The Board met on monday, Apl. 4th. at 8 oClock. P. M. Present. brn. Howell, Taylor, Jeter, Manly, A. Thomas, A. G. Wortham, Snead, Barns [sic] & Gwathmey. Prayer by bro. Taylor. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer reported rects. for the past month at $1048.07.
A letter was read from bro. W. H. Clark [sic] expressing his purpose to visit the Board in a few days.
A letter from bro. J. L. Shuck was received, announcing his arrival with his children at New York.
Also letters from brn. Ball & B. F. Tharp of Geo. informing that the Rehoboth Association have adopted bro. Dennard as the Missionary to be supported by them in Africa - to which arrangement, on motion, the Board agreed.
On motion, bro. Dennard was allowed the privilege of continuing his labors as Agent amongst the churches of that Association, instead of attending the meeting of the Convention in Baltimore.
Rev. John H. Luther of Cuthbert Geo. having through bro. Dennard offered himself as a candidate for Missionary appointment to Central Africa, letters were read from Rev. B. Sears, J. P. Tustin, B. M. Hill and Thos. J. Bowen with regard to him. On motion, action for the present was deferred, and the case referred to the cor. secy. for further enquiry.
The case of Rev. J. F. Herrick having been taken up, letters were read from Rev. J. H. De Votie, T. J. Bowen, M. P. Jewett, R. Holman, T. F. Curtis & S. Dyer on the subject, when on motion, the question of his appointment was indefinitely postponed.
A communication was recvd. from Rev. H. Teage with reference to his allowance from the Board, on motion it was ordered that his salary commence with the period of his election as Pastor of the church in Monrovia.
Other letters from brn. Cheeseman & Drayton were referred to the Committee on African Missions.
Letters from brn. A. B. Cabaniss & B. W. Whilden announced their safe arrival at Macao on 2d. Jany last. Other letters from Missionaries at Shanghai of Decr. dates were recd, and referred to the Comtee on China Missions.
The Com'tee on Publications presented the following report which was adopted. "The Comtee on Pubn. have, according to instructions, had under consideration the propriety of making