February 2003
Last year, after the Sept. 11 attacks, a mother drove up to
the gate of our local Air National Guard unit and gave
the sentry a hand drawn "Thank You" from her child,
Darby. The unit commander was so taken by the drawing
that he had it framed. It became the morale booster for the
1,000 personnel of the unit as they provided protection for
our nation. Wanting to thank the little boy who had drawn
the picture, a city-wide search was launched. When
Darby was found — surprise — he was a she!
Last February I told you about 84-year-old Ferrell
Morris and his marvelous efforts to mobilize interces¬
sors for the world. In fact, Ferrell's goal is for every
member of his church to receive and use Global Prayer-
Gram. After members of his church read the article, they
called us here at the International Prayer Strategy Office
to say how much Ferrell meant to them and how
pleased SHE had been to read the article.
Sometimes we assume what we shouldn't. James
said, "You do not have because you do not ask." Ferrell
isn't assuming that her church family is praying for
Christ's kingdom to come among all the lost of the
earth. She is making sure they are. Sometimes what
seems obvious isn't. The testimony of our lives goes
beyond the physical reach of our lives. Not only has
Ferrell mobilized the people of her church, but as a
result of my telling you about her, you were moved to
mobilize 256 other intercessors.
Well done!
Randy Sprinkle, Director
International Prayer Strategy Office
1 TAIWAN (east Asian coast). After counting
the costs over a year, E, a Chinese student at Dong Wu
University in Taipei, Taiwan, has accepted Christ. Although
E has believed for quite some time, she struggled with the
persecution that she knew would come from family mem¬
bers in this decision. Recently, with the gentle guidance of
Unbound Student Ministries team member Jenny Matheme,
E made a public profession of faith as well as called her
mother with the news. As expected, it was not well
received. Pray that the Lord would both keep E's faith
strong as well as soften her parents' attitude toward Chris¬
tianity. May they, too, see the Light of the gospel in order
that the whole household would be saved.
2 ZAMBIA (south central Africa). Pray for the
healing of this land, specifically in the Northern Prov¬
ince of Zambia. HIV/ AIDS has rocked this country with a
wave of sickness and death. Many are afraid, many are si¬
lent. To a large extent, the real issues are ignored, some¬
times due to ignorance and other times due to the fear of
facing hard choices. "True Love Waits" is a program that
journeyman Carrie Eargle will teach throughout the
schools this year, along with a supporting drama team.
This team, composed of local Zambian Christians, believes
that God not only wants to bring healing to the young, but
to the old as well. They will, therefore, be traveling to dis¬
tant villages and churches in the Northern Province, taking
AIDS education with a spiritual emphasis on obedi¬
ence and purity. Pray for the following requests: that God
would shower them with wisdom to write and perform
His heart's desires, that the Holy Spirit would reign down
conviction into the hearts of those who do not know Him,
that churches would spring up and discipleship would
spread all around and about the Northern Province, and
that believers would grow in Christ, find satisfaction in His
grace, tell others about Him and learn to walk in the Spirit.
3 GERMANY (central Europe). A week of
prayerwalking took place recently in six strategic cities
in Cham county, which is located in the Bavarian Forest,
Germany. A six-member team from the United States,
along with Germans and members of the East Bavaria
team, not only paused to pray in front of each house, but
they also left prayer tracts for each family for whom they
prayed. The tracts included a simple outline of how one
can receive Christ, along with an invitation to the local
church in Cham. The prayer that was voiced for each family
also was included in the tract. Pray that those who read this
information will have open hearts and realize their need for
a personal relationship with Christ.
(mah-POO-che). Members of the Mapuche strategy
group ask: "Please pray for us as a team as we work to pro¬
duce coloring books, reflectors for horse-carts and tracts in
Mapudungun. Please pray that God would lead us to por¬
tray the gospel in an accurate way in the heart language of
the Mapuches (Mapudungun)."
5YIYANG CITY, CHINA (EE-yahng). A Chi¬
nese government church has a lady (not the pastor)
who teaches from the Bible in the local dialect, a practice
the government forbids. She's evangelistic and encourages