August 16-18, 1971
Glorieta, New Mexico
The Foreign Mission Board met in Convention-wide session at Glorieta, New Mexico,
August 16, 17, 18, 1971, with the President of the Board, Rev. Drew J. Gunnells, Jr.,
PRESENT: State Members: Drew J. Gunnells, Jr. (Alabama), James R. White (Alabama),
Jaroy Weber (Alabama), W. 0. Vaught, Jr. (Arkansas), Loyed R. Simmons (California),
Glen E. Braswell (Colorado), Kenneth E. Thornton (Dist. of Col.), Don Mott (Florida),
T. Rupert Coleman (Florida), Ohlen R. Wilson (Georgia), Mrs. John I. Alford (Georgia),
Raymond L. Odle (Illinois), Othar 0. Smith (Indiana), Eldred M. Taylor (Kentucky),
Perry R. Sanders (Louisiana), Ralph D. Walls (Maryland), 'Hubert G. Keefer (Michigan),
Ralph M. G. Smith (Missouri), James W. Hackney (Missouri), J. D. Ratliff (New Mexico),
Mrs. William M. Jones (N. C.), Harvey Albright (Oklahoma), W. D. Malone (Oregon-Wash.),
Robert L. Deneen (S. C.), Daniel W. Cloer (S. C.), Greer Garrott (Tennessee), C.
Clifton Ward (Tennessee), Joe L. Orr (Tennessee), J. Carroll Chadwick (Texas), Clyde
J. Childers (Texas), James Flamming (Texas), James G. Harris (Texas), B. J. Martin
(Texas), E. H. Westmoreland (Texas), Mrs. H. Cowen Ellis (Virginia). (Ariz:) Harold Friend
Local Members: Robert B. Bass, Mrs. R. B. Carter, Paul E. Crandall, Austin W.
Farley, Joseph B. Flowers, V. Allen Gaines, Mrs. Clyde V. Hickerson, Scott C. Humphrey,
John W. Patterson, Meredith K. Roberson, Mrs. Ross S. Shearer, Mrs. E. S. Stratton,
Mrs. Thomas Whalen.
Staff : Baker J. Cauthen, James D. Belote, Charles W. Bryan, Louis R. Cobbs, Robert C.
Covington, Winston Crawley, Edna Frances Dawkins, William K. Dawson, Everett L.
Deane, Samuel A. DeBord, Roger Duck, Jesse C. Fletcher, Cornell Goerner, Dennis Hill,
Eugene Hill, J. D. Hughey, W. David Lockard , Frank K. Means, Stanley Nelson, Floyd
H. North, G. Norman Price, Don A. Reavis, Sidney C. Reber, Fon H. Scofield, Jr.,
Rogers M. Smith, W. L. Smith, Truman Smith, Richard M. Styles, Melvin E. Tors trick,
Joseph B. Underwood, Elbert L. Wright, Elizabeth Minshew.
Board members and staff and their husbands and wives were seated at adjoining tables
in a section of the dining hall. Introductions were made and a delightful period
of fellowship was enjoyed. The President of the Board and its Executive Secretary
welcomed Board members and staff wives and/or husbands.
Regrets were expressed in the absence of several Board members whose previous com¬
mitments made it impossible for them to attend. Special mention was made of the
recent surgery of Dr. J. Roy Clifford which made it impossible for him to be present.
By unanimous consent, the Board voted to send a telegram in the name of its President
and the Executive Secretary to Dr. Clifford conveying their regrets in his absence
and wishing for him a speedy and complete recovery.
Immediately following the dinner, the group adjourned to attend "Exposure to the
World" and "Flags of the Nations" - a representation of coutries in which the Board
has established work. This "World Fair" was a part of the Foreign Missions Week
conference program, and the "Fair" was held in rooms around the Patio and the Main
Tuesday, August 17, 1971
Area Committees met at 9:00 a.m. , and the Administrative Committee met at 10:00 a.m. ,
in respective committee rooms, as assigned, off the Small Auditorium.
A RECESS was held 10:00 - 10:30 a.m., providing a brief time for relaxation.
The Board 1 s Committees on Missionary Education and Promotion and Missionary Personnel
held respective meetings following the lunch hour, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Afternoon sessions from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m., involved an interview of candidates by four
Interview Committees, comprised of Board members and staff who met in respective
committee rooms as assigned.
The full Board reconvened for the Appointment Service at 7:30 p.m. in the Holcomb
Auditorium with its President, Rev. Drew J. Gunnells, Jr., presiding.
Miss Marilyn Crow, Miss Joyce Linton, and Mr. William R. O'Brien served as Pianist,
Organist and Chorister, respectively.