
Annuities Released— Securit ies not .
sold . 13.121.90
Liabilities in excess of Assets .$2,566, 318.47&2, 672, 643.12
Borrowed Money . 1,254,905.25
Due Seminaries as of May 4,1923.. 241,973.81
Fund for Evangelistic Hall, Canton. 49,052.74
Due African Mission on 1922 Ap¬
propriations . 29,559.47
Letters of Credit for Appropria-
rions for Period
Ending Dec. 31, 1923.. $711,170.75 .
Letters of Credit on
1924 Appropriation.. 385,981.10 2.672.643.12
Geo. N. Sanders, Treasurer.
The Cor. Sec'
presented the following
bills which were ordered paid:
Underwood Typewriter Co. ( Gen. Expenses )’ $98.25
Carnegie Office Appliance Co. " 3.00
Baughman Stationery Co . " 9.65
Victory Renovating Works... " 2,80
Commercial Photograph Co. " 1.75