April 2000
I am sorry for the criticism you have received from
I some who see the (Muslim prayer) guide as offensive.
I I do not see how anyone could perceive it in that way.
Take it from one who works with Muslims every day. It is a
real blessing and help."
These words came from a prison chaplain and was a coun¬
terbalance to the perspective of opponents in our pluralistic
society who see any effort to care about lost people as bigoted
and arrogant. Since last fall, we have allowed God's love for
all the people of the earth to find expression in our prayers for
not only Muslims, but also Hindus and Jews who have not yet
heard of His great love for them in the Savior. Now we come
to a focused time of prayer for the Buddhists of the world.
Buddhism. Richard Gere and the Dalai Lama. Silver screens
and the world stage. Nirvana and New Age. To Americans,
Buddhism seems to have everything going its way. For the 358
million Buddhists of the world, though, the endless cycle of
exhausting and fruitless effort to attain truth only highlights
their need to know the Way. Beginning May 2, and continuing
through the 17th, we will intercede for Buddhists. To help us
do that, we have again prepared a free pocket prayer guide
entitled, "Days of Enlightenment." Order all you can use in
your church by calling 1-800-866-3621, and then let's pray in
Thank you,
Randy Sprinkle, Director
International Prayer Strategy Office
I Missionary Jim McGriff, who serves on the K'ekchi'
Team, writes: "How greatly the Father has used your
prayers to bless us to the end of getting the Good News of
Jesus to the 500,000 K'ekchi' who have not yet had a chance
to hear in their heart language! We consider each of you as
partners with a critical role in the Lord's work here in
Guatemala. I can truly say that the 'need of the hour' for us
and the Lord's work here is faithful, specific, consistent,
fervent intercession." Please pray for the seeds that were
sown at the December meeting between the K'ekchi' Team
and K'ekchi' Baptist leaders when they met to plan joint
evangelistic outreach efforts for 2000. Please pray that as
they serve together, many more K'ekchi' will be brought
into the Kingdom.
2 UNITED KINGDOM (northwest Europe).
International Service Corps worker Steven Day, who is
involved in student evangelism in Pembroke, Wales, thanks
God for how He has been working in the hearts of the youth.
He reports that some of the young people have been com¬
ing to early morning prayer meetings, and quite a few have
also committed to a regular Bible-reading program. Steven
also praises the Lord for a young man who is his friend and
fellow youth worker. They have been able to share together,
pray together and encourage one another. Steven writes: "I
think God is going to increase our ministries now that we've
joined forces." Please pray to this end!
A missionary recently shared with a night guard the
story of God's creation of angels. The story introduces Lucifer
and tells of his rebellion against God and the resultant pun¬
ishment by God. It hints at the future eternal punishment
of Satan and all who follow him. The guard responded in
Wolof, "Teere bi dafa am solo," which means that the book
is very important. He asked why man finds it so hard to
follow God and so easy to follow Satan, the wrong way.
The missionary shared that our own spirit speaks to us as
well. That spirit loves the darkness and Satan's desires. The
guard is thinking about the stories. Keep lifting him before
the Lord, asking that the sinfulness and hopelessness of his
own soul will be revealed to him through the Word of God.
4HAKKA OF TAIWAN. Missionary Danette Thrush
writes: "You've been praying for new Hakka Christians
who sell shoes for a living. Before becoming Christians,
they both belonged to a singing and dancing club, and the
top floor of their home was built for that purpose. Recently
[the wife] celebrated her 51st birthday. They threw a big
party, inviting their club as well as Christian friends. The
party was on the wild side and made me feel uncomfort¬
able, but I am praising God for what he is doing in [their
lives]. The Spirit can use them to reach a segment of Hakka
people that would likely have nothing to do with mission¬
aries. Before [the husband] cut the birthday cake, he told
his guests that he was a Christian now and then prayed a
beautiful prayer, thanking God for his wife and his many
blessings and prayed for his friends. And when it came
time for karoke (singing), Christian songs were sung as
well. Please pray for [this couple], that they will let their
light shine in dark places."
PARAGUAY (central South America).
Ijourneyman Cameron Greenhaw of the Guarani Team,