Foreign mission Board Rooms
February 13, 1947
The Foreign Mission Board met in regular monthly session at 4:00
on Thursday,
February 13, 1947 with Mr. Hill -“ontague presiding.
Present: T. Rupert Coleman,
E, G&ines, Clyde V. *-ickerson, B, CousiTjSj
John C. Williams, J. L0vering Evans, J. W. Marshall, R. Hugh Rudd,
C. Coleman,
J. G. Loving, T. F. Adams, Hill Montague, T. Rankin, George W, Sadler, E. P.
Buxton, Miss -ary Hunter, Miss A-an Leeks, Miss Gene Newton, Dr. E. C. kouth, and
Mis s Marjorie Moore .
Dr. Gaines led in prayer.
The minutes of the January meeting ware approved as read.
E>r. Rankin reported the death of Miss ^gnes Graham of Chile on January 14; Mrs.
L. M. Reno, emeritus missionary to Brazil on January 6; Dr. J. H. Rushbrooke,
president of the Baptist World Alliance, on February 1, 1947; and Dr. I. J,
Van: ess, formerly of the Sunday School Board.
On motion of Dr. 1. P-. Coleman it was voted that the missionaries in Mexico be
granted a 10J/2 increase in salary as was done in the case of those in the United
States, effective January 1, 1947.
Dr. oadler reported that plans are well advanced for the going of Dr. and Mrs. W.
Dewey Moore to Italy in the near future, and for Mr. ana Mrs. J. D. ^jghey, Jr.
and family to Spain.
Dr. Sadler reported plans for a Commission to go to Italy to counsel with Italian
evangelicals in securing a religioxis liberty clause in the new national constitu¬
On motion of
иг. л^а;Пз
it was voted to appropriate
,">00 to help defray the ex¬
penses of the members of the above mentioned commission to Italy.
Dr. Rankin read the report from Dr. Everett Gill, Jr. who is in South America.
(see his file)
Dr. Marshall reported that he and. Dr. James Asa Shield had visited the centers
near the’ thelogical seminaries where our candidates are examined.
It was voted to receive and file the report of the treasurer.
The following bills were ordered paidi
Missionary Education Movement, The Friendship Press . ;S .66
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America 1.50
Public Affairs Committee 2.00
Burroughs Adding Machine Company 3.35
City of Richmond, Virginia 3.45
Neumade Products Corp. 3.82
Orlcin The Rat Man," Inc. 6.00
The Elliott Addressing Machine Company 6.30
Richmond Linen Service 7.00
Stationers Incorporated 7.20
Northside Electric Company 7.57
Cussons, %y & Company, Inc. 8.50
Willoughbys, Camera Stores, Inc. 9.14
The American Typewriter Exchange 12.00
Virginia Stereotype Service 15.76
Camp holly Water Co. 14.00
Buildings Equipment & Supply Corp. 16.80
Richmond Paper Company, Inc. 19.40
Brooks Warehouse Corporation 24.00
S. B. ^dkins & Co. 26.25
Advertiser's Letter Shop 27.10
E. L. Bass & Bros., Contractors & Builders 28.53
A. U. Tiller Coal Co. 49.64
Virginia Electric and Power Company 55.44
Fhoto Department, Religous “ews Service 60.00
*•. Brown and ^on Printers 80.00
Everett Waddey Company 97.00
Publication Press, Inc. 130.00
Trewett, Christian & Co., Inc. 165.00
Western Union 206.53
Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co 210.50