Report —
Secretary' s
Apr. 6, 1914.
Regular meeting of the Boaraheld at
President Hutson in Chair. Prayer by Brother Pollard.
Present: — Hutson, Willingham, Smith, Ray ,
Pollard, Pitt,B. M. Gwathmey, Skinner, Johnson, Jenkins
Mathews, Winston, Crump, woodfin, R. R. Gwathmey, El¬
ly son, Wilson..
In absence of Rec. Secretary, R. R. Gwath¬
mey was asked to act. Minutes of previous meetings read
and approved.
Brother J. F. Love, secretary elect, was in¬
vited to sit with the Board.
The Treasurer's Report was read and adopted
as follows — Mar. 3rd to Apr.6th, 1914.
Receipts —
Time Lo ans .......... $10 , 0 00
C411 Loans . . 400
Received since last
Report . . . 38,249.49
Disbursements —
Balance overdrawn.. 11,830.60
Time Loans paid.... 10,000.
Call Loans paid.... 800.
Paid for Sundry Purpo¬
ses since last Report.,
Balance overdrawn,,,, *20,901.55
Liabilities —
Time Loans... . .302, 500
Call Loans . 19, 640.33
R. R. Gwathmey,
Report of Secretary Smith presented the
following bills for payment — Ordered paid.
Judson Centennial —
National Seal works— *3.50
Everette Waddy Co.... 9.
Metropolitan Eigraving
CO . 4.62 *17.12
Bo ard — -
Williams Printing Co . *532.75
Ches. and Pot. Tel. Co . 6.20
Foreign Mission Board
(Rep. of Kansas City
Convention^ . . . 1.
Hankins and Hankins . 55.50
Lamb Writing Letter Co.. 15.
West. Union Tel. Co.. . 11.21
Petty Cash . 385. 31 *1,00 6.97
smith also made some remarks as
to the outlook, which he regards hopeful.
Dr. Willingham moved that the Commit¬
tees of the different countries be authorized to ex¬
amine and approve the several reports for the Southern
Baptist Convention, so that they may be sent on to the
printer in time.
Upon motion of Dr. Ray it was ordered
that the tract — “Intercession — The Primary Need* by
J. R. Mott, be secured, and a copy of the samqbe sent