Foreign Mission Board Rooms
December , 19h9
The Foreign Fission Board met in regular monthly session at U:00 p.
on Thursday, December 8, 1
with Mr. Jenkins presiding.
Present: L. Howard Jenkins, J. G. Loving,
Rush Loving, H. P. Thomas,
id’s. Paul LaRoque, Hill Montague, laris T- Long, Clyde V* H'ickerson,
Solon P. Cousins, Li. T. Rhrikin, Everett Gill, Jr., L. ?•
E. ?.
. -ox ton, Fon
Scofield, Everett L. Deane, Gene Greer.
Visitors : Dr. and Mrs. R. C. McGlamery .
Dr. IcGlanery led in prayer.
Dr. stated that Jr. Cauthen plans to return to Richmond for several
months at the request of the Roar !. Re rill make a visit to India on his
v, ay to the united States to follow- up the survey made by Dr. Strother last
fall, in oitler to have firsthand information to present to the. Board with
reference to our mdertaking -..-ork in that country.
Dr. Rankin also called attention to the report sent in by Dr. A. di
Domenica of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the preaciang mission viiich lie
made to. Italy last su at the request of the Italian Baptist Convention.
Excellent reports have been received from Italy about his visit.
Dr. Rankin read the following report from Dr- Cauthen:
The Communist tide has now rolled over the last of our mission stations in
China. On Thanksgiving day word came that Kweilin had been occupied and
today the fall of duchow is confirmed. Only Formosa, Macao and Hongkong
are outside Communist territory.
,D- were delighted yesterday to receive a telegram stating that Kweilin mis¬
sionaries are safe and the work going along as usual. ’.7e have not yet
heard from Duchovv but are hoping for a similar report from them.
.hat is left of Rationalist China seems to be crumbling rapidly. Defection
of two major airlih.-s, divisions between government leaders, rapid advances
through southwest China and the fall of major cities have luring the month
of jOvSmbsr brought the Go.::.vuiiists within sight of complete control of all
Qhina:, The Rationalist vehhraent is today preparing to evacuate Chung¬
king. It Is possible that within a few weeks tin Rati onali.
s .ill be i i
control only of Formosa. How long they will be able to aintain their
■osition on. that island is quite uncertain.
Reports from Shanghai and other stations indicate that missionaries
carrying on tir Lr Kirk
usual. To talked rath Dr. Co.moly today gy long
distance and learned that all is well with thorn in that area. This does
not mean that there are no difficulties . There are many problems, and per¬
plexities but there is a vast id ' ' ’ mice between difficulties and impos¬
Missionaries are i# begin, ling to .secure permits for interior travel. It
was possible for Dr. Yocum t . come from Chengchow to Shanghai for rest and
dental work. He lias returned to Chengchow and reports work as usual in
that area. Missionaries in the Central China area are now able to visit
Shanghai so that a meeting of ,he Mission Executive Committee was held re¬
Tail service is improving. Tissionarles report that they are receiving a
good many letters 'direct from America by ship. Air service has not re¬
sumed but .mail does come into Shanghai and other ports by ship. There seems
to. be no evidence of censorship and missionaries do not hesitate to write
as they choose .
The University of Shanghai is having a good session. Reports from the
missionaries call special attention to the work of outstanding Christians