Richmond, Virginia
August 6, 1970
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A Commissioning Service, for Missionary Journeymen, was held in the First Baptist' "
Church, Richmond, Virginia, 7:30 p.m. , August 6, 1970, with M. Hunter Riggins,
the Board's president, presiding.
Mr. Sidney C. Reber, director of the Board's Management Services Division, and
Mr. Robert W. Eacho, of the First Baptist Church staff, served as Chorister and
Organist, respectively.
A cordial welcome was extended by the Board President, M. Hunter Riggins.
Rev. Louis R. Cobbs, secretary for the Board's department of missionary personnel,
introducted members of the faculty who had assisted in the training of these young
people for the responsibilities ahead of them, as missionary journeymen.
The service opened with the Hymn: "All Creatures of Our God and King," led by Mr. Reber.
Dr. Stanley A. Nelson, associate secretary for missionary personnel, who has charge
of the Missionary Journeyman Program, gave a report on activities of the program
during the year 1970.
Dr. J. Roy Clifford, chairman of the Committee on Missionary Personnel, gave the
report of the committee.
Mr. William H. Jenkins, Jr. read a passage of Scripture and led in prayer.
Dr. Stanley A. Nelson gave a Charge to Parents of Missionary Journeymen-
Dr. Jesse C. Fletcher, director of the Board's mission support division, led in
Responsive Reading No. 47.
Special Music - "Journeyman, Listen" - was rendered by the Journeyman Choir.
Testimonies were heard from the following journeymen:
Pauline Parrish, Peru Diane Gryseels, Vietnam
Vicki Hickey, Rhodesia Vivian Fuqua, Honduras
Mac Powers, Israel Doug Smith, Hong Kong
Sam Devore, Kenya
The Journeyman Choir rendered another number in special music: "When I Survey the
Wondrous Cross"
Dr. Baker J. Cauthen delivered the Charge to the Missionary Journeymen.
The Service of Dedication was led by Mr. William R. Wakefield.
Mr. Richard M. Styles pronounced the Prayer of Dedication.
Mr. Sidney C. Reber led in singing the Recessional Hymn: "In Christ There Is No
East or West"
Mr. Joseph A. Gatlin pronounced the Benediction.
The Journeymen gathered in the hall behind the Sanctuary to greet Board members
and friends, immediately following the Commissioning Service.
The following young people were commissioned as Missionary Journeymen:
Bob Boxley, Botswana
Monica Keathley, Ghana
Jo Von Bryan, Kenya
Sam Devore, Kenya
Ron Gustman, Kenya
Jerry Lachina, Kenya
CarriLyn Noffsinger, Liberia
Larry Hughes, Malawi
Jennifer Elkins, Nigeria
Lynda Wasson, Nigeria
Carol Bagwell, Rhodesia
Sandra Henderson, Rhodesia
Bob Hickey, Rhodesia
Vicki Hickey, Rhodesia
Becky Cherry, Tanzania
Leon Johnson, Tanzania
Wayne Bryan, Togo
Steve Smith, Uganda
Avis Smith, Uganda
Grace Jennings, Zambia
Tim Shaw, Zambia
Ron Shearer, Zambia