April 2003
What we believe determines how we live.
Yesterday in Washington, D.C., two groups were
walking the streets. One group consisted of 200,000
people (if you believe the organizers or 30,000 if you
believe the independent observers.) The other group
had just two (my wife and I). The large group was made
up of activists who believed that nothing was going to
get done unless they did it. The small group consisted
of people who believed that nothing of lasting conse¬
quence was going to get done unless God did it.
The large group worked to draw maximum atten¬
tion to themselves. The small group went completely
unnoticed, by intent. The large group was raucous and
rough in language.
The small group was quiet and careful with their
words. The large group was led by "stars" and "big
names." The small group's leader was present but not
visible. Those in the large group were protest marchers.
The small group? Prayerwalkers. Which do you think
accomplished the most?
I am asked, "why there is so little prayer in the
American church?" The answer is, "We live out what
we believe."
Incredibly, our omnipotent God has chosen to work
through His people and, more amazing, He has chosen
to accomplish His work as His people ask Him to. Too
much of the church doesn't believe that and so we don't
ask and thus He doesn't, and can't, answer. Would you
join me in ...
Asking as never before,
Randy Sprinkle, Director
International Prayer Strategy Office
makes one feel like a convict." Another believer admitted,
"The fact that we are praying to God under the shadow of
guns (police guards) is very disheartening for me. ... I
should not feel insecure within my country." And another
leader said, "Sundays are bad for us. Pray for us, that our
people will get their confidence back and not be afraid to
come to church." Pray indeed, that God's love and promise
of faithfulness will overcome the specter of fear.
ZIMBABWE. "Recently, a school teacher who is a
member of Tongogara Baptist Church did a survey for
a food aid project to determine the needs in her community,"
writes the Gweru team. "What she discovered shocked
even herself. She learned that within a six-mile radius of
the school where she teaches, there are 166 AIDS orphans.
In some villages, there are only teens and children trying to
take care of the needs of the younger ones. Missionary John
Baker, residing in Gweru, Zimbabwe, was recently able to
take out food to help these orphans and some of the wid¬
ows in the area, as well. Pray that we will continue to be
able to meet physical as well as spiritual needs."
3 ITALY. Many Italians are confused about religion.
New Age beliefs and cults are growing rapidly, as are
occultism and Satanist groups. Pray that those being duped
will hear and respond to the truth of the gospel.
4HOHHOT, CHINA (HOH-hut). Recently, the
Mongolian church has come under attack by a local
cult. The cult has been targeting new believers and group
leaders. It has been discovered that cult members have
been attending church meetings and that some believers
have started meeting with the cult. Intercede for the protec¬
tion of these believers and ask that the church would
remain strong through these trials. Petition that the believ¬
ers, wpuld be founded in God's Word and that they would
stand firm against false teachings.
FAITH — "Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of
God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and
imitate their faith." Hebrews 13:7, NIV
LAST FRONTIER. In a Last Frontier country, per¬
secution against Christians and threats against churches
and worship services have caused fear and uncertainty in
the national Christian community. One church leader said,
"I still do not feel completely at ease while worshiping
under the supervision of the police. ... Psychologically it
group of new believers meeting in a community in the
Cangahua area of Ecuador is beginning to experience some
persecution. One believer has been told that the community
may stop using her store if she continues meeting with the
evangelicals. Pray that this new believer, as well as the
other believers in this community, will be able to stand
firm in their faith. Pray that her life will be a testimony of
the faithfulness of the Lord and that many will want to
know more about her relationship with Christ.