April 12-13, I960
The Foreign Mission Board met in semi-annual session April 12-13, I960 with
Mr. Jenkins presiding.
Present: State Members: Samuel E. Maddox, Ala.; James E. Davidson, Ala; W.O.
Vaught, Jr., Ark., George Wilson, Ariz.; S. Lewis Morgan, D. C. ; Preston B. Sellers,
Fla.; Monroe F. Swilley, Ga.; Clifton A. Forrester, Ga.; Howard P. Giddens, Ga. ;
Otho Williams, Ill.; Forrest Siler, Kan.; Fred T. Moffatt, Ky.; Carroll Hubbard,
Ky.; Leslie M. Bowling, Mi . ; Lewis Rhodes, Miss.; E. Norfleet Gardner, N.C.;
V. Ward Barr, N.C.; Mrs. Foy J. Farmer, N.C.; C. Murray Fuquay, Oklahoma; James A.
Canaday, Term.; R. Paul Caudill, Term.; M. B. Carroll, Tex.; Thomas A. Patterson,
Tex.; Mrs. R. L. Mathis, Tex.; Phillip Brown, Tex.; C. Bailey Jones, Va.
Local Members: Howard L. Arthur, Lawrence Bradley, Solon B. Cousins, Stuart
Grizzard, Oscar L. Hite, Josiah Hoover, L. Howard Jenkins, Garis T. Long, Elton
Phillips, Emmett Y. Robertson, Herman P. Thomas, James Todd, Mrs. John C. Tyree,
P. Earle Wood, Horace Ford, J. Levering Evans, Mrs. Clyde V. Hickerson.
Staff : Baker J. Cauthen, Winston Crawley, Cornell Goerner, E. L. Hill, Elmer
West, Everett L. Deane, E. L. Wright, Fon H. Scofield, Rogers M. Smith, Genevieve
Greer, Edna Frances Dawkins, lone Gray, Ralph A. Magee, Bill B. Cody, Floyd H.
North, James G. Stertz, Luke B. Smith, Mary E. Fuqua.
Tuesday, April 12
The first session was held at the First Baptist Church.
Dr. Preston Sellers of Florida led the devotional period.
Mr. Jenkins recognized guests and visitors, among whom were Miss Alma Hunt,
Miss Betty Brewer, Miss Abbe Louise Green, Miss Laurella Owens, Miss Marlene Hunt,
Miss Dorothy Weeks, Mrs. Celeste Carter, Mr. Joe Garcia, Dr. and Mrs. T. F. Adams,
Dr. Paul Crandall, Dr. and Mrs. Lucius Polhill, Dr. and Mrs. Bob Denny, Dr. Arnold
Ohrn, Mrs. Mildred Dunn, Dr. L. A. Brown, Miss Helen Falls, Dr. Luther Copeland,
Dr. and Mrs. Hugo Culpepper, Mr. David Kano, Mrs. Carleton Long, Mrs. Daniel Do
Carmo, and the following WMU Youth Directors: Carolyn Weatherford, Cathleen Lewis,
Mary Hines, Mary Hutson, Mary Jo Stewart, Sarah Stephens, Jeannette Redford, Nona
Saturday, Russell Drinnen, Nina Martin, Laura Farthing, Mar jean Patterson, Willa
Dean Freeman, Waudine Storey, Bobbie Sorrill, Sara Ann Hobbs, Barbara Rodman,
Zella Woody, Marjorie Sanders, Josephine Hair, Rees Watkins, Mrs. Harold Tillman,
Mrs. James Harwood, Joan Beck, Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Walter Buhl.
Dr. Cauthen gave the following report:
As we come to this meeting of the Board, we are reminded of God’s Word to Joshua,
"There remains yet very much land to be possessed," (Joshua
God has wrought many wonders in the labor of foreign missions and in the life of
this Board. When we review the organization of the Southern Baptist Convention
in 1845 and the establishment of the Foreign Mission Board in Richmond, Virginia,
we are reminded of the great blessings which God has poured out upon us until this
day. From that early beginning we have come to have 1407 missionaries working in
forty-four countries.
Support of foreign missions through the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon
Christmas Offering has likewise grown. We clearly recall the dark days of 1933
when this Board had a debt of over $1,000,000 and an annual income of only $600,000.
Missionaries were few in number, and those who returned from their fields found
it difficult or impossible to go back.
Out of this deep period of depression God has brought us so that the income of
the Board for the last year was more than $16,000,000. This in no wise indicates
that all funds needed were available for the fact is that more than $3,000,000
of needs had to be left waiting, but the growth of financial support has been
very heartening.
We rejoice in the growth of the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. The offering
recently received has now reached a total of $7,571,684.58. Funds will continue
to be received until the close of April, and we anticipate a total considerably
larger than this one now announced.